USS Feynman FEB 1996

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U.S.S. FEYNMAN NCC-66000 February 1996 Posts

USS FEYNMAN: NOGURA Medical Emergency

by Joseph Baker 2-1-1996

SD: 80201.0811
MD: 1.1445
Setting: Runabout NOGURA

[Do you have enough power to beam up Meril] asked Cmdr. Zane over the comlink.

"Affirmative," answered the councilor. Jerran shot her a surprised look for not even bothering to consult him on the matter. He wasn't too happy about introducing a foreign virus onto the runabout and running the risk of getting both he and Jenn killed, but if they didn't, Meril could die.

Jerran tapped his badge and said, "We're going to have to beam two of you up, Commander, so that the other can help Meril. Regulations clearly dictate that during a contaminant situation..."

[I don't care about the situation, Ensign! Beeam up Meril and Fobok now!]

"Aye, sir," Jerran said, obviously not happy with the situation. He turned to Jenn and said, "Beam them to the aft compartment, but make sure the containment field is in place first, along with sealing the hatches."

She nodded as she tapped in the control sequence to lock onto Meril and Fobok. After a moment, the transporter whined into life as the two officers materialized in the aft compartment.

"Keep an eye on that containment field, Jenn. With what little power we have, it could go off at a moments notice."

"And what if it does? What will we do then, Terri?"

He looked down at his console and said in a calm and matter of fact way only a Vulcan could master, "Regulations are very clear on these matters, Krysa, and you know that. We'd have to jettison the aft compartment."

Krysa was surprised at the passionless tone with which he said this, especially after the emotional scene she had witnessed and felt not more than a couple of hours before.

"Jerran to away team. Do you want us to beam you up now, or will you be looking around some more down there?"

I never recieved a post from Kristen saying what happened on the way to the moon, so when I got the other posts, I just assumed we made it there without running into the Feynman or any other ships :)

Away Team: If you decide to beam up to the runabout now, Jerran will try and remind you again about regulations concerning the jettisoning of the aft compartment should the containment field fail. That's what he was going to say when he was cut off by Zane. <G> You can either let him warn you then or cut him off again and find out later. It's all the same to me <G>

Respectfully Submitted,
Ensign Jerran Terel
FCO/Taxi Driver
aka Joseph Baker

* Daisemi'in rhhaensuriuu * Of the chief parts of the Ruling            *
* meillunsiateve * Passion, only this can be truly                      *
* rh'e Mnhei'sahe yie ahr'en: * said:                                   *
* Mnahe afw'ein quii; * Hate has a reason for everything,               *
* rh'e hweithnaef * But love is unreasonable.                           *
* mrht Hes'he ehl'ein quii.                                             *
* Joseph W. Baker                                                       *
* Physics Major, College of Arts and Sciences                           *
* University of South Florida                                           *

USS FEYNMAN: Reaching the Ship

by Max Felsher 2-2-1996

SD 80203.0130
MD 1.1530
Runabout Nogura

"Approaching the Feynman," Ensign Jerran called out to the crew and passengers of the Nogura.

"Containment field holding at 80%," Lt.<jg> Jenn reported.

"The Feynman is hailing. I'm opening a channel," Jerran said.

[Hello, Nogura. Report on your situation,] Commander Paxwax ordered.

"Commander Zane, Ensign Fobok and Ensign McGivers remained at the moonbase to investigate more thoroughly, Captain. Commander Zane can tell you more, sir. It appears that the away team contracted a virus which they were able to find an antidote to. However, Commander Maril was involved in an accident and was contaminated to a great extent. We are carrying Commander Maril and CPO Desfleurs with us. I assume I'll report on our section of the mission once we get on board, sir."

[Understood, Ensign. We'll beam Maril directly to Sickbay. Feynman out.] As Maril was weaving in and out of consciousness, he was beamed to Sickbay. Dr. Tok was standing over him, looking over the readings. They didn't look good.

"Nurse Sihl, 2 cc's of veroglycite, please." The Bolian injected it into Maril's blood. There was some improvement, but not much.

