SCIMXFOR- Orestes Station Crew Biofiles

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Version 2.0 (Updated SD 210512)



CO- Commanding Officer          CAG- Commander Air Group
XO- Executive Officer           ENG-R- Repair Division Officer in Engineering
OPS- Operations Manager         CSciO- Chief Science Officer
CIC- Combat Information Center  CMO- Chief Medical Officer
TAC/CSO- Chief Tactical/        COU- Counselor
 Security Officer               MCoC- Marine Company Commander
CON- Constable                  MXO- Marine Executive Officer; 2IC


CO         CDR   Samuel Lynch             Male     Human
XO         LCDR  Robin Ellery             Female   Human         
OPS/2O     Lt    Surya Arani              Female   Betazoid

SEC        LCDR  Lucas Castillo           Male     Human
TAC        ENS   Sruk Dahk                Male     Andorian
FCO        ENS   Xavier Miles             Male     Human
ENG        LT    Logan Byrne              Male     Human
ENG Mate   WO2   Chase Gamble             Male     Human       
MCoC       LTM   Corbin Wynn              Male     Human
MXO        1LT   Merc David               Male     Human     


CHARACTER          PLAYER                  E-MAIL ADDRESS
Lynch              Roger Bedford           markchessman46[at]
Ellery             Anna Cordray            anna_cordray[at]
Arani              Erica Stark             execofficerstark[at]
Castillo           Tim Cooke               thoth11[at]
Sruk               Mark Hanford  
Miles              Dan Genaw               dangenaw[at]
Keeper             Daniel Belin            belin.daniel[at]
[SCI]              **Vacant**
[MED]              **Vacant**
[COU]              **Vacant**
Wynn 		   Wesley Sterner	   cracked_ice907[at]
David              Daniel Belin            belin.daniel[at]


CDR Samuel Lynch, Commanding Officer

LCDR Robin Ellery, Executive Officer

Name: Robin Ellery
Rank:  LTCdr
Species:  Human/ .25 Vulcan
Height: 1.6 meters; 63 in.
Build: Small
Skin: Tanned
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Green
Marital Status: single
Current Assignment: 
Current Position: 
Home planet: Vulcan
Gender:  Female
Age:  32
Parents:  Father, George Ellery, Owner/Captain of 'Desert Sun' 
  freighter, human. Mother, Lyra Ellery, Instructor on Vulcan, 

SD 60701 Graduated Starfleet Academy
  Major:  Flight Control of all major Federation Craft
  Minor:  Engineering
SD 81223 Starfleet Flight School
  Major:  Combat Shuttle Flight/Navigation
SD 91011 Graduated ALB

Starfleet History: 
60701 Starfleet Academy
81223 Starfleet Flight School
91011 Armstrong Lunar Base
91014 SB Alighieri, Pilot/Naval Combat Squadron 17
100224 Assigned Rank of LTjg Assigned as sqXO of NC-17
100710 Assigned Rank of LT Assigned as sqCO of NC-17
101022 Transferred to SB OMEGA as Flight Operations officer
150515 Assigned as Operations Officer for USS NIMITZ
180212 Assigned Rank of LCDR
181021 Assigned Position as XO of the USS Kusangi
191216 Reassigned Position of Operations for Orestes Station

Personality Profile: 
Robin has a cocky attitude.  She is confident that she can repair 
anything broken, although at times her sense of fixed doesn't match 
that of others.  i.e.  If she can get a craft to fly she might consider 
it fixed even if landing same craft might prove problematic at a later 
time.  She has a natural talent for flying.  She believes she can fly 
anything.  She was known to borrow craft in her youth and take them for 
a test flight.

While stationed on SB Aligheri, she met a very hot headed pilot, Cort 
O’Wood.  However, after he disappeared Robin found her heart was no 
longer in the squadron and requested a transfer that was granted.  From 
there she learned to deal with some authority over her life and found 
her self-confidence again.  However, repeated incidences of misbehavior 
kept her from advancing very far in her career.  She still prefers to 
avoid those people in positions of power.  She also makes sure that 
subordinates are comfortable and will go to bat for them if needed.

