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CO- Commanding Officer FCO- Flight Control Officer XO- Executive Officer ENG- Chief Engineering Officer OPS- Operations Manager CSciO- Chief Science Officer CIC- Combat Information Center CMO- Chief Medical Officer TAC/CSO- Chief Tactical/ COU- Counselor Security Officer MCO- Marine Commanding Officer
BILLET RANK CHARACTER GENDER RACE -------------------------------------------------------------- CO CAPT Tostynjhar fi'Tiyartuss Male Dezeld XO LCDR Richard tr'Llweii Male Romulan/Human OPS LCDR Hadley Jones Male Human CIC LCDR Tor Fallon Male El-Aurian TAC/CSO FCO ENG WO2 Chase Gamble Male Human CSciO LT TBD CMO COU MCO
CHARACTER PLAYER E-MAIL ADDRESS ------------------------------------------------------------------ Tostynjhar Bryan Bartlett valeros[at] tr'Llweii Lena Rose lrdrh2004[at] Jones Gabrielli Weckesser ASR[at] Fallon Darrell Morrison darrellm[at] [TAC/SEC] Gamble Mark Chessman bigblue.phrog[at] [SCI] Kaith Rush kjaneway[at] [FCO] [CMO] [COU] [MCO]
CAPT Tostynjhar fi'Tiyartuss, Commanding Officer
- played by Bryan Bartlett
- Updated SD 190627
I. Personal Data ================ Surname: Tostynjhar Full Name: Uan'akkogos Dezeld'fimuath Tostynjhar fi'Tiyartuss Current Rank: Captain (O-6) Current Billet: Commander, Orestes Station, Gold Fleet Species: Dezeld Gender/Sex: Male Age: 270 Standard Terran Years Date of Birth: Earth Year 2249 LTH: 2.29 m; WT: 145.2 kg; Eyes: Gold ; Hr.: None ; Comp: Gold Scales Place of Birth: Drecanis, Delta Quadrant Parents: Dezeld follow a communitive approach to child rearing, as such, children are raised by the clan. Mate: None ========================================================= II. Educational Background ========================== A. Academic Institutional Background: ------------------------------------- - Dezeld have no formal Academic structure B. Service Schools Attended: ---------------------------- - None C. Qualifications (MOC's): -------------------------- - None D. Star Fleet Academy Record: ----------------------------- - Officer did not attend Star Fleet Acadamy ========================================================== III. Biographical Notes ======================= A. Chronology (tabular form): ----------------------------- SD and Descriptions are approximate SD [22]4905xx-[22]8901xx Raised by community within Clutch SD [22]8901xx Inducted into 22nd Air Wing with rank of Gol'aero SD [22]9006xx Promoted to Fes'aero SD [22]9103xx Fought in War vs Reds SD [22]9306xx Promoted to Das'aero SD [22]9801xx Promoted to Uan'aero SD [23]0312xx War vs Reds Ends SD [23]0402xx Promoted to Fes'tuwy, assigned as Line Commander SD [23]0408xx Defended the Clan joining against a rouge clan SD [23]1106xx Promoted to Das'tuwy SD [23]2006xx Promoted to Uan'tuwy SD [23]3101xx Promoted to Fes'ende, Assigned as Squadron Commander SD [23]4301xx Promoted to Das'ende SD [23]5606xx Promoted to Uan'ende SD [23]7106xx Promoted to Gol'gos, Assigned as 22nd Wing Commander SD [23]8801xx Promoted to Fes'gos SD [23]9011xx Fought in First War of the Kovoulds SD [24]0203xx End of First War of the Kovoulds SD [24]0601xx Promoted to Das'gos SD [24]1504xx Fought in Second War of the Kovoulds SD [24]2506xx Promoted to Uan'gos SD [24]3702xx End of Second War of the Kovoulds SD [24]4606xx Promoted to Gol'akkogos, Assigned as 2nd Division Comander SD [24]6901xx Promoted to Fes'akkogos SD [24]9301xx Promoted to Das'akkogos SD [24]9310xx Fought in Third War of the Kovoulds SD [24]9410xx Crashed after battle to push back the Kovould, Only survivor of sucessful battle SD [24]9411xx Third War of the Kovoulds Ends SD [24]9507xx Assigned to Wyrmdrive Team SD [24]9802xx Assisted in first sucessful test of Wyrmdrive SD [25]0604xx Assigned to Reverse Engineering Team SD [25]0808xx Designed a method to use a Federations transporter buffer to store biological information indefinately SD [25]091205 Automated Wyrmdrive Activates, all 300 are "digitized" SD [24]091205 Temporal and Universal displacement due to miscalculation SD [24]180601 First to be rematerialized SD [24]180601 Promoted to Uan'akkogos SD [24]190701 Commissioned as Starfleet Officer, Captain (O-6) SD [24]190701 Assigned as Commander, Orestes Station ========================================================= B. Background Summary: ====================== All dates are approximate Tostynjhar was hatched in 2249, during the height of what is called the Clan Wars. It was a dangerous time, the Dezeld seperated by "color" and philosophy. Such had been going on for millenia, but it had finally come to a head in what can be concidered their version of "World War 3" The Golds were lucky as to be seperated from most of the battle. Tostynjhar was inducted into the 22nd Air wing in 2289. In Dezeld, once you are part of a proffession, you didnt leave it, and it was to be your lives work. Tostynjhar took this to heart, as the Clan of Red attacked the heart of their home in 2291. In 12 years of battle, Tostynjhar in over 200 skirmishes, and won 148, but each time able to return home, and be prepared to fight the next day. He was promoted, and assigned his own line, 2 months after the end of the Clan Wars. His line was responsible for the defence of the 23 clans, when a rouge group attacked, trying to disrupt the procedings that would have put an end to the Clan wars once and for all,and join