"Hmmm. I'm going to go into my office and try to find an answer. Notify me the moment anything changes," Tok ordered.

As he stepped into his office, the ship shook. Maril moaned, "Ahhh...Tragrives Delta, mouth of Rectol River, flowing into the Sea of Acten." "I guess I will have to work a little more quickly," Tok remarked.

The sun has met the sea,
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,
Second/Operations Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher

All:Just trying to move along. Just some information. I made it up, but you should probably know anyway. The Tamarian religious philosophy(or part of it) is that life is a river. The source is birth and the mouth is death. When a Tamarian is born, he/she is given a "life river". When they die, their body is put at the source and left to float to the sea. So, Maril's moan about the delta, etc. was sort of a statement of nearing death. Not that he is(he just thinks that he is. ;) )

Lysle:If you kill Maril, you're going to be in big trouble! ;) Oh, I hope you've read the short medical section of Maril's bio. The main thing that you have to worry about is that his blood type is rare even for Tamarians. I believe it is "River of Acseli".


by Andrew Catterick 2-2-1996

SD: 80203.0000
MD: 1.1615
Scene: MoonBase, CIC

Ensign McGivers turned to Commander Zane with satisfaction. "I've finished my analysis and am ready to give you a preliminary report. You'll be happy to know that it ties in with the events that affected both the FEYNMAN and the NOGURA.

That last part really got Zane's attention. "Excellent ensign, proceed."

"Perseid V was terraformed by the Briglen several thousand years ago. After the new environment stabilized they seeded the planet with a primitive race that they had transplanted from a dying world. Apparently one of the Briglen world's had accidently triggered some sort of ecological disaster and felt it was their duty to save the indigenous race by taking such dramatic actions. This room we are in was built to keep a watchful eye on the developments of Persei V. After several centuries it was decided that the inhabitants were viable so the Briglenians returned to their home system leaving this observation base on a sort of computer watch. Their last action before leaving, however, was to set up a security system based in the asteroid field to keep intruders out."

"Good work ensign. That does answer alot of our questions but it also leaves us with a rather puzzling mystery."

"Sir?" McGivers had been to engrossed in her work to see the obvious.

"Well the fact that the Perseins built this moon base means they had achieved a technology that was at least the same level as 21st century Earth.

"Yes sir, that much is certain."

"Where did they go?"

Scene: Moonbase beamdown point

Zane, Fobok, McGivers and Charles stood in the standard transport stance. They all quietly considered the question Zane had posed.

"Zane to FEYNMAN, four to beam-up."


Just a quick one cause its late....

Joesph: Can you add the newsgroup to your mailing list (

Respectfully submitted,

==== LT.Tarsa Rogers CEO USS TESLA                                    ====
==== LT.CMDR Zane XO/FO USS FEYNMAN                                   ====
==== LT.CMDR Nigel Brock ALB INSTRUCTOR HOLODECK 18                   ====
==== Andy Catterick St. Catharines, Ontario                           ====
==== Canada                              ====


by Andrew Nugteren 2-4-1996

Stardate: 80204
Scene: Outside Admiral Nicholas Office on Epsilon

Paul and Zane rounded the final corner before arriving face-to-face with the Admiral's secretary.

The secretary smiled, and looked up from her padd. "Gentlemen. The Admiral has been expecting you. He's waiting now."

"Thanks," Paul flashed a smile before moving through the already opening doors. Zane followed just a footstep behind.

Nicholas nodded as they entered and both officers snapped to attention.

"Admiral, Commander Paul Paxwax, LtCmdr Zane reporting as ordered sir."

Respectfully submitted
Cmdr. Paul Paxwax


Short yes, but my lack of time has reached epidemic stages around here.

