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[[Category:Bureau of Information]][[Category:Task Forces/Unit Portals]][[Category:STAR FLEET: PRIME]][[Category:Silver Fleet]][[Category:Task Force Zinderneuf]][[Category:USS FEYNMAN]]
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<center><font style="font-size: 50px; font-stretch: expanded; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold; text-shadow: 4px 4px 4px black;">U.S.S. ''FEYNMAN'' NCC-66000<br> February 1996 Posts</font></center>
<div style="float:right; margin-top: 25px; padding-right: 200px;">[[Image:FEYNMAN PATCH DRAFT2.png|450px|FEYNMAN Shoulder Patch|center]]</div>
<font style="font-size: large; font-stretch: expanded; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">TOTAL FEBRUARY 1996 POSTS: 61</font>
<div style="float:right; margin-top: 25px; padding-right: 200px;">[[Image:FEYNMAN PATCH DRAFT2.png|350px|FEYNMAN Shoulder Patch|center]]</div>

<center><font style="font-size: 50px; font-stretch: expanded; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold; text-shadow: 4px 4px 4px black;">U.S.S. ''FEYNMAN'' NCC-66000 February 1996 Posts</font></center>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: NOGURA Medical Emergency</h3>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: NOGURA Medical Emergency</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Joseph Baker 2-1-1996</h4>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Joseph Baker 2-1-1996</h4>
Line 884: Line 886:<br><br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Jordan gets down to Party</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Colby D. Beck 2-6-1996</h4>
Scene 10 Forward<br>
Jordan was ready for some fun. After almost dying on that god forsaken moon
base, he figured the crew deserved some fun. He walked into 10 forward,
dress uniform making him feel like he was wearing a dress. He saw the HUGE
receiving line to greet the Captain and decided to get a drink before paying
his respects. One day, Jordan thought, they would be lining up to greet him.
Jordan got himself an Ale, and got into line. In front of Jordan was an
unfamiliar face. An Ensign, probably just assigned out of the Starbase.
"hmm." Jordan thought "It is a party, it couldn't hurt to be friendly."
Tapping the Ensign on the shoulder, Jordan introduced himself.
"Hello." The ensign replied. "I'm Allison Cummings. I just transferred on
board. I'm a replacement in the Stellar Cartogography Dept."
Jordan was studdering to try and get out something. Thoughts swirled,
Sydney, loyality, discipline, love, new adventures. It was all a lot for
the young officer to figure out in a receiving line. Before he knew what
happened, Allison's face was replaced by Parawaxx's.
Startled, Jordan put out his hand, and congratulated the Captain and thanked
him for the opportunity to serve. "You know Sir, they say an Ensign's first
ship and Commanding Officer are like his first loves, you never forget them."
"Thank you Lt. It has been a pleasure to serve with you. I have no doubts
you will make a fine officer."
Jordan thanksed the Captain, and moved off to one side of the room. He
caught Allison's eye, and began to move toward him. Just as he was about to
get to her, Chief Mancuso came up and started about Security rotations.
"Chief, not now please, this is a party." But the Chief kept going. If one
thing could be said about the ACSO, she was aggressive and strong willed.
Jordan usually found it easier to deal with the situation quickly then argue
with the Chief.
After about 10 minutes, the Chief finally seemed satisfied and walked away.
Jordan caught Allison's eye again, she gave a shy smile as she moved to the
door. With a tiny wave she was moving out the door. Jordan wanted to
follow, but being a Senior Officer had its drawbacks occassionally. He
would have to catch up to Allison another time.
Jordan went over to a group of Feynman Officers. Lt. Jenn was there.
"Congrats, Lt. I must say, the Captain made an excellent decision. You
proved yourself capable of handling a bad situation from what I read of the
shuttlecraft crisis."
Jordan settled down with his Ale and got ready for a rip roaring good time,
even if he was in his dress uniform.
Lt.(jg) Jordan Charles<br>
All: I know I haven't posted in awhile, but I wanted to wait till we got
everything worked out. That whole moonbase thread threw me for a loop. My
mail server musta lost some, because I only got bits and pieces. My
provider assures me everthing is back to normal.
As for the Web Page, I'll need roster and bio files (I guess thats Max
now) and then Ill update everything and add our neeto commendation.
Oh, BTW you think McCoy would be proud?? :)<br>
Andy and Andy: Congrats on getting your own ship. To the other Andy, you
made postings a bit easier for a newbie and I'm glad you'll still pop by.
Kristen and Max: Yeah Yeah Yeah, congrats. Kristen, do I need to call you
Boss now?? :)
All: OK..just for everyone's knowledge, I take the first part of the Bar
Exam on March 8 and then I'm going to Las Vegas for Spring Break, so dont
expect a whole lot from me from about March 6 till the 15. Until then Im
ready to go.
<pre style="background-color: #303030; color: #ccc7e1;">
: Colby D. Beck                                "I am Not a  :
:                      Merry Man!!" :
:          -Lt. Worf:
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Real Short, I Promise<g></h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 2-6-1996</h4>
> Jordan went over to a group of Feynman Officers. Lt. Jenn was there. "Congrats, Lt. I must say, the Captain made an excellent<br> > decision. You proved yourself capable of handling a bad situation from what I read of the Shuttlecraft crisis."
Stardate: 80206.1436<br>
Scene: Paxwax’s Party<br>
“Thank you Lt. Charles. Though, don’t tell anyone...” Jenn wispered, jokingly
“...I’m the one that crashed it.”
“Well, then I need to crash one of those myself.” Jordon chuckled along with
the others in the group. Then he excused himself and headed to the bar.
“He’s right Krysa, you deserve this.” Said a young ensign from engineering.
“Thanks, Tom. I must admit that I am really excited. Though I don’t know...
do you think this is my color?” She laughed and they all nodded.
Lt. Krysa Jenn, Ops/2O :):)<br>
NRPG: Just a short one. I think I’ve posted enough the last few days to make
you real good and sick of me<G><br>
> BTW: Kristen => Please don't take offence to the 'counselor' thing... but I figured that a hard-nosed Klingon admiral stashed<br> > away in research might not be as understanding. :)
None taken, I'm just glad no one else is complaining yet<g> I thought it was
a great touch and did make a lot of sense.
> Kristen and Max: Yeah Yeah Yeah, congrats. Kristen, do I need to call you Boss now?? :)
No, of course not! Just Sir<g>
> All: OK..just for everyone's knowledge, I take the first part of the Bar Exam on March 8 and then I'm going to Las Vegas for<br> > Spring Break, so dont expect a whole lot from me from about March 6 till the 15. Until then Im ready to go.
I will keep my fingers for you on your upcoming bar exam:)
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: By the Pricking of My Thumbs...</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Joseph Baker 2-6-1996</h4>
SD: 80206.1635<br>
Ship Time: 2005<br>
Scene: Ten Forward<br>
Ensign Cartright was the last person who Ensign Jerran would expect to
come sit at his table at this moment, but she did. She sat down
nonchalantly, and smiled at him, as if the night before had never
happened, not to mention the entire day in the shuttlebay repairing the
He nodded to her and said, "Ensign," taking a sip of his Raktageno while
glancing over at the command officers.
"Hi, Terri," she said in return. "How are you enjoying the party?"
He was surprised that she had gotten to the small talk so soon. He
didn't have to use telepathy to tell that something was on her mind, but
he was also not about to pry it out of her. If it was up to him, he
would just let the whole matter go, but he could tell that it probably
wasn't going to be that easy.
"It's fine, I suppose. I'm not one for social gatherings, though, and
besides, I still hardly know any of the people here, except for you, of
course, Ensign."
She smiled to him and said, "Yes, I suppose that's true. I think you've
handled your transition from the Academy rather well, though."
Jerran nodded to her and said, "Thank you."
There was a long pause which lasted a couple of minutes. Terri guessed
that she was hopefully out of small talk.
"I wanted to talk to you about last night," she said reluctantly.
"Oh?" he replied.
"Yes. I think I moved a little to fast. I presumed way too many
things. And, I'm sorry for any discomfort that I caused you," she said,
looking down at the table.
<nowiki>*Oh, damn,*</nowiki> Jerran thought. <nowiki>*Emotional response. What am I suppose to
do now?*</nowiki> He knew that if he said the wrong thing at this point that it
could either plunge him into a relationship that he wasn't really ready
for at this time, or it would cause her to request a transfer off the
FEYNMAN, in which case, Jerran would loose one of his best AFCO's. He
really wished that the red alert klaxons would go off right now, but
there was no such luck. He even tried to telepathically call out to Lt.
Jenn for advice, hoping that some of that telepathic link which they had
shared on the NOGURA had remained for her to hear him. But, as expected,
not even that would work.
So, the only thing he could do was...
Anyone, feel free to come over and save Jerran by interrupting the
conversation, if you like <G>
Respectfully Submitted,<br>
Ensign Jerran Terel<br>
aka Joseph Baker<br><br> 
<pre style="background-color: #303030; color: #ccc7e1;">
* Daisemi'in rhhaensuriuu * Of the chief parts of the Ruling            *
* meillunsiateve * Passion, only this can be truly                      *
* rh'e Mnhei'sahe yie ahr'en: * said:                                  *
* Mnahe afw'ein quii; * Hate has a reason for everything,              *
* rh'e hweithnaef * But love is unreasonable.                          *
* mrht Hes'he ehl'ein quii.                                            *
* Joseph W. Baker                                                      *
* Physics Major, College of Arts and Sciences                          *
* University of South Florida                                          *
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Krysa strikes again<g></h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 2-6-1996</h4>
<<NRPG>> Okay, okay, so I’m back.... It’s been a boring few days here
frozen like popsicles in Chicago!!!<br>
Stardate: 80206.1609<br>
Scene: Ten-Forword<br>
Something was bothering Krysa. She couldn’t put her finger on it. But
everytime she started to relax, it would hit again. It was like
something really nagging on her mind. But she didn’t know what it was.
For the third time that evening she tried to shake it out of her head,
when she saw Jarren sitting at a table with a pretty young ensign. She
started to smile when she caught his eye. Then it struck her. *Help*
For a minute she was struck dumb, trying to figure out what she was
hearing. It was Jarren, of course and when it finally dawned on her she
realized that that was what had been bothering her all evening. She had
an explosion of a telepathic experience on the Runabout, but since then
her mental powers had been back to normal. Or was that sub-normal, she
thought grimly. She quickly put those negative thoughts out of her head,
knowing that they weren’t healthy.
She excused herself to the crewmen she was talking to and headed over to
Terri’s table.
“Ens. Jarren. I wanted to come over and see how you were doing? The
doctor told me that you really weren’t hurt that terribly and that he
had you up and about in no time. He is a better doctor then I am.” She
said smiling.
Lt. Krysa Jenn<br>
NRPG: Now, are you *sure* you need to be rescued<BG>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: 10 Forward</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 2-6-1996</h4>
Scene: 10-Forward<br>
> Needless to say the room was packed. Paxwax was a popular Captain, and here it showed. Every
senior officer was accounted<br>
> for and there was a fairly long line to get an audience with him.
Tarrant decided that he would catch Paxwax at a later time.<br> > Instead, he found that 'Commander' Zane was relatively free.
> "Congratulations on your promotion, Sir."
> "Thank you Lieutenant. " Zane tried to find something non-work related to talk about, but found
it difficult. Luckily Tarrant<br> > spoke first.
> "Did you serve with him long, Captain?"
"Right from the start." Zane replied pouring himself a scotch.
"He and I, and Commander Maril as well, all started out together as fresh
young ensigns assigned to a brand new ship. We arrived before she had
even been commissioned and Captain West had taken command." Zane thought
back to those exciting days. It was hard to believe it was not so long ago.
"Captain West. Yes I've heard some of my staff mention him now
and again. Whatever happened to him."
"We were on our second mission. The captain had decided to lead
the away team to a planet that was locked in a civil war. I was still
CSO then and I was the security officer present. Of course I was
responsible for everyone there but you know the captain's safety is of
prime importance...." His voice trailed off. He had not thought of this
in some time.
"And?" Tarrant prompted.
Zane took a long drink of the scotch. "And we were ambushed. We
realized that we had put our faith in the wrong side and were now paying
the price. Initially we were pinned down but after a few lucky breaks
the tide began to turn. I left the captain to set up a little ambush of
my own, with incidently the then CMO, Paxwax. He went to one side I went
to the other. To make a long story short we were successful. We managed
to neutralize all of our attackers. Or so we thought. As we walked back
to the main group a soldier came out of no where and fired his weapon at
one of the away team. Seeing what had happened Captain West dove in
front of the officer and took the hit."
"He didn't make it?" Tarrant's Klingon blood welled with pride
for the fallen officer. It was truly honourable to die in combat while
saving a comrade.
"No he didn't die. He fell into a strange coma that the doctor
was unable to wake him from. We transferred him to EPSILON medical which
is where he is now. They have no idea if he'll ever come out of it."
The two men stood in silence for a few moments before Zane
continued. He didn't want to put a damper on anyone's evening. "After
that Captain Sarah Waylen became the CO. She was only here for a short
time as she got transferred to another fleet. It was too bad in away.
She was an excellent officer and I really learned alot from her. So did
Paul. When Captain Waylen left Admiral Nicholas was sufficently
impressed by him that he was given the FEYNMAN. Which just about brings
us to the present."
"It seems you follow a long line of distinguished, albeit it
brief, predescesors commander. You are worthy to join them."
"Thank you for the vote of confidence lieutenant." Zane allowed
himself and uncharacteristic scene of uncertainty. "Right now I feel I
need it. Those are big shoes to follow."
"Commander, I have found that to follow in ones footsteps is often
counterproductive. You must wear your own shoes." It was Tarrant's
turn to step out of character. "You know, the comfortable ones."
Smiling he turned and headed for the buffet. Happy to see all the
Betazed dishes that Bat had put out, especially the Mantickian Pate.
Zane watched him go and smiled. He really was lucky to serve
with such a fine group. Looking down he examined the glass of
Aldebaran Scotch he had been sipping and looked over at Bat and
Mike Larocque who had become good friends of late. As he looked at the
guilty expression on his aide's face and the one of smug satisfaction
on his 'uncles' he realized that 'partner's in crime' might be a more
fitting title. He didn't have to check with Maril to know that the
scotch and other rare items on the buffet were very new acquistions.
Too new to be entirely legal. He made a mental note to commend both
men's ingenuity.
I hope my memory came through, but that was the gist of it. :)
Our staff meeting will take place on the Holodeck but I have not yet
decided what the scene will be....I hope to begin the meeting about this
time tommorrow night or Thurs morning at the latest. It depends on how
the party ends up :D
The mission date clock will be activated once we arrive in our patrol area.
As for bridge shifts, all remains the same with the exception of Maril
who will take Zane's shifts and Jenn will take Maril's. Of course during
red and yellow alerts the relevant senior staff will all be on the bridge
unless occupied elsewhere...
respectfully submitted,
CDMR. Zane
<pre style="background-color: #303030; color: #ccc7e1;">
==== LT.Tarsa Rogers CEO USS TESLA                                    ====
==== CMDR. Zane COMMANDING USS FEYNMAN                                ====
==== LT.CMDR Nigel Brock ALB INSTRUCTOR HOLODECK 18                  ====
==== Andy Catterick St. Catharines, Ontario                          ====
==== Canada                              ====
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN:  Party!</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
B.J. Baye 2-6-1996</h4>
SD: 80206.1941<br>
Scene: Fobok's quarters, before the party<br>
Fobok tucked his son into bed. It was thr first time that he had been able
to do that in what seemed like months. This was Matt's first day out of
sickbay since the accident, and they both had enjoyed the time together.
They had spent the entire time since he had been released together. Now,
though, it was time for Commander Paxwax's going-away party. He got changed
into his dress uniform, then realized he had no-one to stay with Matt.
He considered the options a few moments. He could leave Matt alone.
Definately not. He could always wake him up and bring him along. That was
out of the question as well. He didn't know anybody who wasn't going to the
party, either.
This was going to be difficult. He then remembered something. CPO Ying
owed him a favour.
He tapped his communicator, "Chief Ying, this is Fobok, report to my
quarters please.."
[On my way,] responded Ying.
A few minutes later, the door chime rang. "Come."
The door opened and Ying walked in. He was about 5'10" tall, with black
hair. "You wanted to see me, sir?"
"Yes, chief, actually it isn't an order, just an off-duty request. I'd like
you to take care of Matt while I'm at the party, please. I now it's a lot
to ask, for you to miss the party.."
"No trouble, sir, I'd be happy too," interrupted Ying.
Fobok smiles, "Thanks," and walked out. He was late for the party.
Scene: Ten-Forward<br>
Fobok walked into ten-forward and looked around. He immediately noticed the
group of people talking with the Commander. He finished looking around the
room, spotting Amy. She was alone. He started walking toward her. Before
he got there, he noticed his anger growing and stowed it away. He had no
use for anger right now. He stopped before he got to her, and as she turned
when she noticed him, he turned quickly and went over to the group, to say
farewell to Paxwax.
He waited a few moments to speak to Paxwax, and when he got up to Paxwax, he
said, "Farewell sir, I shall miss our chess games."
Paxwax smiled, "As will I, Ensign. Good luck."
Fobok smiled and noddedm "Thank you, sir, and to you." Then, raising his
left hand, did the vulcan salute. "Live long and prosper, sir."
Paxwax started to reply, but was distracted by another farewell. Fobok just
walked away then, and finally realizing that he had very few chess games
with the Commander, and had no idea why he said that.
He walked back over to Amy's table. Seeing she was still alone, he sat
down. "So, who was that I saw you with the other day?"
Amy just said, "Why?"
Fobok wasn't sure what to say. How could he say anything more about this
without saying how he felt? He wasn't ready for that yet. "Oh, just curious."
Amy smiled. Apparently, his blocks weren't working too well. She then
said, "It was just a friend. His father just died, I was trying to comfort
Fobok wasn't sure what to do as she touched his hand and found out what she
All: I taking after Joseph here, but had to continue this plot I
started before..:)..(and I started writing this post before I got his last
post anyway..:))..anyway..hope you enjoyed this..I enjoyed writing it..:)..I
also noted my sig file was here is how it should be I guess:
B.J. Baye<br>
aka Ensign Fobok<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Ten-Forward</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Max Felsher 2-6-1996</h4>
SD 80207.0200<br>
Lt. Commander Maril looked around as he waited in line for a few moments.
There was not a non-dress uniform to be seen. As he walked forward, he came up
to Paxwax.
"Well, Paul, congratulations on your promotion. Hopefully, Jebel will meet
Castir again. I wish you well," the Tamarian said, tears starting to form.
"Goodbye, Onta. I'll see you again. Don't you worry."
As the next person came forward, Maril was almost pushed away. He then
strode over to the new Captain, Commander Zane.
"Well, Zane, it's only two of us now."
"Yeah, only two. Someday, none of the original staff will be here."
"Well, hopefully we'll be Admirals by then," Maril said as he drank the new
drink at the bar. "This isn't synthahol."
"No, it isn't. I think Bat went and got some not-so-legal drinks for the
party." Maril went down a different path, "So, who else will be-"
[Ops to Commander Maril. We have an incoming message for you.]
"Patch it through to my quarters, please. Maril out," he said over the
intercom. To Zane, he said, "Excuse me. I have to go. I'll be back, though."
As he walked into his quarters, he activated his desk panel. A Vulcan sat in
the middle of the picture.
"Hello, Commander. I am sorry to disturb you. I am Lieutenant Salik, a
Personnel Officer. I have two Tamarians here. I have been unable to make
contact with either of them, but it appears that they want you, Commander. I
reccomend you come here immediately. Salik out."
Maril hurried to change out of his dress uniform and get to the Epsilon
Personnel Area. Finally, he reached it.
He did actually see two Tamarians, a rare sight in this area. He recognized
them as Azelti(his father) and Nolin(his sister).
Maril was a bit annoyed. "Beved distracting the archer?" he said as he
picked them up.
"No, Redev of Iteks in Gebelian army," his stubborn father replied.
Nolin just smiled on, an exchange officer from what Azelti said.
As ther reached the Feynman, Maril said, "Be and camp in my tent until Kitak's
Overflow. Be and get new tents of Stetal then." Maril was just able to change back into his dress uniform before his family
members arrived.
The sun has met the sea,<br>
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,<br>
First Officer, USS Feynman,<br>
aka Max Felsher<br>
All: Well, Maril's not going to have much time. :) Anyone, feel free to ask why
his face is so red when he gets back to the party. :) OK, here's some info on
these 2 members of his family-Azelti Mar is in his early 50's(Earth years) and
is a stellar cartographer; Nolin Tuelchi is a cadet in the Tamarian Spacefleet.
She is about 19. Supposedly, she is an exchange officer. ;) I guess the
exchange directors decided to stick Maril with her *just* because he's her
brother and one of the few people who understand Tamarian. What a crazy idea. ;)
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Nightcap...</h3><h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Joseph Baker 2-7-1996</h4>
SD: 80207.2044<br>
Scene: Ensign Jerran's Quarters, USS FEYNMAN<br>
It had been two hours since Terri and Jennifer had left the party
together, and during that whole time, they had done nothing but talk
about piloting stories, most of them legends concerning Jerran's starship
models, as he had promised her. Jerran discovered that he had enjoyed
reiterating the stories to her just as much as he had enjoyed learning
them in the first place.
Jennifer took a drink of her tea and said, "Terri? Can I ask you
something kind of personal?"
"Sure," he smiled to her. "What would that be?"
"Well," she said, kind of nervously, "It's just that I've never done it
it before and I was wondering... would you perform a mind meld on me?"
He raised an eyebrow, and his face went to its normal serious visage as
he said, "A mind meld is a very personal thing, indeed, Jennifer. We'll
be sharing things with each other that we may not have shared with anyone
else before."
She looked up into his soft gray eyes, becoming entranced by them and
said, "I can't think of anyone I would rather share my deepest thoughts
with than you."
A thousand thoughts rushed through Jerran's mind at that moment. He had
only performed a mind meld on two other people before, his mother and
Kalani. He knew what kind of a bond it built between the two people, but
also how disurbing it could be if you happen to find something in the
other person's mind that you did not want to find, or vice versa. Then
again, he thought, it would give him an excellent opportunity to search
his own feelings about this relationship.
"Alright," he said softly to her, holding her hand gently as he led her
over to his bed and sat down beside her. "As this is probably your first
telepathic experience, or at least the first that you are probably
conscious of, I will not go as deep as I normally would."
She smiled at him and said, "Good. We have to keep some surprises for later."
In his mind, Jerran went through some of the mental exercises he was
taught for preparing for a mind meld. He then smiled reassuringly at her
and said, "Here we go," as he slowly reached over and put his hand to her
face at the appropriate points on her temple.
Her thoughts and his began to intermingle as he said softly, "My mind to
your mind. My thoughts to your thoughts. Coming together as one..."
I hope yall are having fun at the party <G>
Respectfully Submitted,<br>
Ensign Jerran Terel<br>
<pre style="background-color: #303030; color: #ccc7e1;">
* Daisemi'in rhhaensuriuu * Of the chief parts of the Ruling            *
* meillunsiateve * Passion, only this can be truly                      *
* rh'e Mnhei'sahe yie ahr'en: * said:                                  *
* Mnahe afw'ein quii; * Hate has a reason for everything,              *
* rh'e hweithnaef * But love is unreasonable.                          *
* mrht Hes'he ehl'ein quii.                                            *
* Joseph W. Baker                                                      *
* Physics Major, College of Arts and Sciences                          *
* University of South Florida                                          *
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Holodeck Briefing</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 2-7-1996</h4>
"Begin program."<br>
The familiar black and yellow grid of the holodeck wavered for a
few seconds and then was replaced with the imposing scene of a dark,
ancient castle. Zane stood at the edge of the lowered draw bridge and
slowly examined the detail. At the end of the drawbridge the entry way
was surrounded by a black iron gate with only a small entry way allowing
passage within. Flanking the main door were to giant statues of some
type of predatory bird. Their eyes glowed red and stared at him intently
as he slowly crossed into the courtyard of the building. Lightening
flashed off in the distance and the thunder rolled across the hills.
Although he had programmed the climate control to remain at a
comfortable temperature he felt a shiver go through his body.
Watching the shadows from the flickering torches dance across the
castle wall he turned slowly until he found the main doorway. He crossed
the courtyard a quickly now. It felt like rain. The pounding of
his forearm against the thick oak door reverberated through the quickly
arriving night. He felt a little foolish knocking on an illusionary
castle that he himself had created but before he could open the door it was
done so for him.
"Good evening sir. We have been expecting you."
Zane looked down at the withered old man who held the door in one
hand and a makeshift wooden cane in the other. Zane walked in and carefully
surveyed his surroundings. He was at a junction of three hallways. To his
left, was a long corridor full of paintings and statutes and other
assorted art works. It had no internal lighting, anything that could be
seen was only clear when it was illuminated by a flash of lightening
through the large windows. To his right was another long corridor. It
had no windows and was illuminated by small candles in brass holders at
shoulder length. There was a door at the end. In front there was a
large staircase that seemed to be cut from solid rock rising several
stories to a small landing that branched off into several direction. Beside
the stairway was the entrance way to what appeared to be a rather large
room. Zane saw that the large hearth fire was already lit.
The old man had already started hobbling his way to this room
pausing only to look over his shoulder. "This way sir."
