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===Dr. Ning Luong===
* played by [ Lee Foley]
* Updated SD 180525
I. Personal Data
Character surname:  Luong
Character given name(s): Ning
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Height: 1.68m  (5'6")
Weight: 76kg (168lbs)
Eye colour: Green
Hair colour: Black with a few grey streaks
Complexion: Caucasian/Oriental
Desc: Short and fairly stocky, Ning is a mix
of Oriental and Caucasian races.  He
never seems in a hurry to do anything
and has a permanent air of relaxed
ambivalence.  Has hair is short and
very straight, obviously inherited from
his oriental mother.  Physically he
seems to have more oriental stock than
Caucasian, having very little body hair
and slightly slanted eyes.  Though he
has no need to, he wears spectacles. 
These spectacles are custom made and
have the ability to focus at a
microscopic level.  He uses these during
delicate operations.
Date of Birth: October 23 2238 (appears to be in his
late 30's)
Place of Birth: New Hong Kong, Alpha Centauri
Spouse: None
Parents: Joseph Luong and Daila Luong.  (His
father is a renowned engineer
and his mother an expert
Siblings: Sister - Lucy (Deceased)
Children: None
Religion: Agnostic
Service: Navy
II. Educational Background
A. Academic Institutions Attended:
High School : Gregamis district School (Genius level IQ means he starts
    High school at age 9)
University : Alpha Prime (Genius level IQ means he starts medical college
    at age 15 and graduates 5 years later)
B. Service Schools Attended:
C. Qualifications: MD, PhD in toxicology
D. Star Fleet Academy Record:
Class Rank: Top 5%
Academic Major: Biology and Xenobiology
Professional Major: Medicine
Commendations (number and details): 1
Dr Luong's response to the simulated medical riot on board the USS
Forrest was both as you expect of a man with his background and
also utterly unique.  His decision to introduce an antidote
though the drinking water and to program the force fields to
allow those unaffected to pass through was inspired and should
serve as an example of innovative thinking.
Reprimands (number and details): 1
Cadet Luong refused to give the order to storm a secured house using
    fragmentation grenades, instead using flash bangs and phasers
set to stun.  It had been explained previously that the
opponents possessed appropriate protective gear to defend
themselves against various non lethal grenades.  Although his
unorthodox strategy did result in success, it exceeded the
    time limit set for the exercise.  Upon being dressed down by
the instructor, the cadet chose to make a remark comparing the
instructor to a butcher. Reprimand registered under
Currently Possess' the following major & minor awards (in chronological
Silver Lifesaving Medal
Gold Lifesaving Medal
Leonard McCoy Medal of Merit
Distinguished Service Medal
Wounded Lion
III. Biographical Notes:
0-8:  Lived on Alpha Centauri with his parents.
9-14:  Attended High School
15-20: Attended Nightingale Medical College.
21-29: Residency at St George Hospital.  During his time there he
commences and completes his PhD in toxicology. 
30-36: Surgeon on staff.  Divides his time between surgery and
toxicology.  At age 34 he heads up the hospitals
toxicology unit
37:  Joined the Navy as a Doctor and proceeded through their basic
training and officer training programmes.
38-40:  Following graduation is promoted to LT.  Serves briefly on the
USS ATLAS.  However, is soon transferred back to Earth following
the creation of a new joint Marine/Naval unit to examine the use
of alternative weapons against the Borg.  During an accident on
site which kills many of the staff, he escapes, saving several
lives in the process.  Furthermore his actions safeguard the
whole medical research station.  Awarded the Silver Lifesaving
Medal.  The unit is disbanded for the time being.
41-42: Transferred back to ALB, assisting in completing the training
of Naval medical staff.  Begins widening his medical studies
into other area that may have an impact on his toxicology work
such as biology, genetics and biochemical engineering, though
he takes no formal qualifications.
43-48:  Moved to the Chemical Warfare Division.  When he initially
protests and threatens to resign his commission he is moved to
work on antidotes and immunisations.  Is awarded the Gold
Lifesaving Medal for his quick thinking during a biological
weapons leak.  Protests strongly about the use of such weapons,
pointing out this is the second such leak he has been forced to
deal with in 10 years.  Promoted to LT CMDR at age 47. 