Robin is quite comfortable with any culture, but is most comfortable 
with the dredges of society.  She finds it easier to maneuver through 
the worst parts of a world or star base, than on a Federation Starship.

Robin considers herself a human without a home world despite having 
been raised for much of her life on Vulcan.  This has made her 
physically stronger than most humans her same size.

School Report:
Robin has a history of missed classes, particularly classes teaching 
logic, and Vulcan history.  She appears to have an aptitude for flying.  
Robin also tends to let her opinion get her into trouble with her 
instructors.  She has a tendency to shrink when faced with higher 

She would do well to continue her schooling off Vulcan.  She allows her 
emotions to get in the way of logic and will never do well if she 
remains on Vulcan.  She does not acknowledge her Vulcan heritage.  
She seems to excel in the repair of her father's ship, which is 
unreliable at best.

Headmaster T'pel
Vulcan Public Schools

LT Surya Arani, Operations Manager

  • This biofile is currently undergoing development.

LCDR Lucas Castillo, Chief Security Officer

Lt. Commander Lucas Castillo'S BIO:
Name: Lucas Castillo
Service Number:SC-10150-9111STC
Age: 31
Race: Human
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 178 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Strawberry Blonde
Physical Description: Fair skinned, muscular build, athletic,
                      short hair, handsome looks, piercing eyes, tall.
		      1" horizontal scar under left eye.
Birthplace: Tynina, Andor
Parents: Marcus Castillo (Father, Human - Unknown)
         Natalie Meredith Castillo (Mother, Human - Deceased)
Spouse: None
Siblings: None
Religion: Catholic
Education: Academy Graduate (Stardate 120410 With HONOURS)
                 Academy Major(s): COMMAND/SECURITY
                 Other Minors: PSYCHOLOGY/FORENSICS
                 Notable Courses:
                 -Administration/Logistics (Bottom 25%)
                 -Alien Psychology (Top 3%)
                 -Psychology (Top 25%)
                 -Alien Languages (Middle 50%)
                 -Archaeology (Third in Class)
                 -Forensics (First in Class)
                 -Small Weapons Technology (Top 10%)
                 -First Aid/Medicine (Middle 50%)
                 -Leadership (First in class)
                 -Marksmanship (First in Class)
                 -Negotiation/Diplomacy (Top 1%)
                 -Planatary Survival Techniques (Top 25%)
                 -Security Procedures (Top 2%)
                 -Applied Sciences (Middle 50%)
                 -Starship Operations (Top 10%)
                 -Starship Combat Strategy/Tactics (First in Class)
                 -Small Unit Strategy/Tactics (First in Class)
                 -Starship Defense Systems (Top 5%)
                 -Unarmed Combat (Second in class)
Current Assignment: GOLD Fleet Command, ORESTES Station
Current Position: TAC/SEC, ORESTES Station
-SD 120410       Graduated Starfleet Academy with Honours
-SD 120411.0735  Assigned to Starfleet Headquarters Starfleet Security Forensic Team
-SD 130122.0700  Promoted to Lieutenant (JG)
-SD 130511.0928  Reported to Starbase 424 for re-assignment.
-SD 130514.0730  Assigned to Security as Forensic Specialist for Archaeology Dig on Sierra VI.
-SD 140931.0954  Transferred to USS HECATE as Chief Tactical Officer.
-SD 151001.0900  Promoted to Lieutenant.
-SD 160610.1225  Assigned to USS HECATE as Chief Security Officer and Tactical Officer.
-SD 171214.1600  Transferred to the USS VENTURE. Assigned as Chief of Security.
-SD 190323.1000  Transferred to the Starfleet Intelligence Forensic Team.
-SD 200411.0715  Promoted to Lt. Commander.
-SD 201231.0900  Transferred to the USS INDEPENDENCE. Assigned as Second Officer.
-SD 220301.1010  Transferred to the USS RESOLUTE. Assigned as Acting Captain to return ship to
	         ORESTES Station after refit and shakedown cruise.
-SD 220312.1132  Transferred to ORESTES. Assigned as Chief of Security and Forensic Expert.