them all into a single govenrment. During this fight, his wingman gave his life, in the defence of a red dragon named Thelareos, the first time a gold has ever gave their life in defence of a red. This would prove to be the catalyst to bring together the two most opposing factions. The Air wings were joined together as one, and practiced together, out of tradition. This proved to be beneficial as the Kovoulds attacked in the year 2390. Tostynjhar, now a Wing Commander, lead his forces of mixed Dezeld into a long, drawn out war. They were at a disadvantage, the Kovoulds in planetary fighters, with the Dezeld only with themselves. They managed to push back the invaders in 2402, but not before they destroyed most of the nesting grounds. With the Dezeld having egg cycles of 50 years, it would take another 200 years to counteract the loss of Dezeld in the war. Time was something they did not have, as Tostynjhar called his wing back to battle in 2415. The Kovould were back, but this time, the Dezeld had weaposn of their own. Ships, designed to be no bigger than the Dezeld, and to use their own body movements to power, proved to be better defence. This war lasted till 2437, the Kovoulds having brought a much larger fleet. The win came with a price, as the Kovoulds appeared to have poisoned the sun, setting it up for a runaway failure of the stars core. They had 95 years to discover a solution, and warp capable ships were a long way off. Tostynjhars forces continued to train9 years after the second war, Tostynjhar was promoted to Division Commander, in charge of several wings. [[Note.. in OUR universe, the Kovould eliminated the Dezeld in 2417]] In 2493, the Kovoulds returned, with an armada. After the Dezeld turned away the offer of surrender, they fought once more. using coordinated effort, the armada was destroyed, but it cost the lives of every Dezeld in the Air wings. Tostynjhar survived, but his wings were damaged beyond repair, he would never fly again. In 2494, he was one of only 300 Dezeld left alive. In 2495, he was assigned to a team to work on the production of an artificial woormdrive creator, which had its sucessful test in 2498. In 2506, he worked on reverse engineering a Federation Shuttle that was pulled to them during one of their wyrmdrive tests. He discovered amethod of using the shuttles transporter and information stored about holodeck technology to discover a way of "storing" the dezelds remaining biological data, to be recombined later. This was similar to pre-transporter days where the same effect was caused by destroying the original on this end, and sending information on how to reconstruct it on the other end. In 2509, he was the first to go through the process. He awoke in the year 2418, on a planet called Draakin III, their new home. ========================================================= IV. Official Star Fleet Record ============================== A. Promotion History: ---------------------- SD [24]190701: Commissioned as Starfleet Officer, Captain (O-6) B. Service History: -------------------- SD [24]190701: Commissioned as Starfleet Officer, Captain (O-6) SD [24]190701: Assigned as Commander, Orestes Station C. Medals and Commendations: ----------------------------- - None D. Reprimands: ----------------------------- - None ========================================================== V. Skills Profile ================= UNKNOWN ========================================================== VI. Recent Fitness Report ========================= From: Akko'Ardue Dezeld'fiagauth Othimfel fi'Irfeldezeld, Elder Healer Re: Tostynjhar Tostynjhar has several old injuries consistant to a 270 year old sky veteran. The most prominant is the lack of complete wing membrane, resulting in his lack of ability to fly under his own power. His other injuries, though left scars, do not appear to hinder his abilities to function as a member of our society. At 270 years, he would concidered to be a young adult by human standards, though like all Dezeld, age isnt a factor for longentivity. It is estimated he has another 500 years before his mental state begins to break down, causing him to become more reckless =========================================================== VII. Psychological Profile ========================== - None on File =========================================================== VIII. Current Recreational Interests ====================================== - War Games =========================================================== IX. Other Information ===================== A. The Great War ---------------- ::All dates have been converted to Starfleet Standard The Dezeld, though theoretically capable of warp travel, were content to remain in their own system, feeling that if there were other lifeforms out there, they would be better off seen as not a threat. This changed in SD 2390, when a race known as the Kevoulds began an attack on the planet. For the first time since the joining of the clans in 2304, the Air Wings were activated. Flesh against metal, breath against phasors, the odds were against the Dezeld, yet they were able to push away the initial assault, though to great loss to the Dezeld forces. For 25 years, there was no word from the Kevoulds, yet the Dezeld knew that they could not wait. Using damaged Kevould ships, they began to increase thier research, and begun