
ORIGINS: USS Hood November 2009: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Did We Get Them?==
===by Brian V. Mansur===
SD: 2260.325
MD 6.000
Scene: Planet Surface
<START SNIP: From "Betting on the Numbers">
[We're ready captain.] Hemux's calm voice cut in. [Counting down now. 10,
9, 8.]
Steele flipped the communicator closed. "Good luck gentlemen."
Steele looked up, wondering if he would see the ionization trail of the nuke
spread as it dove in. And then there was light all around him. Steele shut
his eyes instinctually. Then he felt his knees buckling as a final EMP wash
hit his nervous system. As consciousness faded, the transporter snatched
him up and wisked him heavenard on an invisible beam of pure energy.
Scene: Shuttlecraft NIMITZ
He fell dead away to the deck of the Shuttlecraft Nimitz along with the rest
of the landing party survivors.
It seemed like hours, but as he roused to the voice of Mother giving orders,
he saw the chrono showed just a few minutes had gone by. He heard coughing,
a slapping sound, and someone (Corbett?) groaning.
"Damn woman, did you have to hit me so hard?" the cowboy complained.
Steele stiffled a laugh. "Status."
Beside him Hemux was there from the HOOD. She helped him up to a chair.
"Did it work?" he asked.
"I don't think so, captain. If you'll look at this panel."
The display showed an expanding ball of vapor and dust rapidly lifting from
... a completely intact pyramid.
"Son of a bitch," Steele murmurred.
NRPG: Quick one to bridge Andy's post with the group JP we've begun.
Repectfully Submitted,
Brian V. Mansur
LCDR Sean Merrick