Zane followed him in and found what appeared to be the castle's
library. In the middle of the room was a large table with eight oversized
wooden chairs around it. The backs of these chairs had been carved into
a variety of scenes, most of them grotesque. On the north wall was a
small buffet. That had not been part of his program. Bat must have had
his hand in this.
Thud! Thud! Thud!
He almost jumped through his skin as an eerie pounding echoed
through the castle. The old man turned and dragged himself back to the
door. "More guests to attend to."
<<<ALL: Feel free to post your arrival and please add a little colour
and scen
Scene:Main Briefing, Castle library<br>
Timeframe:  After all are present.<br>
"I'd like to be underway in 2 hours so I suggest we get right too
it.  As you have seen from the mission overview that was forwarded to all
of you we have been given a mission which is just as mysterious as our
last.  I hope it will remain an exploration mission but being so close to
the Kzinti border, a possible treaty or not, I am concerned.  If attack
we will most likely be severely outgunned.  However,  they've never gone
up agianst the FEYNMAN...."
Zane was interrupted by the pounding of the door.  The room grew
silent as the assembled officers looked at each other in surprise.  All
the senior staff were accounted for so who could be at the door?  The
answer arrived several seconds later.
A large man dressed in black rushed into the room.  He was soaked
from head to foot, his long hair caked against his face.  He gave a
polite nod to the group and turned to face the buffet.  Picking up a loaf
of bread he shoved as much as he could of it into his mouth and
turned his head quickly to rip the portion off.  Chewing
furiously he reached for a carafe of wine and greedily drank it in to
help wash down the bread.  Satisfied he turned to face the  bewildered
He pulled a scroll from his leather pouch, unraveled it and began
to read...
"Hear one.  Hear all.  By order of his esteemed magnificence,
emperor of all the holodeck, commander of too much time... and by the
agreement of his is an honour and privilege to announce that
you Ensign Fobok and you Ensign Jerran Terrel, in recognition of your
devotion to duty, your professionalism and your selflessness are
promoted to the much distinguished rank of Lieutenant junior grade with
all the rights and privileges that go with it."
Returning the scroll to his pouch the messenger pulled two small
black boxes from his inside pocket and placed them, Fleet Insignia up,
in front of the two newly promoted officers.  With a dramatic bow to both
he turned, bowed to the group, grabbed his hat from where he had thrown
it on the buffet and raced from the room, on his way to the next
"Congratulations gentlemen, well deserved."  Zane paused to let
the group settle down from the excitement.  "Now that the festivities are
over lets get down to business.  He turned to hear the officer's report.
Okay I know the speech was corny but hey, it was off the top of my head.
Feel free to have a conclusion post to the party.  I'm interested to see
how our Romeo's are making out. :D
Post yourself arriving to the meeting and then a rundown of your
department's status as well as any questions or observations you have
over the mission info presented by Admiral Nicholas to Zane.  If any of you
don't have a copy of that post let me know and I'll forward one.
Since we'll be in the area we may run into a few stray cats<G>.  A good
description of the Kzinti race is on the web-page.  Having said that I
want you to know I am not pushing for any contact with them, we play as
we go...but since we are in home space and they are our unfriendly
neighbours  you may want to read up on them.  And as my character, Nigel
Brock, who fought in the last attack can attest to they are quite ruthless....
Andrew:  If you do get time feel free to post Paxwax at the party.  I
wanted to make sure you had a chance but I also wanted to get the ball
Joseph:  Miranda Class!??!  They are so ungainly they make a Klingon Bird
of Prey look good (Well, almost!)  😄
respectfully submitted,
CMDR. Zane
<pre style="background-color: #303030; color: #ccc7e1;">
==== LT.Tarsa Rogers                CEO                    USS TESLA ====
==== CMDR. Zane                  COMMANDING              USS FEYNMAN ====
==== LT.CMDR Nigel Brock        ALB INSTRUCTOR            HOLODECK 18 ====
==== Andy Catterick                          St. Catharines, Ontario ====
====                              Canada ====
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Holodeck Briefing (CONT)</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Colby D. Beck 2-7-1996</h4>
>Scene:Main Briefing, Castle library<br>
>Timeframe: After all are present.<br>
> "I'd like to be underway in 2 hours so I suggest we get right too it. As you have seen from the mission overview that was<br>
> forwarded to all of you we have been given a mission which is just as mysterious as our last. I hope it will remain an<br>
> exploration mission but being so close to the Kzinti border, a possible treaty or not, I am concerned. If attack we will most<br>
> likely be severely outgunned. However, they've never gone up agianst the FEYNMAN...
Jordan sat around the table looking at the faces of the new Lt(jg)'s
wondering if he looked so surprised when he got his hallow pip. After
everyone had congradulated the promotions, Jordan turned to speak.
"Sir, Security and Tactical are ready to go. If we run into who doesn't
want to play nice, we'll give em a nice taste of what we got." A small smile
started across his face.
Lt.(jg) Jordan Charles
Andy: I never got the Admiral's post.
All: Grats to Jerran and Fobok :)
<pre style="background-color: #303030; color: #ccc7e1;">
: Colby D. Beck                                "I am Not a  :
:                      Merry Man!!" :
:          -Lt. Worf:
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN:  Holodeck Briefing (CONT)</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
B.J. Baye 2-8-1996</h4>
SD:80208.0037 (GMT)<br>
Scene: Ten-Forward, just after 'Party' post<br>
Fobok couldn't believe the emotions flowing from Amy, in their slight
contact. Amy loved him.
He smiled and squeezed Amy's hand. He had not felt this type of link, weak
though it may have been, in a long time.
Amy suddenly drew her hand away. She didn't say anything, and while Fobok
was recovering from such a quick break in contact, she walked out of
Ten-Forward. After a moment, when he realized what happened, Fobok stood up
and hurried after her.
<nowiki>*Have I done something wrong?*</nowiki> he thought as he ran out.
Unfortunately, she was long gone. He didn't bother returning to the party,
and just went to his quarters. He didn't feel like partying.
He walked in, thanked Ying for staying, and when he left, Fobok went right
to bed.
He awoke the next morning with a start. He was sweating heavily and
panting. That was the strangest dream he had ever had. Even after he had
calmed down, he still felt very strong emotions, and felt like his blood was
on fire. It then ht him. He knew what this was, but he couldn't accept it.
It couldn't happen! Ponn-far. He thought, since he was half human, it
wouldn't affect him. That was why he had married earlier..and had Matt
eight years before.
He thought a few moments and calmed down. It wasn't happening. It was too
late. It was supposed to have affected him about ten years ago. He had
refused to marry T'Sin, so he could marry Ivy. T'Sin had since married
someone else.
"Dad?" came a tiny voice from the next room. When Fobok didn't answer, Matt
came into his room, still in his pajamas. Fobok stood up, and started
getting dressed. He had a meeting to go to. He then turned to his son.
"You better start getting dressed for school."
Matt frowned, "School?"
Fobok smiled, and finished putting on his uniform, "Yes, school, had you
forgotton during all that time in sick-bay?"
Matt sighed and shook his head, then went back into his room to get dressed.
Fobok then put his communicator on, and went to the door, he was late, and
not thinking clearly as he left his son alone again. The fire still burned.
Scene: Holodeck, outside castle
Fobok walked up to the castle, and banged on the gate, harder then expected
as the thuds sounded extremely loud.
As the old man answered, Fobok had to refrain from pushing his way past and
heading in. When he was lead into the library, he sat down. Lt. Jenn
looked at him curiously, but he just waved it off.
>Scene:Main Briefing, Castle library<br>
>Timeframe: After all are present.<br>
> "I'd like to be underway in 2 hours so I suggest we get right too it. As you have seen from the
mission overview that was<br>
> forwarded to all of you we have been given a mission which is just as mysterious as our last. I hope it will remain an<br>
> exploration mission but being so close to the Kzinti border, a possible treaty or not, I am concerned. If attack we will most<br>
> likely be severely outgunned. However, they've never gone up agianst the FEYNMAN...."
> Zane was interrupted by the pounding of the door. The room grew silent as the assembled officers looked at each other in<br>
> surprise. All the senior staff were accounted for so who could be at the door? The answer arrived several seconds later.
> A large man dressed in black rushed into the room. He was soaked from head to foot, his long hair caked against his face.<br>
> He gave a polite nod to the group and turned to face the buffet. Picking up a loaf of bread he shoved as much as he could of<br>
> it into his mouth and turned his head quickly to rip the portion off. Chewing furiously he reached for a carafe of wine and<br>
> greedily drank it in to help wash down the bread. Satisfied he turned to face the bewildered group.
> He pulled a scroll from his leather pouch, unraveled it and began to read...
> "Hear one. Hear all. By order of his esteemed magnificence, emperor of all the holodeck,
commander of too much time... and<br>
> by the agreement of his is an honour and privilege to announce that you Ensign Fobok and you Ensign Jerran Terrel,<br>
> in recognition of your devotion to duty, your professionalism and your selflessness are promoted to the much distinguished<br>
> rank of Lieutenant junior grade with all the rights and privileges that go with it."
> Returning the scroll to his pouch the messenger pulled two small black boxes from his inside
pocket and placed them, Fleet<br>
> Insignia up, in front of the two newly promoted officers. With a dramatic bow to both he turned, bowed to the group,<br>
> grabbed his hat from where he had thrown it on the buffet and raced from the room, on his way to the next delivery.
> "Congratulations gentlemen, well deserved." Zane paused to let the group settle down from the
excitement. "Now that the<br>
> festivities are over lets get down to business. He turned to hear the officer's report.
Fobok put the new hollow pip on, and then waiting to give his report. He
was surprised that he got the promotion, yet didn't dwell on it. When his
turn came, he did his report, but still had an edge to his voice. Despite
what he was feeling, he would not accept the idea that Pon-farr was
affecting him.
"The science department is ready for the next mission sir. The Delphi array
is functioning normally, as are standard sensors."
Zane looked at the Lieutenant (j.g.) for a moment, "Are you alright?"
Fobok nodded, "It's nothing, sir"
NRPG: Hope you like the post..took me long enough to write it..:)..thought
I'd add a little twist with the Pon-farr idea. Hope it doesn't mess
anything up. I have an idea how to finish this..which won't involve Fobok
going back to Vulcan..:)..
Totally addicted to Internet,<br>
B.J. Baye (aka Fobok, Matty, R2-B1, and a few other names)<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Jerran's Morning</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Joseph Baker 2-8-1996</h4>
SD: 80208.0143<br>
Ensign Jerran awoke from one of the best nights of sleep he'd had in the
entire two weeks or so that he'd been on board the FEYNMAN. His hand was
still resting ever so gently on the side of her head, where it had
remained all night so that they would be able to continue the link while
they slept. The result had been that they were both in each other's
dreams all night, an experience which is by far so indescribably better
than a holodeck.
He smiled down at her and gave her a kiss on the forehead. She reached
up sleepily and messed up his hair which had actually not moved much
during the night, as was usual. *Good morning* he thought to her.
<nowiki>*Don't you have the decency to look bad in the morning like everyone
else?*</nowiki> she thought to him.
They both laughed and then Jerran said, "Computer, time," almost
forgetting that the computer doesn't respond to thought commands.
<< 0755 >>, came the matter of fact reply.<br>
Jerran jumped straight out of the bed, uttering a few choice Bajoran
curses which the Prophets probably wouldn't have approved of as he pulled
off what he was still wearing of the dress uniform last night, which was
mainly just his pants and the standard black undershirt.
He threw on the nearest uniform which looked clean, and just barely had
his boots on as he gave Jennifer a quick kiss before running out the
door. Before it closed on him, though, he turned to her with a smile and
said, "You'd better get to your post, too, Ensign, before I have to put
you on report."
She stood up at mock attention and said with a smile, "Aye, aye, sir,"
saluting him in an outdated fashion. They both laughed as he grabbed his
leather flight jacket and ran out the door, hearing each other more
through the lingering mind link rather than with their ears.
Jerran was just barely able to get into the holodeck as the clock struck
0800 hours. He almost thought he was in the wrong holodeck when he
noticed the midieval castle with its gruesome looking gargoyles glaring
at him. Either this was the new CO's way of relieving the tension among
the senior crew, or this was some form of punishment for being tardy. He
just wondered where the torture chamber was, and if it would just be
easier for everyone if he found his own way there.
He walked up to the front door and taking the knocker into his hand,
slammed it down a few good times. An old man answered the door and said,
"Ah, we've been expecting you, Sir Terel of Jerran."
He followed the little holographic man, kind of pleased that he had been
able to use his name properly, but perplexed at the way he used it. The
old man brought him to the meeting room, where the other officers were
all already assembled.
He sat down at a spot near the end of the table, getting a rather knowing
look from Lt. Jenn.
He heard the entire report Commander Zane gave, but he wasn't really
paying attention at the time. He just filed it away for later
reference. Besides, he had already read the reports on the mission which
had been sent out to the department heads.
He was awoken from his daydreaming when the odd character came in with
the announcement of his and Ensign Fobok's promotions to Ltjg. He smiled
cordially to everyone who congratulated him as he absentmindedly put the
new pip on his collar.
Then the other officers gave their departmental reports. He wasn't
paying too much attention to that, either, untill Lt. Jenn mentioned his
name in her report, to the effect that he hadn't shown up for a psyche
evaluation lately. Boy would she be surprised when he finally did, though.
Then, came his turn to report...
<<<< Ens... errr... Ltjg Jerran's report (G) >>>>
Jerran picked up his PADD and glanced at it for a moment, collecting his
thoughts real quick. Commander Zane had had to call on him twice to
break the trance he was in.
"Ummm, departmental report for Flight Control, Ltjg Jerran Terel reporting.
"Repairs on the runabout Nogura were successful. The main things which
had to be done were as follows: the warp core had to be replaced, both
warp nacelles had to be rebuilt from the inside, no new parts were needed
for that phase, impulse engines required a backflushing in the impulse
intake system, and the sensor system required major degaussing and
recallibration. Medical department had also performed the
decontamination on the aft compartment before my crew got into it
"As for flight personnel: Most of the AFCO's are now up to at least
level 4 flight profficiency, with two at level five and one, Ensign
Jennifer Cartwright," he said, with a slight twinge of pride detectable
through his normally professional demeanor, "attaining level six flight
status. I have hence given her the position of Deputy Flight Control
Officer, with Petty Officer Arak t'Jon as NCOIC of the flight
department. Warrant Officer Charles Dunnon was given the position of
Senior Shuttle Pilot."
"And that's it," he said, placing the PADD back on the table with a
smile as he sat down again.
Kris: See, Jerran wasn't trying to avoid your look. He just wasn't paying
attention to you <G> And he doesn't visit because he's afraid of getting
your psychiatristy bill <EG>
Fobok: High five, man!!<br>
Respectfully submitted,<br>
Ltjg Jerran Terel<br>
<pre style="background-color: #303030; color: #ccc7e1;">
* Daisemi'in rhhaensuriuu * Of the chief parts of the Ruling            *
* meillunsiateve * Passion, only this can be truly                      *
* rh'e Mnhei'sahe yie ahr'en: * said:                                  *
* Mnahe afw'ein quii; * Hate has a reason for everything,              *
* rh'e hweithnaef * But love is unreasonable.                          *
* mrht Hes'he ehl'ein quii.                                            *
* Joseph W. Baker                                                      *
* Physics Major, College of Arts and Sciences                          *
* University of South Florida                                          *
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Castle Briefing</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Max Felsher 2-9-1996</h4>
SD 80209.0230<br>
Lt. Commander Maril was somewhat surprised when he walked in. A dark castle
wasn't exactly a normal setting for a mission briefing.
Maril was exhausted. His two family members were hard to deal with
sometimes, especially his father(in Maril's opinion.) Maril also hadn't spoken
real Tamarian in months, and neither his father nor his sister had the foggiest
idea of how to communicate in English.
He walked up the long drawbridge and up to the huge door. There was nothing
to do but knock. The sound of the knocker was almost enough to knock the tired Tamarian down
itself. An old man, appeared at the door. "Right this way, sir."
He soon found his way into the library and waited for the briefing to begin.
He congratulated the two new Lt.<jg>'s and listened to Zane's briefing.
Finally, he started his report.
"Personnel level is at normal. We should be receiving a new Counselor soon.
There are no apparent problems. The ship appears to be ready to set out on its
mission. Although I'm not sure if it's smart to have both Mr. Jenn and Mr.
Jerran at the front of the Bridge, considering what they did to the Nogura,"
Maril smiled as the senior staff laughed. As Maril sat back down, Lt. Jenn
stood up to make her report. Although Maril knew he should have been listening,
the chair he was sitting in was so comfortable and he was so exhausted, he
almost fell asleep. As he was about to, he heard Jenn mention his name.
"I hope Commander Maril can help me with my new position," she had been
"Yes...of course," he replied.
The sun has met the sea,<br>
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,<br>
First Officer, USS Feynman,<br>
aka Max Felsher<br>
All:Just so you guys know, Andy is still handling things roster/bio-related,
not me. That is a little bit unusual, but at least for now, that's how it is.
Andy:That said, I'd like a couple of changes to the roster. WO Bellad Jafel is
now Maril's aide(I'm going to have to think of my own title sometime. ;) )
Also, SCPO Meln is gone. If you recall, in a post not too long ago, he was
found to be aiding smugglers. Oh, and also, you can take WO Ein off the list
of Registered NPC's(you don't have to take him off the regualar NPC's.)
Joseph, B.J.:Congratulations!<br>
Joseph:I don't think there is a DELTA shift on the Feynman(I noticed it on your
AFCO list.)
Kristen:FYI, the AOPS right now is WO Ein(Bolian, male). He took the BETA
shift before. But, you can get rid of him now. I'll tell you more later.
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Jenn's Concerns</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 2-9-1996</h4>
Stardate: 80209.0436<br>
Scene: Staff Meeting on the Holodeck<br>
The staff meeting was breaking up. Krysa had felt some very odd vibes
from Lt.(j.g.) Fobok through the entire thing. Mostly it was from his
Mind Block. She had gotten used to reading Mind Blocks. Vulcans almost
always had one up when they knew a Betazoid was around. It was an easy
thing for them to do and didn’t take much thought or effort.
Except that Fobok really seemed to be concentrating had on his. She had
never noticed the strain in him before. Why was it there now?
“Congratulations, Lt. Fobok.” She called out to him. He reluctantly
stopped, not to offend her.
“Thank you, Sir.”
“Look, I know it isn’t my position any longer, but I would like to sit
down and chat with you for a while in the CNS office, if possible. You
seem distracted this morning.”
“I appreciate your concern, sir, but that won’t be necessary.” With that
the Vulcan turned and hurried out, before Jenn could say anything else.
Terri, who was watching from behind, chuckled. “Do you always scare away
potential patients that way?”
Krysa turned her concerned gaze upon him, “Speaking of which, Mr.
“Oops, I think I’m on duty... catch you later” He also headed out
This time it was Commander Zane who was chuckling. “Having difficulties,
“You’d think I had the plague or something.” Krysa smiled. “Maybe it’s a
Vulcan thing.” Zane hadn’t got up from the table yet, so Krysa took a
seat next to him again. Lt. Commander Maril was also still there, so she
asked him to join them.
“I am concerned about Fobok, seriously. Did you notice how distracted he
was. I can tell you he was struggling to keep him mind block up.”
They looked at her questioningly. “All Vulcan use mind blocks
consistently. It usually isn’t something that even takes them hardly a
thought. Jarren’s takes somewhat more thought then Fobok’s usually,
because he’s only half Vulcan. Though since coming on board, I’ve
noticed he’s gotten better at hiding them from me.” Krysa sighed, “I’ve
gotten quite a feel for these mind blocks being a Betazoid Counselor...
and I can tell you there is something really bothering Fobok.”
Lt. Krysa Jenn<br>
NRPG: Andy, I didn’t mean to cut your meeting short, feel free to finish
it, I just wanted to get this idea out before I forgot to do it.
BJ: Hope it was okay for Jenn to notice it. But I figured with being a
Betazoid Counselor, she would get a feel for these things<g>
Joe: I’ll be after you.... so watch out!!
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN:  Fobok's Concerns!</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
B.J. Baye 2-9-1996</h4>
Stardate: 80209.1418<br>
Scene: Holodeck, just as meeting ended.<br>
>The staff meeting was breaking up. Krysa had felt some very odd vibes from Lt.(j.g.) Fobok through the entire thing. Mostly it<br>
> was from his Mind Block. She had gotten used to reading Mind Blocks. Vulcans almost always had one up when they knew a<br>
> Betazoid was around. It was an easy thing for them to do and didn't take much thought or effort.
>Except that Fobok really seemed to be concentrating had on his. She had never noticed the strain in him before. Why was it<br>
> there now?
> "Congratulations, Lt. Fobok." She called out to him. He reluctantly stopped, not to offend her.
>"Thank you, Sir."
> "Look, I know it isn't my position any longer, but I would like to sit down and chat with you for a while in the CNS office, if<br>
> possible. You seem distracted this morning."
> "I appreciate your concern, sir, but that won't be necessary." With that the Vulcan turned and
hurried out, before Jenn could say anything else.
Fobok finally accepted what was happening to him as he left the holodeck.
It had to be Pon farr, no matter how late it was. It was the only
explanation for what he was feeling. But what could he do about it? He
forgot totally that he was supposed to be on duty, and went to his quarters.
Scene: Fobok's Quarters<br>
Fobok walked in and looked around. No Matt. Good, he thought to himself,
he didn't want Matt to see him like this. What, though, would he do when
Matt got off school?
"Computer, lock door, no admittance to anybody without my clearance or that
of a command ranking officer."
<<Door locked.>>
Fobok started to lay down on his bed, his communicator beeped. He tapped
it, "Fobok here."
<nowiki>[Lieutenant, why aren't you on the bridge?]</nowiki> asked what sounded like a bit
upset Zane.
"Commander, I must report that I am unfit for duty, sir."
Before Zane could reply, he took off his communicator, and crushed it
angrily in his hand. He then threw the remains of the communicator off the
side of the bed, and layed back, trying to clear his mind.
Scene: Corridor, deck 5<br>
Matt walked down the corridor toward the quarters he shared with his dad.
He could hardly wait to show his dad what he made in class. He walked up to
the door and hit the access button.
The door made an odd sounding buzz, and wouldn't open. He tried again, with
the same result. Now frustrated, Matt knocked on the door. Then, when he
got no answer, said, "Computer, where's my dad?"
<<Lt. (j.g.) Fobok is no longer on board the Feynman>>
NRPG: I assume that the computer still locates using the communicator pins..
Tears started forming in Matt's eyes. How could his dad leave him? He then
ran off toward sick-bay. Maybe Nurse Tamy could help.
Scene: Sickbay<br>
Matt ran in and looked around, the tears which were just forming before now
running down his face. He immediatly saw Nurse Tamy and ran over to her.
She looked down to him, saw the tears and said, concerned, "What's wrong?"
Matt answered, "Dad'd left..the ship and..I can't get into..our
quarters...he didn't tell me..he was going anywhere.."
NRPG:'s my latest post..:)..I put it after the briefing, in case
there's anything left to do at it..;)..
>BJ: Hope it was okay for Jenn to notice it. But I figured with being a
>Betazoid Counselor, she would get a feel for these things<g>
Kristen: No prob..;)..and I expected Jenn to. BTW, Fobok is half vulcan
too..:)..only he probably had more training in the Vulcan abilities then
Jerren, since he didn't switch to the human ways until shortly after his
father died.
B.J. Baye<br>
aka Lt. (j.g.) Fobok<br>
USS Feynman<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Zane's Concerns</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 2-9-1996</h4>
> Stardate: 80209.1000<br>
> Scene: Staff Meeting on the Holodeck<br>
> This time it was Commander Zane who was chuckling. “Having difficulties, Lt.”
> “You’d think I had the plague or something.” Krysa smiled. “Maybe it’s a Vulcan thing.” Zane hadn’t got up from the table<br>
> yet, so Krysa took a seat next to him again. Lt. Commander Maril was also >still there, so she asked him to join them.
> “I am concerned about Fobok, seriously. Did you notice how distracted he was. I can tell you he
was struggling to keep him<br>
> mind block up.”
> They looked at her questioningly. “All Vulcan use mind blocks consistently. It usually isn’t
something that even takes them<br>
> hardly a thought. Jarren’s takes somewhat more thought then Fobok’s usually, because he’s only half Vulcan. Though since<br>
> coming on board, I’ve noticed he’s gotten better at hiding them from me.” Krysa sighed, “I’ve gotten quite a feel for these<br>
> mind blocks being a Betazoid Counselor... and I can tell you there is something really bothering Fobok.
”Zane frowned. He was really only a security officer at heart and
truth be told, although he valued the thoughts of a counselor, especially
a Betazoid one, he was always a little uncomfortable in such situations.
"Has his performance been affected in any way?" Maril asked,
turning to face Krysa.
"No sir, but we've spent the past 4 days in spacedock. There
hasn't really been too much too do." She replied.
"That's true. But alot has happened over the last few days.
We've lost a captain that we all trusted and respected and we have a new
one to get used to. There were a few people who seemed a bit distracted
in this meeting." Zane cast an amused look at Onta. He knew his first
officer was been overwhelmed with his relatives.
"Sir I wouldn't bring this up if I didn't feel it important."
"I realize that and don't misunderstand, I value your judgements
and am not trying to downplay them. I just want to look at things from
all sides. I can't order Fobok to visit either you in a counseling
capacity or your replacement unless I have something more concrete to go
on." He raised his hands as she started to protest. "However, I'd like
the counselor and you, if your duties permit, to keep an eye on Mr.Fobok
and let me know if the situation changes. Agreed?"
"Yes sir."
"Good. Now Commander if you would be so kind to prepare us for
departure I'll meet you both on the bridge in a few minutes. I just want