the task of creating space capable warships. When the Kevould returned in 2415, the Dezeld were ready, fighting in one man aerial fighers to push back the invadors once more. It was theorized that at this time, the Kevould were responsible for the greatest threat to face the Dezeld. Thier sun began to fail. Dezeld scientists were at a loss to explain the sudden drop of nuclear activity, but all studies were conclusive. The Dezeld had only 95 years. Their entire civilization on the line, all energy was given to the job of leaving thier home. Unfortunately, Warp was still out of reach, unable to locate proper fuel on thier planet. In 2493, the Kevould returned once more, and sent an ultimatum.. Give up, or the sun would be doomed. The Dezeld fought back one last time, every force they could muster. Once more, they pushed back the invaders, yet their population suffered from the war. With only 300 left, and thier warp development centers destroyed, all seemed lost. In 2495, it was discovered they could travel beyond warp, creating artificial wormholes, with fuel their planet had. Yet time itself was running out In 2506, A Federation shuttle carrying a human teenager by the name of Valareos Draconrouge appeared, and changed everything. Thier blood was given to him, to ensure thier genetic code at least would pass on. The remaining 300 used the shuttles transporter to convert themselves to a matter/energy matrix, and then digitize the information in a portable holocube, then sent Valareos back home via the wormhole generator. Due to a small miscalculation, they returned to the wrong universe, in the year 2409 Their survival was ensured, when they were rematerialized in 2418, and given the Draakin system to rebuild -------------------End bio file----------------------------
LCDR Richard tr'Llweii, Executive Officer
- played by Lena Rose
I. Personal Data ================ Full Name: Richard Bennet Ra'tleihfi tr'Llweii [SEC-856123-1548] Surname: Llweii Given Name: Richard Current Rank: Commander (O-5) Current Billet: XO, Species: Romulan/Homo sapiens (Terran Human) Gender/Sex: Male Age: 32 Terran Standard Years DOB: 31 October 2386 POB: Barrow, Alaska, Earth Parents: David Bennet Ra'tleihfi tr'Llweii Sienae Ra'tleihfi tr'Llweii Siblings: Rochelle Ra'tleihfi tr'Llweii Anastacia Ra'tleihfi tr'Llweii Spouse: Lorelai Ra'tleihfi tr'Llweii Children: Keelie Ra'tleihfi tr'Llweii Kaylani Ra'tleihfi tr'Llweii Physical Description: HT: 6' 2" WT: 190 lbs EY: Black HR: Black SK: Olive(tint of green) Blood Type: 0+ Vision: O: +.05, S: +.025 (effectively 20/20) Religion: None Citizenship: Terran, United Federation of Planets Languages: Terran Standard (native speaker), Romulan (native speaker), Klingon (basic knowledge), Vulcan (basic knowledge) ================================================================== II. Educational Background =========================== A. Academic Institutions Attended: ---------------------------------- -- Star Fleet Academy {Graduated *magna cum laude*} (Bachelor of Science, Political Science) B. Service Schools Attended: ---------------------------- -- Star Fleet Space Warfare Officers School C. Qualifications: ------------------ -- Qual: Tactical Officer -- Qual: Navigation/Astrogation Officer -- Qual: Shipboard Operations & Command -- Qual: Junior/Senior Officer Bridge Tests -- Qual: Security Officer's Tests -- Qual: Command Officer's Tests D. Star Fleet Academy Record: ----------------------------- Honors: *Magna Cum Laude* Final Cadre Rank: Cadet Commander Academic Major: Political Science Professional Major: Negotiation/Diplomacy Class Rank: 4/250 Athletics: Null gravity handball Activities: ================================================================== III. Biographical Notes ======================= A. Chronology (tabular form): ----------------------------- 0-7: Born in Barrow, Alaska 7-12: Homeschool in Barrow, Alaska 12-18; Attended Fairbanks Military Academy 18-22: Attended Star Fleet Academy. 23-Present: Active duty in Star Fleet. B. Background Summary: ---------------------- Richard Bennet Ra'tleihfi tr'Llweii (Nveid ) was born to parents David and Sienae Bennet Ra'tleihfi tr'Llweii in Barrow Alaska. His father, David Bennet, a full human was an Ambassador for Starfleet who was assigned in Barrow Alaska. His mother, Siene, a Romulan, was a homemaker who homeschooled her children until they were twelve years old. Then he and his siblings attended Fairbanks Academy. From the time he was born his mother spoke three languages to her children, English, Romulan (Rihannsu or Sav'lesta and Rom'lesta or Havrannsu) and Vulcan. His mother came from Noble House of Llweii. The family spoke predominant Rihannsu but spoke Rom'lesta as well as it is the langauge of the people, and is spoken by the majority of the Romulan people, and in particular by the natives of Ch'Havran. In a Romulan family both mother and father have equal status both in the family and society. Although Richard as a male child was favored, his sisters were not considered second class citizens. The lessons of mnhei'sahe were taught and learned properly from birth. The formal education of Richard and his siblings was done under the strict auspices of a highly-learned tutor. They recieved basic education in the sciences, the arts, literature, and mandatory military service. They were tutored in the proper forms