Born to two influential civilian experts in forensics and archaeology, Lucas Castillo spent
most of his early life on the "road", exploring the myriad planets throughout the 
Federation. Born on Andor, the formative years of his life we immersed in the lore
and traditions of the Andorian Warrior Culture, and his "God Parents" were, in fact,
Andorians. His God Mother was T'Chaala Sin'Charath, a Starfleet Captain at the time 
and the woman who sponsored his placement in the Academy.

Although interested in the forensic exploration of planets and people, Lucas was
also interested in self defense and martial arts. A fast learner, every planet he went
to allowed him to study the planets martial history, their culture, psychology and
even their strategy/tactics when confronted by conflict.

When old enough, Lucas submitted his application for Starfleet Academy, feeling his 
talents would be useful for the Federation and Starfleet. The sponsorship of now
Admiral Sin'Charath helped him get in, but it was his intelligence and people skills
that allowed him to succeed, as well as his background in his chosen field.

Graduating, he was assigned to the Starfleet Forensic Team and spent his first
few years working with experts in the field of "Interstellar Forensics". When it
came time to go out and serve on a starship, he succeeded. Although his career 
as a Starship Officer wasn't the "stuff of legends" he made a reputation for 
getting along with everyone, following orders, and becoming invaluable to exploration
missions. Lucas was always included on Away Missions, not just for his skills as a
security officer but for his way of "getting along with" people, be they
new aliens or "old" friends and allies. 

Lucas was involved with 7 First Contact Missions and every one of them were successful.
This makes him invaluable to any Command Officer.

Now assigned to command the USS RESOLUTE to return her to ORESTES Station after
undergoing a refit and shakedown cruise, Lucas is looking forward to his new assignment
on ORESTES Station.

Psych Profile:
  Lucas Castillo is an interesting character. His personality and background are
interesting to say the least. He seems to get along with anyone with relative ease. He
is just as easy discussing art and science with a Vulcan as he is sharing Blood
Wine with a Klingon! He is a social "butterfly" and this makes it very easy for
him to absorb and observe everyone around him. Charming indeed!

Lucas has been having difficulties with the disappearance of his father and death of
his mother, and I have assigned him to see me over the next few months at least once
a week to discuss this and get over this tragedy.

Lieutenant Anastasia Constance

ENS Sruk Dahk, Chief Tactical Officer

  • This biofile is currently unavailable.

ENS Xavier Miles, Flight Control Officer

  • This biofile is currently unavailable.

LT Logan Byrne, Chief Engineer

  • This biofile is currently unavailable.

WO2 Chase Gamble, Repair and Maintenance Division Officer

I. Personal Data 
Full Name: Chance [nmi] Gamble [SEC-2288-0366] 
Surname: Gamble Given Name: Chance
Current Rank: Warrant Officer 2nd Class
Current Billet: Orestes Station, Repair DivO 
Species: Human/Nova Terra Colony
Gender/Sex: Male 
Age: 60 Terran standard years
DOB: 29 January 2328
POB: Terra Nova Colony of Earth Parents {attacked by the crystalline 
entity shortly after the birth of the baby only 27 colonists 
survived, four of them infants in incubators, Chance was named and 
raised by the surviving colonists}
Marital Status: Married to Gloria [Grace] Gamble former Starfleet 
Medical Lt Commander, now a civilian Registered Medical Technician/ 
Physicians Assistant
Children: Twins, now 19 years old, Rolland and Rollanda Gamble, 3rd 
yr Starfleet Academy cadets, by his first marriage to Susan McPhee 
Gamble, lost in combat with the USS Gromwell in the early stages of 
the Dominion War.
3 yr old toddler Juana Gamble, by his union to Gloria.
Physical Description:
HT: 6' 6" 
WT: 250 lbs 
EY: Blue
HR: Bald
SK: Bronzed 
Blood Type: a+ 
Vision: (effectively 20/20) 
Religion: Judean Christian Fundamentalist 
Citizenship: Terran, United Federation of Planets 
Languages: Terran Standard (native speaker), Klingon (basic 
knowledge), Vulcan (basic knowledge) 