Mike: Ready and waiting :-)

| Commander Kirsten Rarjzar Executive Officer USS OLYMPUS                 |
| Commander Paul Paxwax Commanding Officer USS FEYNMAN                    |
| Commander Erwin van den Berg Fleet Intelligence Officer SILVER FLEET    |
| Andrew Nugteren Christchurch                                            |
| Email: New Zealand                               |

USS FEYNMAN: Meeting with CinCSILVER cont

by Mike Dawe 2-4-1996

> Zane paused for a few seconds there were many candidates amongst the senior staff too choose from. "I'd like to promote
> Lieutenant junior grade Krysa Jenn to the position sir."

> That one surprised the admiral. He looked down to the viewscreen quickly. "Your ship's counsellor?"

> "Yes sir. The lieutenant and I have spent the past month conducting the Command Officer's Tests. She has recently passed
> with one of the highest marks ever. But it is more to it than that. I believe she will provide a vital balance to the command
> structure. My strength is SEC/TAC, Maril's is science and computers, Jenn's is diplomacy and psychology. By having the three
> of us in he senior positions I believe we are best equipped to face any contingency." Zane sat back in his chair.

> The Admiral thought for a moment. "Those are your decisions Commander?'

> "Yes sir and I stand by them."

Azariah met the young officers eyes and there was a tense moment of silence. Then the Admiral snorted and nodded. "Good, I want you to be comfortable with your team and the best way for that to happen is for you to choose them yourself. Only problem is that Counsellors are few and far between so Jenn is going to have to pull double duty until starfleet digs us up another one. I might also recomend you give here the bump to full Lt. but the new regs allow she can stay as is and still fill the spot. Your call."

Zane pulled out his PADD and tapped a few notes in as the Admiral continued. "Your previous mission has been called short due to a more disturbing trend closer to home." The ships roster on the viewscreen display was replaced by the local starmap. "The Bismark is here." A system shone for a moment. "Investigating what appears to be a natural phenomena working its way through space." The map showed a track of systems . . . heading right at Cait.

"Do you want us to assist the Bismark?" Asked the new Commander.

"No, they have a fine crew and should be able to handle that end. But note this data and then add this." A red zone flared on another border of the Epsilon domain. "The Pearson was destroyed with a huge loss of its crew compliment during contact with an emerging space civilization. Indicators show that they may have had outside help. Then there is this."

Another flare on another side of the Epsilons globe of influence. "The Kzinti have chose this time to offer treaty negotiations. The Andromeda and the Regent are currently inside their territorial borders. This is following an all out attack on Epsilon some months ago."

Zane nodded slowly. He had heard of the battle and seen the aftermath. But he had not seen all these other details put on a map at the same time. Epsilon sat in a ring of hotspots. There were blank spots here and there but the trend was easily seen. "I take it you have a new mission for us then?"

"Saratoga is off doing a first contact here." Another flare in one of the blank areas. "And the Endeavour on a diplomatic mission. That leaves this area." A large hand gestured to the last blank area on the map. "A little more to th galactic south than your crew was. It is still deep space and mostly mapped by old survey probes decades ago. Nothing was noted then beyond basic system data."

"If there is nothing happening there then why are we being sent?" The Commander dearly wished this was not another milkrun shakedown cruise.

"You are going because it is quiet there, too quiet. All this other border activity makes me wonder why nothing ever comes out of there." The grey eyebrows furrowed for a moment. "There are a few other details I haven't mentioned. One Captain has hypothesized a revolution from within. Another is looking into the possibility of some disgruntled ex members of SFIA making trouble for profit. There was an murder attempt on me a couple of weeks ago but it was bungled. They didn't catch the assassin though."

Zane nodded, he had noted the slightly incresed security in the outer office. "So what are we going out to look for, enemies from within or without?"

"Neither, that's not our charter. You are going out to explore some previously uncontacted planets and make basic assessments of any and all life found. Just keep your eyes open to see if there is anything that has a broader scope that might add to my little map."