of address for adults, equals, superiors and servants. Most of all important concepts of honor, respect, duty, strength, service to the Federation and the Empire. Over the millenium since the Rihannsu split from the Vulcans, the circadian rhythm of ch'Rihan and ch'Havran have changed the 7-year cycle. Richard, Rihannsu males, no longer endured Ponn Farr. When Richard was Twelve he was sent to Fairbanks Military Academy. He exccelled in his academics and graduated with honors. Then he joined Starfleet Academy just like his father. Once again he brought pride and honor to the family. He met and fell in love with Lorelai Matthews on his tour of duty on USS TEMPEST. The couples d'anna - marriage - known as the 'Great Joining' was performed by the Captain of the TEMPEST. They honeymooned on Rom'lasz - known to the Federation as Romulus the planet known as 'Home of the People' of Cf ch'Rihan where Richard's hru'diranov -grandfather and hru'nanov- grandmother and as well as the rest of his mothers clan reside in the Noble House of Llweii. Normally When a man takes a wife, he also takes her name and becomes a member of her house, sworn to uphold it against all enemies. The only exception to this scenario is if the wife has no family. In that case SHE would take the husband’s name and join his family. In Lorelai case she was human and an orphan and therefore she took Richard's name and joined his family. The Rihannsu are a passionate and close-knit people. Marriages are forever and are not entered into without serious consideration. There is no word for divorce in the Rihannsu Language. Divorce and separation are extremely uncommon within Rihannsu families because the bond between the husband and wife is so very deep that the possibility of divorce and separation never enters their minds. A typical Rihannsu family is very happy and devoted to each other, united by the common bond of love and commitment. After their first year of marriage the couple had twin daughters Keelie and Kaylani. They had now become a family much to everyone delight. Becoming a husband and father changed Richard into the man he became. It was no longer about the rise in position and becoming a Captain, instead it became more about family and peace. When Richard was offered the XO position on SB Orestes, he didn't have to think twice about bring his growing family. This was more than he could have hoped for. To raisie a family on a Starbase would give his family more stability as well as bring him closer to his clan men and if he could help make a difference that would the icing on the cake. ================================================================== IV. Official Star Fleet Record ============================= A. Promotion History: --------------------- Star Date (24)040801: Entered Star Fleet Academy. Appointed Cadet Fourth Class. Star Date (24)050801: Advanced to Cadet Third Class, Cadet Ensign. Star Date (24)060801: Advanced to Cadet Second Class, Cadet Lieutenant. Star Date (24)070801: Advanced to Cadet First Class, Cadet Commander. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Star Date (24)080531: Graduated Star Fleet Academy. Star Date (24)090217: Commissioned as Ensign (O-1). Star Date (24)101013: Promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade (O-2). Star Date (24)111016: Promoted to Lieutenant (O-3). Star Date (24)120220: Given brevet promotion to Lieutenant Commander (O-4). Star Dtae (24)120730: Brevet approved. Star Date (24)180923: Promoted to Commander (O-5). B. Service History: ------------------- Star Date (24)040801: Accepted into Star Fleet Academy, Shasta, CA, Terra Star Date (24)070801: Promoted to Cadet Commander at Star Fleet Academy Star Date (24)071001: Received Bronze Star for bravery and leadership under extreme circumstances. Star Date (24)080531: Graduated Star Fleet Academy, 4th in class of 250 Major: Negotiation/Diplomacy Minor: Starship Combat Strategy and Tactics Star Date (24)090101: Assigned Armstrong Lunar Base, Holodeck 12 to complete officer's training Star Date (24)090203: Graduated Armstrong Lunar Base (with honors), Assigned to SB DELTA for assignment Star Date (24)090217: Promoted to Ensign (O-1); Assigned FCO, USS CHESAPEAKE, NCC-31813-A Star Date (24)100921: Tour of Duty as FCO, USS CHESAPEAKE ends. Star Date (24)101013: Promoted to Lieutenant, JG (O-2); Assigned TAC/CSO, USS BURKE, NCC-31103 Star Date (24)111016: Promoted to Lieutenant (O-3); reassigned OPS, USS TEMPEST, NCC-57102 Star Date (24)120220: Received brevet promotion to Lieutenant Commander (O-4). Star Date (24)130417: Assigned XO, USS CONSTELLATION, NCC-1071-G Star Date (24)150101: Tour of duty as XO, USS CONSTELLATION ends. Star Date (24)150201: Assigned XO, USS NOTTINGHAM, NCC-81425 Star Date (24)180923: Tour of duty XO, USS NOTTINGHAM ends ends; reassigned XO, SB ORESTES (Note: Ships recorded at classification at the time officer was assigned, not their current re-classification.) C. Medals and Commendations ---------------------------- Star Date (24)100301 Combat Action Ribbon. Star Date (24)100301 GREEN Fleet Service Ribbon. Star Date (24)101201 Starfleet Commendation Medal Star Date (24)101201 GOLD Fleet Service Ribbon. Star Date (24)120220 Combat Action Ribbon. Star Date (24)120720 Bronze Star Star Date (24)160930 Starfleet Commendation Medal Star Date (24)160930 Combat Action