II. Educational Background 
A. Academic Institutions Attended: 
-------------------------------- -- 
B. Service Schools Attended: 
---------------------------- -- 
Starfleet Enlisted Basic Training Great Lakes Training Center, Earth
A School: Small craft engineering, repair and maintenance, Biloxi, 
A School: Small Craft handling [Types 9, 15, 21 and Flier shuttle, 
pilot's ticket; worker bee and runabout taxi license]
B School: Celestial Navigation, inertial navigation, visual and 
instrument flight rules navigation. 
C School: Systems repair, Transporters; Systems repair ship's 
plumbing; systems repair fiber optic relay systems.

C. Qualifications: 
------------------ -- 
Qual: Transporter Technician --
Qual: Shuttle Pilot -- 
Qual: Shipboard Systems Repair -- 

D. Star Fleet Academy Record: 
NONE has never attended Starfleet Academy 

III. Biographical Notes 
A. Chronology (tabular form): 
0-7: Born On Nova Terra Colony, orphaned at birth
7-12: lived at and was schooled at Darwin Home for Starfleet Orphans, 
Australia, Earth
12-16; Collegiums Sanctorum Argents, religious preparatory school
16: Enlisted Starfleet. 
17-Present: Active duty in Star Fleet. 
B. Background Summary: 
Orphaned at birth and dependent upon the kindness and good will of 
the several Federation social services, Chance never felt at home 
outside of a structured environment.
He first sought to find meaning for his life in work as a religious. 
After four years of the rigors of a novitiate, Chance decide that 
though his faith was strong, the life of a missionary monk was not to 
his taste or liking. He left the order and turned to Starfleet, 
enlisting as soon after his 16th birthday as was permitted.

IV. Official Star Fleet Record 
A. Promotion History: 
Star Date (23)340801: Entered Star Fleet Enlisted Basic Training. 
Star Date (23)350801: Promoted to Crewman, assigned to small craft 
engineering, repair and maintenance school. Graduated 3rd in a class 
of 120.
Star Date (23)360801: Advanced to Petty Officer 3rd Class; assigned 
to Small Craft Handling School. Graduated 5th in a class of 160.
Star Date (23)370801: Assigned USS Rutledge. Repaired shuttlecraft 
and other small operational craft aboard this repair tender.
Star Date (23)420801: Completed tour aboard USS Rutledge, promoted to 
Petty Officer 2nd class. 
Star Date (23)440207: Assigned to Systems Repair School, Utopia 
Planetia Mars, learned plumbing, fiber optic and hydraulic repairs. 
Graduated 3rd in a class of 220.
Star Date (23)451010: Assigned USS Indianapolis, as a cargo 
transporter technician 
Star Date (23)511016: Completed tour aboard ISS Indianapolis, 
promoted to Petty Officer 1st class.
Star Date (23)520220: Assigned Transporter Technician School, 
sentient, living beings.
Star Date (23)520730: Completed course first in a class of 180.
Star Date (23) 521225: Assigned USS Lexington as Chief, Transporter 
Systems and promoted to Chief Petty Officer. 
Star Date (23)630415: Completed extended tour aboard USS Lexington.
Star Date (23) 630801: Promoted to Senior Chief Petty Officer and 
assigned to the enlisted transporter technicians school as an 
Star Date (23) 710630: Completed assignment as Instructor.
Star Date (23) 710930: Assigned USS Sunrunner, a long range science 
vessel as operations chief.
Star Date (23) 810531: USS Sunrunner returns from its long range 
mission, promoted to Master Chief Petty Officer and offered 
retirement in grade. Refused retirement.
Star Date (23) 811010: Assigned Military Aide to the Military 
Attaché, Federation Embassy, Carpathian System.
Star Date (24) 010101: Completed assignment with the withdrawal of 
all diplomats from 
Carpathian space during the long running border disputes with the 
Star Date (24) 010630: Assigned Utopia Planetia, as a test 
pilot/delivery pilot for shuttles, runabouts and yard vessels. 
Star Date (24) 060606: Assigned USS Miracle, as a trouble shooter due 
to systems failure cascade aboard the frigate prior to her launch. 
Badly burned after an explosion, was again offered retirement. 
Star Date (24) 061030 through 080830- Starfleet medical 
Rehabilitation hospital San Francisco, Earth, relearning to use the 
legs and arm damaged in the Miracle explosion and fire.
Star Date (24) 081030: Assigned USS Nightingale, a medical research 
Star Date (24) 180630: Completed assignment aboard USS Nightingale, 
again offered and refused retirement. 
Star Date (24)180923: Promoted Warrant Officer (WO-2) and assigned to 
Space Station ORESTES. 