<<<nrpg>>> Hokay, a broad spectrum of missions present themselves all starting with basic exploration and first contact. If you want more details then continue this meeting otherwise you have some announcements for your crew and a new start.

mike--->I love being admiral _sometimes_

USS FEYNMAN: Docked at Epsilon

by Max Felsher 2-4-1996

SD 80204.2230

Lt. Commander Maril sat in the Command Chair, looking over some information. Repairs were going well. They would be ready to go by ALPHA ahift the next day if everything went smoothly. Several officers had crossed over to the Starbase. Although it hadn't been very long since they had been there, Maril understood why those people did. It's hard being on a starship for a long time. Maril looked up. There wasn't much of a view since they were docked. He wondered what Zane and Paxwax were doing with the Admiral. Oh, well, he would find out soon enough. There was no use in trying to see through a wall of stone. He was jolted from his thoughts by WO Ein. "Sir, you're getting a message from Epsilon Security. Text only." "Patch it through to Science I, Mr. Ein." Maril looked over the message. It wasn't good news.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Begin Message>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
From: SB Epsilon Security
To: Lt. Commander Onta Maril-2O/OPS:USS Feynman
Subject: Transgression
Classification: none

SCPO Meln(Ferengi, male), OPS on the Feynman's GAMMA shift, has been charged with aiding smugglers of illegal weapons and firing devices. The trial will keep Mr. Meln at Starbase Epsilon for at least 2 months. We regret any effect this has on your staff. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>End Message>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Maril thought for a second. Who would replace Meln? He had promised Bellad a shift if one became open. He tapped on his communicator and spoke. "Warrant Officer Bellad, report to the Bridge." [On my way, sir.]

The sun has met the sea,
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,
Second/Operations Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher

All:Just passing the time. Maril doesn't know about his promotion, so I kept it that way.
Andy, Kristen:Congratulations!
B.J.:I hope you don't mind if I "steal" Bellad to be Maril's aide when he becomes FO. If you do, just tell me, and I'll figure something out.

USS FEYNMAN: Bridge --> Ten Forward

by Joseph Baker 2-4-1996

SD: 80204.2013
Scene: Bridge, USS FEYNMAN shortly after the end of Alpha shift

Even though the ship was docked at EPSILON and he really had nothing to do at the helm except for the simulations he was running, Jerran was still reluctant to give it up to WO Dunnon who was now asking the ensign to vacate the seat for about the third time.

The excuse was always, "One more minute, Mr. Dunnon, and I'll be done with this simulation run." His "one more minutes" had run onto about a half an hour into Beta shift before he finally got up and let Dunnon have the seat.

He turned to go towards the turbolift and then turned around again to check something on the panel, "Let me just see real quick the status of the repairs on the NOGURA."

The older warrant officer almost slapped the ensign's hand away from the panel as he said, "Back off, sir. You're shift is over. You should go get some rest."

Jerran raised an eyebrow at the AFCO and said, "Yes, you're right. Thank you for reminding me of that." He then walked off the bridge, for now.

As he got into his quarters, he started wondering what he was going to do with the next few hours of off time. Even when he was technically off, he usually didn't stay so for long. He usually went down to the shuttlebay to tinker with the shuttlecraft or something. He knew that wouldn't work as Dunnon was probably on the comm now telling the shuttlebay watch officer to shoot Jerran on sight if he came near a shuttle.

That left a couple of things open, like Ten-Forward, a prospect he didn't really relish, but one that he thought would pass the time adequately. He took off his uniform and put on one of his Bajoran civilian outfits, placing a Bajoran commbadge on the right side of his chest just in case someone called him. He then walked out to Ten Forward.

It was kind of crowded in Ten Forward at this time of day, as all of the Alpha shift people had just gotten off of work. Through the crowd, he could see Ensign Cartwright waving at him over by one of the windows, sitting alone. He made his way through the crowd, nodding politely to people who greeted him on the way, and then sat down accross from Cartwright at the small table.

She smiled at him and said, "That was a pretty good docking you did this afternoon, sir. One of the best ones that I've had the pleasure of piloting, at least."

"Thank you," he said, already weary of this crowded atmosphere. He got an idea and said, "Have you eaten yet, Ensign?"

"No, not yet. I was just about to go back to my quarters and replicate something when I saw you walk in."

