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===LCDR Grace Kim===
===CDR Grace Kim===
* played by [ Andrew F.]
* played by [ Andrew F.]


''This biofile is currently unavailable.''
I. Personal Data
Surname: Kim
Given Name(s): Grace Hye-Rin
Current Rank: Commander
Current Billet: OPS/2O, USS Daedalus
Species: Human
Gender/Sex: Female
Age: 40 Standard Terran Years
Place of Birth: Pusan, Korea, Earth
Father: Sung-Ho Kim, Senior Research Scientist at Utopia Planetia
Mother: Hye-Suk Park, Federation Senator, Chairperson of the Armed
Services Committee
Siblings: None
Spouse: None
Children: None
Religion: Buddhist
HT: 5'01" WT: 96 lbs; Eyes: Brown; Hr: Black
Medals and Awards:
Medal of Honor for extreme heroism during and after the Kirk
II. Educational Background
A. Starfleet Academy, Military Science
Running, Violin (symphony caliber), classical music
III. Biographical Notes
A. Chronology (tabular form):
0-18: Lived with parents
18-22: Starfleet Academy
22-26: Served as Tactical Officer on destroyer USS Kirk, remaining
on the ship she promoted through Full Lieutenant and the position of
Executive Officer.
27-32: Along with other eight survivors of the Kirk, Grace was held
captive by the
33-35: Returned to the Federation as part of a prisoner exchange,
promotion from Lieutenant to Lieutenant Commander. She received the
Medal of Honor for her actions on the Kirk
36-38: Served as tactics instructor at Starfleet academy. Regularly
monitored by OSFI, and at the end of her 3-year instructor tour was
cleared to return to space duty.
39: Promoted Commander, assigned OPS/2O of USS Daedalus
Present: Re-assigned to TF Sierra
B. Background Summary:
At the rank of Lieutenant, Kirk, equipped with an experimental
cloaking device, was sent deep into Romulan space to gather
information on the Dhael-class heavy cruiser, then in the initial
construction phase. Kirk's cloaking was not up to the standards of
Romulan sensor technology, and the ship was quickly located and
engaged by no fewer than five Senai-class light cruisers, the newest
and best in the Romulan navy, each of which was vastly superior in
both speed and power to the Kirk.
As Executive Officer, Grace took command on the death of the captain
and fought her ship to the point of crippling one of the Romulan
cruisers while managing to destroy the prototype cloaking device
before the Kirk was boarded by the Romulans.
She was held captive by the Romulans for nearly six years, though
the details were entirely classified as neither the Federation nor
the Romulans admit to holding any prisoners. During the three years
following her return (the other seven all took their lives within a
year of repatriation), Grace was thoroughly debriefed, interrogated
by OSFI, and eventually cleared to return to service, though she
remained at Starfleet academy as an instructor for three years while
OSFI closely monitored her behavior.
Finally she was cleared to return to space duty and promoted to full
Grace has no recollection of what occurred at the Romulan prison
except that she was permitted to keep her violin and had access to a
IV. Skills Profile
Grace is a concert violinist who has lost none of her talent despite
six years of captivity. She is also a brilliant tactician and has a
very quick mind.
VI. Recent Fitness Report
Commander Kim is in outstanding physical condition, which is  
surprising considering her long incarceration. Kim states that she
was treated well by her captors, who provided ample food and allowed
her access to the facility's gymnasium, and even provided her with
a violin.
I cannot find any signs of physical torture, malnutrition or any
other physical abuse of any kind. In fact, Commander Kim is at a
level of physical condition that would suggest a professional
gymnast, rather than a serving military officer.
Dr. Rachel Kraus, Starfleet Academy, Duty Physician
VII. Psychological Profile
Commander Kim is a very difficult nut to crack. We have employed
nine telepaths of four different species to try and get an inside
look at her thoughts, but her thoughts remain a mystery to us.
Commander Kim claims that she is Esper Blind, as are all members of
her family, a claim verified by both of her parents, and thus
completely immune to psionic treatments.
Despite our inability to get inside Commander Kim's mind, she is
very well-adjusted and does not appear to have been mistreated
during her Romulan incarceration. I have no reason to doubt her when
she says that she and her shipmates were treated well and not abused
in any way.
Dr. Kevin Hart, Starfleet Academy, Duty Counselor
VIII. Current Recreational Interests
Classical music, violin
IX. Classified Information " NOT CHARACTER KNOWLEDGE -not even to
Grace herself"
The public file and Starfleet's knowledge of what happened on
Romulus is very different than what actually happened. The fact is,
Grace Kim's Esper Blindness was overcome, and she was programmed by
her Romulan captors. When she describes being treated well she is
not lying, as her memories of the period were fabricated by a
Romulan psionicist and emplanted in her mind. She has no
recollection of the grueling physical training program that the
Romulans subjected her to, creating in effect the perfect assassin.
Grace Kim has no idea that she is able to shoot a flying sparrow at
1,000 meters with a hand phaser, nor has she any clue that she was
trained to kill even a martial arts master with her bare hands in
mere seconds.
Until her programming is triggered by the correct stimulus, she is a
mild-mannered though competent and confident woman who takes her
duties as a Starfleet officer very seriously. Once activated,
however, best stay out of the way, she has a level of physical
ability and mental resistance that make her formidable indeed.
More recently, she has become aware that something was done on
account of her being activated by a Romulan plan on board the
Daedalus. While activated, she killed a Federation senator, a
retired intelligence operative and almost killed Commodore Madison
Fitzgerald. She was tried and found innocent of those crimes, though
now the difficulty is finding a way to deprogram her or at least
make sure that the Romulans cannot access her.
One consequence of her recent activation was an awareness by OSFI of
the extraordinary level of training that the Romulans provided.
While the Federation does not engage in so-called Black Ops, having
an operative with such training could be very useful in counter
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