Ribbon. Star Date (24)160930 GREEN Fleet Service Ribbon. Star Date (24)171031 Combat Action Ribbon. Star Date (24)181001 Combat Action Ribbon. ================================================================== V. Skills Profile ================== Successful and ambitious officer despite age. Natural tactician and strategist, emerging Negotiation/Diplomacy skills. Outstanding leader- able to inspire loyalty in those under his command. ================================================================== VI. Recent Fitness Reports ========================== "Commander Richard Llweii was one of the finest officers to teach at Star Fleet Academy. His strife for perfection and thinking outside of the box in Advanced Starship Combat reveals a young man dedicated to duty. His leadership qualities are exceptional. -Captain Kyle Donner Instructor, Star Fleet Academy ================================================================== VII. Psychological Profile ========================== Ensign Richard Llweii, an exceptionally brilliant man possesses a tremendous drive for excellence, and perfection. This combined with his ability to lead allows to overcome just about any obstacle put in his path. However he does not seem to have many friends - male or female. This could be due to being part human and Romulan. Commander Lisa Caldwell Chief Psychologist, Star Fleet Academy --------------------------------------------- Lt. Richard Llweii evaluation over the past years has been exemplory. He seems to have gotten control of most of his demons that seem to followed him in the Academy and his first year as an assigned officer. His temper has been an issue off and on the past five years, but with the counseling sessions he seems to be curving this demon. He still needs to work on his social skills but with his continued counseling, I feel in due time he will continue to show growth in this area. Commander Marcus Alder Chief Psychologist, Star Fleet Academy --------------------------------------------- Commander Richard Llweii has adjusted to family life better than was hoped for. Since his marriage to Lorelai Matthews and the birth of his twin daughters Keelie and Kaylani, he has gained complete control over his temper. He has refocused his passions in a more positive direction. Commander Cassandra Landers Chief Psychologist, Star Fleet Academy ================================================================== VIII. Current Recreational Interests ================================== Reading, handball, hiking, poker ================================================================== IX. Miscelleneous Classified Information ================================== -----------------------End Bio chip--------------------------------
LCDR Hadley Jones, Operations Manager
- played by Gabrielli Weckesser
Name: Hadley Fen Jones Service Number: 195-893413-H Species: Human Sex: Male Age: 34 Current Rank: Lieutenant Commander Specialty: Spatial Sciences Current Assignment: Orestes Station Current Position: OPS Starfleet Record: 100930 Graduated SF Academy 101015 ALB Training 101120 Starbase 234 110206-110306 Granted Familial Leave 111111 Transferred to USS YEAGER 130425 Transferred to USS YELLOWSTONE 140810 Transferred to USS YUSANAGI 150330 Transferred to USS REPUBLIC 190628 Transferred to Orestes Station Awards/Ribbons: Star Fleet Achievement Medal Birthplace: Antarctica, Earth Education: University of Ioánnina, Greece; Starfleet Academy Parents: Martin & Leia Jones Siblings: None Spouse: Mary Elle Jones (married 10 years) Children: Ellie Emma Jones (deceased at age 2) Physical Specifications: 1.8m height (5' 11") 80kg weight (176lb) Pale Skin Black Hair Brown Eyes Personal/Family History: Hadley Jones was born on Earth's Antarctic shelf, the son of a physician and a nuclear chemist. As a child, he showed an exceptional aptitude towards memorization. As such, his parents taught him to read at an early age, subsequently force-feeding him with every book, list, manual, and encyclopedia they could acquire, regardless if he could understand what he was absorbing. Despite the wealth of knowledge surrounding him, his favorite pastime was simply sitting at a window, staring at the stars. At age seven, he was so adept at repeating verbatim whatever he'd previously incorporated that his parents began to travel abroad, showcasing him to scholars, scientists, and even political dignitaries. However, in his late teens, Hadley began to exhibit signs of eccentric behavior including sudden, emotional outbursts and moments of inability to concentrate. Within months, he succumbed to a mental/emotional breakdown and was hospitalized in a near-catatonic state. A medical and psychological team, including Human, Vulcan, Ullian and Betazoid specialists were finally able to stabilize him, and in time teach him to structure his conscious mind in relation to his emotional state and the burdening weight of his knowledge and memories. Eventually, he went on to study graduate-level astronomy in Greece and then in Starfleet. Despite his daily struggles, his only other period of debilitating mental trauma came at the death of his two-year old daughter. Regardless, his wife remains an emotionally stabilizing force in his life and as such, Jones has been given special dispensation from Starfleet Medical to allow his wife to be resident with him at any duty assignment