to make a few entries into my PADD."
Zane watched the two officers go. He was glad that Jenn had
brought up her concerns and had not backed down on them. The three
officers would make an excellent team. Activating his PADD he examined all
the paperwork he was already behind in. Maybe this was the reason Paul
had accepted transfer so readily.
<nowiki>As he began entering the required data he was startled by a sound behind
him. Turning, he saw nothing out of the ordinary. *Probably just the
wind* "Computer, delete wind from program." He continued to work but
could not shake the feeling that he was being watched. He fought down
the instinct. He was probably a little jittery. This was his first
mission as captain. *Yea that must be it.* He chuckled at the thought
of himself nervous in his own holodeck creation. Still, as he left the
castle he could have sworn he heard some one whisper. "You will all die."</nowiki>
"Status commander?" Zane asked as he stepped through the
turbolift doors.
"We are ready for departure and have been cleared by EPSILON control."
"Very well. Helm take us out. When we clear the system set
course for our patrol area, warp 6."
"Aye sir." The FCO responded.
Zane took a quick look around the bridge and then sat in his
chair. "Zane to Fobok, why aren't you on the bridge?"
[Commander, I must report that I am unfit for duty, sir.]
"What do you mean by unfit lieutenant?" No reply.
"Lieutenant Fobok?.....Fobok report in...Computer, location of
Lieutenant Fobok."
<nowiki><Lieutenant Fobok is no longer on the FEYNMAN.></nowiki>
"Computer, last known whereabouts of Lieutenant Fobok?"
<Lieutenant Fobok was in his quarters.>
"Zane to sickbay."
[Sickbay, Tok here.]
"Doctor, Lieutenant Fobok has just reported himself unfit for
duty and has not responded to any further calls. His last known position
was in his quarters."
[I'm on my way.]<br>
Zane looked up over his shoulder. "Mr. Charles, is there anyone
in Fobok's quarters?"
The CSO quickly checked his security board. "Aye sir. 95%
probability that it is Mr. Fobok."
"Good, I think it would be best if we had some security with the doctor.
"Aye sir."
The first officer leaned over to the captain. "Sir, should we
delay our departure until this situation is rectified?"
Zane had been thinking that himself.
"No, the admiral was clear
as to the importance of this patrol. We need Mr. Fobok's skills for this
mission but we can't delay because of it. I'm sure the doctor can get to
the bottom of this." He sat back and watched the viewscreen as the
interior of the spacedock spun about, lost in thought. He was very
concerned about his science officer.
> Andy, I didnt mean to cut your meeting short, feel free to finish
> it, I just wanted to get this idea out before I forgot to do it.
Not a problem....that's what back-posting is for. ;)
Quick anyone got some Plomeek Soup for Fobok:)
Max: Updated the roster with your changes. (The crowd goes silent in
Joesph: Ok, take us out for the asteriod belt that rings
the system. BTW, Max is right we have ALPHA, BETA and GAMMA shifts.
Jason: Just my small (very small) addition to your 'voices'
Lylse: If you want to backpost your mission briefing that would be
great. Either way you have a patient to attend to....
Colby: I didn't know if you wanted to stay on the bridge or join the
doctor so I left it up to you.
All: Its thurs day now, so let's say we arrive at the outskirts of our
patrol area Late Fri early Sat. Until then have fun.....
B.J: Love the Pon Farr idea. Will you be running 'Amok' (the crowd
groans at the bad joke.)
respectfully submitted,<br>
Andy-->Who really loves this ship!<br>
<pre style="background-color: #303030; color: #ccc7e1;">
==== LT.Tarsa Rogers                CEO                    USS TESLA ====
==== CMDR. Zane                  COMMANDING              USS FEYNMAN ====
==== LT.CMDR Nigel Brock        ALB INSTRUCTOR            HOLODECK 18 ====
==== Andy Catterick                          St. Catharines, Ontario ====
====                              Canada ====
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Departure</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Joseph Baker 2-9-1996</h4>
SD: 80209.2356<br>
LTJG Jerran deftly flew the FEYNMAN out through the large set of double
doors of SB Epsilon, fighting the overwhelming urge to kick the ship up
to impulse power while in spacedock. Upon leaving orbit of the planet,
he brought the warp drive up to warp 2 to navigate outwards toward the
rim of the system to jump to higher speeds.
He listened on as the medical teams tried to gain entrance to Lt. Fobok's
quarters, and, as a half Vulcan himself, he had a sinking suspicion of what
was going on with the science officer. Pon Farr wasn't exactly something
that he was looking forward to either, and he hoped that his Bajoran
blood would deter the event. He had gone through the first one at 15,
which was rather late for most Vulcans, but it gave him hope that if it
happened again, then it probably would be farther away than for most Vulcans.
As he flew the ship above the system's asteroid belt, slowing to warp 1
just in case something came up on unexpectedly, some of his thoughts kept
running to Jennifer and the time that they had spent together last
night. He wasn't so preoccupied that he was running into giant rocks, in
fact, he probably could have done a couple of other things at the same
time, but he chose not to.
When he had walked onto the bridge after the briefing and after going to
stellar cartography, she was there at the helm. She was almost
unable to contain her pride when she saw the extra hollow pip on his
collar, but her professionalism prevailed as she got up from her seat
calmly and shook his hand with a big grin saying, "Congratulations,
As they touched, their still lingering mind link from the night before
was strengthened some more, and Jerran was able to tell easily that she
actually wanted to say more than her words actually conveyed. "Thank
you, Ensign," he replied, sending similar thoughts accross the link as he
took his seat.
At this time, Jennifer was probably in the holodeck going over some
drills with the other pilots which Jerran had programmed into the
computer. He was quite pleased with their mastery of the Terran World
War I simulation, and so he had since moved onto the second World War.
This allowed him the flexability to put in programs involving bombers
which facilitated teamwork among the group of pilots as they all fought
to keep their plane int he air while obtaining their mission objectives.
They weren't doing all that well at that, though, but that was
understandible considering that those ungainly planes are essentially
sitting ducks for the enemy fighters to come pick off. So far, he had
done the simulation with his flight crew four times, and they had crashed
three times. But, Jerran was still confident that they would eventually
get the hang of it, and then he would put them into another simulation,
probably moving on to Bajoran raider tactics of the Cardassian Occupation.
The Feynman passed by the last planet of the system as Jerran brought the
ship up to warp 6, heading towards their mission area. He activated the
autopilot and turned to Zane to say, "We're now at warp 6 proceding on
course. ETA, 15 hours at present speed."
Zane nodded and said, "Very good, Lieutenant. Steady as she goes."
"Aye, sir," Jerran said, turning back to his consoles to perform some
simulations of his own. He was using the data from the stellar
cartography maps to determine the best approach angles to enter the
system for various tactical positions. It was essentially busy work to
give him something to do other than the normal monitoring of the
computers flight course, but it was necessary in order to give him an
idea of what to expect at the next mission sight. But, as he had learned
from the last mission, nothing was ever as expected.
We're off to see the wizard....<br>
Well, based on my ETA, I guess we'll get there at about 1900 hours on the
same day, probably around 1915, actually, to add the time it took to get
out of the system and jump to warp 6. If you want to make it a lower
ETA, that's fine with me. I just chose 10 hours as it sounds like a nice
round number :)
Respectfully Submitted<br>
Lieutenant Junior Grade Jerran Terel<br>
Flight Control Officer<br>
USS FEYNMAN, NCC-66000<br><br>  <br>
<pre style="background-color: #303030; color: #ccc7e1;">
* Daisemi'in rhhaensuriuu * Of the chief parts of the Ruling            *
* meillunsiateve * Passion, only this can be truly                      *
* rh'e Mnhei'sahe yie ahr'en: * said:                                  *
* Mnahe afw'ein quii; * Hate has a reason for everything,              *
* rh'e hweithnaef * But love is unreasonable.                          *
* mrht Hes'he ehl'ein quii.                                            *
* Joseph W. Baker                                                      *
* Physics Major, College of Arts and Sciences                          *
* University of South Florida                                          *
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Darmok and Jilard at Tenagra</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Joseph Baker 2-9-1996</h4>
SD: 80209.1513<br>
LTJG Jerran Terel rushed out of the meeting chuckling at himself for
having escaped the clutches of the evil Betazoid counselor yet again. It
was more of a game to him to avoid her now, ever since their adventures
on the NOGURA. He took somewhat of a pleasure in blocking out her
attempts to sense his emotions. He was also getting rather colorful with
his methods. Instead of the normal mind blocks which he had usually put
up, ones which made his mind relatively black to other telepaths, the
last time she had attempted to sense his emotions, he had put up a block
that looked to a telepath like a number of colored childrens' blocks,
with, of course, Bajoran lettering on them.
Jerran walked into the turbolift and ordered it to take him to stellar
cartography so that he could go get the latest starcharts for the area.
When he got there, he was surprised to see a Tamarian sitting at the
computer terminal in the large, star filled room. He didn't
know that there were any other Tamarians on board other than Cmdr. Maril.
The Tamrian smiled to Jerran and said, "Rai and Jhi at Lungha."
Jerran had studied a number of mythilogical stories from different races,
and Tamarian was one of his favorites because of its exclusive use in
their language. He knew a great number of them, and was glad to be able
to get an opportunity to use them.
"Katal at Tana's castle," he said, returning the greeting and welcoming
him on board the FEYNMAN. Pointing to himself he then said, "Celvar on
the river Ingery," indicating that he was the helmsman of the FEYNMAN.
The Tamarian smiled and went on to tell Jerran that he was Azelti, Cmdr.
Maril's father.
Jerran nodded and said, "Mirab, his sails unfurled," telling Azelti that
they were about to leave the starbase. He then went on to explain to the
Tamarian that he had come here to get the latest starcharts for the
mission area, a conversation which he was surprisingly able to sum up in
just a few Tamarian words. That's one reason he enjoyed Tamarian, other
than the mythilogical background, was that it was easy to express some
very complex thoughts just by uttering a single analogy.
Azelti then helped Jerran retrieve the appropriate files from the
computer. He handed the PADD to Jerran saying, "Timba, his arms open."
Jerran would like to have stayed and chatted with the Tamarian some more,
but he had to get back up to the bridge, so he extended his gratitude to
Azelti and left with a smile.
Paula: Hope you don't mind me saying hi to your dad <G>, and I hope I
didn't butcher the language too much.
Respectfully Submitted,<br>
LTJG Jerran Terel<br>
USS FEYNMAN<br><br>  <br>
<pre style="background-color: #303030; color: #ccc7e1;">
* Daisemi'in rhhaensuriuu * Of the chief parts of the Ruling            *
* meillunsiateve * Passion, only this can be truly                      *
* rh'e Mnhei'sahe yie ahr'en: * said:                                  *
* Mnahe afw'ein quii; * Hate has a reason for everything,              *
* rh'e hweithnaef * But love is unreasonable.                          *
* mrht Hes'he ehl'ein quii.                                            *
* Joseph W. Baker                                                      *
* Physics Major, College of Arts and Sciences                          *
* University of South Florida                                          *
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Bridge ---> Holodeck</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Joseph Baker 2-10-1996</h4>
SD: 80210.0600<br>
Ship Time: 1300<br>
A little more than halfway through his shift, Jerran decided to go down
to the holodeck and see how his flight crew was doing on their training.
He called Warrant Officer Dunnon up from the main shuttlebay to take his
position at the helm, and upon receiving permission from Cmdr. Maril to
leave the bridge, he walked out to the turbolift. The holodeck the
pilots were using was down in the stardrive section of the ship, one
which was pretty well out of the way from the normal crew traffic.
As he walked down the corridor from the lift to the holodeck, he noticed
just how oddly quiet it was when there wasn't anyone around. He felt
almost alone on the deck. But then, he suddenly got the sensation that
he wasn't alone. It was definitely a telepathic impression of some kind,
but he couldn't quite tell what it was.
He stopped for a moment and turned to look down the hallway. He thought
it might possibly be Lt. Jenn getting back at him for the creative mind
block he gave her, but then he remembered that she isn't that powerful of
a telepath to be able to project a presense like this one. The only
other person that would bother to do a practicle joke like this on him
would be Cartwright, and even though their telepathic link was still
strong from their night together, she wasn't that well trained in ESP to
be able to do something like this.
It didn't really scare him, but it did annoy him. It was an unknown, and
if there's one thing that annoys the hell out of a Vulcan, even a hybrid,
it's the unknown.
Jerran opened up one of the storage panels in the side wall and pulled
out a tricorder. Just as he was about to begin scanning, though, the
presense was gone, just as quickly as it had arrived. He continued
scanning the deck anyway, just in case it was some sort of a mind block,
but he saw no one that wasn't supposed to be there.
Putting the tricorder back into the wall panel, he chalked the whole
experience up to just some bad after effect of the bump on his head, and
decided that he must talk with Lt. Jenn about this sometime.
Just as he was about to open the door to the holodeck, though, he felt
more than heard a voice saying, *You will all die*
Oooooo, this is fun :) Eat your heart out Steven King :)
Jason: I hope I didn't take too many liberties with your story idea. I
just couldn't help myself :)
Kristin: Oh, what a shame. Krysa's bridge shift starts just as soon as
Jerran gets off duty. It doesn't look like she'll be able to malpractice
psychiatry on him afterall <EG>
<pre style="background-color: #303030; color: #ccc7e1;">
* I study nuclear science!        * *
* I love my classes!              * *
* I've got a crazy teacher,        ******************************
* Who wears dark glasses.          *  LTJG Jerran Terel        *
* Things are goin' great,          *  Flight Control Officer    *
* And they're only gettin' better! *  USS Feynman/NCC-66000    *
* Joseph W. Baker                                              *
* Physics Major, College of Arts and Sciences                  *
* University of South Florida                                  *
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Ready-Room</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 2-10-1996</h4>
"Captain's log Stardate 80210.0800. We have entered the
outskirts of our patrol area and are currently employing the DELPHI array
to get a better grasp of what lies in wait. While at warp our sensors
were unable to penetrate this strange phenomena that is slowly moving
through this sector of space heading in the general direction of Cait.
Hopefully, now that we are closer we will be able to see a little deeper
into this...hmmpf, we still don't even now what exactly it is. It seems
to be a cosmic sized dust cloud but that doesn't explain why its so hard
for our sensors to penetrate through it. If we don't find a way to
circumvent this it will be very hard to locate any planetary systems
within and even harder to ascertain if they are inhabited.
Lieutenant Fobok is resting comfortably in his cabin at present.
Dr. Tok has assured me there is nothing to worry about. I am glad that
Fobok is in no danger but I have the feeling the doctor is being a bit
elusive about Fobok's condition. He is unable to tell me when I can have
my science officer back. While I have the utmost confidence in the
ship's science department as a whole I will still feel much better when
Fobok is back at his station. I fear the next few hours will present us
with many questions....."
[Maril to Zane.]
Zane reached over to the desk computer and saved his log. "Go
ahead commander."
[Sir, we've found something I think you'd like to see.]
"I'm on my way."
Well here we go!!
I let someone else decide on what we've found and get this mission rolling.
Please keep in mind the general parameters Mike has given us and the fact
that we're in a region close to home and close to a tense neighbour. Our
actions could cause reprecussions throughout the fleet....Cool! <EG>
The mission clock has been reset and as you will have probably noticed
the SD time does not correspond to the MD time. That really hasn't come
up before but did as I started my log. So as you can see I went with the
MD time. Which of course makes sense and now I am wondering why I even
bothered to point this out. (Time for more coffee)
B.J: Couldn't really procede without explaining Fobok's status. I left
it vague so you could continue with whatever you had planned. Don't
worry about Zane's desire for Fobok's early return to duty. Just keeping
in character. Take as much time as you need to develop your thread.
<pre style="background-color: #303030; color: #ccc7e1;">
==== LT.Tarsa Rogers                CEO                    USS TESLA ====
==== CMDR. Zane                  COMMANDING              USS FEYNMAN ====
==== LT.CMDR Nigel Brock        ALB INSTRUCTOR            HOLODECK 18 ====
==== Andy Catterick                          St. Catharines, Ontario ====
====                              Canada ====
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Dead Ship</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 2-10-1996</h4>
Stardate: 80210.2137<br>
Scene: Jenn’s Quarters<br>
MD: 1:0745<br>
Krysa Jenn was putting the finishing touches on her uniform. It was her
first day on duty official day of duty as the Ops officer, and she was
nervous. She didn’t know why she should be nervous. Both Zane and Maril
had confidence in her. And she knew that she was prepared. She had spent
the last few days since her promotion going over her new assignment. So
she chalked it up to just normal first day jitters.
Heading out the door, she realized she almost forgot her comm badge, so
she had to turn around and go back and get it. *I hope the rest of the
day doesn’t go like this,* she thought.
Scene: Bridge<br>
Entering the bridge, she had the strangest feeling that there was
someone standing off to the side of her. But when she looked, there was
no one there. While she stood there pondering the strange feeling that
wouldn’t go away, MCPO Ein called her over.
“Lt., I would like to speak to you for a moment.” He said.
“Of course, Mr. Ein. What can I do for you?”
“I would like to know where I stand now that you have taken the Ops
position and Commander Maril has moved to XO. Do I retain my position?”
“To be honest, Mr. Ein, I haven’t had much time to talk to Cmdr. Maril
about that yet. But for the time being, I’d like to stay where you are.
Once I’ve had a chance to talk to him, I’ll tell you more.”
Obviously not satisfied with her answer, but not wanting to push the
issue, Ein started to leave the bridge.
“Mr. Ein, I need to speak to Commander Zane briefly, so could you please
stay her for a little longer.” The AOPS nodded and returned to his post.
>At that moment Lieutenant Jenn looked in. "Sir I... Lieutenant Koreth I<br>
>didn't see you come in. " she was a little flustered and turned to the<br>
>captain. "I'm sorry to have disturbed you, sir."<br>
>Zane consoled her, "It's quite alright Lieutenant. And you wouldn't have<br>
>seen Mr. Koreth come in because he was invisible... at least sort of." he<br>
>continued to examine the devices, as Tarrant began to slowly remove them.<br>
Remembering the strange feeling that she had upon entering the bridge,
she realized that it must have been Lt. Koreth. That was a pretty handy
device, though it didn’t look very comfortable to wear.
“It wasn’t important, we can discuss it later, sir.” Krysa headed to her
post to relieve Ein.
Scene: Bridge (a short time later)<br>
“Commander Maril, I’ve got a reading on a vessel in sector 38. Ship’s
computers aren’t able to recognize it.”
Maril moved over to look at the sensors with Krysa.
“umm, it’s not moving either.”
“No, sir. We’re still too far away to get life sign readings yet. But we
should be able to get them in a few minutes.” Krysa hit a few buttons.
“The ship is made of standard metals. Nothing unusual. Just an unknown
“Maril to Zane.”
<Go ahead, Commander.>
“Sir, we've found something I think you'd like to see.”
<I'm on my way.>
“Lt. Jenn, do we have any life signs yet?”
Krysa began hitting buttons again. “Coming in now, sir. No life signs.
It’s a dead ship.”
Lt. Krysa Jenn, Ops/2O<br>
NRPG: Regarding Mr. Ein... I know that Max has registered him... so....
Max if you want to keep him go ahead and promote him or whatever you
want. If you want him to stay at AOPS, that’s okay also. But then I want
to take him over (i.e., His life is mine!!! MWAHAHAHAHAA<VBG>) However,
it’s your call. I will not be moving my NPC’s (Ens. Blayne Chesterton
and CPO John Cassey), so they are up for grabs to this evil presence on
board or whatever. As long as you know that Blayne is helping me out by
taking over a lot of CNS duties until we get a new one, and if she
dies...., Krysa will cry:( But they are not registered so are fair
game. Feel free to use them as such.
Andy: As far as the Bismarck goes... I'd like to keep her as seperate
from this as possible!! Otherwise I'll get confused as to what is going
on which ship<G> But just to let you know what is going on there.
The "comet" or whatever it is, is actually a mass of parasites. The
comet is "seeding" the worlds it passes and destroying them. I think
they may actually be able to stop the "comet" before it gets to us.
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Dead Ship (Cont.)</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Joseph Baker 2-11-1996</h4>
SD: 80211.0000<br>
MD: 1.0730<br>
As was normal for Jerran, he got onto the bridge and sat down at his duty
post a half an hour before it was really scheduled to begin. PO t'Jon,
who had been on duty before him, briefed the FCO on what had been
happening with the ship for the past eight hours, mostly a bunch of
impulse maneuvers through the system. They were going pretty slow as
they weren't really sure what was out there. The stellar cartography
info they had on the system was very sketchy at best.
After the report was through, Jerran relieved the Andorian NCOIC of the
Flight Department and watched as she walked off the bridge, probably for
ten forward, as was usual for her on her off shifts. Jerran sat down and
proceded to make a double check of the navigational logs over the past
two shifts to see if t'Jon's report had missed something, but as he had
come to expect from all of his AFCO's, the report had been completely
He was running a diagnostic cycle on the navigational sensor and
deflector array when Lt. Jenn reported for duty at 0745. He noticed her
glancing around the bridge as if something was wrong. He hadn't really
noticed anything out of the ordinary, but then he decided that it might
be some sort of empathic thing.
He hadn't had a chance to tell Jenn about his little psychic episode
outside of the holodeck yesterday as they had both been rather busy for
the past couple of days. He was just about to mention it to her when she
strode over to the Captain's ready room. He heard the captain mention
something about Lt. Koreth, but he wasn't really paying to much attention
to it. She then came out, saying that it wasn't too important and that
she'd catch him later.
She sat down at her OPS console after taking a report from WO Ein, and he
was just about to lean over to her to ask her about the incident he
experienced when something flashed on his navigational sensor board. It
came accros on Jenn's panel too, and she promptly told Cmdr. Maril about it.
After scanning the ship extensively, she determined that there were no
life readings iminating from it. Jerran continued to slowly bring the
ship in for a closer look. He looked down at his own panel and brought
up a magnified image of the ship.
He frowned at it as he continued scanning. The computer hadn't been able
to identify it, but Jerran did recognize it somewhat.
"Yes, Lt?" said Zane from the command chair.
"I think I recognize that ship somewhat. In some of the old Kzinti
legends that I've come accross, they mention a race of beings who came to
the Kzinti about two thousand years ago to conquer and enslave them.
They had barely started when for some reason, they just mysteriously
retreated from the Kzinti system. Of course, the Kzinti legends claim
that it was their great prowess in battle which helped them to survive.
"Those archaeological expeditions which have been allowed into Kzinti
space have been able to corraborate some of the stories, but they haven't
been able to find the reason for the retreat, either. They did, however,
find some drawings of the invaders' ships, and they look a lot like that
one there."
Zane nodded in contemplation as Jenn said, "What kind of technological
level were they on, do you think?"
"Well," said Jerran, looking at the other ship with an interested look on
his face, "The archaeologists have been able to guess that the aliens
were had a technology which was at least on par with ours, maybe even a
little bit higher. That's why it's so unlikely that the Kzinti were able
to scare them off so easily, as they were barely at the same level that
Earth was at that time. Of course the Kzinti would never admit that
because of their fierce pride. In fact, the archaeologists had to
Just then Cmdr. Zane cut him of and said, "Uh, Lt."
"Yes, sir?"
"You're babbling."
"I'm sorry, sir," he said, and turned back to his panel to continue
bringing the FEYNMAN closer to the other ship.
Jenn had continued to scan and then turned to look at Jerran as she said,
"You're not going to believe this, but I'm getting energy readings from
that ship."
Well, here's my two strips of latinum worth :)<br>
<pre style="background-color: #303030; color: #ccc7e1;">
* I study nuclear science!        * *
* I love my classes!              * *
* I've got a crazy teacher,        ******************************
* Who wears dark glasses.          *  LTJG Jerran Terel        *
* Things are goin' great,          *  Flight Control Officer    *
* And they're only gettin' better! *  USS Feynman/NCC-66000    *
* Joseph W. Baker                                              *
* Physics Major, College of Arts and Sciences                  *
* University of South Florida                                  *
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Dead Ship (Cont.)</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 2-11-1996</h4>
Scene: Bridge<br>
> Jenn had continued to scan and then turned to look at Jerran as she said,<br>
> "You're not going to believe this, but I'm getting energy readings from
> that ship."
Zane stood. "Can you localize the emissions, lieutenant?"
"I'm trying sir but they are very weak. I'm realigning the
DEPLHI pattern to enhance the signal."
"Were the energy readings there when we arrived or have they
activated since?" Zane asked as he walked to stand between the helm and
OPS stations.
"It appears they activated once we approached sir."
"Helm, gives us a quick loop of that ship at 3000 metres so we
can get a good look at it from all angles and then park us 1000m astern and
"Aye sir." The FCO replied.
"Mr. Charles can you project a course as to where this ship is
going and where it has been." Onta asked as he looked down at his
armrest console.
Zane turned to sit and noticed Lieutenant Koreth at the
engineering station examining the incoming sensor reports of the derelict
ship. He seemed a little out of place on the bridge, still decked out in
his 'invisibility' equipment. It had been quite a demonstration.
"Tactical." Zane ordered. The viewscreen imediately 'split' in
half giving a forward view as well as providing a graphical display of
the ship along with the current information from the sensors. Zane