V. Skills Profile 
Extremely fine tradesman and 
trainer in the manual mechanics needed aboard a starship. 

VI. Recent Fitness Reports 
Master Chief 
Petty Officer Gamble should have retired after the severe burns and 
injuries received in the explosion and fire aboard USS Miracle. His 
personal perseverance to overcome his injuries and return to active 
duty shows a strength of will uncommon in most officers and enlisted 
serving in Starfleet. Commander William Brietling, commanding 
Starfleet Medical Rehabilitation Hospital Alpha, San Francisco, Earth

VII. Psychological Profile 
Chance Gamble is a intuitive quiet male who enjoys working with his 
hands more than dealing with people. Extremely close to his family, 
he does not seem to have many friends - male or female. This writer 
believes the cause to be the non bonding separation caused by his 
loss of parents at birth and his being raised by institutional 
personnel rather than family. Lt Cdr. Humphrey Wharton, Starfleet 


VIII. Current Recreational Interests 
collects and restores antique 
weapons, spends most off hours with his family, enjoys children's 
holosuite activities with his 3 year old daughter. 

IX. Miscelleneous Classified Information 

Chief Science Officer

  • This billet is currently vacant.

Medical Officer

  • This billet is currently vacant.


This billet is currently vacant.

LTM Corbin Wynn, Marine Company Commander

This biofile is currently unavaialble.

1LT Merc David, Marine Executive Officer

This biofile is currently unavaialble.

CAPT Timon St. Lawrence, Former Commanding Officer

First name: Timon
Surname: St. Lawrence
Current rank: Captain
Current billet: CO, Orestes
Species: Human/Orion
Gender: Male
Age: 37 Standard Terran Years
Date of birth: September 15, 2368
HT: 199cm; WT 104kg; Eyes: Black; Hair: Black; Complexion: Dark green
Place of birth: Melabra
Spouse: None
  Birth mother: Kelira. 
  Adoptive father: Charles St. Lawrence. 
  Adoptive mother: Tanya St. Lawrence. 
  (Birth father unknown)
Siblings: Aria St. Lawrence (adopted)
Children: None
Religion: Theist (believes there *is* a supreme being, but is unsure of what form it takes)

Academic Background

Sam Johnson High School, New Hope Colony
StarFleet Academy

Primary Military Occupational Specialty: Security
Secondary Military Occupational Specialty: Helm
Command Track qualifications received.

Starfleet Record:

Assigned USS Ariadne, security officer
Transferred USS Ariadne, Chief of Security; Promoted, Lt. (jg)
Promoted Lieutenant
Transferred USS Ariadne, Operations
Transferred USS Bristol, Executive Officer
Transferred Orestes, Commanding Officer

0-12 Street kid, Melabra
12-17 Adopted by the St. Lawrence family of New Hope Colony
17-21 Attended StarFleet Academy
21-23 Assigned USS Ariadne, Helm
23-27 Assigned USS Ariadne, Chief of Security
27-30 Assigned USS Ariadne, Operations
30-37 Assigned USS Furious, Executive Officer

Background Summary

Melabra is one of those worlds that might be legitimately called a 
'wretched hive of scum and villainy'. Technically within the 
Federation, but located in such a galactic backwater that it has 
few visitors, it is known within that sector as a 'Sin City', and 
occasionally as a base for pirates.