regardless of her civilian status. Personality Profile/Hobbies: Alternates between feeding his thirst for knowledge and times of forced sensory deprivation Often found staring at the stars Family time Psychological Profile: Hadley Jones is both blessed and cursed with a near-perfect memory. Although the mechanism is not completely understood, it's believed that he was born with a metabolism deficiency in his short- term memory. As a result, all of his sensory inputs are immediately shunted to his long-term memory--in essence, he suffers from an inability to forget. On the positive side, he remembers everything he has ever read, seen, felt, smelled, tasted and heard in perfect clarity. Conversely, he is literally unable to forget everything he wishes he could. Every noxious smell that once burned his nostrils, every blood-curdling scream from his past, every hurtful remark that he immediately regretted saying are his constant companions. Understandably, Jones' mental and emotional states are somewhat less stable than the norm. Due to his unusual mental ability, his subconscious mind virtually floods his consciousness with memories at a constant rate. With such a continual mental barrage, it would be nearly impossible for him to react to the outside world without solid mental barriers that he has built over time. Currently, his memories could be described as "white noise" in the back of his mind, always present and accessible, but not so prevalent that he is unable to distinguish past experiences from present sensory stimuli. However, his emotions play a key role in his stability. In general, strong emotional responses can be described as "clouding" normal human thought, but in Jones' case, the effect is far more pronounced. Extreme emotions, especially negative, can cause his mental barriers to weaken, and if uncontrolled, lead to a deluge of past regrets, failures and traumas as was the case in his daughter's passing. Fortunately, Jones has a strong will and an even stronger support system. With these in place, he is within the realm of fitness for Starfleet service. ~LCDR Yar Showalter Counselor, SF Medical & ~Dr. Mordta Starfleet Medical, R&D Medical Profile: Ensign Jones is as physiologically healthy as any average member of Starfleet. Due to his unique brain activity, he has a slightly increased caloric need as compared to other humans at a similar age and daily exercise level, but from what I'm told, his wife is an excellent cook so eating is not a problem for him. ~Dr. Robert Trevino Starfleet Medical Medical Supplement: During a recent away team mission, LT Jones suffered a concussion including minor trauma to the hippocampus. As a result, he has shown mild symptoms of Anteretrograde Amnesia localized to a two day period just folllowing the accident. How this injury will affect his faculties long-term can only be speculative at this point but, considering his mental abilities, I would not expect it to be anything more than temporary. Dr. Vivaree tri Veda CMO, USS KUSANAGI Professional File: LT Jones is unparalleled in dedication to his service on this ship. Despite his daily struggle against his personal 'demons', I've never had reason to doubt his ability as an officer, his loyalty, or his memory. I have seen firsthand his bravery, volunteering as a medic and cleanup crewman during the aftermath of the Jittula IV massacre. Knowing that he would permanently see some truly disturbing things on the planet, he still wouldn't deign to shirk his duty when he felt it was needed. I am very proud of this officer. ~CAPT Jeremy Michels CO, USS YELLOWSTONE LT Hadley Jones has been an enormous benefit to the USS REPULSE's scientific mission. Not only has his mental catalog of stellar phenomena helped us in countless ways, but his attention to detail has aided us in diplomatic matters as well. Despite his modesty at admitting it, he singlehandedly convinced the Oessa to open up a dialogue with us using the texts of their own holy writings as evidence. In turn, that opened doors to archeological, sociological and scientific treasures that would have been, and still are, unavailable to outsiders. ~CAPT Colga Miren CO, USS REPULSE Disciplinary Record: <No Entries> ==================== END PERSONAL FILE ==================== ASR Roleplaying: Here's a simplified version of what to expect from Lt Hadley Jones. He is of average height, average weight, average looks--a little thin, but not skinny. He is married, so when he's off duty, if he's not with his wife, you might find him in the near a window, staring at the stars or by himself at a corner table. (If he has a happily glazed look in his eyes, it's probably because he's "escaped" into his memory, literally reliving a happy experience from his past.) He may act a little eccentric (i.e. downright weird) which at times should make for amusing interplay between characters. Rumor has it that Jones has a sense of humor, but not everyone agrees. He has incredible powers of recall, literally everything he's previously experienced can and will be remembered in near-perfect clarity. The usefulness of this "gift" is limited only by what he hasn't yet experienced, his emotional state, and the time it takes him to sift through what's relevant and what's not in the flood of connections that his subconscious mind would be feeding him at any given moment.