scanned the list. The ship was about half the size of the FEYNMAN and
was composed of many of the same materials. It was not listing in any
way. It was definitly heading somewhere but at this speed it would be a
long trip. It appeared to have no discernable armaments.
"Captain, I've localized the energy emissions. They are coming
from what appears to be the engineering deck and are getting
progressively stronger. My guess is the ship has passive sensors that
detected our approach and is now 'waking' the ship up."
"I see. Makes sense. Any progress on course projections Mr. Charles."
"Yes sir. If the vessel has maintained course and speed it
orginated in roughly the center of our patrol area. Its destination is
the Kzin homeworld....."
Zane raised an eyebrow. This was getting interesting. "Mr.
Koreth, opinion."
"Based on the information of the sensors, I'd say this ship is
some sort of cargo carrier or transport. There are several well defined
centers of operation but the bulk of the ship appears to be made up of
large compartments which are sensors are unable to properly scan."
"Mr. Maril?" Zane looked to his first officer.
"I recommend we visit this craft and see what its hiding."
Zane sat back in his chair. A few short weeks ago when he was FO
he would have been chomping at the bit to get over there and take a
look. Now though he had a different perspective. He was ultimately
responsible. Any mishaps and accidents would be his responsibility. He
found that thought a bit overwhelming. Still, they weren't going to get
things done by sitting around. "Try not to get into too much trouble,
Onta returned the smile. "I'll try, sir."
Just a short one to keep things moving.
Max: Form your team and have fun!
For those of you who remain aboard, priorities are finding out more info
about this space as well as where the ship came from.
Jason: Loved the trial run.
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Who's First to the Cargo Hold</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 2-11-1996</h4>
Stardate: 80112.0040<br>
MD: 1:0915<br>
Scene: Dead? Ship<br>
>The away team beamed onto the ship. "I suggest we head to the Bridge," he said after they rematerialized.
Jenn looked at her tricorder. “It should be right over this way.” Jarren
nodded confirming Jenn’s reading. The away team headed in the direction
of the Bridge. Dr. Tok immediately began scanning for life signs, while
the other scanned for the source of the energy signature Krysa had
picked up earlier.
“Sir, the energy reading are coming from 8 decks below us. That must be
the engineering section. Perhaps one of us should head down there.”
Krysa suggested.
“Not yet, Lt. I’d like to scout out the Bridge first.” Maril said.
Entering the bridge, there were still no signs of life, nor were there
any bodies laying around. “Where did they all go?” asked Tok.
Krysa headed to the computer console just to her right. After fumbling
with the controls for a short time, she got a response. Slowly the
computer began to come on. An alien face faded in out from the screen.
“I think I got some logs here. I’m having a hard time getting them to
come in though.”
Maril walked over to the console to help Jenn. Within a few seconds they
got the picture to clear and the voice came through.
<Captain’s log, Flogden date, 2434.889. The FSF Crowden is approaching
the Ronden system. We should reach our destination with the next 2
Flogden dates. The crew is very skitish, and I shall be glad to reach
the planet and off load this cargo. So far we have had no problems,
however no one is willing to enter the cargo hold alone and
Sparks flew from the console. Jenn and Maril jumped back. Turning her
tricorder on it, Krysa reported that it was dead. The controls fused.
“That is really strange,” she said. “I can’t find a reason for the
blowout. Now of the circuits were over heating or over worked.”
“What do you think they were carrying?” asked Jarren. They all shook
their heads.
Jenn turned back to her tricorder. “According to this is looks like this
message was recorded almost 500 years ago. I can’t be sure on that
without running some of this information through the ship’s computers,
but 500 would be my guess. Could be more, though. I wonder why no one’s
ever discovered this ship before?”
Lt. Krysa Jenn<br>
NRPG: Okay, who wants to go to the cargo hold<VBG>
Max, I’m sorry, I’m still a little fuzzy on where Ein is going? Really
I wouldn’t hurt him<g> Just want to know how many NPC’s I’m going to
have to create.
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: FO's Office</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Max Felsher 2-11-1996</h4>
SD 80211.2130<br>
MD 1.0700<br>
First Officer's Office<br>
Lt. Commander Maril sat in his new office, looking it over. He was slowly
adjusting to his position as FO. A beep sounded from the door.
"The shelter at Empellas," he called out. Realizing that was a bit unclear,
he simply said, "Come."
Lieutenant Jenn walked in. "You wanted to see me, sir."
"Yes, Lieutenant. Sit down," Maril said, motioning to the chair on the other
side of his desk. "I'm sure you're aware that you are now Operations Officer
on this ship."
"Yes, sir, I am," Jenn replied.
"Good. Now, how are you adjusting?"
"Well, I haven't had much time to do anything, but so far, I am adjusting,
sir. I actually wanted to talk to you about it, sir."
"As do I. Now, as you may or may not know, the Ops position is basically one
of management. You must organize who has access to the DELPHI array and other
resources and when they do. Most of this will actually be handled by the Ops
technology. Also, part of your job is to make sure there is no waste in
energy, especially during an alert situation. Finally, you have access to
sensors, communications, and ship's systems. Basically, your job is to try to
make everyone happy. Do you understand?"
"Yes, sir. I'd like to talk to you about staffing."
"Very well. Right now, the Ops staff is rather depleted. There are
basically 5 positions which you should cover-youself as OPS-ALPHA, an OPS-BETA
who is usually AOPS, an OPS-GAMMA, a Chief Sensors Officer, and a Mission Ops
Officer. The three officers for the different watches are pretty
self-explanatory. The CSensO just basically monitors the DELPHI array with any
Science or Engineering staff. And the Mission Ops officer handles the middle
aft console. He or she is basically the same as OPS, but is primarily
concerned with seeing the mission through, as opposed to handling the whole
As Jenn left, Maril sat back and thought. He was truly sad about his sister.
She had a wonderful career as an anthropology expert in the Tamarian Spacefleet
ahead of her. Maril hoped she would be okay.
The sun has met the sea,<br>
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,<br>
First Officer, USS Feynman,<br>
aka Max Felsher<br>
you know how to run OPS. Oh, I got a message from Ein begging me not to hand
him over into your evil clutches. :D BTW, Ein is no longer registered.
Mike:Okay, I did what you asked.
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Away Team</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Max Felsher 2-11-1996</h4>
SD 80211.2300<br>
MD 1.0900<br>
Maril thought about who would be on his away team.
"Lieutenant Jenn, Lieutenant Jerran, you're with me," he ordered. Ton his
his communicator, he said, "Maril to Tok. Report to Transporter Room 2
[Aye, sir.]
Moments later, as they stepped onto the transporter pad, Maril said over the
intercom, "Maril to Bridge. We're ready down here."
[Very well. Proceed,] Zane ordered.
"Energize," Maril ordered to the Transporter Chief.
The away team beamed onto the ship. "I suggest we head to the Bridge," he
said after they rematerialized.
The sun has met the sea,<br>
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,<br>
First Officer, USS Feynman,<br>
aka Max Felsher<br>
All:Just a really, really, REALLY short post to say who's going where.<br>
Away Team(Kristen, Joseph, Lysle):Carry on.<br>
Feynman:Don't just sit around while we're working! ;)<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Dead Ship, or Deadly Ship?</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Joseph Baker 2-12-1996</h4>
SD: 80212.0239<br>
Scene: Alien Bridge<br>
Jerran thought a moment about the date which Jenn had read off of the
alien captain's log. He nodded in agreement to her when she said that it
was about 500 years old. Some of the stories he had read about this race
had mentioned a little bit about their dating system, and even though
those stories were over two thousand years old, he was able to
extrapolate them to the time of the log.
While Jenn had been reading the computer log, Jerran had moved over to
what appeared to be the helm console. Leave it to a pilot to find the
helm on an alien ship. The seat was obviously not made for a humanoid,
and Jerran wouldn't have been able to sit down in it without some major
contortions which he might not have been able to recover from.
He tried to access the console, but it was dead. Then Jenn's console
blew up. He rushed over to make sure that she and Cmdr Maril were
alright. "It doesn't look like we're going to get much information from
up here. The helm console hasn't had power running through it for a
couple of centuries, and that computer console looks like it's
irreperably destroyed."
Maril nodded as he thought for a moment. "We're going to have to go down
to the cargo bay. I don't want any of us to go down there alone."
Jerran and Jenn nodded to their XO as they and Dr. Tokk followed him out of
the bridge to the lower decks. As Jerran approached the deck, he pulled
out his phaser and set it for heavy stun, just in case. Jenn smiled
over to him and said, "Ever had to fire one of those, Lt.?"
"Of course. I was in the Bajoran Militia for a couple of years before I
went into the academy. However, I've never had to shoot at anything live
Jenn nodded as she pulled out her own phaser and checked its setting.
The lift stopped at the deck and they tried to get off as the door creeked
open about halfway. Maril had to push it open the rest of the way open
so they could leave. They walked down the corridor to where the tricorder
said the cargo bay was located.
When they arrived, neither of the four officers could believe their
eyes. The huge, thick double cargo bay doors had been torn open, from
the inside...
<pre style="background-color: #303030; color: #ccc7e1;">
* I study nuclear science!        * *
* I love my classes!              * *
* I've got a crazy teacher,        ******************************
* Who wears dark glasses.          *  LTJG Jerran Terel        *
* Things are goin' great,          *  Flight Control Officer    *
* And they're only gettin' better! *  USS Feynman/NCC-66000    *
* Joseph W. Baker                                              *
* Physics Major, College of Arts and Sciences                  *
* University of South Florida                                  *
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN:  Fobok's Quarters</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
B.J. Baye 2-12-1996</h4>
SD: 80212.1103<br>
MD: 1.0120<br>
Scene: Fobok's Quarters<br>
Fobok could hear the medical team trying to get in. He knew that soon, at
this rate, security would be coming with phasers. He decided he had to tell
the doctor, as he could call off the security, and leave him alone. He
walked over to the door, and quickly repaired the damage he had done. The
door opened and he faced a startled security officer, a CPO, who was just
aiming his phaser.
Fobok said, "I wish to speak with Doctor Tok, alone."
The CPO stepped aside and let the doctor come in, and opened up his
tricorder. As soon as the door closed, he said, "What is wrong, Fobok?
said you were unfit for duty but.."
Fobok interrupted, "I will tell you, but I need your absolute secrecy that
this is happening to me, don't even tell Matt, and that you will leave me
Tok nodded, deciding not to test this apparently out of control Vulcan.
*Correction*, Tok thought, *half Vulcan, even more dangerous.*
Fobok said just the two words, "Pon farr."
Tok nodded, finally understanding. "I shall keep it a secret, but what will
you do? Do you not need to return to Vulcan?"
Fobok shook his head, "I shall not interrupt this mission, it is too
important, and besides, that is only necessary when the chosen mate is at
Vulcan..I have no chosen mate as of now.."
Tok nodded, "I suggest you find one soon.."
Fook just nodded, but didn't heed his words. Who would he find on this ship?
Matt sat in Doctor Tok's office. Nurse Tamy said Tok had gone to find out
what was wrong with his dad. He hoped Tok would come back soon..
Just a few seconds later, he entered the office, then bent down to look
Matt, who was sitting in the chair behind the desk, in the eye. "Matt,
you're father's sick..he should be alright, but you'll need to stay
somewhere else for the next few days."
Matt was confused, "Sick with what? Why did the computer say he was no
longer on board?"
NRPG: I'll let Lysle handle this response..and feel free to send Matt to
whoever you want tto stay with during this time..:)..
Scene: Fobok's quarters<br>
MD: 1.0220<br>
It suddenly popped into his mind, as he meditated. Amy, she would be the
one he would chose. *But will she chose me, with the way she ran out the
other night.*
Well, it was worth a try. He once again unlocked his door and walked out of
his quarters.
Scene: Corridor, outside WO Tharn's quarters.
Fobok walked up to the door and pressed the door chime. He had serious
trouble controlling himself now, and soon Plak-tow would obsess him. If he
didn't 'mate' soon, he probably would end up killing the first vulcan he
sees, thinking it was kalifi. "Come" he heard, and stepped in.
She looked like she was just getting ready for bed, "Oh, hello Fobok.."
He looked at her through his burning eyes, "I need help me..."
Amy looked concerned, seeing, feeling, the pain he was in, "What can I do?"
He raised his hand, two fingers extended.
Amy saw what he wanted, and without hesitation, brought her hand up....
For that last part, I was glad I watched Star Trek III Saturday..:)..
Andy: Well, Fobok should be able to come on duty at MD: 1.1000..:)..
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Bridge-->Ready Room</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 2-13-1996</h4>
MD: 1:0925<br>
> The probe began to actively send back data. Finding something out of<br>
> the ordinary, it dropped out of warp and continued at sublight speed.<br>
> A visual scan slowly began to filter back to the Feynman, slong with<br>
> the readings.<br>
> There was a massive build up of Ion particles which the probe had picked up.<br>
> "Sir, the Probe is begining to send us some data, I've got a visual." Tarrant reported.<br>
> "On screen" Zane ordered.<br>
> The image of the drifting freightor snapped off, and replaced with<br>
> a vew of space. On the sides, technical readings were posted.<br>
> It was very close to a nebula which seemed to be made up of a<br>
> great number of gasses, most prvailent was hydrogen. Readings<br>
> showed a slight gravity well inside. The probe would have normally<br>
> veered off course to avoid it, but Tarrant sent a tight subspace<br>
> command for it too stay on the pre-programmed path.<br>
> Then something surprising. The readings began to show a fairly large build up of ions.<br>
> "Sir, this Ion build up would indicate that this area of space was<br>
> at one time heavily traveled." Observed Tarrant.<br>
> "But from where, you said there are no planitary systems for<br>
> many light years?" noted Cartwright from the helm.<br>
> As if to answer him, the view on the screen began to dramaticly<br>
> change. As if clouds of greenish dust began to appear, a<br>
> wormhole began to take shape. Looking like an inverted tornado,<br>
> the data showed that it was smaller than the one known in the<br>
> Bajoran System.<br>
> The little probe headed bravely into the wormhole, as it sent<br>
> back its last few readings. They could only see the begining of<br>
> the entrance before the tranmissions cut off, presumeably from<br>
> the wormhole closing....<br>
"Analysis?" Zane asked. "Was that a stable worm-hole?"
The CEO seemed lost in thought as he sat at the engineering
console staring at the multitude of information that was flashing across
his screen. "I'd rather examine the probe's findings before I give a
definite answer. There are many variables to be considered."
"Very well. I want you to use all available resources and come
up with a picture of that wormhold and the surrounding area of space."
"Aye sir." Tarrant sent a copy of the probe's findings to the
science station. Zane watched as, within a few seconds of receiving the
file the ACSciO's face took on the same glassy look as the engineer's as
information flashed across his console as well. This brought a smile to
Zane's face. He got the same feeling whenever the holodeck got a new
combat simulation.
"Ah Mr. Koreth. Before you engulf yourself in your work I have a
quick question for you. Will the ship out there be able to withstand a
prolonged tractor lock at warp speeds?"
Reluctantly Tarrant brought the image of the ship up on his
display. "Planning on bringing the ship with us sir?"
"No. The Away team will most likely be unable to learn all of
the ship's secrets but I'm sure Fleet engineer's and historians will
enjoy crawling all over it. If you feel it can handle it I'll ask
EPSILON to send out a tug and have it towed in."
Tarrant made a few quick calculations. "I don't see it as being
a problem sir."
"Good. Thank-you lieutenant, I'll leave you to your work." Zane
walked down the ramp towards the viewscreen and stared at the ship for
sometime. It's design was unlike anything he had ever seen but he found
that if he stared at it enough he could see some of the same patterns as
on comparable Kzin craft. That triggered a thought.
"Zane to away team."
[Maril here, go ahead.]
"How is your progress commander."
[We've surveyed the was what you would expect, a lot
of fried equipment. We got one of the bridge computers working for a few
seconds and managed to view a captain's log. The log didn't contain any
information of great importance but the picture did.]
[Sir, the inhabitants of this vessel were a feline race. It was
hard to tell as the viewer was quite distorted but I'd say they were
somewhere between a Sivoan and a Kzinti.]
"I see." The revelation seemed to confirm a thought that had
developed in the back of his mind. "Are you still on the bridge?"
[No sir, we are beginning to head below decks. We're trying to
track down some energy readings. Have you be able to find anything?]
"Yes, Mr. Koreth launched a probe back down the ships course and
has discovered a small wormhole..." The two officers continued to
discuss the findings for a few minutes. "...very well commander keep me
updated. FEYNMAN out."
Walking towards his ready room Zane looked to the CSO.
"Lieutenant I'll be in my ready-room, you have the bridge."
Scene: Ready-room<br>
It had been almost 3 hours since Zane had eaten and his body,
with is hypermetabolism was letting him know. "Large carafe of coffee,
black, hot. Large bowl of Pasta Carbonera." Picking up the tray he set
it down at his desk, poured himself a coffee and turned on his computer
access screen. Sitting he accessed historical/anthroplogical files.
It took some time but eventually he had narrowed the parameters
enough to find what he had been looking for. The ship they had found had
belonged to a felinoid race known as the Cesahata. It was not known
where they orginated from, but there had been numerous archeological digs
throughout this sector of space that had uncovered small settlements.
Rumours pointed to similar findings inside Kzin borders.
As was usually the case when little evidence was presented in a
mystery so intriguing just about everyone had there own theory on the
race. Ideas ranged from them being part of a parent race whose offshoots
included the Kzin and possibly the Sivoans to such exaggerated claims
that they were somesort of cosmic progenitor that moved from place to
place seeding the systems with their genes. One thing was agreed upon,
however, all of the settlements in this region, on both sides of the
border, picked up and left at the same time with what seemed to be little
Scanning the lists of theories presented one name caught the
captain's eye...Victor Fic. Fic was a noted scholar whose anthropological
findings were required reading at the Academy. If anyone had a realistic
take on this it would be him. Zane called up the file. He had to read
it several times to get the full impact, as well as to understand some of
the reasoning behind Fic's assumptions. Essentially he believed the Cesahala
were a related race to the Kzin but their civilization was far removed
from their cousins. A peaceful race, they stumbled across the Kzin
several thousand years ago and tried to reconcile. The Kzin, a true
warrior race were less interested in relations than using the superior
technology to make weapons. Fearing that they were further corrupting a
already savage race, the Cesahala withdrew and returned to their own
The main problem with this theory, as Fic freely pointed out, was
the Cesahala, lived on worlds that numbered in the thousands. Surely any
grouping this large and close enough to find the Kzin would leave larger
traces of itself. *The wormhole!* Zane thought.
Flagging the file and sending it first to all the department
heads and then posting it on the ship's BBS for general perusal the
captain rose and headed for the bridge. There were still many pieces
that were missing but at least they were starting to get a better grasp
at the puzzle. Perhaps the away team would provide more answers.
I had almost completed this yesterday morning and then my system
crashed:( I hope it doesn't conflict with other posts but I haven't
received anything that points to a problem so here goes...(I checked the
newsgroup too.)
Jason: I left the CSO with the bridge in case you needed to be elsewhere
with your research
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Out of the Frying Pan, into the fire...</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Max Felsher 2-14-1996</h4>
SD 80214.0200<br>
MD 1.1000<br>
Cesahala Ship: Cargo Bay<br>
"This is Maril to Feynman. Before Shendako falls into the sea, please!" the
frustrated FO called out. There was no response. The foe of Tok and Maril
was a huge...being. It was so shiny that even in the dim light of the cargo
bay, it was almost too bright to look at. Maril aimed his phaser and fired.
The beam simply glanced off without a flinch from the being.
Suddenly, Maril noticed a small opening into the outside corridor that wasn't
covered with metal. He pointed it out to Tok and they ran as fast as they
could. Miraculously, they escaped practically unharmed, with only a few cuts
or bruises from the pieces of metal.
"Let's head for Engineering. I have an idea," Maril said to Tok. As soon as
they were safely in Engineering, he contacted the Feynman. "Maril to Feynman.
Are you there?"
[We read you, Commander,] the familiar voice of Commander Zane sounded over
the communicator. [Your status?]
"We were attacked by a being. I will report on it later. Right now, I am
going to shut down the whole ship, including Life Support. I suggest you get
us out of here before it fully shuts off. sir."
[Very well. Feynman out.]
Now speaking to Tok, he said, "This being appears to reflect anything we
throw at it. So, we're not going to give it anything to reflect. Shutting
down all systems except for Life Support and lights in Engineering."
"Maril to Feynman. Prepare to beam Mr. Tok and then myself up."
[Aye, sir.]
Maril was ready. "Beam Mr. Tok up."
"Sir, you should go first," the CMO suggested.
"No, you're going first, Mr. Tok," the FO ordered.
As Tok beamed away, Maril pressed the button to activate the program he had
set up. "Now, Feynman." The countdown started.
"Fifteen seconds to total shutdown...14...13...12...."
Maril could also hear something crashing down the corridor.
It was getting closer.
It was almost there.
It was entering the room. Finally, the beamout occurred. Maril thought to
himself how those must have been the longest 11 seconds of his life.
He stepped off the transporter pad on the Feynman and headed for the Bridge.
As he walked on, signs of relief could be seen on most people's faces.
However, the relief was short-lived.
"Sir, I'm reading explosions occurring on the alien ship. There are more and
more of them as it continues," Lt. Jenn reported.
"Sir! The explosions are reaching the ship. They're pushing us towards the
wormhole!" Lt.<jg> Charles exclaimed.
"Shields up," Maril ordered. After receiving a nod from Zane, he ordered,
"Full reverse until we can go to warp, Mr. Jerran."
"It's not working, sir. We're still going towards the wormhole!" Lt.<jg>
Jerran said with dismay.
"Brace for impact in 5...4...," Jenn ordered.
Thr sun has met the sea,<br>
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,<br>
First Officer, USS Feynman,<br>
aka Max Felsher<br>
All: Well, that solves one problem, opens up another. Hmmm, I wonder where this
wormhole leads. :)<br>
Andy: I hope we *do* get the _Asimov_ back. :)<br>
Kristen: Ein is yours to kill, maim or otherwise disgrace. ;) The other 3
positions or so, you have to create NPC's. You don't really have to fill the
CSensO or MissOps position, or you could have one NPC cover a couple of the
Lysle: Sorry I had to get you out of there so quickly. ;)<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Alien Cargo Bay</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Joseph Baker 2-13-1996</h4>
SD: 80213.2047<br>
Dr. Tok was the first to speak as the group of officers stared at the
gaping hole in the doors leading to the cargo bay, "Now we have a good
idea of what happened to the crew."
"Yeah," said Lt. Jenn. "But the question now is to find out what
happened to the thing that was in there."
Jerran moved closer to the door to get a better look inside. None of the
lights were on, so he had to switch on a small light that was strapped to
his wrist. All along the cargo bay were bodies, about a hundred of them
at Jerran's first guess. They all looked like the felinoid creature
which they had seen in the log up on the bridge. And none of them were
in too good of a shape, either.
Jerran pulled out his tricorder and moved in, cautiously scanning the
room with it, the light, and his phaser. Commander Maril was close
behind, covering Jerran with his phaser as Lt. Jenn and Dr. Tok brought
up the rear. Tok pulled out his medical tricorder and began scanning one
of the bodies nearby.
"This can't be right," said the blue skinned Bolian CMO. "The bodies
haven't decomposed a day since they died, but by not only the log, but
also the atomic decay levels in their bodies, they've been dead for over
five centuries."
Jerran nodded as he continued to look cautiously around the room. "The
ship probably lost life support a short time after the crew died. Some
sort of automated system may have brought it back online once the FEYNMAN
came near it."
Jenn glanced out towards the door as she said, "That would be consistant
with the sudden energy readings we detected upon our approach."
"And if they did loose life support," Tok said as he continued to scan
the bodies, "Then the ship might have dropped in temperature enough to
freeze the bodies and slow their decomposition to a halt."
Maril didn't like the sound of that at all as an idea formed in his
head. "Doctor. If the temperature of the ship was brought down far
enough, would that also mean that it could be possible for whatever did
this to still be alive somewhere on this ship, protected by suspended
Tok looked up from the body and said, "That is a distinct possibility,
sir. That would also mean that our arrival has awoken something that
killed the entire crew of this ship."
"And if it is here," Jerran said, "Then we might not have picked it up on
our sensors because it could just be waking up, in which case it wouldn't
put out any life signs."
Jenn stood up and looked towards Jerran saying, "And there's also the
possibility that whatever it is might not register on our sensors."
"That might not be entirely true," the XO said as he looked at his
tricorder. "I'm detecting some movement. It's on this deck, just a few
bulkheads foreward of the cargo bay, and moving towards us."
I think it might be time for a hasty departure, unless there's something
wrong with the FEYNMAN's transporters <EG> I'll leave it up to the rest
of yall to decide what happens next <G>
<pre style="background-color: #303030; color: #ccc7e1;">
* I study nuclear science!        * *
* I love my classes!              * *
* I've got a crazy teacher,        ******************************
* Who wears dark glasses.          *  LTJG Jerran Terel        *
* Things are goin' great,          *  Flight Control Officer    *
* And they're only gettin' better! *  USS Feynman/NCC-66000    *
* Joseph W. Baker                                              *
* Physics Major, College of Arts and Sciences                  *
* University of South Florida                                  *
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Oh So Carefully</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Jason Bostjanic 2-13-1996</h4>
Scene: Shuttlebay<br>
