
ORIGINS: USS Hood November 2009: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Now is the Time==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.314
MD 5.1630
Scene: Outside Pyramid Object, Planet Velorum IV
Jack looked around at the motley group in dismay.  All that had made it outside were himself , Merrick, Gar, DeSimms and Crewman Lowl.  Engineer Gar lay unconscious before them where he had dropped from DeSimms right cross. The rest remained inside and Jack was trying with all his might not to picture what must be currently happening to his people.  The crew he left behind.  It seemed that the aliens might be able to control humanoid form but apparently they could not control themselves.  Eventually they would come for the rest of the Landing Party.
“Steele to HOOD.”  He said as he flipped open his communicator.
[HOOD here.] Came the worried voice of Lieutenant Commander Compass HOOD’s navigator.
“Commander, no one is to beam down to the surface and no one is to be beamed up unless you have an order confirmed by myself and Dr. Corbett.  Is that clear?”
[Yes sir.]
“Good.  Steele out.”
Steele turned back to the officers.  He was the captain.  He was supposed to know what to do but the truth was he couldn’t even begin to come up with a plan that would work.  “As of now we can’t take the chance of beaming back to the ship.  Gar is already under control and anyone of us could be hosting an alien.  If we let those creatures aboard there will be no stopping them from taking the ship.  My instinct is to order HOOD to drop some emergency buoys quarantining this system and then warp out of here.”
“I really can’t say I like that plan.”  Stile quipped.  “Especially the ending.”
“Nor do I.”  Jack replied.  “Gentleman, if any of you have suggestions or any miracles you want to pull out of your hat.  Now is the time.”
Both Jack and I have no idea how to get our intrepid crew out of this one.  Good thing you guys are smarter then me!
Scott:  I believe you pledged one post a week….  ;-)
CAPT Jack Steele