LCDR Tor Fallon, Combat Information Center Officer
- played by Darrell Morrison
- Updated SD 190624
I. Personal Data ---------------- Surname: Fallon Given Name(s): Tor Current Rank: Lieutenant Commander (O-4) Current Billet: CIC, Orestes Station Species: El-Aurian Gender/Sex: Male Age: 142 Standard Terran Years Date of Birth: January 15, 2277 HT: 2 m m; WT: 68 kg kg; Eyes: grey; Hr.: brown; Comp: fair Place of Birth: Earth Spouse: T'lar-Deceased, cause of death-unknown Parents: Deceased-Killed by the Borg Siblings: none Children: Sokar - 48, male Vulcan/El Aurian-civilian warp engineer ---------------------------------------------------------- II. Educational Background --------------------------- A. Academic Institutional Background: -- Dunedin High School -- Starfleet Academy-Command School -- Starfleet-Special Operations and Tactics B. Service Schools Attended: -- Star Fleet Space Warfare Officer School C. Qualifications (MOC's) -- Tactical Officer -- Navigation/Helm Officer D. Star Fleet Academy Record: Academy Record: Class Rank: Top 5%; Honors *summa cum laude* Academic Major: History Professional Major: Tactical Operations Qualifications: Tactical Officer, Navigation/Helm Officer Commendations: 3 Starfleet Cross w/Cluster Purple Heart (2) Federation Medal of Honor Reprimands: 1 2399-Court Martial, demotion to Lt Cmdr and removed from active status. ---------------------------------------------------------- III. Biographical Notes ------------------------ A. Chronology (tabular form): ------------------------------ 2277-Born in Florida on Earth 2289-Went with family back to the El Aurian homeworld 2293-Rescued by USS Enterprise NCC-1701-B with the rest of the El-Aurian refugees 2294-Returned to Earth and requested Emancipated status and completed high school. 2296-Graduated from Dunedin High School, applies for entrance to Starfleet Academy. 2296-Scores in the 98th percentile on his Academy entrance exam. 2298-During a training cruise abourd the USS Intrepid, assumes command of the ship when an unknown attacker destroys the primary hull and the Senior Training Officers. 2299-Has a crisis of faith in himself after what he deemed an unacceptable performance during his Kobyashi Maru excercise. Requests transfer from command to tactical school. 2302-Graduates in top 5% of his class with honors in both command and tactical school. 2303-Assigned to USS Merriweather, Junior Amory officer. 2306-Transferred to USS Osiris as Gamma Shift Tactical officer. 2310-Promoted to Chief Tactical Officer, Lt Jg 2316-Transferred to Special Operations Command 2316-2357-Record marked as **SEALED-CLASSIFIED** 2358-Put in charge of the Akira design and operations project at the Starfleet ASDB (Advanced Starship Design Bureau). Lt Cmdr 2360-Marries fellow project leader at the ASDB, T'lar. 2364-Accepts transfer to USS Akira as Chief of Operations. Cmdr 2366-Only survivor of the Akira at the Battle of Wolf 359. 2369-Sokar is born. 2371-Accepts promotion to XO of USS Myrdin. 2378-Accepts Promotion to Captain and is given command of the USS Eye of Ra. Capt 2381-Special Ops reassigns Capt Fallen to a small tactics unit. 2381-2398-Record marked as **SEALED-CLASSIFIED** 2399-Wife is killed under suspicious circumstances. Takes a leave to investigate her death. Court martialed to Lt Cmdr for actions unbecoming an officer. Transferred to Medical facility on Alpha Centauri for rehabilitation by Starfleet Counseling Corps. 2406-Retired from service after multiple requests for a return to active service. B. Background Summary: ----------------------- Fallon tends to be loaner since the death of his wife. He is currently estranged from his son who is currently working for a private contractor with Starfleet. As with most members of his species, he is an excellent listener. This is one of the reasons Special Operations recruited him. It is rumored that the reason for his court martial was actually related to an incident involving the renegade Section 31. He tends to be very cool under pressure and never raises his voice. The more upset he is the quieter he becomes. He is a master in multiple martial arts disciplines. Its rumored he has acheived the status of a Klingon Da'har Master but he has never confirmed nor denied these rumors. When asked about this he tends to just look at you as if you had just belched and not said excuse me. His most notable quote during a crisis while abourd the Eye of Ra, as recorded by the ships log: Whispering to a Tholian Captain, "Captain, poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on ours. If you want our aid we will provide as we see fit, not as you demand." ---------------------------------------------------------- IV. Official Star Fleet Record ------------------------------- A. Promotion History: ---------------------- [23]02xxxx: Commissioned as Ensign (O-1) [23]10xxxx: Promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade (O-2) [23]16xxxx: Promoted to Lieutenant (O-3) [23]58xxxx: Promoted to Lieutenant Commander (O-4) [23]64xxxx: Promoted to Commander (O-5) [23]78xxxx: Promoted to Captain (O-6) [23]99xxxx: Demoted to Lieutenant Commander (O-4) [24]06xxxx: Retired from serivce [24]19xxxx: Resumed active duty B. Service History: -------------------- See CHRONOLOGY above. C. Medals and Commendations: ----------------------------- None ---------------------------------------------------------- V. Skills Profile ------------------ Specialties include- Small unit tactics Space combat tactics Master of multiple Martial Arts of multiple species Warp theory and design ---------------------------------------------------------- VI. Recent Fitness Report -------------------------- Fitness Eval- Leonard McCoy Rehab Facility Alpha Centauri SD-060301 Subject-Lt Cmdr Fallon, Tor Eval Doctor- Cmdr Kol'tar It is in my professional opinion that Lt Cmdr Fallon will eventually be ready mentally to resume his duies as an officer in Starfleet, only because of the expected longevity of his species. It is my opinion that having lost his parents to a hostile force and the mysteries surrounding his wife's death that Lt Cmdr Fallon will need indefinte therapy for the foreseeable future. I cannot in good concious grant Lt Cmdr fallon's request for return to active duty. Respectfully, Cmdr Kol'tar, Doctor, Starfleet Counseling Corps. **LIMITED DECLASSIFICATION NOTIFICATION** SD 070101- The 50 year limit on classified materials has been met for Lt Cmdr Fallon's service record for the timeframe of 2316-2357. Requests for service records from this timeframe can be made by a flag level officer or higher and provided to subordinates on a need to know basis. **DECLASSIFICATION NOTIFICATION** SD 070101- The 50 year limit on classified materials has been met for Lt Cmdr Fallon's service record for the timeframe of 2316-2357. 2316-Accepted OSFI assignment to infiltrate Section 31. 2318-Completes covert operations school. Assigned to a senior field operative for field training and evaluation. 2322-Accepts first solo undercover assignment. Assigned to Qo'nos as a security advisor for a junior member of the Klingon High Council. 2326-Saves Counselor Kor'aths life during an attempted assassantion. 2331-Offered training under Da'har Master Kang for the act of saving Kor'ath's (nephew of Kang) life. 2352-Achieves level of Da'har master under the tuteledge of Kang. 2353-Is recalled by Star Fleet Intelligence due to a possible Tholian threat. 2354-Granted field rank of Captain and given command of Akyazi class vessel USS Talence. Talence is used as one of many testbeds for a Federation cloaking device. 2357-After a successful final test and raid on a Tholian held planet, Fallon is recalled and sent back to active duty within Starfleet. **SPECIAL DECLASSIFICATION DISPENSATION** SD 170101- Due to previous involvement with the now rogue orginization known as Section 31, all activities relating to such service have been declassified for military investigation. 2381-Sent to Gamma Quadrant to taint any and all supplies of the drug known as Ketracel White in an effort to destabilize the Dominion's Jem'hadar soldiers due to an increase in sorties and attacks made by the Jem'hadar in the Alpha Quadrant. 2384-Returns to the Alpha Quadrant upon receiving news of a threat on the life of the CNC Starfleet. 2386-Uncovers info that points to Section 31 as the perpetraitors of the attempted assaassination of the CNC Starfleet. Starts investigation into other operations currently being run by Section 31. 2390-Confronts head of Section 31 with the findings of his investigation. The Director advises he will put this under a full board of inquiry. 2392-Assigned to covert ops in the Delta Quadrant upon receiving rumors of a new Borg threat. 2397-Returns to the Alpha Quadrant with the fabricated evidence proving there was no Borg threat to begin with. Feels that Section 31 has gone completely rogue from its original Stafleet Charter and takes up issue with CNC Starfleet. 2398-Relieved of duty in Section 31 by the Director. Continues to press situation about the orginizaiton going rogue. 2399-Wife dies under questionable circumstances. Takes leave to investigate. Investigation proves Section 31 behind the death. Kills the Assistant Director of Section 31. Set before court-martial. Due to Starfleet recognizing the current threat posed by Section 31, CNC elects to only demote and put into mental rehabilitation. ---------------------------------------------------------- VII. Psychological Profile --------------------------- See last Fitness Eval as Officer is currently in a retired status. ---------------------------------------------------------- VIII. Current Recreational Interests ------------------------------------- Current Occupation- Head of training for a private security firm on Terra Nova. Has private security contracts with a number of Corporations inside and outside the Federation. ---------------------------------------------------------- IX. Miscellaneous Information ------------------------------ Referred by Bryan Bartlett. Applying for position of CIC, Spec Ops expert. ---------------------------------------------------------- End BioFile
Chief Tactical and Security Officer
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WO2 Chase Gamble, Chief Engineering Officer
- played by Mark Chessman
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LT TBD, Chief Science Officer
- played by Kaith Rush
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Chief Medical Officer
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Marine Commanding Officer
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- 0.1- First live version (SD 190624)