MD: 10950<br>
WO Charles Dunnon was on duty in the shuttlebay, and unfortunately
he found himself paired up with CPO Norris. It wasn't that Norris was
hard to get along with... it was quite the opposite.
"..and then, get this sir, little Betsy started to eat the marigolds!
Just up and started chewin on them right in front of Mr. Yorktown
himself. "
The skinny petty officer couldn't have weighed more than 105 lbs.
In fact, Dunnon found it partially amazing that the PO was able to
go down in the turbolift without being lifted off of the floor.
After a while he was usually able to phase him out, but then other
times his stories were so ludicrus that he couldn't help but remark
on them... and that would always lead to another story.
"A goat... on the grounds of Starfleet Academy, eating the Admiral's
flowers." There was a tinge of disbelief behind those words.
Dunnan had hoped that his counterpart would have picked it
up, but it blew by.
"Yes sir, you can imagine how hard it was for us not to start cracking
up laughing, because well... you see there was this one time that me
and this guy Brian laughed at... did I tell you about Brian?"
"Let me see, he was the one whose mother claimed to be transwarped
back in time, and gave Zephram Cochran the idea for warp travel,
but then was pulled back through the Mt. Fiji time portal to come home."
He stared, dead eyed, at Norris, almost praying that he would get the
"That's the one! Only it wasn't Mt. fiji, it was the Great Pyramid in
Egypt. Mt. Fiji was the volcano that my Uncle first dove into with
his thermoprotective tephlon suit... "
Duncan could only shake his head. There was no way to get through.
Luckily the sound of his communicator beeped in. Mouthing the
words 'thank you' he tapped his badge.
"Dunnon here."
<This is Cartwright, I need you to start running some diagnostics on
the TOMONAGA. The lieutenant is planning on making some
changes on the shuttle, but we need a full check on it before we
"It will be a *pleasure*, in fact I'll get right on it."
Bringing up his most sympathetic face he turned to Norris, "Sorry,
duty calls. You'll just have to tell me some other time."
Without waiting for a reply, he turned and headed towards the
TOMONAGA. Once inside, Dunnan fired up the shuttle and began
running the checks. The soft hum of the power was such a
nice change compared to the non-stop chatter he would normally
have to bare.
'Ahhh.. yes. It is time. I had wanted to just start with one.. but
the both of you should do fine. Let's see... I'll let the
little one watch as you die.... warrant officer.
Let's see, should I break his neck, or cut it. Cutting caused
so much blood.. but it would also cause the most fear, and
it was certainly more... disturbing to watch.
Yes I... No. He's talking... the communicator. No.. where
are you going? Don't... ahhhh. That's it, go to the shuttle.
It will make things so much more interresting. In fact...
*That* is it! How perfect... YOU will be the first little one.
It won't be as painful as I'd like... but you will do just fine...
It would have been only a matter of time anyway...
you all must die.
<Bridge to shuttle bay>
"Norris here. What's up?"
<Where's Officer Dunnan? Sensors and visual just went
off line down there. The back-ups too. Is everything all
"Looks so to me... Dunnan is running diagnostics on a
shuttle, I'll look into it. Norris out."
He never got a chance to turn around. A hard blow to the
back of his head brought the CPO into blackness.
<Warning... warning... shuttlebay doors opening.>
Dunnan looked out the shuttle window and found that
the doors really were opening.
<Bridge to Dunnan, what is going on down there! Have
you opened the bay doors?> It was captain Zane, and
he sounded.. well pissed.
"I uh... no sir. I've been running diagnostics. CPO
Norris is the only other one down here." The WO
was about to open the shuttle's door when the computer
sounded again.
<Warning.. Shuttle bay containment field deactivating>
"Norris... Norris!" franticly WO Dunnan tried to get the man
to answer over his communicator. There was no reply.
The shuttles were magneticly attached to the floor, and he
had sealed the TOMONAGA before entering with the hopes
of keeping out Norris's constant chatter. All he could do now
was turn and watch as the containment field dropped.
In horror, he watched as the artificial atmosphere inside was
sucked out. Later he would think it to be some kind of
whirlwind effect. He saw the engineering kit he left outside the
shuttle get sucked into the vaccum of space. And behind
it CPO Matt Norris.
The computer terminal from which both men had just talked
only fifteen minutes before blicked with just a single message.
"NO MORE" Norris's comm-badge was magneticly attached...
It begins... but oh so carefully. <VBEG>
A suicide??? NO... but it may take some looking into
before that is ruled out.
For security: There are no traces left as to who might
have disconnected the sensors and visual cameras (and
the backups) inside the shuttlebay.
For medical: Well, from what I hear, the leftover results
leading from being 'vaccumed' don't leave much. But
should you be able to somehow find out anything, you'll find
the head trauma was caused by a blunt strike to
the head... whether or not it was caused by something hitting
it or it hitting something is inconclusive.
For engineering (ME): The sabotage is quite simply the
crosswiring of the sensor power sytems into the sensor
output. Works every time.
For counselor(s): Norris's logs and what not show that
he was disappointed at not having advanced further
within the two months on board, but he was understanding
why. There is no mention of suicide.
Jason Bostjanic
Lieutenant Tarrant L. Koreth - CEO - USS FEYNMAN<br>
Lieutenant (jg) Laryn Spyyre - CEO - USS HUNTINGTON<br>
"Quoth the Raven 'Nevermore'"<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: I Don't Know What to Call This One</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 2-13-1996</h4>
Stardate: 80213.0001<br>
Scene: Transporter Room<br>
Lt. Jenn stepped off the transporter pad. She turned to wait for the
others. Jarren was the next to get transported.
“We've got both of them, sir. Preparing to lock on to Dr. Tok.” said
the transporter chief.
[Maril to Feynman. We have a situation here! Beam us out!]
“Sir! We can't get a postive lock on you at the moment.”
Jenn turned to the transporter chief. “What do you mean you can’t get a
positive lock on them? Get them out of there!”
“I’m trying, sir... uhh, ma’am... I mean...” The man’s fingers were
flying over the controls to no avial. Jarren to the controls to see if
he could help.
<What’s going on down there!> demanded Zane over the comm link.
“We can’t get a lock on Commander Maril or Dr. Tok, sir.” said the
transporter chief. “The gravimetric interference from the wormhole is
preventing it.”
“I’ve got to get to the Bridge,” said Jenn. She hoped from the her Ops
station she might be able to detect what ever was over there on that
derelict. “Terri, come with me. Ens,” she said to the transporter chief,
“Get those transporters working!”
Scene: Bridge
Jenn and Jarren entered the bridge. They hurried down to thier
perspective stations. WO Ein got up and made room for Jenn.
“Sir,” Jenn said to Zane who was just coming out of his ready room, “The
ship is beginning to power up again.”
“Feynman to Maril, what is your status?”
There was no response.
“Transporter room, how is that lock coming?”
<Still unable to make a lock, sir. Something is blocking it.>
“It’s moving!” shouted Jarren.
“Confirmed,” said Jenn, “It’s moving straight for that wormhole, not
very fast, but definately headed in that direction.” She looked up a
Zane, her face full of concern.
“Mr. Koreth, Tractor Beam! Don’t let that ship get away.” said the
“Tractor beam on. We have the ship, it’s not going anywhere.” Koreth
informed him.
Jenn stood up and looked at Zane. “There is something on that ship. It’s
very strong and it killed the crew! We have to get Maril and Tok.” Zane
nodded trying to think of his next step.
Lt. Krysa Jenn, Ops/2O<br>
NRPG: Uhhh, I don’t know where else to go, so I stopped to let someone
else take over. Just thought I’d throw in somemore glitches.
Max and Lysle: Don’t get caught, okay<G><br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: New Friends</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 2-14-1996</h4>
<Warning... warning... shuttlebay doors opening.>
"Bridge to Dunnan, what is going on down there! Have you opened
the bay doors?" Zane asked half annoyed, half shocked.
[I uh... no sir. I've been running diagnostics. CPO Norris is the
only other person down here.] The WO replied.
"Well what the hell is going on down there?" Zane's patience was
thinning. There was no response. "Mr. Dunnon....Mr. Dunnon?" Zane
looked to the CSO "Get someone down there."
Things were getting much worse. Zane still had not been able to
find out what had happened on the shuttle deck but that was only one of
his worries. The away team had been investigating a seemingly dead ship
had been attacked by some sort of creature. Only two of the team had
been beamed back orginally but after some quick thinking by the
first officer the FEYNMAN was able to retrieve the rest.
"Sir, I'm reading explosions occurring on the alien ship. There are
more and more of them as it continues," Lt. Jenn reported.
"Sir! The explosions are reaching the ship. They're pushing us
towards the wormhole!" Lt.<jg> Charles exclaimed.
"Shields up," Maril ordered. After receiving a nod from Zane, he ordered,
"Full reverse until we can go to warp, Mr. Jerran."
"It's not working, sir. We're still going towards the wormhole!" Lt.<jg>
Jerran said with dismay.
"Brace for impact in 5...4...," Jenn ordered.
As Commander Zane was able to regain his balance again he
shouted, "FULL stop, Jerran! Let's find out where we are!"
They were already down to about half impulse as Jerran eased the
ships velocity down the rest of the way. "Scanning the area with the
navigational array now, sir." He furrowed his brow and frowned as the
computer paused trying to compute their position.
"Well, Lt?" Said Zane as he came to stand between the
helm and ops stations.
"I'm trying, sir. The computer's having a lot of trouble trying
to get our position." Jerran was just about to switch to manual
triangulation when the computer brought up the results "I've got it, sir.
The computer says we're not even in our own galaxy. We've travelled
almost 40 million light years in a few minutes."
The security chief looked up from his console and said, "We're
not alone, Captain."
The viewscreen changed from a starfield to a view of five ships which
looked similar to the frieghter which they had just watched explode.
Except, these ships were obviously not freighters. They were warships,
each about twice the size of a Galaxy class.
Commander Zane calmly turned to Lt. Jenn and said, "Open hailing
The image of the five ships flickered and was replaced by that of
a large, smiling cat, something closer to a tiger actually. "I am
Commander Zane of the Federation Starship FEYNMAN."
"Greetings commander. I am Tauk, captain of the Cesphalain ship
RESOLUTE. Welcome to the Galaxy Andromeda, well thats what you of the
Federation call it we of course have our own name."
"Thank-you for your warm greetings Captain Tauk. Please let me
apologize for dropping in on you like this..."
Tauk raised a dismissive hand. "Commander, apologies are not
necessary. We truly welcome your arrival. It has been some time since
we were visitors of your galaxy and look forward to hearing of its progress."
Zane seemed somewhat relieved. As good as the FEYNMAN was it
certainly couldn't take on five warships. "Captain Tauk how is it that you
happened to be waiting for us. Certainly you do not leave warships
protecting this wormhole."
Tauk laughed. "Well that is true and not. We leave one ship
here as a sentinel. But to answer your question we knew you might be
coming ever since you found our freighter. It is an unassuming probe
is it not? Once contacted it relays its findings to us and we arrive
to greet our guest." Tauk paused. "But surely you must no this
commander. The information files we left behind for you to find are quite
Zane briefly described the events leading up to their arrival.
Tauk was visibily dismayed. "I assure you we know nothing of this. That
ship was designed simply as a welcoming bouy to our galaxy. We have only
the most peacful of intentions. Thi creature you describe was not of our
Zane accepted the answer...for the time being.
"But commander I am being rude. You are our first guests in a
very long time and must be treated as such. Please escort my vessel
back to the home world. My leaders look forward to meeting with you.
Our last diplomatic mission to your galaxy failed and it is our
greatest hope we can establish relations with your Federation.
I would also like to invite you and your fellow officers to a
banquet in your honour celebrating the midday meal. Will you accept?"
"Of course Captain Tauk! My officers and I are greatly honoured
by your gracious offer and look forward to meeting you and your officers."
"Excellent! We will prepare for your arrival in 3 hours. Tauk out."
As the image of Tauk was replaced Zane turned to the OPS
officer. "Were you able to 'read' their feelings lieutenant?"
"Yes sir. I sensed nothing but good will and excitement. Tauk
and his crew see our visit as a momentous occasion."
"Good." Zane was clearly relieved. He turned to the CSO. "Any
word on the flightdeck."
"Secuirty is present but they has of yet ascertained nothing."
"Mr. Charles I want you to look into this investigation
personally." He turned to the FCO. "I think you better accompany him
down to the shuttlebay, Mr. Charleswill fill you in. Gentlemen I want some
answers to this before we beam over to the RESOLUTE.
As the turbolift doors closed Zane walked up to the Engineering
station to examine any damage the ship may have sustained through the
Just cut and pasting a few things together...
Hey, how did the wormhole get so close? <G>
Okay it looks like we have our first diplomatic mission. This could be
the first inter-galaxy treaty so make sure your dress uniforms are pressed.!
As for the evil presence lurking about....well I don't know you tell me!
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Shuttlebay</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Joseph Baker 2-14-1996</h4>
SD: 80214.2223<br>
Jerran got up from his flight console as soon as Ensign Cartwright
arrived to take his place so that he could go down to the shuttledeck to
help with the investigation of PO Norris' accident.
He thought about it for a moment, thinking that it was probably some
careless error, but he doubted if it was an error on WO Dunnon's part.
He was one of his best, and most experienced shuttlepilots. You don't
rise to through the enlisted ranks to get to WO without being the best at
what you do.
Jerran stepped out of the turbolift as it reached the shuttledeck. He
nodded to the security officer standing by the door as he walked through,
heading towards WO Dunnon and LTJG Charles.
Jerran nodded to the CSO as he turned to Dunnon and said, "OK, what
happened, Mr. Dunnon?"
"I don't know, sir. I was in the TOMONAGA carrying out those
modifications which you wanted when I heard the alarms going off telling
me that the door was openeing. Then, the atmospheric containment
forcefield shut off.
"Lt. I swear that I double checked those systems just an hour ago, and
they were all five by five. There is no way that thing just opened by
itself _and_ shut off the forcefield."
Jerran nodded as he glanced around the room saying, "Agreed."
Charles shook his head and said, "I haven't found anything to suggest
sabotage, Mr. Jerran. This place is as clean as Dr. Tok's OR."
"What about the sensor systems? Why did they cut off?"
"Lt. Korreth's engineers are still looking into it."
As if on cue, one of the yellow shirted engineers who were rummaging
through an access panel in one of the walls came running up to the
lieutenants and said, "Sir! I think I've found something!"
Charles turned to the crewman and said, "What did you find?"
"Well, sir, just about anyone could have disabled the sensors, but it is
certain that they were sabotaged. It was simply a matter of crosswiring
the sensor power systems into the sensor output. Textbook case. Works
Lt. Charles wasn't too happy about a sabour getting away with murder,
literaly, on his shift. "We're going to have to tear this ship apart
till we've found that killer. And do it before anyone else gets hurt."
Jerran handed a PADD he was looking at over to WO Dunnon and said, "Yes,
but we're not going to have time to do it now. We've got a first contact
to get ready for."
"Mr Dunnon," Jerran said turning to the WO. "Give Lt. Charles' security
crew any help you can and keep me appraised of the investigation."
"Aye, aye, Lieutenant," said the WO two officers headed off the shuttlebay.
Scene: Corridor, Sr. Officers' Deck
Lt. Jerran wasn't too happy about the murder of CPO Norris, to say the
least, and his disposition didn't improve over the idea of having to put
on his dress uniform yet again. Even though his mother was a diplomat,
and she had made him come to many diplomatic functions while growing up,
he was neither good at it nor did he very much enjoy it.
As he walked down the corridor, it dawned on him just how quiet it was in
the middle of a shift. Most people on Beta and Gamma shifts were asleep
right now, or otherwise off duty, and so the corridor was almost
Suddenly, Jerran felt something in the back of his mind, something very
similar to the presense he had felt a couple of days ago near the
holodeck. He stopped dead in his tracks, turning to scan the corridor
behind him. There was nothing there, but he could still feel it.
Jerran tapped his badge and said, "Computer, scan the deck for any
non-FEYNMAN life readings."
<No anomolous life readings detected.>
*That's not right,* he thought to himself. *Something is here.*
Jerran pulled out a small type I phaser, setting it to heavy stun, as he
walked cautiously down the corridor. He came up to a bend in the
corridor, and stood flush against the wall as he prepared to turn the
corner. When he did, he almost scared the life out of a crewman as he
came along and saw the half Vulcan FCO with his phaser drawn.
"Is there... uhh... something wrong, Lt?" The young man stammered.
"No, crewman," Jerran said. "Just a tactical excercise. Just go about
your business."
"Yes, sir," he said, as he continued walking down the corridor.
Jerran took another glance down the hallway as he continued back over to
his quarters. Whatever it was, the presense had left when the crewman
had arrived. If Jerran disliked murder investigations and diplomatic
functions, he definitely detested being stalked.
Well, my hibrid friend. It appears yo uare going to cause a lot of
trouble. Not only do you have some unforseen advantages, but you also
seem to be most paranoid. All the more fun, though, as I toy with you
untill I decide it is time for you to die. Oh, and you will most
certainly die, along with the rest of the crew of this tiny ship.
Ah, but wait. What's this? New ships? Ahhhh, you've brought me more
victims to toy with. So much the better!
Oooooo, this is getting fun <G>
As for that wormhole, I don't know how it got there so fast. It just
popped up out of no where ;)
<pre style="background-color: #303030; color: #ccc7e1;">
* I study nuclear science!        * *
* I love my classes!              * *
* I've got a crazy teacher,        ******************************
* Who wears dark glasses.          *  LTJG Jerran Terel        *
* Things are goin' great,          *  Flight Control Officer    *
* And they're only gettin' better! *  USS Feynman/NCC-66000    *
* Joseph W. Baker                                              *
* Physics Major, College of Arts and Sciences                  *
* University of South Florida                                  *
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Krysa's Experience With the THING</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 2-14-1996</h4>
Stardate: 80214.1549 (OOXXOO) Happy Valentine's Day!!<br>
MD: 1. 1015<br>
Ens. Blayne Chesterton was sitting in the Counselor's Office, quite happy
with the turn of events. With Krysa being transferred up, she had control of
the counseling office. The post wasn't secure by any means. Starfleet was
well known for changing staff at a moments notice. But she had her fingers
crossed. Perhaps her transfer orders and the orders for a new counselor
would come across the Admiral's desk at the same time.
<Ens. Chesterton to the Shuttle Bay><br>
Blayne jumped at the call. "On my way." Her first chance to prove that she
could be useful. She quickly exited the office telling Crewman Cassey she
would be back later.
Upon arriving in the Shuttle bay she found Lt. Jenn already there ahead of
her. She was a little disappointed that she wouldn't be doing this on her own.
"Blayne, I'm glad you are here. I have to get ready for a banquet soon, so
I'm not going to be able to help you with this one. Do you think you can
handle the counseling end of this investigation?"
Blayne smiled, "Of course, Lt. You can count on me."
"Good. Please just ask if any problems come up that you need help with
okay." With that Jenn turned and left Blayne to her first assignment.
Lt.(j.g) Charles walked up to her. "Ens. Chesterton. We are sure that this
is a murder investigation, so I'm not sure what you can do, but Lt. Jenn
insisted that you be included."
He went on to fill her in on what events had happened.
Scene: Corridor<br>
Krysa headed toward the turbolift. As she walked down the corridor, the
empiness and the silence began to get to her. It had never bothered her
before. She couldn't understand why it did now.
She stopped to listen. There had to be something. Some noise coming from
something. It dawned on her that she didn't even hear the normal empathic
noise she usually did when surrounded by so many living beings on a
starship. It was like there was a hole on the telepathic level. She wondered
if something was wrong. Was she losing the abilities that she had left?
She hurried to the turbolift. "Sickbay," she muttered not liking the
emptiness she was feeling. The turbolift stopped, and she rushed out almost
tripping over a young ensign, on her way out.
"Excuse me," she mumbled. The young man smiled and nodded. He moved to make
room for her to pass, when Krysa felt the familiar rush of human feelings.
She grabbed the ensigns hand, "Wait!"
"Are you alright, Sir?" He asked.
Krysa hugged the poor ensign, who she was sure thought she had gone mad. But
she didn't care. She could still feel them, she hadn't lost it. Then she
sobered slightly wondering what had happened down on the other level.
As if suddenly remembering the man she was hugging, she let him go
embarrassed. "I'm so sorry, ensign. I'm just so glad to feel you!" Regaining
her composure she continued her trek to Sickbay. She thought perhaps she
should still get this checked out. She definately never wanted to experience
that again.
Lt. Krysa Jenn<br>
NRPG: My thought here is that whatever this thing is it lives on fear, so it
creates an empathic hollow of a sort around it. Krysa, not having full use
of telepathic abilities can't sense it, just the empathic hollow. Okay, I
know there is a bit of a stretch making a distinction between telepathic and
empathic abilities, but I thought it would make things interesting<EG>
(AKA - Dr. Janna Swansen, CMO, USS Bismarck, ASR)<br>
(AKA - Lt. Krysa Jenn, Ops/2O, USS Feynman, ASR)<br>
(AKA - Ens. Ainese Kev, CSciO, USS Magellan, WW)<br>
(AKA - Bree, Broken Lands, WW)<br>
(AKA - Darlea & Makayla, Dragon Lands, WW)<br>
(AKA - Dr. Darla Shane, CMO, Starbase 109, UFPI)<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Investigating and Dressing</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Colby D. Beck 2-15-1996</h4>
Scene: Jordan's quarters<br>
Jordan reviewed the PADD containing the results of the investigation so far.
Having someone die on his watch was bad enough but a murder was unheard of.
As he put on that hideous dress uniform, he thought about some things.
"Jordan to Mancuso"
(Mancuso here, go ahead)
"Chief, about this murder. Find out from engineering how many people aboard
the ship could have crossed those wires. Its a long shot, but maybe the
procedure wasn't that easy."
(Aye Aye Sir)
"Jordan to Lt. Williams."
(Williams here)
"Lt. please report to my quarters."
"Yes now." Jordan thought he might like this.
The Marine CO walked into the quarters a few minutes later looking somewhat
quizzidly at Jordan's dress uniform.
"Lt. As you know, the remaining Marines aboard the Feynman have been put
under Security control. That means my control. Now, we've had an incident
in the Carbo Bay. I want you to start a roving patrol of the decks and post
guards outside the critical areas of the ship except the Bridge. Have the
rotation schedule on my desk by the time I'm ready to hit the sack tonight."
"But..." The Jarhead tried to cut in.
"Thats all Lt. I have to go. Dismissed."
Williams stalked out of the room. Jordan did like that. He may actually be
able to handle this first contact now.
Lt.(jg) Jordan Charles<br>
Andy: Not sure if Jordan was invited to this shindig, but hes an
ex-boyscout so hes prepared.
<pre style="background-color: #303030; color: #ccc7e1;">
: Colby D. Beck                                "I am Not a  :
:                      Merry Man!!" :
:          -Lt. Worf:
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Ready to be Diplomatic</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 2-15-1996</h4>
Stardate: 80215.1421<br>
Scene: Sickbay<br>
MD: 1:1100<br>
Krysa walked into Sickbay and was met by Nurse Tamy.
"Good afternoon, can I help you." she asked.
"I just had a really strange experience and would like to see the doctor
about it." Nurse Tamy explained that Dr. Tok was on the bridge, but that Dr.
T'Kin was available.
Krysa told the Vulcan what had happened to her. With no feeling at all the
Doctor listened to Krysa's story and began to run some neural scans. The
exam took only about 15 minutes.
"There is nothing wrong with you, Lt. I can not explain what happened, nor
can I promise you that it will not happen again. It is most likely related
to your accident during adolesance."
"So why is it just happening now?"
"Perhaps due to the number of telepathic experiences that you have had
recently. You did mention the incident with Lt. Jarren. Possibly you were
"Are you saying I 'shorted out' for a while?"
"Very likely." Said the Vulcan matter of factly. "If you do not have any
other questions, you are free to go. I do not think it will be a problem for
Feeling not quite satisfied, but also not having the time to argue, Krysa
nodded and headed for her quarters to prepare for the banquet. She tried to
put the experience out of her mind, hoping that it wouldn't happen again.
Scene: Transporter Room
Krysa joined the other officers in their dress uniforms in the transporter
room to await the okay for beam out to the other ship. She still enjoyed
diplomatic functions despite the uncomfortable dress uniforms.
Lt. Krysa Jenn, Ops/2O<br>
NRPG: Lysle, I hope I used T'Kin properly.<br>
Jason, Hope this was a good out for you villian<G> I am glad I didn't screw
anything up for you.
Andy, When do we get to beam over??
Kristen and Scott Gant<br><br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Transporter Room</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Joseph Baker 2-15-1996</h4>
SD: 80215.1637<br>
Ltjg Jerran stood in the transporter room patiently waiting for the other
officers to arrive in order that they may all beam over to the alien
ship, the RESOLUTE. He was glad to see that Lt. Jenn was one of the
first to arrive, as he would finally have a chance to talk with her about
his recent experiences.
"Lieutenant, could I have a word with you for a moment?"
"Sure, Terri," she said as she stood up on the transporter pad with him.
Jerran gave a look to the transporter chief that told him that this was
to be a private conversation, so the chief took the opportunity to go
check on the pattern buffers.
"What's the matter? You look a little shaken by something?" she said.
He raised an eyebrow and said, "That's funny. I was just about to say
the same thing about you."
"The truth is that I think I've been having some really bad mental
reactions to that little bump I got on my head in the NOGURA. The other
day when I was walking to the holodeck in the stardrive section, I could
have sworn that I felt something, someone, following me. Some sort of a
very strong telepathic presense. And then it happened again today just a
little while ago when I was walking to my quarters. I almost shot at a
crewman who was walking by."
"What kind of telepathic presense do you think this is?"
"I don't know. I just felt something there. Something that wasn't
normal. Now usually, I'm just a touch telepath. It takes something
really strong to get me to sense it over that much distance. Unless, of
course, this is just some sort of halucination brought about by that
accident in the runabout."
Jenn thought for a minute and said, "It just might be related, then."
"What might be related?" asked Jerran.
"I've been having some strange empathic perceptions lately, also. Mine