49-55:  Heads the division in charge of creating antidotes for enemy
chemical weapons.  Is awarded The Leonard McCoy Medal of Merit
following the creation of several different forms of
immunisation.  Promoted to CMDR at age 54.  Contacted by an
agent of "unknown power" who explains promotion was their doing
and that if he helps them he will be helping the Federation. 
Ning says nothing believing them to be opportunists trying to
benefit from his promotion.
56:    Rotated out to head medical facility on new federation
protectorate.  Commands Medical Division during military coup
on Gravis Alpha IV.  Awarded DSM for treating ALL injured
parties with equal skill, something that aids greatly during
the peace negotiations.  Finally realising that to make a real
difference with Star Fleet he needs increased authority, Ning
looks for a transfer to enhance his promotion prospects.
57-63:  Serves on the USS Olympic as CMO.  The Olympic sees action in
several instances, including boarding actions where, despite
being attacked and wounded, Luong still refuses to use lethal
force on his assailants.  At the end of his tour, he applies
for command school and is accepted.  However, before he can
return to HQ:
64:  The Olympic is ordered to Federation Research station Optima, a
semi-secret base dealing with the safe disposal of chemical
weapons taken from other powers.  Ning is relieved of his duties
on board the Hades and ordered to take command of the facility
and is promoted to CAPT.  Various directives from HQ severely
limit the time he spends at Optima, which, in his absence is run
by Cmdr Ethikas.  Eventually, after nearly 6 months of
travelling round various toxicology labs throughout Federation
space he returns to Optima.  He finds that equipment logs to not
tally with his personal recollections of when he found time to
tour the facility on his rare returns to his command.  He
decides to commence an investigation into the disappearance of
some of the equipment, most notably some potentially dangerous
supplies.  He finds that an "unknown power" is using the
facility for its own purposes, namely the creation of biological
weapons and reports it to Command.  Commander Leo Ethikas, who
provided the information and evidence commits suicide before the
investigative team arrive.  Commodore Jeremiah Waters heads up
the investigation team that finds Capt Luong guilty of
mismanagement and tries him (along with half a dozen
"accomplices") at a court martial hearing.  Evidence appears
with Capt Luong's authorisation on various requisition forms
that he insists he did not sign.  He is found guilty, is
sentenced to 3 months imprisonment.  The only thing preventing
his discharge is his exemplary service to date.  He is, however,
demoted to CMDR.  Utterly desolate at the findings, CMDR Luong
musters out with an honourable discharge.
65-70:  Operates as a freelance medical specialist, forming his own
company, Karma Inc.  His fame within his own field swiftly
allows him to build up an enviable reputation, with his services
proving to be in high demand, making him extremely rich in the
71-73:  Becomes a primary sponsor for a peace movement known as Peace
Through Non Action.  Is utilised by the Federation and his sent
to many medical emergencies to assist indigenous populations.
74:  Discovers that at least some of the funding is being re routed
to a terrorist group dedicated to bringing about the fall of the
Federation Government to be replaced by a more "benign" form of
Government.  In trying to expose them he is forced to go on the
run.  Allegations are made regarding unethical practices within
Karma Inc.  He goes on the run, hoping to get in contact with
the authorities.  Trying to silence him the terrorist group
mount a botched kidnapping attempt of his family.  It results in
the death of his sister.  Eventually he manages to get a message
through to an old Navy buddy, Capt Jessop who is now working for
75:  Following another attempt on his life, Ning petitions for the
creation of another identity for him and his family, this is
refused.  However, interested parties within the Federation make
contact and, during clandestine meetings, the identity of the
"unknown power" is revealed to be an agency known as Section 31. 
Ning is offered the opportunity to join SECIS in order to fight
against the influence of the shadowy Section 31 as well as other
enemies of the Federation.  After much discussion it is agreed
that he will have the discharge removed from his record, until
evidence surfaces either way he will be marked as UNDER
76-77: Undergoes extensive re-training in intelligence operations. 