"Would you like to join me in my quarters, then? I've programmed some rather good Bajoran dishes into my replicator which you are welcome to sample."

She smiled and said, "I thought you'd never ask." They then both walked out of the lounge together towards his quarters.

When they got there, she gazed in amazement at all of the starship models he had in various places around the room. She knelt down in front of a coffee table to gaze at a Promelian Battlecruiser which was lit up from the inside. "These are quite good. I've never seen models with this much attention to detail. Which company makes them, or did you just get them out of a replicator?"

He went over and got a couple of drinks and said, "I made them from scratch. I replicated the raw materials and then just used a small phaser cutter to shape them."

She touched the battlecruiser lightly and said, "That feels like duranium."

He nodded with a smile and said, "Well, I wanted them to look as real as possible."

He pointed to an old Klingon Bird of Prey model hanging from the ceiling and said, "Some of them I even scored with a hand phaser on lowe power to simulate battledamage. You can't do that with most other modeling materials without completely destroying the model."

"Wow," she said, her eyes wide with interest as she moved to look at a very old looking Romulan freighter. "How long does it take you to do a model?"

He handed her a drink and said, "Well, working off and on with it, it usually takes me about six months or so to get it done right. I've done simpler designs without as much detail in as little as a couple of weeks, though."

She took the drink with a thank you and looked over at his work desk to see a pile of building materials sitting in a neat corner of it. "What are you building there?"

He smiled with more than a bit of pride and said, "The FEYNMAN."

She chuckled and said, "I'm surprised you didn't already have one of this class already."

She glanced into the little alcove that was his bedroom and saw another interesting display on the wall. Jerran was off at the replicator getting dinner out when he noticed her gaze. He placed the plates of food on the coffee table and then walked over to her and said, "Please, feel free to look closer."

She smiled and walked in, looking at a display of old beam weapons on the wall. Most of them were Federation phasers, with a few Bajoran designs, and a Romulan disruptor pistol. Jerran reached up and pulled off an old Starfleet issue laser pistol and handed it to her.

"My god," she said, "This one must be almost a hundred and fifty years old."

He smiled and said, "143.2 years, actually. It still works, too. I've had to modify sarium krellide power packs to get it to work, but once I found out the proper phase discrimination for it, it was as good as when it came off the assembly line."

She looked at it kind of worried when he mentioned that it could fire and he smiled reassuringly at her and said, "Don't worry. I store all of the power packs in a locked safe, so they won't accidently go off."

She smiled and placed it back on the wall. They were all placed there in chronological order, the next weapon being a phaser from around 2245, one of the first to have a removeable hand phaser within a pistol mount. She picked up the next weapon after that, a sleak gray model from around 2285.

"I think these were the best ones ever made," she said, hefting it out in front of her. "I never understood why Starfleet replaced this one with that one," she said, pointing at the next phaser in the line, one which looked like the 2245 phaser in a much sleaker design.

"I agree, that is a better weapon," Jerran said, picking up the next phaser. "SF went with this one because it was easier to use. Notice that it has a slide here to determine the setting, rather than the mess of buttons on that phaser. In combat situations, it was deamed necessary to have something which you could switch settings with just a quick push of the switch rather than having to press multiple buttons."

She nodded as she placed the phaser back in its place. She then went to the end of the display and said, "This is a Bajoran design?"

He nodded and took it off to hand it to her.

"How come you only have a couple of Bajoran phasers?"

"Well, actually, the Bajora didn't have much of a need for phaser technology untill the Cardassian occupation. And then, we weren't aloud to build our own weapons so all we could do was forage around for whatever we could find. The Bajora didn't really come out with their own design for a phaser untill after the occupation."

She placed it back as he said, "Oh, our dinner is getting cold. We'd better go eat."

She tore her eyes from the display of weapons reluctantly and followed him out into the living room to eat.