were more like a hole of some sort where I just couldn't sense anything
at all, not even the usual background emotions of the crew. I almost
thought that I had lost my empathic abilities. Maybe that mind link we
shared on the NOGURA had more of an effect on the two of us than we thought."
Jerran still didn't look convinced as he said, "I don't know. It just
seemed so real. And then there was CPO Norris little accident in the
"Do you think they could be connected? That would mean that there is
something on the ship that is capable of murdering one of our crewmen."
Just then, the rest of the officers filed in, their dress uniforms neatly
pressed, moving to step onto the transporter pads with Jerran and Jenn.
Get the straight jackets ready. Krysa and Jerran are ready for the funny
farm ;)
<pre style="background-color: #303030; color: #ccc7e1;">
* I study nuclear science!        * *
* I love my classes!              * *
* I've got a crazy teacher,        ******************************
* Who wears dark glasses.          *  LTJG Jerran Terel        *
* Things are goin' great,          *  Flight Control Officer    *
* And they're only gettin' better! *  USS Feynman/NCC-66000    *
* Joseph W. Baker                                              *
* Physics Major, College of Arts and Sciences                  *
* University of South Florida                                  *
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Ready Room-->Transporter Room</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 2-16-1996</h4>
"Captains log stardate 80216.1240.....<br>
We are preparing to beam over to the RESOLUTE and I must admit
that I am a little nervous at the prospect of conducting the first
diplomatic exchange with beings of another galaxy. Although they seem to
have the best of intentions and are generally interested in setting up
some sort of contacts between our two peoples I know that I am not a
diplomat. I do not have the patience for flowery language and the wink
and nod deal making that goes with it. I am hoping that the officers of
the RESOLUTE, as naval officers, will be of the same feeling, at least
then I will have some time to ease into this before meeting with their
world's leaders and ambassadors. At least I can rely on my second
officer, her diplomatic training as well as her empathic abilities will
be of great service. And of course if worse comes to worse we can
release Dr. Tok on them. Surely they have never experienced converation
with a Bolian!
The investigation into the shuttlebay incident has turned up some
alarming findings but unfortunately little in they way of answers. To be
honest I would rather forgo this banquet and concentrate our efforts on
this problem. But diplomacy takes precedence.....
I am pleased to note that Lieutenant Fobok has been returned to
active duty and will be joining us on the RESOLUTE. I am still in the
dark as to what actually happened to the science officer but the doctor
has assured me it has passed and that is all the answer I need.
Nervousness aside I am looking forward to meeting my counterpart,
much as my officers seem eager to meet theirs. An exchange of this sort
can only benefit each party and I look forward to the technologies and
culture we can share. Perhaps if all goes well we will be able to return
to the Federation with a Cesphalian delegation aboard. Who knows maybe
the admiral would even crack a smile over that one."
Scene: Transporter Room<br>
As Zane walked in he couldn't help but smile. They all looked
quite uncomfortable in their dress uniforms. Everyone hated them but
they were never changed. Stepping up to the pad he turned to face the
operator. "Energize."
Scene: RESOLUTE<br>
As the FEYNMAN officers materialized the first thing they noticed
was the extremely dry, hot air that surrounded him. Zane felt his throat
constrict and his eyes begin to burn. Still he and the officers managed
to display little discomfort as they looked across to the feline officers
waiting their arrival. Tauk strode forward, saluted and gestured for the
FEYNMAN officers to step down. "Welcome to the RESOLUTE officers of the
"Thank you captain." Zane replied. "Allow me to introduce my
officers..." For the next few minutes both captains presented their
officers to each other. It was a diplomatic necessity but a laborious one.
""Let me apologize for the harsh environment....we have lowered
the temperature as much as we can safely do but I realize it must still
be very hot for you. You will be pleased to know that my engineer has
managed to redirect air currents in the banquest hall so that your side
of the table will be under the flow of a cooler, moist air. I hope this
will be to your satisfaction."
Zane smiled and nodded politiely to the engineer as he tried to
come up with the proper response to Tauk. Before doing so, however, Tauk
continued. "Captain I hope you will not mind but my officers and I are
not diplomats and if you pardon my saying I don't think you are either.
We are all soldiers let us talk like them and dispense with this
nonsense. Agreed?"
Zane laughed. "Agreed!"
Tauk gestured towards the door. "Shall we."
Okay have fun!
Jason: I know there are a few marines floating around that no one will miss.
Andy.-->Who is happy that ASR can distract him from some really bad
essays he is forced to mark.
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Meeting New People</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Colby D. Beck 2-16-1996</h4>
As Jordan materalized on the Resolute, he immediately went into "security"
mode. He was not pleased that the Captain would place himself in a totally
unknown situation. It was bad enough that there was a murder on his watch,
but now the Captain had put himself into a potentially dangerous situation.
Well, he is a security guy, so he can handle himself Jordan hoped. After
all the introductions had been completed, Jordan gravitated toward his
conterpart on board the Resolute. Overall, he was impressed by the size and
power contained in this ship. Jordan knew that in a firefight, the Feynman
may be able to handle one of these ships, if he got a surprise hit in, but
with five ships, he knew the Feynman lived or died at the whim of these
people. That little thought brought chills to Jordan's spine.
"So tell me, what exactly can this ship do?" Jordan asked.
"No no no, no talk about work. This is a party. We must enjoy ourselves
while we can. There will be plenty of time for you to see what this ship
can do."
With that Jordan saw the rest of the assembled crews move down a corridor.
Lt.(jg) Jordan Charles
All: Hmm...I wonder what that little comment meant.
Oh..BTW it wasn't Jordan who almost blew the crewman away in the corridor<br>
because of the hibeejibees and our evil little friend.<br>
<pre style="background-color: #303030; color: #ccc7e1;">
: Colby D. Beck                                "I am Not a  :
:                      Merry Man!!" :
:          -Lt. Worf:
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Diplomatic Function</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Joseph Baker 2-17-1996</h4>
SD: 80217.0012<br>
As Lt. Jerran beamed over to the RESOLUTE, the first thing he noticed,
like the rest of the crew, was the intense heat and dryness of the air on
the alien ship. It reminded him of the many times he had visited Vulcan
with his mother and the time that he spent at the Science Academy.
Therefor, he was actually one of the only Starfleet officers there who
wasn't uncomfortable by the atmosphere caused by the life support
systems. He was, however, still quite nervous about the atmosphere of
the diplomatic function itself.
One of the cat-like crewmen came up to him and graciously introduced
himself as the helmsman of the RESOLUTE, a position that Jerran could
definitely relate to.
Jerran was just about to start asking his counterpart about the
navigational systems of these ships, when the other helmsman said, "Oh,
no. Mr. Jerran. Tonight is a night of celebration. We can talk about
ships later."
Jerran was disappointed by the response, but followed the alien helmsman,
whose name was Fiera, to the buffet table, where Lt. Jenn was already
sampling some of the dishes.
"Enjoying yourself, Lt?" asked Fiera.
"Oh, yes," she replied. "You have some of the most interesting culinary
samples that I've been able to try out in a while. Much better than our
own replicated food on the Feynman."
"Ackkk! You eat replicated food?! We would never desicrate our bodies
with such artificial filth!" said the felenoid helmsman, somewhat
insulted by the idea, and definitely more than a little revolted.
Jerran tried to be diplomatic as he said, "We only eat replicated foods
so as to keep our cargo weight down, so that we are able to make more
extended voyages. Our ships just aren't big enough to carry real food."
Fiera walked over to the buffet and put some sort of meat on his plate as
he said, "We gladly saccrifice range for decent food. It's almost
saccrilige for us to anything that isn't fresh. That's why all our
foodstuffs are carried live on our ship."
Jerran and Jenn quickly were able to figure out by the alien helmsman's
next statement that his training was definitely not in diplomacy as he
said, "And that's usually how it's served," popping the food into his
mouth with some disdain.
He then smiled widely, baring a nice set of sharp teeth, to them as he said,
"But, of course, we make certain concesions for guests."
Jerran wasn't sure how he liked the intonation with which Fiera used the
word "guest," and he was just now starting to notice how really warm it
was in the room...
Anyone ever see the Twilight Zone where some aliens come to Earth to take
some of them back to their home, and they give them a book entitled "How
to Serve Mankind?" which turned out, when translated, to be a cookbook? <EG>
Yeah, I know, real corny, but hey, it's just a suggestion <VEG>
And remember, the temperature isn't so bad. It's the dry heat :)
<pre style="background-color: #303030; color: #ccc7e1;">
* I study nuclear science!        * *
* I love my classes!              * *
* I've got a crazy teacher,        ******************************
* Who wears dark glasses.          *  LTJG Jerran Terel        *
* Things are goin' great,          *  Flight Control Officer    *
* And they're only gettin' better! *  USS Feynman/NCC-66000    *
* Joseph W. Baker                                              *
* Physics Major, College of Arts and Sciences                  *
* University of South Florida                                  *
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Resolute</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Max Felsher 2-17-1996</h4>
SD 80217.0130<br>
MD 1.1300<br>
Transporter Room<br>
"An intruder?" Lt. Commander Maril questioned Lt.<jg> Fobok.
"Yes, sir. My son, Matt, just told me about something that...threatened him.
He says it said, 'You will all die.' He isn't making this up, sir. I
performed a mind meld with him. He is telling the truth, sir," Fobok
"You understand, Lieutenant, that I am Tioth without a weapon unless you get
some more information. However, I will tell Lieutenant Charles to put Security
on further alert."
<<<<Maril's right, B.J. :) There's not much he can do right now. Anyway, this
next portion is after they've beamed onto the Resolute.>>>><br>
Maril, like most of the others, noticed the very hot, dry atmosphere as soon
as they beamed aboard. He soon found his counterpart, the Resolute's
2nd-in-command, a rather thin felinoid with a look of alertness in his eyes.
"Hello, my name is Ixava. And you?"
"Lieutenant Commander Onta Maril. This is a nice ship. Are all of your
ships the same?"
"Why worry about the ships right now? I'm sure you'd like some of this Steci
"Well, I think I will venture into the mountains."
The Cesphalian, while appearing to understand, had a look of surprise on his
face. Maril walked over to Commander Zane to talk.
"Zane, have you noticed that the Cesphalians are a little...evasive?" Maril
tried to keep his voice down.
"Yes, but let's give them a chance, Onta," Zane also spoke in a low voice.
"Very well."
<<<<Hmmm...let's see. Pliers, no. Hammer, throw it away. Ahhh, here it is.
The wrench. :) Okay, what would be the best way to throw it into these works.
:D >>>><br>
In another corner, Ixava and Tauk were talking. Suddenly, Ixava shouted,
"That wasn't what we agreed!"
All eyes turned towards the two. "Hahaha. We were just joking around," Tauk
attempted to cover up what had just happened.
The room returned, at least partially, to its former state of talking and
The sun has met the sea,<br>
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,<br>
First Officer, USS Feynman,<br>
aka Max Felsher<br>
All:Okay, so it wasn't that much of a wrench. But this is probably just the
beginning. :) Oh, those who haven't sent in(or reminded me) your roatation, do
it. If you don't...well, you don't want to know. <evil laug
Jason:Enjoyed the evil shapeshifter. Sorry, I don't have any disposable NPC's
right now(but I could create some. ;) )
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Resolute-->Home</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 2-18-1996</h4>
Scene: RESOLUTE Banquet Room<br>
The banquet had continued for several hours and was, in fact,
beginning to wind down when the interruption from the RESOLUTE's bridge
came over the comm-link.
[Captain we are approaching home sector.]
"Secure from stardrive and follow procedure." Tauk replied.
[I obey.]
Tauk turned to his counterpart. "Well captain, regrettably, it
seems time for this feast to come to an end. There is much my officers
and I must do and I am sure there are things you and you officers must
attend to."
Zane stood, smiling. "I have enjoyed myself here very much but
you are correct. Duty calls."
Tauk summoned his first officer and instructed him to oversee
ship operations while Tauk escorted the FEYNMAN officers to the
transporter room.
Scene: RESOLUTE transporter room<br>
As the FEYNMAN staff assembled on the pad Tauk turned to the transporter
operator. "It is time for your break. I will handle the transport.
Return in one deca."
The young officer looked at his captain suspiciously. "I obey."
Before the FEYNMAN officers had time to question Tauk's
intentions he had initiated transport. As the officers began to fade
Zane realized he was being held behind. Bounding down from the pad
and wishing he had concealed a weapon as his CSO had suggested he
confronted Tauk. "What is the meaning of this? What have you done with
my officers?"
Tauk raised a hand. "Forgive me captain but there was no other
way. I must speak with you unobserved." He patted the transporter. "Your
officers are safely stored. When I transport you back to your ship they
will materialize with you, not knowing what has transpired."
Zane was confused and said so.
"You maybe in danger captain, I had to warn you."
"Danger from what?"
"From my people."
"Perhaps we better start from the beginning..."
"I agree." Tauk took a deep breath and began...
"This is a galaxy does not have the numbers or diversity of
cultures which your own does. 4000 years ago we determined that there
were no more races to find. The civilization we had built was the only
one that could exist. It was our Golden Age. We were a peaceful race
with no fear of external threats we turned towards the pursuits of culture,
of knowledge. But then the wormhole was found and our worlds changed
forever. We discovered your galaxy and the races it contained. We
hungered for more knowledge. We became explorers.
Up until then we had led a sheltered existence but as the ideas,
and values of your galaxy's races began to filter back to our worlds
things began to change. Some were for our good but just as many became
detrimental to our society. Many argued that the
exploration and contact must stop. This group of isolationists became
very strong eventually rivalling thepower of the central authority.
Inevitably war broke out. It was a terrible war filled with
unspeakable atrocities. It ended our exploration but in so doing so
ended our civilization. We were plunged into a Dark Ages that was to
last for almost 2000 years.
Slowly we began to rebuild, to reclaim what once was. And then
we rediscovered the wormhole. And again the debate raged. It was
reasoned that we had learned from our mistakes that we could not remain
in isolation. We would explore but would do so slowly. We sent out
probes and began to monitor your Federation. It seemed to mirror our own
notions of discovery and peace. Many wanted to contact you, many did
not. Eventually it was agreed that the probe you found would be sent.
A probe that would take centuries to reach you..."
"But we found it too soon." Zane concluded.
"Yes. It was hoped by the time we made contact the isolationist
elements would have lost their support. They have not. They pervade
our society, and I embarassed to say that the ship...reflects
this. There are many who argue the wormhole should be destroyed. But
now you are here and that complicates things. It is one thing to destroy
the wormhole. It is another to murder. My people are very passionate
and our ancestors were very brutal. After the lessons of the Civil War
we have learned to curb our violent passions but they are there.
And you must be wary of them."
"What of your government? Where do they stand?" Zane asked.
"Our leader favours contact but many of his ministers do not. He
must show that contact does not threaten it helps. You must remember
this in your negotiations. But we have lingered too long I must return
you before some of my officers become suspicious."
Scene: Transporter Room. USS FEYNMAN<br>
Has soon as the group had fully materialized Zane turned to
Onta. "Commander I want a staff briefing in the Observation Lounge in 20
"Aye sir."
Zane exited the room leaving his surprised officers behind. He
had much to consider.
Scene: Observation Lounge<br>
Having filled his officers in on his secret discussion with Tauk
Zane addressed them. "I am quite frankly at a lost and I value your
observations and suggestions on this matter with the Cesephalians and the
unexplained happenings on this ship. We will be arriving at their home
world in 3 hours and I would like a better understanding before we do so."
He turned to face the officer who spoke first."
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Some Thoughts on the Monster on the Frieghter</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 2-19-1996</h4>
Stardate: 80219.0326<br>
Scene: Observation Lounge<br>
"That makes some sense in what I was sensing from them, sir. I sensed that
Tauk really saw our arrival as something good. I felt the same thing from a
few others, including Ceale the Diplomacy Officer. However, some were
cautious of us... and there were a few who were downright hostile. I wasn't
sure what to make of it, but now it makes sense." Lt. Jenn told them.
The Captain nodded.
"Sir, I am curious about the probe now, however. Perhaps the isolationists
got a hold of it to sabotage the exploration efforts." suggested Jordan.
"It looks like they sabotaged themselves. We found them all dead down in the
Cargo hold," grunted Dr. Tok.
"While we don't know for sure what they were carrying, they obviously knew.
From the little bit we got from their computers, we know that they were
terrified of what was down there." agreed Krysa.
"So you think the creature was sent to destroy us, but it got out and
destroyed them?" asked Zane.
"It makes sense."
"Anyone have anything else?"
Lt. Krysa Jenn, Ops/2O<br>
NRPG: Just a few thoughts I've been throwing around. I hope you don't mind
me handing them out to your characters. I didn't want Jenn to dominate the
(AKA - Dr. Janna Swansen, CMO, USS Bismarck, ASR)<br>
(AKA - Lt. Krysa Jenn, Ops/2O, USS Feynman, ASR)<br>
(AKA - Ens. Ainese Kev, CSciO, USS Magellan, WW)<br>
(AKA - Bree, Broken Lands, WW)<br>
(AKA - Darlea & Makayla, Dragon Lands, WW)<br>
(AKA - Dr. Darla Shane, CMO, Starbase 109, UFPI)<br><br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Observation Lounge</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Max Felsher 2-19-1996</h4>
SD 80219.1600(GMT)<br>
MD 1.1500<br>
Observation Lounge<br>
"Captain, I advise that we stand by on Yellow Alert, as we do not know if the
Cesphalians will be Beveni with gates opened or closed," Lt. Commander Maril
suggested to Commander Zane.
"I agree, Captain," Lt.<jg> Charles seconded. "We wouldn't stand a chance
against the ships we met at the wormhole, much less their whole fleet. We have
to be ready to get back to the wormhole quickly if we need to. I'd also like
to keep a transporter lock on you and Lieutenant Jenn, Captain."
"Captain, it appeared that many of Tauk's officers were isolationists. Also,
Tauk mentioned that a good deal of the government ministers do not support
meeting with us. It may be that we are fighting a battle against the wind,
sir," Maril observed.
"Captain, I think we should send a shuttlecraft...or something back to the
Federation. I mean, for all they know, we've been destroyed. It would
probably help us, too, since they could send a diplomatic team over here,"
Lt.<jg> Jerran suggested.
The sun has met the sea,<br>
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,<br>
First Officer, USS Feynman,<br>
aka Max Felsher<br>
All:I know it's short, but it's my perspective on things right now. I might<br>
add to this later.<br>
Andy:They're all just ideas. :)<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Observation Lounge (Cont.)</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 2-19-1996</h4>
>"Captain, I think we should send a Shuttlecraft... or something back<br>
>to the Federation. I mean, for all they know, we've been destroyed.<br>
>It would probably help us, too, since they could send a diplomatic<br>
>team over here," Lt.<jg> Jerran suggested.<br>
>Tok jumped in, "Captain, with all due respect, I fear that sending a<br>
>single shuttle craft back through the wormhole may be dangerous. Not only<br>
>is there a possiblity of hostile encounters on the other side before the<br>
>crew reaches a Starbase, but there is some question as to whether the<br>
>runabout would even hold up under the stress of the wormhole. It<br>
>certainly shook up the Feynman. Furthermore, in my discussions with the<br>
>Cesphalians , I found that I didn't understand everything that they were<br>
>meaning to communicate and I doubt that I did the same. There is no<br>
>telling how they may interpret a runabout heading through the wormhole,<br>
>especially if they are as xenophobic as we believe."<br>
Stardate: 80219.1908<br>
"Sir, I have to agree with Dr. Tok on this one. It seems to me that if we
send back a Shuttlecraft, it could be seen as a threat to the isolationists.
The don't want the Federation nosing around. They might just go ahead and
try to destroy the shuttle." Jenn said, "I think it would be putting the
Shuttlecraft in danger. Along with the rest of us."
"Yes, but we could be in danger anyway... And if Starfleet doesn't know what
happened to us, we could be sitting ducks." Jarren voiced.
"I would think that they will come looking for us. Isn't it likely that
since we found the wormhole another ship would find it as well?"
Lt. Krysa Jenn, Ops/2O<br>
NRPG: I'm glad I checked my mail, guess I was going to send something very<br>
similar to Lysle's post. So here it is, just a little changed:)<br>
(AKA - Dr. Janna Swansen, CMO, USS Bismarck, ASR)<br>
(AKA - Lt. Krysa Jenn, Ops/2O, USS Feynman, ASR)<br>
(AKA - Ens. Ainese Kev, CSciO, USS Magellan, WW)<br>
(AKA - Bree, Broken Lands, WW)<br>
(AKA - Darlea & Makayla, Dragon Lands, WW)<br>
(AKA - Dr. Darla Shane, CMO, Starbase 109, UFPI)<br><br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Observation Lounge (Cont.)</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 2-19-1996</h4>
SD: 80219.0915<br>
MD: 11430<br>
> Scene: Observation Lounge<br>
> "That makes some sense in what I was sensing from them, sir. I sensed that<br>
> Tauk really saw our arrival as something good. I felt the same thing from a<br>
> few others, including Ceale the Diplomacy Officer. However, some were<br>
> cautious of us... and there were a few who were downright hostile. I wasn't<br>
> sure what to make of it, but now it makes sense." Lt. Jenn told them.<br>
The Captain nodded. "Good. I'm glad you and their diplomacy officer
got along so well. I want you to accompany me to the planet surface to
aid in hte negotiation with the Cesphalian leadership. Your insights,
and empathic abilities will be most helpful helpful."
"Tauk has agreed to give us limited access to his ship's computer
so we can acquaint ourselves better with their culture, history and
diplomacy. Lieutenant, when this meeting ajourns I want you to contact
your counterpart on the RESOLUTE and find out as much as you can from him
and their computer."
"Understood." Jenn replied.
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Bridge</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Max Felsher 2-20-1996</h4>
SD 80220.1700(GMT)<br>
MD 1.1700<br>
First Officer's Office<br>
Lt. Commander Maril sat in his office, thinking about what was to be done.
Commander Zane and Lt. Jenn would be transporting to the Cesphalian homeworld
soon. Although Maril wasn't a security officer, he couldn't help being
suspicious. After all, he had almost lost his life to something supposedly
created by the isolationists. He decided to head for the Bridge. As he stepped
in, he realized Lt. Jenn had the shift.
"You may leave," Maril relieved Jenn. "You need to get ready to beam down,
"Thank you, Commander."
Maril sat back and looked around. "Lieutenant Fobok, please report to the
[I'm on my way, sir.]
As Lt.<jg> Fobok walked onto the Bridge, Maril asked, "Lieutenant, have you
noticed anything out of the ordinary about the Cesphalians' ships or anything
"Well, sir, their hulls are composed of rather reflective materials."
Just then, Mancuso called out, "Commander, the Resolute is powering up its
Ein reported, "Sir, the Resolute is hailing us."
"Captain to the Bridge," Maril said over the intercom. "On screen," he
ordered to Mancuso.
Ixava's face appeared. "Now, listen to me, you Federation ship--get out now,
or, or, I'll destroy you!"
"Where is Captain Tauk?" Maril asked.
"That's none of your business. Now, go before I destroy your ship!"
Maril signed to cut the communication. "Options?"
"We have very few, sir," Fobok observed.
The sun has met the sea,<br>
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,<br>
First Officer, USS Feynman,<br>
aka Max Felsher<br>
All:Just moving the plot along. :)<br>
Andy:Didn't know if you wanted Zane to beam down beforehand or not. :)<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Rock and a Hard Place</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Joseph Baker 2-22-1996</h4>
SD: 80222.0117<br>
MD: 1.1710 (?)<br>
Lt. Cmdr. Maril glared at the fleet of ships on the main viewscreen as
they approached the relatively puny USS FEYNMAN. "Hail them again, Mr.
Ein," he said to the AOPS.
"Channel open, sir."
"How dare you threaten us under a flag of truce, when in fact it was your
own people who invited us here!"
The Cesphalian captain looked even angrier as he came back on the screen
and said, "It was not `my people' who invited you here, Commander. You
have been given more than fair warning, now you will be destroyed!"
The FEYNMAN rocked violently as the lead Cesphalian sent in a volley of
energy beams. "Shields down to 75 percent, Commander!" shouted the CSO.
Lt. Koreth got back to his seat from where he was thrown by the shot and
said, "Structural integrity field down to 90 percent."
"Mr. Jerran, get us out of the area, best possible speed."
"Thrusters have been hit, sir, but I'll get us out," said the pilot as he
pulled the ship around a little bit faster than the design specs dictated
as safe, and brought up the impulse drive to full power.
"We can't just leave the Captain and the others, sir!" yelled Mr. Charles.
"We're not leaving anyone behind, Mr. Charles. Mr. Jerran. Plot a warp
jump that will take us around the system, out of the Cesphalian's scanner
range, and then back on the other side. I want you to come back out of
warp as close as possible to the system's primary. We'll then engage the
metaphasic shield and loiter there till we get a chance to come back
after the captain, Lt. Jenn, and Dr. Tok."
By the time the FO was done giving his instructions, the helmsman had
already plotted the course into the nav computer. "Course plotted and
laid in, sir."
Another shot hit the aft shields as Cmdr. Maril said, "Warp 9, engage!"
The warp drive nacelles of the Feynman pivoted into their warp flight
position as the ship shot off into warp speeds.
<pre style="background-color: #303030; color: #ccc7e1;">
* I study nuclear science!        * *
* I love my classes!              * *
* I've got a crazy teacher,        ******************************
* Who wears dark glasses.          *  LTJG Jerran Terel        *
* Things are goin' great,          *  Flight Control Officer    *
* And they're only gettin' better! *  USS Feynman/NCC-66000    *
* Joseph W. Baker                                              *
* Physics Major, College of Arts and Sciences                  *
* University of South Florida                                  *