However, despite grave concerns he refuses to surrender his vow
never to kill.  Other than his obvious medical skill he seems to
have a talent for surveillance and counter surveillance
78: Assigned to Task Force Sierra
IV. Background Information
Ning grew up an exceptionally happy child, although a little distant
from other children. His innate curiosity served to exercise his
burgeoning IQ.  This development was encouraged by both his parents who
began to teach him from home, hoping to encourage him to specialise in
their disciplines.  Eventually he chose his mothers discipline and
studied medicine.  It wasn't until he was into his early 20's that he
discovered his unusual gifts.  He was bitten by a funnel web spider, and
although suffered for 12 hours, he made an extremely rapid recovery.  It
was following this event that his mother confirmed he had been
genetically modified.
He has always enjoyed his time with the Navy, enjoying particularly the
structure and the facilities provided to him.  He has always been less
keen on the idea of killing a fellow being.  However, his role has
always been such that his ability to fight has never been brought into
serious question.  Recent events have forced him to acknowledge that
there are individuals within the armed forces who seek to protect the
federation by using methods that are distasteful to him.  To use his own
words, "You don't stop an arm bleeding by cutting it off.  You use
precision, causing as little damage to the surrounding area as possible."
Whilst most intelligence operatives would consider Ning to be little
more than a gifted amateur, his wide range of skills as well as his
acknowledged expertise in the medical field make him an ideal team
player for Task Force Sierra.  However, given his slightly idealistic
view of the Federation he is probably not suited for command, or for
extended periods out in the field.
V. Skills Profile
Dr Luong is a fully qualified surgeon and is also rated as an exo-
biologist, macrobiologist and geneticist.  He is a talented amateur
engineer, though he has no formal training.  His engineering focus is
mainly in computers and communication systems, again mainly thanks to
his father.
During his time with the Navy he has undertaken many of their basic
training packages.  He is rated with shortarms and longarms and has also
received extensive zero G and generic survival training.
Due to his fatigue threshold he is also an endurance swimmer of extreme
talent, and, when he does decide to exercise it is usually swimming.
Finally, he has studied a few defensive martial arts focused on using
the attacker's strength and power against them, though he is far from an
VI. Recent Fitness Report
The genetic modifications to Dr Luong reduce the amount of fatigue
toxins produced by his muscles during exercise.  Whilst he remains
average in terms of speed, coordination and power, his endurance levels
are simply astounding.  Even more so given that he indulges in the bare
minimum of exercise.
The genetic modifications have also provided him with an extremely
aggressive immune system that appears to be able to handle almost any
natural toxin known to Federation Scientists.  However, his immune
system fares less well against man made toxins.  This situation is
further complicated in that his aggressive immune system attacks ANY
foreign body, which includes antidotes and immunisations.  He also has
an increased ability to heal.  It is estimated that a broken arm would
heal completely within a week on the condition that Dr Luong intakes an
increased level of calcium.
Finally he appears to be ageing at a reduced rate.  It is estimated that Dr
Luong ages at around 1/2 the rate of an unaltered human (and thus
appears to be younger than he actually is).  This same modification has
resulted in an allergic reaction to any of the normal life extension
treatments.  Something that his mother did not forsee.  His estimated
lifespan is 180 years.
This is not without cost.  Dr Luong must ingest a formula of his own
creation every morning to allow him to eat "normal food" due to the
content of bacteria in all things.  From experience, if he does not
ingest this formula he will be unable to eat (or more accurately to
retain any solids, or even fluids other than water).  For this reason
(and although it would barely affect him) Ning avoids alcohol and almost
any other fluid other than plain water.  However, he does enjoy his
food and does not relish the thought of eating sterile vitamin pills,
therefore he eats well and as a normal human would.  Furthermore, before
setting foot on a planet he has never been on before he has to inject
himself with a concoction to allow his immune system to accept the
hitherto unknown bacteria into his system.  This usually results in cold
like symptoms for the first 24 hours.  The alternative is that his
system continually battles the "infection", resulting in severe shakes
and nausea for a period ranging from 24 - 72 hours.