<NRPG> Just a "little" post to show what Jerran does in his off time when he isn't flying <G> As for what happens between him and Cartwright after dinner, well, I'll just let the suspense get to yah <EG>

Congrats to our new CO, FO, and SO!!! <G> Looks like we need another councilor ;)

Respectfully submitted,
Ensign Jerran Terel
aka Joseph Baker

* Daisemi'in rhhaensuriuu * Of the chief parts of the Ruling            *
* meillunsiateve * Passion, only this can be truly                      *
* rh'e Mnhei'sahe yie ahr'en: * said:                                   *
* Mnahe afw'ein quii; * Hate has a reason for everything,               *
* rh'e hweithnaef * But love is unreasonable.                           *
* mrht Hes'he ehl'ein quii.                                             *
* Joseph W. Baker                                                       *
* Physics Major, College of Arts and Sciences                           *
* University of South Florida                                           *

USS FEYNMAN: Jerran's Dinner

by Joseph Baker 2-4-1996

SD: 80205.0026
Scene: Ensign Jerran's Quarters

Jerran laughed as he set his glass down on the coffee table and said to Ensign Jennifer Cartwright, "You can't be serious!"

She smiled at him and said, "I am serious! I think that the Constitution Refit class was the best ship to come out of the 23rd century, even better than the Excelsior class."

Jerran leaned back on the chair he was sitting in and said, "I must admit that the Excelsior did have some glaring flaws when it first came out..."

"Like the whole idea of transwarp drive," Cartwright interrupted with a smile.

He smiled and nodded saying, "Yes, like transwarp drive. But, a lot of useful concepts came out of transwarp drive that are still in use today. By the Prophets, if it wasn't for transwarp drive, we probably wouldn't have the D-Drive nowadays."

She chuckled and said, "It was still a flop. The constitution was a much better ship."

"Yes, the Excelsior was a flop, and so were a few other ships which came after her, but once they refitted the Excelsior design and built the Enterprise-B, those problems were all fixed."

"Yeah," said Cartwright, "Like the pitifully slow impulse engines the Excelsior had."

"And then they added the extra set of impulse engines on the saucer section, increasing the performance by a hundred and fifty percent," Jerran said as he took their plates over to the disposal unit.

While he was doing that, Jennifer got up and walked over to the small table where the Romulan freighter model was sitting. "What's this, Terri? I don't think I've ever seen one like it before."

He smiled and walked over to stand beside her. "Ah, now. This is from a Romulan legend that I heard once. It's a Vas Ocalam class freighter named the Ja'telaih.

"About a hundred and twenty years ago, it was supposed to have been the flagship of the Rihannsu Ael'Arrhai, the Romulan Merchant Fleet. Legend has it that her captain, Stefanh tr'Khnialmnae, disappeared for a short time during an internal struggle the Empire was having in which its Praetor was almost assassinated. No one really knows what his involvement was in the conspiracy, but shortly after this event, he returned to his ship rather the worse for wear, as the legend goes, and he and his crew went off into the frontier systems between Romulan and Federation territory, but not before making a quick stop to one of the other Romulan worlds to pick up his wife."

Cartwright was intrigued and said, "What happened after that?"

"Well, Stefanh and his crew were being hunted by the Romulan navy by then, and they had to find a way to survive and keep the ship in top condition, so they resorted to piracy. The Ja'telaih became one of the most infamous pirate ships of the 23rd and 24th centuries."

"Well, what happened to the Ja'telaih and her crew?"

"No one really knows," Jerran said. "There have been no solid reports of its destruction. But, there have been a few acts of piracy which have happened off and on over the past century which have been attributed to the Ja'telaih. As for Captain Stefanh, legend says that he lives still today."

"That would make him how old, though?"

"Around 150, I'd guess. He was only 30 when he got the captain's chair of the Ja'telaih, which is a very young age for both Romulans and Vulcans. It's not uncommon for those in either species to live to upwards of 190 years old."

"So he could still be alive?" she said wide eyed.