Kelira was the jewel of the Gold Star which the dancers 
often offered other services to patrons. The jewel because she was 
Orion...and the de facto madam, the male owners of the club would do 
her very bidding. Until, that is, she got pregnant...and died 
birthing a son.

In her absence, the Gold Star went from a place where the dancers 
were treated as valued employees to one in which they were little 
more than slaves. Timon, Kelira's son, was also treated as...a slave. 
The owners hoped that he would grow up into a big, intimidating man 
who could be used in security, but for right now, he was a child. 
Property, and educated only a minimum amount, but mostly left to his 
own devices.

Then, when Timon was ten, the Gold Star burned to the ground. Quite a 
few of the girls were killed. The owner was also killed...and there was 
some indication it wasn't by the fire. Either way, Timon was left on 
the streets and on his own. He had long resorted to begging and petty 
thievery, and to running whatever errands he could persuade somebody to 
pay him for. He used this to survive.

Until the ship came. Melabra was still Federation...albeit forgotten and 
neglected much of the time. When somebody decided to do something about 
it, they sent the destroyer, the USS Colin Powell, to check on what was 
going on. It's commanding officer was Commander Jason St. Lawrence.

Melabra had atmospheric anomalies that interfered with transporters. And 
suddenly, St. Lawrence found himself faced with an odd problem. A stowaway. 
At first he thought the boy was about fourteen, but he rapidly adjusted 
Timon's age downward on talking to him. Eleven or twelve, Orion human 
hybrid, no place to go. Melabra itself would have to wait...and the 
Federation would force no solutions on it. This boy he could help.

Not himself, mind. Jason was thirty-three and married to his ship, like so 
many Captains, and a destroyer was no place for a ship. But he had an older 
brother, Charles, who lived on the agricultural colony of New Hope, with 
his wife. They were childless, and quite willing to take Timon on.

So, the street kid from Melabra became a farm kid on New Hope. He was 
formally adopted some months later...but the adjustment was not easy. 
Civilizing him was an uphill struggle...complicated by the fact that six 
months after Timon arrived, Tanya St. Lawrence, against all the 
pregnant. In addition to learning a culture, Timon had to learn another 
new role: Big brother.

He was smart, though. Smart enough to rapidly learn that three square meals 
and a reliable roof that did not leak was worth what they asked of him. And 
once he had learned to read, the galaxy opened up to him. If he hadn't been 
smart, he wouldn't have survived. Now he began to apply that to learning 
about the wider universe. His life was not easy. New Hope was not the most 
cosmopolitan of planets and he was the only non-human in his class. His skin 
color attracted negative attention, and his size...he seemed to have picked 
up the size of an Orion male in full measure...made people assume he would 
be a 'jock'. In fact, he even was on the high school team as a defensive 

Yet, he did not want to be a farmer. Aria, his sister was the one who loved 
the land, and besides, she was born to it. He was quite happy to say that she 
should get the farm when the time came, but that left the question of what he 
should do. He wanted to go to college...but not on New Hope. He wanted to go 
somewhere where he would meet different people. The St. Lawrence's were well 
off...but not that well off. It was, of course, his uncle, Jason, who made 
the suggestion. Why didn't he consider StarFleet?

And he considered it. Plenty of chance to meet different people, if he got in, 
it would be decent money, reliable if he didn't screw up. At the back of his 
head, too...fleet people made a difference.

It took him two attempts to pass the academy entrance exam, but that was not 
uncommon. The aptitude tests revealed surprisingly good reflexes for such a 
big man, and he went in on a security MOS...his size, once more, pigeonholing 
him, but this time he didn't mind.