Latest revision as of 11:41, 28 October 2023

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February 1996 Posts
FEYNMAN Shoulder Patch



Posts By Each Year

USS FEYNMAN: NOGURA Medical Emergency

by Joseph Baker 2-1-1996

SD: 80201.0811
MD: 1.1445
Setting: Runabout NOGURA

[Do you have enough power to beam up Meril] asked Cmdr. Zane over the comlink.

"Affirmative," answered the councilor. Jerran shot her a surprised look for not even bothering to consult him on the matter. He wasn't too happy about introducing a foreign virus onto the runabout and running the risk of getting both he and Jenn killed, but if they didn't, Meril could die.

Jerran tapped his badge and said, "We're going to have to beam two of you up, Commander, so that the other can help Meril. Regulations clearly dictate that during a contaminant situation..."

[I don't care about the situation, Ensign! Beeam up Meril and Fobok now!]

"Aye, sir," Jerran said, obviously not happy with the situation. He turned to Jenn and said, "Beam them to the aft compartment, but make sure the containment field is in place first, along with sealing the hatches."

She nodded as she tapped in the control sequence to lock onto Meril and Fobok. After a moment, the transporter whined into life as the two officers materialized in the aft compartment.

"Keep an eye on that containment field, Jenn. With what little power we have, it could go off at a moments notice."

"And what if it does? What will we do then, Terri?"

He looked down at his console and said in a calm and matter of fact way only a Vulcan could master, "Regulations are very clear on these matters, Krysa, and you know that. We'd have to jettison the aft compartment."

Krysa was surprised at the passionless tone with which he said this, especially after the emotional scene she had witnessed and felt not more than a couple of hours before.

"Jerran to away team. Do you want us to beam you up now, or will you be looking around some more down there?"

I never recieved a post from Kristen saying what happened on the way to the moon, so when I got the other posts, I just assumed we made it there without running into the Feynman or any other ships :)

Away Team: If you decide to beam up to the runabout now, Jerran will try and remind you again about regulations concerning the jettisoning of the aft compartment should the containment field fail. That's what he was going to say when he was cut off by Zane. <G> You can either let him warn you then or cut him off again and find out later. It's all the same to me <G>

Respectfully Submitted,
Ensign Jerran Terel
FCO/Taxi Driver
aka Joseph Baker

* Daisemi'in rhhaensuriuu * Of the chief parts of the Ruling            *
* meillunsiateve * Passion, only this can be truly                      *
* rh'e Mnhei'sahe yie ahr'en: * said:                                   *
* Mnahe afw'ein quii; * Hate has a reason for everything,               *
* rh'e hweithnaef * But love is unreasonable.                           *
* mrht Hes'he ehl'ein quii.                                             *
* Joseph W. Baker                                                       *
* Physics Major, College of Arts and Sciences                           *
* University of South Florida                                           *

USS FEYNMAN: Reaching the Ship

by Max Felsher 2-2-1996

SD 80203.0130
MD 1.1530
Runabout Nogura

"Approaching the Feynman," Ensign Jerran called out to the crew and passengers of the Nogura.

"Containment field holding at 80%," Lt.<jg> Jenn reported.

"The Feynman is hailing. I'm opening a channel," Jerran said.

[Hello, Nogura. Report on your situation,] Commander Paxwax ordered.

"Commander Zane, Ensign Fobok and Ensign McGivers remained at the moonbase to investigate more thoroughly, Captain. Commander Zane can tell you more, sir. It appears that the away team contracted a virus which they were able to find an antidote to. However, Commander Maril was involved in an accident and was contaminated to a great extent. We are carrying Commander Maril and CPO Desfleurs with us. I assume I'll report on our section of the mission once we get on board, sir."

[Understood, Ensign. We'll beam Maril directly to Sickbay. Feynman out.] As Maril was weaving in and out of consciousness, he was beamed to Sickbay. Dr. Tok was standing over him, looking over the readings. They didn't look good.

"Nurse Sihl, 2 cc's of veroglycite, please." The Bolian injected it into Maril's blood. There was some improvement, but not much.

"Hmmm. I'm going to go into my office and try to find an answer. Notify me the moment anything changes," Tok ordered.

As he stepped into his office, the ship shook. Maril moaned, "Ahhh...Tragrives Delta, mouth of Rectol River, flowing into the Sea of Acten." "I guess I will have to work a little more quickly," Tok remarked.

The sun has met the sea,
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,
Second/Operations Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher

All:Just trying to move along. Just some information. I made it up, but you should probably know anyway. The Tamarian religious philosophy(or part of it) is that life is a river. The source is birth and the mouth is death. When a Tamarian is born, he/she is given a "life river". When they die, their body is put at the source and left to float to the sea. So, Maril's moan about the delta, etc. was sort of a statement of nearing death. Not that he is(he just thinks that he is. ;) )

Lysle:If you kill Maril, you're going to be in big trouble! ;) Oh, I hope you've read the short medical section of Maril's bio. The main thing that you have to worry about is that his blood type is rare even for Tamarians. I believe it is "River of Acseli".


by Andrew Catterick 2-2-1996

SD: 80203.0000
MD: 1.1615
Scene: MoonBase, CIC

Ensign McGivers turned to Commander Zane with satisfaction. "I've finished my analysis and am ready to give you a preliminary report. You'll be happy to know that it ties in with the events that affected both the FEYNMAN and the NOGURA.

That last part really got Zane's attention. "Excellent ensign, proceed."

"Perseid V was terraformed by the Briglen several thousand years ago. After the new environment stabilized they seeded the planet with a primitive race that they had transplanted from a dying world. Apparently one of the Briglen world's had accidently triggered some sort of ecological disaster and felt it was their duty to save the indigenous race by taking such dramatic actions. This room we are in was built to keep a watchful eye on the developments of Persei V. After several centuries it was decided that the inhabitants were viable so the Briglenians returned to their home system leaving this observation base on a sort of computer watch. Their last action before leaving, however, was to set up a security system based in the asteroid field to keep intruders out."

"Good work ensign. That does answer alot of our questions but it also leaves us with a rather puzzling mystery."

"Sir?" McGivers had been to engrossed in her work to see the obvious.

"Well the fact that the Perseins built this moon base means they had achieved a technology that was at least the same level as 21st century Earth.

"Yes sir, that much is certain."

"Where did they go?"

Scene: Moonbase beamdown point

Zane, Fobok, McGivers and Charles stood in the standard transport stance. They all quietly considered the question Zane had posed.

"Zane to FEYNMAN, four to beam-up."


Just a quick one cause its late....

Joesph: Can you add the newsgroup to your mailing list (

Respectfully submitted,

==== LT.Tarsa Rogers CEO USS TESLA                                    ====
==== LT.CMDR Zane XO/FO USS FEYNMAN                                   ====
==== LT.CMDR Nigel Brock ALB INSTRUCTOR HOLODECK 18                   ====
==== Andy Catterick St. Catharines, Ontario                           ====
==== Canada                              ====


by Andrew Nugteren 2-4-1996

Stardate: 80204
Scene: Outside Admiral Nicholas Office on Epsilon

Paul and Zane rounded the final corner before arriving face-to-face with the Admiral's secretary.

The secretary smiled, and looked up from her padd. "Gentlemen. The Admiral has been expecting you. He's waiting now."

"Thanks," Paul flashed a smile before moving through the already opening doors. Zane followed just a footstep behind.

Nicholas nodded as they entered and both officers snapped to attention.

"Admiral, Commander Paul Paxwax, LtCmdr Zane reporting as ordered sir."

Respectfully submitted
Cmdr. Paul Paxwax


Short yes, but my lack of time has reached epidemic stages around here.

Mike: Ready and waiting :-)

| Commander Kirsten Rarjzar Executive Officer USS OLYMPUS                 |
| Commander Paul Paxwax Commanding Officer USS FEYNMAN                    |
| Commander Erwin van den Berg Fleet Intelligence Officer SILVER FLEET    |
| Andrew Nugteren Christchurch                                            |
| Email: New Zealand                               |

USS FEYNMAN: Meeting with CinCSILVER cont

by Mike Dawe 2-4-1996

> Zane paused for a few seconds there were many candidates amongst the senior staff too choose from. "I'd like to promote
> Lieutenant junior grade Krysa Jenn to the position sir."

> That one surprised the admiral. He looked down to the viewscreen quickly. "Your ship's counsellor?"

> "Yes sir. The lieutenant and I have spent the past month conducting the Command Officer's Tests. She has recently passed
> with one of the highest marks ever. But it is more to it than that. I believe she will provide a vital balance to the command
> structure. My strength is SEC/TAC, Maril's is science and computers, Jenn's is diplomacy and psychology. By having the three
> of us in he senior positions I believe we are best equipped to face any contingency." Zane sat back in his chair.

> The Admiral thought for a moment. "Those are your decisions Commander?'

> "Yes sir and I stand by them."

Azariah met the young officers eyes and there was a tense moment of silence. Then the Admiral snorted and nodded. "Good, I want you to be comfortable with your team and the best way for that to happen is for you to choose them yourself. Only problem is that Counsellors are few and far between so Jenn is going to have to pull double duty until starfleet digs us up another one. I might also recomend you give here the bump to full Lt. but the new regs allow she can stay as is and still fill the spot. Your call."

Zane pulled out his PADD and tapped a few notes in as the Admiral continued. "Your previous mission has been called short due to a more disturbing trend closer to home." The ships roster on the viewscreen display was replaced by the local starmap. "The Bismark is here." A system shone for a moment. "Investigating what appears to be a natural phenomena working its way through space." The map showed a track of systems . . . heading right at Cait.

"Do you want us to assist the Bismark?" Asked the new Commander.

"No, they have a fine crew and should be able to handle that end. But note this data and then add this." A red zone flared on another border of the Epsilon domain. "The Pearson was destroyed with a huge loss of its crew compliment during contact with an emerging space civilization. Indicators show that they may have had outside help. Then there is this."

Another flare on another side of the Epsilons globe of influence. "The Kzinti have chose this time to offer treaty negotiations. The Andromeda and the Regent are currently inside their territorial borders. This is following an all out attack on Epsilon some months ago."

Zane nodded slowly. He had heard of the battle and seen the aftermath. But he had not seen all these other details put on a map at the same time. Epsilon sat in a ring of hotspots. There were blank spots here and there but the trend was easily seen. "I take it you have a new mission for us then?"

"Saratoga is off doing a first contact here." Another flare in one of the blank areas. "And the Endeavour on a diplomatic mission. That leaves this area." A large hand gestured to the last blank area on the map. "A little more to th galactic south than your crew was. It is still deep space and mostly mapped by old survey probes decades ago. Nothing was noted then beyond basic system data."

"If there is nothing happening there then why are we being sent?" The Commander dearly wished this was not another milkrun shakedown cruise.

"You are going because it is quiet there, too quiet. All this other border activity makes me wonder why nothing ever comes out of there." The grey eyebrows furrowed for a moment. "There are a few other details I haven't mentioned. One Captain has hypothesized a revolution from within. Another is looking into the possibility of some disgruntled ex members of SFIA making trouble for profit. There was an murder attempt on me a couple of weeks ago but it was bungled. They didn't catch the assassin though."

Zane nodded, he had noted the slightly incresed security in the outer office. "So what are we going out to look for, enemies from within or without?"

"Neither, that's not our charter. You are going out to explore some previously uncontacted planets and make basic assessments of any and all life found. Just keep your eyes open to see if there is anything that has a broader scope that might add to my little map."

<<<nrpg>>> Hokay, a broad spectrum of missions present themselves all starting with basic exploration and first contact. If you want more details then continue this meeting otherwise you have some announcements for your crew and a new start.

mike--->I love being admiral _sometimes_

USS FEYNMAN: Docked at Epsilon

by Max Felsher 2-4-1996

SD 80204.2230

Lt. Commander Maril sat in the Command Chair, looking over some information. Repairs were going well. They would be ready to go by ALPHA ahift the next day if everything went smoothly. Several officers had crossed over to the Starbase. Although it hadn't been very long since they had been there, Maril understood why those people did. It's hard being on a starship for a long time. Maril looked up. There wasn't much of a view since they were docked. He wondered what Zane and Paxwax were doing with the Admiral. Oh, well, he would find out soon enough. There was no use in trying to see through a wall of stone. He was jolted from his thoughts by WO Ein. "Sir, you're getting a message from Epsilon Security. Text only." "Patch it through to Science I, Mr. Ein." Maril looked over the message. It wasn't good news.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Begin Message>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
From: SB Epsilon Security
To: Lt. Commander Onta Maril-2O/OPS:USS Feynman
Subject: Transgression
Classification: none

SCPO Meln(Ferengi, male), OPS on the Feynman's GAMMA shift, has been charged with aiding smugglers of illegal weapons and firing devices. The trial will keep Mr. Meln at Starbase Epsilon for at least 2 months. We regret any effect this has on your staff. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>End Message>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Maril thought for a second. Who would replace Meln? He had promised Bellad a shift if one became open. He tapped on his communicator and spoke. "Warrant Officer Bellad, report to the Bridge." [On my way, sir.]

The sun has met the sea,
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,
Second/Operations Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher

All:Just passing the time. Maril doesn't know about his promotion, so I kept it that way.
Andy, Kristen:Congratulations!
B.J.:I hope you don't mind if I "steal" Bellad to be Maril's aide when he becomes FO. If you do, just tell me, and I'll figure something out.

USS FEYNMAN: Bridge --> Ten Forward

by Joseph Baker 2-4-1996

SD: 80204.2013
Scene: Bridge, USS FEYNMAN shortly after the end of Alpha shift

Even though the ship was docked at EPSILON and he really had nothing to do at the helm except for the simulations he was running, Jerran was still reluctant to give it up to WO Dunnon who was now asking the ensign to vacate the seat for about the third time.

The excuse was always, "One more minute, Mr. Dunnon, and I'll be done with this simulation run." His "one more minutes" had run onto about a half an hour into Beta shift before he finally got up and let Dunnon have the seat.

He turned to go towards the turbolift and then turned around again to check something on the panel, "Let me just see real quick the status of the repairs on the NOGURA."

The older warrant officer almost slapped the ensign's hand away from the panel as he said, "Back off, sir. You're shift is over. You should go get some rest."

Jerran raised an eyebrow at the AFCO and said, "Yes, you're right. Thank you for reminding me of that." He then walked off the bridge, for now.

As he got into his quarters, he started wondering what he was going to do with the next few hours of off time. Even when he was technically off, he usually didn't stay so for long. He usually went down to the shuttlebay to tinker with the shuttlecraft or something. He knew that wouldn't work as Dunnon was probably on the comm now telling the shuttlebay watch officer to shoot Jerran on sight if he came near a shuttle.

That left a couple of things open, like Ten-Forward, a prospect he didn't really relish, but one that he thought would pass the time adequately. He took off his uniform and put on one of his Bajoran civilian outfits, placing a Bajoran commbadge on the right side of his chest just in case someone called him. He then walked out to Ten Forward.

It was kind of crowded in Ten Forward at this time of day, as all of the Alpha shift people had just gotten off of work. Through the crowd, he could see Ensign Cartwright waving at him over by one of the windows, sitting alone. He made his way through the crowd, nodding politely to people who greeted him on the way, and then sat down accross from Cartwright at the small table.

She smiled at him and said, "That was a pretty good docking you did this afternoon, sir. One of the best ones that I've had the pleasure of piloting, at least."

"Thank you," he said, already weary of this crowded atmosphere. He got an idea and said, "Have you eaten yet, Ensign?"

"No, not yet. I was just about to go back to my quarters and replicate something when I saw you walk in."

"Would you like to join me in my quarters, then? I've programmed some rather good Bajoran dishes into my replicator which you are welcome to sample."

She smiled and said, "I thought you'd never ask." They then both walked out of the lounge together towards his quarters.

When they got there, she gazed in amazement at all of the starship models he had in various places around the room. She knelt down in front of a coffee table to gaze at a Promelian Battlecruiser which was lit up from the inside. "These are quite good. I've never seen models with this much attention to detail. Which company makes them, or did you just get them out of a replicator?"

He went over and got a couple of drinks and said, "I made them from scratch. I replicated the raw materials and then just used a small phaser cutter to shape them."

She touched the battlecruiser lightly and said, "That feels like duranium."

He nodded with a smile and said, "Well, I wanted them to look as real as possible."

He pointed to an old Klingon Bird of Prey model hanging from the ceiling and said, "Some of them I even scored with a hand phaser on lowe power to simulate battledamage. You can't do that with most other modeling materials without completely destroying the model."

"Wow," she said, her eyes wide with interest as she moved to look at a very old looking Romulan freighter. "How long does it take you to do a model?"

He handed her a drink and said, "Well, working off and on with it, it usually takes me about six months or so to get it done right. I've done simpler designs without as much detail in as little as a couple of weeks, though."

She took the drink with a thank you and looked over at his work desk to see a pile of building materials sitting in a neat corner of it. "What are you building there?"

He smiled with more than a bit of pride and said, "The FEYNMAN."

She chuckled and said, "I'm surprised you didn't already have one of this class already."

She glanced into the little alcove that was his bedroom and saw another interesting display on the wall. Jerran was off at the replicator getting dinner out when he noticed her gaze. He placed the plates of food on the coffee table and then walked over to her and said, "Please, feel free to look closer."

She smiled and walked in, looking at a display of old beam weapons on the wall. Most of them were Federation phasers, with a few Bajoran designs, and a Romulan disruptor pistol. Jerran reached up and pulled off an old Starfleet issue laser pistol and handed it to her.

"My god," she said, "This one must be almost a hundred and fifty years old."

He smiled and said, "143.2 years, actually. It still works, too. I've had to modify sarium krellide power packs to get it to work, but once I found out the proper phase discrimination for it, it was as good as when it came off the assembly line."

She looked at it kind of worried when he mentioned that it could fire and he smiled reassuringly at her and said, "Don't worry. I store all of the power packs in a locked safe, so they won't accidently go off."

She smiled and placed it back on the wall. They were all placed there in chronological order, the next weapon being a phaser from around 2245, one of the first to have a removeable hand phaser within a pistol mount. She picked up the next weapon after that, a sleak gray model from around 2285.

"I think these were the best ones ever made," she said, hefting it out in front of her. "I never understood why Starfleet replaced this one with that one," she said, pointing at the next phaser in the line, one which looked like the 2245 phaser in a much sleaker design.

"I agree, that is a better weapon," Jerran said, picking up the next phaser. "SF went with this one because it was easier to use. Notice that it has a slide here to determine the setting, rather than the mess of buttons on that phaser. In combat situations, it was deamed necessary to have something which you could switch settings with just a quick push of the switch rather than having to press multiple buttons."

She nodded as she placed the phaser back in its place. She then went to the end of the display and said, "This is a Bajoran design?"

He nodded and took it off to hand it to her.

"How come you only have a couple of Bajoran phasers?"

"Well, actually, the Bajora didn't have much of a need for phaser technology untill the Cardassian occupation. And then, we weren't aloud to build our own weapons so all we could do was forage around for whatever we could find. The Bajora didn't really come out with their own design for a phaser untill after the occupation."

She placed it back as he said, "Oh, our dinner is getting cold. We'd better go eat."

She tore her eyes from the display of weapons reluctantly and followed him out into the living room to eat.

<NRPG> Just a "little" post to show what Jerran does in his off time when he isn't flying <G> As for what happens between him and Cartwright after dinner, well, I'll just let the suspense get to yah <EG>

Congrats to our new CO, FO, and SO!!! <G> Looks like we need another councilor ;)

Respectfully submitted,
Ensign Jerran Terel
aka Joseph Baker

* Daisemi'in rhhaensuriuu * Of the chief parts of the Ruling            *
* meillunsiateve * Passion, only this can be truly                      *
* rh'e Mnhei'sahe yie ahr'en: * said:                                   *
* Mnahe afw'ein quii; * Hate has a reason for everything,               *
* rh'e hweithnaef * But love is unreasonable.                           *
* mrht Hes'he ehl'ein quii.                                             *
* Joseph W. Baker                                                       *
* Physics Major, College of Arts and Sciences                           *
* University of South Florida                                           *

USS FEYNMAN: Jerran's Dinner

by Joseph Baker 2-4-1996

SD: 80205.0026
Scene: Ensign Jerran's Quarters

Jerran laughed as he set his glass down on the coffee table and said to Ensign Jennifer Cartwright, "You can't be serious!"