"Yes, it's not entirely inconcievable. But, of course, most of the stories are just legend, and even though they may be based in some truth, it doesn't necessarily mean that it is all truth. Like for instance, one of the rumors I heard once said that it was the Ja'telaih which destroyed the Klingon outpost on Narendra III, the same outpost where the Enterprise-C was destroyed. That seems highly unlikely seeing as though most legitimate accounts say that it was a trio of Romulan warbirds which took out the colony."

Jennifer smiled at him and said, "That's an amazing story, Terri. Where'd you hear it from?"

"Over the computer nets. Being the son of a Vulcan ambassador allows me access to some of the more interesting areas," he said with a smile.

He glanced over at her and noticed that as he had been talking, she had been moving ever closer to him. They were almost touching by this time when he turned quickly and walked swiftly to the door.

She was startled by his swift movement and said, "Is there something wrong, Terri?" moving over towards the door.

"Oh, nothing's wrong," he said, opening the door for her. "It's just that it is getting awfully late, and I'm sure we both have duties to perform early tomorrow morning. The new parts for the NOGURA are supposed to be coming in from EPSILON, and I want to get on completing the repairs right away."

She nodded to him and said, trying hard to hide her disappointment, "Oh, I see. I guess I'll let you get some rest. See you in the morning, then?"

He smiled, trying to hide his embarrasment and said, "Yes, I'm sure of it. Bright and early in the main shuttlebay."

She nodded and walked off, not hearring Jerran's sigh of relief as the door to his quarters closed.

Respectfully Submitted,
Ensign Jerran Terel
aka Joseph Baker

* Daisemi'in rhhaensuriuu * Of the chief parts of the Ruling            *
* meillunsiateve * Passion, only this can be truly                      *
* rh'e Mnhei'sahe yie ahr'en: * said:                                   *
* Mnahe afw'ein quii; * Hate has a reason for everything,               *
* rh'e hweithnaef * But love is unreasonable.                           *
* mrht Hes'he ehl'ein quii.                                             *
* Joseph W. Baker                                                       *
* Physics Major, College of Arts and Sciences                           *
* University of South Florida                                           *

USS FEYNMAN: Change of Color

by Kristen Gant 2-5-1996

>"You'll have to cover the COU post until we get a fresh new ensign but I'm sure you can handle it. So lieutenant is it a deal?" > Zane asked.

Stardate: 80205.2248
Scene: Captain’s Ready Room

Krysa was surprised at her promotion to full Lt. It didn’t seem that long ago that she was promoted to Lt.(j.g.) But she was genuinely shocked at being offered the OPS/2O position. It meant not only did she pass her Command Officer’s test, she must have done pretty well. She had worked hard on them and was pleased that her hard work had paid off.

Blayne had mentioned to her that there were rumors that Paxwax was being promoted off the Feynman, but she hadn’t really given it too much credence. After all rumor did spread without there being any substance to them.

“It is definately a deal, Sirs! Except for one thing. I do have one suggestion. Rather then trying to split my time up so much, what about Ens. Chesterton, my counselor’s aide? Couldn’t she fill in until we find a permanent replacement. She’s been invaluable to me during my time here.”

Scene: Krysa’s Quarters

Krysa sat looking at her new uniform sitting on her couch, waiting to be put on. She was worried now that she actually saw the mustard yellow. Was she completely crazy to think that she could actually take this position? She wondered. She did respect Comander Zane a lot. And his belief in her meant a lot. She hoped she wouldn’t let him down.

She carefully carried the unform into her bedroom and changed. Standing as tall as her short 1.3m (5’2” - for those of us not used to the metric<g>) would allow her, she inspected herself in the mirror.

She had carefully tried to calm her waves of black hair back out of her face. For the time being it was behaving, and she thought she looked quite professional. Realizing that it was almost time for Commander Paxwax’s party she quickly changed to her dress uniform, still Mustard, of course.

Regards, Lt. Krysa Jenn (It’s so nice not to have to type that (j.g.)<g>)

NRPG: Andrew you didn’t mention dress for the party, but I figured if you were having an official ‘changing of the guards’ and all.... Hope it’s alright.<g>