VII. Psychological Profile
Dr Luong places no stock in the effects that any genetic modification
may have had upon him.  He has adjusted exceptionally well to this
revelation, mainly due to his attitude of what has happened is in the
past, move on.  Ning is not given much to introspection, with the only
deviation being that he seeks to review his performance to maximise any
learning.  Recent events have forced him to question the very nature of
the Federation.  However he is totally committed to ensuring that the
Federation and its most lofty ideals remain untarnished.  Though not
religious, he is a believer in the maxim, "Defeat your enemies with
However, he is less well adjusted to the death of his sister believing
that he and the Federation could have done more.  Allied to this is a
deep seated drive to see that the guilty parties are brought to justice.
He is fiercely passionate about improving the lives of others through
medical discoveries, though he does appreciate that it is sometimes
necessary to fight to survive.  He finds the Borg both terrifying and
Despite his chosen career his main passion is the act of learning.  Ning
is most happy when he has a new skill to master and obviously enjoys the
whole process of absorbing new information.  This curiosity is one of
Ning's foremost talents and should prove of great benefit.  However,
this must be tempered by a capable commander.  To his cost, Ning has
discovered there are some things best left undiscovered - for the good
for the Federation.  This trait should also be carefully noted as it has
the potential to cause difficulties during extended covert operations,
Dr Luong may lose sight of the main aims and objectives and immerse
himself in his new experiences.  As he becomes more wordly, this should
become less and less of a problem.
VIII. Current Recreational Interests
Dr Luong enjoys playing computer games, and can often be found in his
quarters playing on a device of his fathers creation.  This also extends
to playing on the holodeck, though as an amateur historian, he usually
sticks to factual events.  He continues to practice playing his guitar,
though never seems happy with his ability even though listeners have
insisted that he is very good.  Interestingly Dr Luong is a practising
pacifist and refuses to kill.  Though far from defenceless, he has kept
his vow to never take a life.
IX. Miscellaneous Information
In his last IQ test Dr Luong scored well over the threshold for "genius
level". Ever since he was a child he has answered to the nickname
"Mouse".  This is he insists due to his penchant as a child to wriggle
into the smallest places.
===LCDR Jenna Medira===
* played by [ Staci Golladay]
'''Character Information'''
I. Personal Data
Character surname: Medira
Character given name(s): Jenna Phoenix
Species:  Human
Gender: Female
Height: 1.6 M.
Weight: 68 kg.
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Dark Amythest, in color; Pixie cut
Complexion: Fair
Identifying Marks: 1 inch Trifeca tattoo at base of spine, 1 inch
Duleek Knot surround navel.
Date of Birth: December 4, 2391
Place of Birth: Clontibret, Monaghan County, Ireland, Earth
Spouse: None
Parents: Mother- Delphi (Phoenix) Medira
  Father- Kieran Medira
Siblings: Gillian Medira, DOB-December 21, 2383
Religion: Celtic Paganism
Service:  Star Fleet Navy 
II. Educational Background
A. Academic Institutions Attended:
High School- St. Macartan's College
University-StarFleet Academy
B. Service Schools Attended:
C. Qualifications:
Secondary (Optional): Tactical
D. Star Fleet Academy Record:
Class Rank:Top 10%
Academic Major:
  Diplomatic Policy and Affairs/Linguistics
Professional Major:
Navy - Communications
Commendations (number and details): None
Reprimands (number and details): None
III. Biographical Notes
A. Chronology (tabular form):
0-13:  Lived with parents.
13-18:  Attended High School
18-22:  Attended Star Fleet Academy.
22:    Attended Space Warfare Officer School.
23-24:  Attended Dulciana Communications University
24-25:  Assigned to the USS Normandy as Ship's Counselor.
25-26:  Received Field promotion to LCDR for pertaining to Temporal
Division (Details Classified)
26- Present: Reassigned to TF Sierra
B. Background Summary:
Jenna is the youngest daughter of Delphi and Kieren Medira.  Her
aunt is a well-known memeber of StarFleet, Commander Jade Phoenix,
XO on the USS DAEDALUS.  Jenna joined SFA much to the dismay of her
parents and grandmother (Katherine Phoenix), following in her Aunt's
footsteps. Much like her aunt, Jenna has little patience for
familial concepts of what is acceptable, choosing to follow her own
path.  This rebellion is reflected in every aspect of her life, from
her career to her beliefs. Jenna is torn between idolizing her aunt
and trying not to be a carbon copy of her aunt, to find her own