He did reasonably well in the academy. Not close to the top of his class, but 
above average. His reputation, though, was of a man who was 'More StarFleet 
than StarFleet', compensating for the reactions some had by trying to be the 
perfect cadet and the perfect officer. His instructors knew this attitude 
would survive about one mission in the field, but could do little to persuade 
him of the fact. He would have to learn it, as others had, the hard way. His 
cadet cruise did help a little, but then he graduated.

He was assigned to the light cruiser Ariadne in the security department, under 
a tough but fair woman named Charlene Hall. She taught him to stop seeing 
things in such black and white. And regular reminders that size was not 
everything, the petite Lieutenant regularly dropping him to the mat in spars. 
He came to respect her...and to understand that sometimes one had to be a 
maverick to get things done. When she was a station ops 
position...she recommended him as security chief in her stead.

He took the position, and a promotion, and proceeded to do his best to be 
twice as good as anyone else in the position. Charlene had never held his 
past against him, but some did. Even the Ariadne's Captain, John Jameson, 
was unsure about the man, although he never let his feelings affect St. 
Lawrence's reviews. Timon flourished, in other words, yet he found himself 
less and less happy.

He was still being viewed as a big, not overly bright man. The fact that he 
resembled nothing so much as a Syndicate thug colored people's opinions of 
him. He set out to change this. First, by obtaining a Masters degree in 
military history by correspondence. Second, by taking, and passing the 
command tests. Which is why when the Ariadne's XO was killed in action...
Jameson promoted the operations officer to XO and, despite his prejudices, 
his chief of security to ops.

The taste of command was enough. Timon had a new goal in life. His own ship. 
Not that he would push. But he would be good enough, he resolved, to earn his 
command in due time. Hopefully without anyone else having to die for him to 
get there. Sometimes, though, we don't get what we want.

Timon left the Ariadne for the Furious seven years ago. It was a promotion...
to executive officer. And the atmosphere was very different. The Furious was 
commanded by T'Ler. A Vulcan woman. She did not try to run the ship under full 
Vulcan command protocols. Yet, she was still Vulcan. Utterly logical, a firm 
believer in IDIC. They made a surprisingly good team. Good enough that Timon 
was in no rush to leave. Although he had not given up on his own ship. 
Besides, there was another complication.

Her name was Nikita Lennon. She was the Furious' Counselor, and the two fell 
very deeply in love. Two years ago, they were married. Now any assignment he 
took...would have to include her. He was the happiest he had ever been in his 

Fate was against him.

The Furious was a warship, plain and simple. She went into dangerous places, 
she got into and out of scrapes. T'Ler got out of scrapes sometimes by force, 
often by diplomacy and the cool application of logic. Few Vulcans command 
warships, but she did so and did so well. Until she made a bad, very bad mistake.

The Furious also did first contact missions. Especially ones that had a chance 
of going wrong. The one with the Le'rkat went very wrong indeed. Renegade 
Klingons had been supplying them with arms and warp drive. They found themselves 
facing the same tactic, ironically, the Vulcans had used against the Orions 
many, many years ago...tiny, fast ships that swarmed the Furious. T'Ler had 
tried everything to stop them from attacking. Yet she had inadvertently also 
offered insult.

The Furious had had its shields down. Timon had not been on the bridge, but on 
his way there when they had concentrated fire on the upper part of the saucer. 
The bridge and several other compartments were vented to space. Captain T'Ler 
was killed instantly. Timon managed to get to the auxiliary bridge. He took 
command of the half-crippled ship, managed to destroy many of the Le'rkat 
fighters and get out of the system...and limp to the nearest starbase at warp 1.

Nikita St. Lawrence had been on the bridge...three months pregnant with their 
first child. When Timon found out, he smashed what was left of his quarters...
and then spoke to nobody for the rest of the way home. In that quiet solitude, 
he vented his grief...and recovered his sanity.

The Furious was an older ship, and the damage she had taken was extreme. Star
Fleet elected to decommission her and replace her rather than repair and refit. 
Timon was given three months of shore leave...which he spent with his wife's 
family. On his recall, he was given the Furious' commissioning plaque as her 
last commander, even if it had only been for a few weeks...and then marching 
orders to Starbase Beta for reassignment.

Skills Profile:

Timon started his StarFleet career in security. He is also a qualified pilot, 
both of small craft and full-sized starships. In addition, he holds an MA in 
military history, obtained by correspondence from the University of Michigan. 
He speaks a number of languages to some degree, and is fluent in both Orion and 
Vulcan. He is a more than competent hand to hand fighter...not merely a brawler, 
but familiar with martial arts techniques. His diplomatic skills are solid, 
although he tends towards techniques that rely somewhat on intimidation; he is 
not above using his size and appearance to his and StarFleet's advantage. As a 
qualified command officer, he has some familiarity with the basics of other 
departments. However, he does not have a great amount of scientific knowledge, 
tending to defer to others in that regard.

Fitness Report:

It is my judgement that Commander St. Lawrence has made close to a full recovery 
from the events of the Furious incident; however, I still recommend some continued 
counseling. He is, however, fit for duty and command. He has always been a solid 
officer, although he can sometimes interpret StarFleet regulations a little bit 
too strictly at times.

He has, thankfully, a healthy attitude towards his own mental health; he is not 
above letting out his feelings, but always in a controlled manner...he makes much 
use of the holodeck in this regard. He expects respect from those under him, but 
he gives it in return. He is not always a likeable man, but he never treats 
anyone wrongly or unfairly. He can, however, be a little defensive when he feels 
he is being viewed either as primarily his race or his size.

Psychological Profile:

Timon St. Lawrence is one of those big men who knows full well how much control 
he has to keep over his negative emotions. Although he has a temper, it takes 
extreme circumstances for it to come out in public; although he enjoys a fight 
at times, he is careful to restrict this to the holodeck or to people who he 
knows share such enjoyment. A lot of the time, he comes over at least as gentle 
but firm. He is strict but fair with underlings, always showing respect to 
those above him unless they do something not to deserve it.

He is an honest man to a fault...that is to say, he can sometimes be blunt. He 
is also far more inclined to give his opinions of others to their face than 
gossip about them behind their back. He respects more somebody who defends him 
or herself, than somebody who takes bad things said about them as read.

He is utterly tolerant, and expects utter tolerance. Bigotry of any kind is one 
of the few things that will get him riled, and he has a record of delivering 
very scathing lectures to officers who express negative opinions about others 
based on 'Those things, none of us can help' as he himself would say. This is 
probably due to the teasing he received in school because of his accent (mostly 
gone), skin color and size. He can, in fact, be somewhat defensive when comments 
about those factors are made.

Although he is very definitely a military man, he tries to live by the philosophy 
of 'Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent'. Fighting (With the exception 
of recreational sparring) is what you do when all else fails. He can, in fact, be 
very nice, especially to people he genuinely likes or has to work with closely. 
His diplomacy is a rough and ready sort, but it is there.

Recreational Interests

Timon is a physical man when it comes to his pursuits. He does enjoy 
the sense of a nice, controlled brawl with somebody who shares the same interest. 
As a result, some of his closest friends over the years have been Klingons. He is 
also something of an outdoorsman...he enjoys hiking, orienteering and mountain 
climbing. Especially with a friend or two...he considers a strenuous hike to be a 
great way to get to know somebody.

Miscellaneous Information

This is, yes, the character I and Scott discussed. He's got a bit of a...different 
background, but tends to *not* be a maverick...he tends, if anything, to over-react 
and go the other way. His age may be adjusted...seeking opinions.


  • 2.0- Major revisions (SD 210101)
  • 1.2- Addition of new SCI (SD 200321)
  • 1.1- Major clean-up (SD 200218)
  • 1.0- Major corrections and updates (SD 191207)
  • 0.5- Add CEO, OPS-Crypto (SD 190807)
  • 0.4- Minor updates (SD 190807)
  • 0.3- Addition of CO, CIC and TAC bios (SD 190711)
  • 0.2- Addition of XO and OPS bios (SD 190707)
  • 0.1- First live version (SD 190624)