She smiled at him and said, "I am serious! I think that the Constitution Refit class was the best ship to come out of the 23rd century, even better than the Excelsior class."

Jerran leaned back on the chair he was sitting in and said, "I must admit that the Excelsior did have some glaring flaws when it first came out..."

"Like the whole idea of transwarp drive," Cartwright interrupted with a smile.

He smiled and nodded saying, "Yes, like transwarp drive. But, a lot of useful concepts came out of transwarp drive that are still in use today. By the Prophets, if it wasn't for transwarp drive, we probably wouldn't have the D-Drive nowadays."

She chuckled and said, "It was still a flop. The constitution was a much better ship."

"Yes, the Excelsior was a flop, and so were a few other ships which came after her, but once they refitted the Excelsior design and built the Enterprise-B, those problems were all fixed."

"Yeah," said Cartwright, "Like the pitifully slow impulse engines the Excelsior had."

"And then they added the extra set of impulse engines on the saucer section, increasing the performance by a hundred and fifty percent," Jerran said as he took their plates over to the disposal unit.

While he was doing that, Jennifer got up and walked over to the small table where the Romulan freighter model was sitting. "What's this, Terri? I don't think I've ever seen one like it before."

He smiled and walked over to stand beside her. "Ah, now. This is from a Romulan legend that I heard once. It's a Vas Ocalam class freighter named the Ja'telaih.

"About a hundred and twenty years ago, it was supposed to have been the flagship of the Rihannsu Ael'Arrhai, the Romulan Merchant Fleet. Legend has it that her captain, Stefanh tr'Khnialmnae, disappeared for a short time during an internal struggle the Empire was having in which its Praetor was almost assassinated. No one really knows what his involvement was in the conspiracy, but shortly after this event, he returned to his ship rather the worse for wear, as the legend goes, and he and his crew went off into the frontier systems between Romulan and Federation territory, but not before making a quick stop to one of the other Romulan worlds to pick up his wife."

Cartwright was intrigued and said, "What happened after that?"

"Well, Stefanh and his crew were being hunted by the Romulan navy by then, and they had to find a way to survive and keep the ship in top condition, so they resorted to piracy. The Ja'telaih became one of the most infamous pirate ships of the 23rd and 24th centuries."

"Well, what happened to the Ja'telaih and her crew?"

"No one really knows," Jerran said. "There have been no solid reports of its destruction. But, there have been a few acts of piracy which have happened off and on over the past century which have been attributed to the Ja'telaih. As for Captain Stefanh, legend says that he lives still today."

"That would make him how old, though?"

"Around 150, I'd guess. He was only 30 when he got the captain's chair of the Ja'telaih, which is a very young age for both Romulans and Vulcans. It's not uncommon for those in either species to live to upwards of 190 years old."

"So he could still be alive?" she said wide eyed.

"Yes, it's not entirely inconcievable. But, of course, most of the stories are just legend, and even though they may be based in some truth, it doesn't necessarily mean that it is all truth. Like for instance, one of the rumors I heard once said that it was the Ja'telaih which destroyed the Klingon outpost on Narendra III, the same outpost where the Enterprise-C was destroyed. That seems highly unlikely seeing as though most legitimate accounts say that it was a trio of Romulan warbirds which took out the colony."

Jennifer smiled at him and said, "That's an amazing story, Terri. Where'd you hear it from?"

"Over the computer nets. Being the son of a Vulcan ambassador allows me access to some of the more interesting areas," he said with a smile.

He glanced over at her and noticed that as he had been talking, she had been moving ever closer to him. They were almost touching by this time when he turned quickly and walked swiftly to the door.

She was startled by his swift movement and said, "Is there something wrong, Terri?" moving over towards the door.

"Oh, nothing's wrong," he said, opening the door for her. "It's just that it is getting awfully late, and I'm sure we both have duties to perform early tomorrow morning. The new parts for the NOGURA are supposed to be coming in from EPSILON, and I want to get on completing the repairs right away."

She nodded to him and said, trying hard to hide her disappointment, "Oh, I see. I guess I'll let you get some rest. See you in the morning, then?"

He smiled, trying to hide his embarrasment and said, "Yes, I'm sure of it. Bright and early in the main shuttlebay."

She nodded and walked off, not hearring Jerran's sigh of relief as the door to his quarters closed.

Respectfully Submitted,
Ensign Jerran Terel
aka Joseph Baker

* Daisemi'in rhhaensuriuu * Of the chief parts of the Ruling            *
* meillunsiateve * Passion, only this can be truly                      *
* rh'e Mnhei'sahe yie ahr'en: * said:                                   *
* Mnahe afw'ein quii; * Hate has a reason for everything,               *
* rh'e hweithnaef * But love is unreasonable.                           *
* mrht Hes'he ehl'ein quii.                                             *
* Joseph W. Baker                                                       *
* Physics Major, College of Arts and Sciences                           *
* University of South Florida                                           *

USS FEYNMAN: Change of Color

by Kristen Gant 2-5-1996

>"You'll have to cover the COU post until we get a fresh new ensign but I'm sure you can handle it. So lieutenant is it a deal?" > Zane asked.

Stardate: 80205.2248
Scene: Captain’s Ready Room

Krysa was surprised at her promotion to full Lt. It didn’t seem that long ago that she was promoted to Lt.(j.g.) But she was genuinely shocked at being offered the OPS/2O position. It meant not only did she pass her Command Officer’s test, she must have done pretty well. She had worked hard on them and was pleased that her hard work had paid off.

Blayne had mentioned to her that there were rumors that Paxwax was being promoted off the Feynman, but she hadn’t really given it too much credence. After all rumor did spread without there being any substance to them.

“It is definately a deal, Sirs! Except for one thing. I do have one suggestion. Rather then trying to split my time up so much, what about Ens. Chesterton, my counselor’s aide? Couldn’t she fill in until we find a permanent replacement. She’s been invaluable to me during my time here.”

Scene: Krysa’s Quarters

Krysa sat looking at her new uniform sitting on her couch, waiting to be put on. She was worried now that she actually saw the mustard yellow. Was she completely crazy to think that she could actually take this position? She wondered. She did respect Comander Zane a lot. And his belief in her meant a lot. She hoped she wouldn’t let him down.

She carefully carried the unform into her bedroom and changed. Standing as tall as her short 1.3m (5’2” - for those of us not used to the metric<g>) would allow her, she inspected herself in the mirror.

She had carefully tried to calm her waves of black hair back out of her face. For the time being it was behaving, and she thought she looked quite professional. Realizing that it was almost time for Commander Paxwax’s party she quickly changed to her dress uniform, still Mustard, of course.

Regards, Lt. Krysa Jenn (It’s so nice not to have to type that (j.g.)<g>)

NRPG: Andrew you didn’t mention dress for the party, but I figured if you were having an official ‘changing of the guards’ and all.... Hope it’s alright.<g>

USS FEYNMAN: FCO's Personal Log

by Joseph Baker 2-5-1996

<<<<<Begin Log>>>>>
Personal log
Ensign Jerran Terel, FCO
Stardate 80205.0653

I was most perplexed this evening by Ensign Jennifer Cartwrights actions at dinner. I was probably overreacting to her familiarity in this casual atmosphere, but I cannot deny the thoughts that I sensed from her over the course of the evening. After the head injury that I suffered on the NOGURA, I've found it increasingly difficult lately to control my genetic psychic abilities passed on through my mother's side. I just couldn't help but sense her attraction for me. I just didn't know what to do, and I'm sure it must have offended her when I ended the evening so abruptly, but I just couldn't handle the situation at that time.

The truth is, I think that I may even harbor some attraction to her. She is just so much like Kalani in that she has similar interests in starships and weapons. I was amazed that we were able to connect so well and converse so freely over the subject.

I must talk with the counselor about this sometime in the near future before I allow this to interfere with my work. I'm sure she will remind me of the close temporal proximity with Kalani's death this event has taken place in, and that I shouldn't rush things as I may only be attracted to Ensign Cartwright just because of her resemblance to Kalani. Still, I think this is something that I do need to discuss with her. After what we experienced together on the NOGURA, Lt. Jenn is probably the only person in the galaxy who would understand what I'm going through now.

<<<<< End Log >>>>>

Jerran put down the PADD he had been reciting his log to on the coffee table as he walked over to the replicator to get some tea before going off to bed. He knew that he wasn't going to be able to avoid Cartwright throughout his whole tour of duty on this ship. In fact, he had told her to meet him in the shuttlebay tomorrow morning to help with the repairs on the NOGURA.

No, he thought to himself. Avoiding her just wasn't the right answer. He knew that he was just going to have to search his feelings, with the counselors help, hopefully, and figure out how to solve this delima.

Just a quicky before bed :)

Krysa: I hope you can pencil Jerran into your busy schedule now that you're OPS to sit on your psychiatrist's couch for a session or two <G>

'Night, yall!

Respectfully Submitted,
Ensign Jerran Terel
FCO/Don Juan de Feynman

* Daisemi'in rhhaensuriuu * Of the chief parts of the Ruling            *
* meillunsiateve * Passion, only this can be truly                      *
* rh'e Mnhei'sahe yie ahr'en: * said:                                   *
* Mnahe afw'ein quii; * Hate has a reason for everything,               *
* rh'e hweithnaef * But love is unreasonable.                           *
* mrht Hes'he ehl'ein quii.                                             *
* Joseph W. Baker                                                       *
* Physics Major, College of Arts and Sciences                           *
* University of South Florida                                           *

USS FEYNMAN: A Day in the Stife...

by Joseph Baker 2-5-1996

SD: 80206.0238
Ship Time: 2000

Ensign Jerran walked into Ten Forward, in a rather sour mood at that. For one thing, he was forced to wear a dress uniform, which he was consistently tugging at the collar of. His day had also not gone rather well with Ensign Cartwright in the shuttlebay.

He had been able to keep himself from reading the idle thought here and there from her, but it didn't take a telepath to tell what she was feeling. She had almost avoided him all throughout the duty shift today, except for where it was absolutely necessary to interact with him in order to do their jobs. That would have been just fine for Jerran had it not been for the aloof way she did speak to him when she had to. It was always "Ensign" or "Sir" rather than "Terri" or even "Jerran." Apparently, his reaction to her attraction towards him had had more of an effect on her than he had foreseen.

He surveyed the lounge as he walked in. Most of the crew that was off duty at this time were here, and even some who were probably supposed to be on duty, ahd the ship not been docked at Epsilon. Therefor, it was rather crowded. Many of the senior officers were gathered around the Commander Paxwax up near the front of the room, laughing and chatting with each other.

Jerran walked over to a secluded corner of the room. He had to admit, even though he was supposed to be one of the senior officers, he really just didn't fit in with the rest of them yet. He knew he was an excellent pilot. His Vulcan-ly logical pride in himself required him to admit that of himself. But, he knew that he was quite young and inexperienced, especially for a department head. And, he thought the near destruction of the NOGURA had been a fine example of that. If it hadn't been for Krysa's skill and experience, they probably would never have made it.

He ordered a drink from a passing waiter, surprised to catch a hint of some Aldebaren scotch having been "smuggled" on board. He wasn't one for drinking, so he just ordered a cup of Raktageno. Even though they were docked, he knew that it was going to be a long night.

And, it just got longer as Ensign Jenniger Cartwright casually came and sat down at his table directly accross from him...

Let the games begin!! <EG>

Aldebaran scotch? Isn't that the green stuff Scotty got drunk on in Relics? :)

BTW, Andy, I'm actually more partial to the Miranda class than any other ship to come out of the 23rd century. I won't penalize you for going for second best, though ;)

Respectfully Submitted,
Ensign Jerran Terel
aka Joseph Baker

USS FEYNMAN: Jordan gets down to Party

by Colby D. Beck 2-6-1996

Scene 10 Forward

Jordan was ready for some fun. After almost dying on that god forsaken moon base, he figured the crew deserved some fun. He walked into 10 forward, dress uniform making him feel like he was wearing a dress. He saw the HUGE receiving line to greet the Captain and decided to get a drink before paying his respects. One day, Jordan thought, they would be lining up to greet him.

Jordan got himself an Ale, and got into line. In front of Jordan was an unfamiliar face. An Ensign, probably just assigned out of the Starbase. "hmm." Jordan thought "It is a party, it couldn't hurt to be friendly."

Tapping the Ensign on the shoulder, Jordan introduced himself.

"Hello." The ensign replied. "I'm Allison Cummings. I just transferred on board. I'm a replacement in the Stellar Cartogography Dept."

Jordan was studdering to try and get out something. Thoughts swirled, Sydney, loyality, discipline, love, new adventures. It was all a lot for the young officer to figure out in a receiving line. Before he knew what happened, Allison's face was replaced by Parawaxx's.

Startled, Jordan put out his hand, and congratulated the Captain and thanked him for the opportunity to serve. "You know Sir, they say an Ensign's first ship and Commanding Officer are like his first loves, you never forget them."

"Thank you Lt. It has been a pleasure to serve with you. I have no doubts you will make a fine officer."

Jordan thanksed the Captain, and moved off to one side of the room. He caught Allison's eye, and began to move toward him. Just as he was about to get to her, Chief Mancuso came up and started about Security rotations.

"Chief, not now please, this is a party." But the Chief kept going. If one thing could be said about the ACSO, she was aggressive and strong willed. Jordan usually found it easier to deal with the situation quickly then argue with the Chief.

After about 10 minutes, the Chief finally seemed satisfied and walked away. Jordan caught Allison's eye again, she gave a shy smile as she moved to the door. With a tiny wave she was moving out the door. Jordan wanted to follow, but being a Senior Officer had its drawbacks occassionally. He would have to catch up to Allison another time.

Jordan went over to a group of Feynman Officers. Lt. Jenn was there.

"Congrats, Lt. I must say, the Captain made an excellent decision. You proved yourself capable of handling a bad situation from what I read of the shuttlecraft crisis."

Jordan settled down with his Ale and got ready for a rip roaring good time, even if he was in his dress uniform.

Lt.(jg) Jordan Charles


All: I know I haven't posted in awhile, but I wanted to wait till we got everything worked out. That whole moonbase thread threw me for a loop. My mail server musta lost some, because I only got bits and pieces. My provider assures me everthing is back to normal.

As for the Web Page, I'll need roster and bio files (I guess thats Max now) and then Ill update everything and add our neeto commendation.

Oh, BTW you think McCoy would be proud?? :)

Andy and Andy: Congrats on getting your own ship. To the other Andy, you made postings a bit easier for a newbie and I'm glad you'll still pop by.

Kristen and Max: Yeah Yeah Yeah, congrats. Kristen, do I need to call you Boss now?? :)

All: OK..just for everyone's knowledge, I take the first part of the Bar Exam on March 8 and then I'm going to Las Vegas for Spring Break, so dont expect a whole lot from me from about March 6 till the 15. Until then Im ready to go.


: Colby D. Beck                                "I am Not a  :
:                       Merry Man!!" :
:          -Lt. Worf:

USS FEYNMAN: Real Short, I Promise<g>

by Kristen Gant 2-6-1996

> Jordan went over to a group of Feynman Officers. Lt. Jenn was there. "Congrats, Lt. I must say, the Captain made an excellent
> decision. You proved yourself capable of handling a bad situation from what I read of the Shuttlecraft crisis."

Stardate: 80206.1436
Scene: Paxwax’s Party

“Thank you Lt. Charles. Though, don’t tell anyone...” Jenn wispered, jokingly “...I’m the one that crashed it.”

“Well, then I need to crash one of those myself.” Jordon chuckled along with the others in the group. Then he excused himself and headed to the bar.

“He’s right Krysa, you deserve this.” Said a young ensign from engineering.

“Thanks, Tom. I must admit that I am really excited. Though I don’t know... do you think this is my color?” She laughed and they all nodded.

Lt. Krysa Jenn, Ops/2O :):)

NRPG: Just a short one. I think I’ve posted enough the last few days to make you real good and sick of me<G>

> BTW: Kristen => Please don't take offence to the 'counselor' thing... but I figured that a hard-nosed Klingon admiral stashed
> away in research might not be as understanding. :)

None taken, I'm just glad no one else is complaining yet<g> I thought it was a great touch and did make a lot of sense.

> Kristen and Max: Yeah Yeah Yeah, congrats. Kristen, do I need to call you Boss now?? :)

No, of course not! Just Sir<g>

> All: OK..just for everyone's knowledge, I take the first part of the Bar Exam on March 8 and then I'm going to Las Vegas for
> Spring Break, so dont expect a whole lot from me from about March 6 till the 15. Until then Im ready to go.

I will keep my fingers for you on your upcoming bar exam:)


USS FEYNMAN: By the Pricking of My Thumbs...

by Joseph Baker 2-6-1996

SD: 80206.1635
Ship Time: 2005
Scene: Ten Forward

Ensign Cartright was the last person who Ensign Jerran would expect to come sit at his table at this moment, but she did. She sat down nonchalantly, and smiled at him, as if the night before had never happened, not to mention the entire day in the shuttlebay repairing the NOGURA.

He nodded to her and said, "Ensign," taking a sip of his Raktageno while glancing over at the command officers.

"Hi, Terri," she said in return. "How are you enjoying the party?"

He was surprised that she had gotten to the small talk so soon. He didn't have to use telepathy to tell that something was on her mind, but he was also not about to pry it out of her. If it was up to him, he would just let the whole matter go, but he could tell that it probably wasn't going to be that easy.

"It's fine, I suppose. I'm not one for social gatherings, though, and besides, I still hardly know any of the people here, except for you, of course, Ensign."

She smiled to him and said, "Yes, I suppose that's true. I think you've handled your transition from the Academy rather well, though."

Jerran nodded to her and said, "Thank you."

There was a long pause which lasted a couple of minutes. Terri guessed that she was hopefully out of small talk.



"I wanted to talk to you about last night," she said reluctantly.

"Oh?" he replied.

"Yes. I think I moved a little to fast. I presumed way too many things. And, I'm sorry for any discomfort that I caused you," she said, looking down at the table.

*Oh, damn,* Jerran thought. *Emotional response. What am I suppose to do now?* He knew that if he said the wrong thing at this point that it could either plunge him into a relationship that he wasn't really ready for at this time, or it would cause her to request a transfer off the FEYNMAN, in which case, Jerran would loose one of his best AFCO's. He really wished that the red alert klaxons would go off right now, but there was no such luck. He even tried to telepathically call out to Lt. Jenn for advice, hoping that some of that telepathic link which they had shared on the NOGURA had remained for her to hear him. But, as expected, not even that would work.

So, the only thing he could do was...

Anyone, feel free to come over and save Jerran by interrupting the conversation, if you like <G>

Respectfully Submitted,
Ensign Jerran Terel
aka Joseph Baker

* Daisemi'in rhhaensuriuu * Of the chief parts of the Ruling            *
* meillunsiateve * Passion, only this can be truly                      *
* rh'e Mnhei'sahe yie ahr'en: * said:                                   *
* Mnahe afw'ein quii; * Hate has a reason for everything,               *
* rh'e hweithnaef * But love is unreasonable.                           *
* mrht Hes'he ehl'ein quii.                                             *
* Joseph W. Baker                                                       *
* Physics Major, College of Arts and Sciences                           *
* University of South Florida                                           *

USS FEYNMAN: Krysa strikes again<g>

by Kristen Gant 2-6-1996

<<NRPG>> Okay, okay, so I’m back.... It’s been a boring few days here frozen like popsicles in Chicago!!!

Stardate: 80206.1609
Scene: Ten-Forword

Something was bothering Krysa. She couldn’t put her finger on it. But everytime she started to relax, it would hit again. It was like something really nagging on her mind. But she didn’t know what it was.

For the third time that evening she tried to shake it out of her head, when she saw Jarren sitting at a table with a pretty young ensign. She started to smile when she caught his eye. Then it struck her. *Help*

For a minute she was struck dumb, trying to figure out what she was hearing. It was Jarren, of course and when it finally dawned on her she realized that that was what had been bothering her all evening. She had an explosion of a telepathic experience on the Runabout, but since then her mental powers had been back to normal. Or was that sub-normal, she thought grimly. She quickly put those negative thoughts out of her head, knowing that they weren’t healthy.

She excused herself to the crewmen she was talking to and headed over to Terri’s table.

“Ens. Jarren. I wanted to come over and see how you were doing? The doctor told me that you really weren’t hurt that terribly and that he had you up and about in no time. He is a better doctor then I am.” She said smiling.

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: Now, are you *sure* you need to be rescued<BG> Kristen

USS FEYNMAN: 10 Forward

by Andrew Catterick 2-6-1996

Scene: 10-Forward

> Needless to say the room was packed. Paxwax was a popular Captain, and here it showed. Every senior officer was accounted
> for and there was a fairly long line to get an audience with him. Tarrant decided that he would catch Paxwax at a later time.
> Instead, he found that 'Commander' Zane was relatively free.

> "Congratulations on your promotion, Sir."

> "Thank you Lieutenant. " Zane tried to find something non-work related to talk about, but found it difficult. Luckily Tarrant
> spoke first.

> "Did you serve with him long, Captain?"

"Right from the start." Zane replied pouring himself a scotch. "He and I, and Commander Maril as well, all started out together as fresh young ensigns assigned to a brand new ship. We arrived before she had even been commissioned and Captain West had taken command." Zane thought back to those exciting days. It was hard to believe it was not so long ago.

"Captain West. Yes I've heard some of my staff mention him now and again. Whatever happened to him."

"We were on our second mission. The captain had decided to lead the away team to a planet that was locked in a civil war. I was still CSO then and I was the security officer present. Of course I was responsible for everyone there but you know the captain's safety is of prime importance...." His voice trailed off. He had not thought of this in some time.

"And?" Tarrant prompted.

Zane took a long drink of the scotch. "And we were ambushed. We realized that we had put our faith in the wrong side and were now paying the price. Initially we were pinned down but after a few lucky breaks the tide began to turn. I left the captain to set up a little ambush of my own, with incidently the then CMO, Paxwax. He went to one side I went to the other. To make a long story short we were successful. We managed to neutralize all of our attackers. Or so we thought. As we walked back to the main group a soldier came out of no where and fired his weapon at one of the away team. Seeing what had happened Captain West dove in front of the officer and took the hit."

"He didn't make it?" Tarrant's Klingon blood welled with pride for the fallen officer. It was truly honourable to die in combat while saving a comrade.

"No he didn't die. He fell into a strange coma that the doctor was unable to wake him from. We transferred him to EPSILON medical which is where he is now. They have no idea if he'll ever come out of it."

The two men stood in silence for a few moments before Zane continued. He didn't want to put a damper on anyone's evening. "After that Captain Sarah Waylen became the CO. She was only here for a short time as she got transferred to another fleet. It was too bad in away. She was an excellent officer and I really learned alot from her. So did Paul. When Captain Waylen left Admiral Nicholas was sufficently impressed by him that he was given the FEYNMAN. Which just about brings us to the present."

"It seems you follow a long line of distinguished, albeit it brief, predescesors commander. You are worthy to join them."

"Thank you for the vote of confidence lieutenant." Zane allowed himself and uncharacteristic scene of uncertainty. "Right now I feel I need it. Those are big shoes to follow."

"Commander, I have found that to follow in ones footsteps is often counterproductive. You must wear your own shoes." It was Tarrant's turn to step out of character. "You know, the comfortable ones." Smiling he turned and headed for the buffet. Happy to see all the Betazed dishes that Bat had put out, especially the Mantickian Pate.

Zane watched him go and smiled. He really was lucky to serve with such a fine group. Looking down he examined the glass of Aldebaran Scotch he had been sipping and looked over at Bat and Mike Larocque who had become good friends of late. As he looked at the guilty expression on his aide's face and the one of smug satisfaction on his 'uncles' he realized that 'partner's in crime' might be a more fitting title. He didn't have to check with Maril to know that the scotch and other rare items on the buffet were very new acquistions. Too new to be entirely legal. He made a mental note to commend both men's ingenuity.


I hope my memory came through, but that was the gist of it. :)

Our staff meeting will take place on the Holodeck but I have not yet decided what the scene will be....I hope to begin the meeting about this time tommorrow night or Thurs morning at the latest. It depends on how the party ends up :D

The mission date clock will be activated once we arrive in our patrol area.

As for bridge shifts, all remains the same with the exception of Maril who will take Zane's shifts and Jenn will take Maril's. Of course during red and yellow alerts the relevant senior staff will all be on the bridge unless occupied elsewhere...

respectfully submitted, CDMR. Zane

==== LT.Tarsa Rogers CEO USS TESLA                                    ====
==== CMDR. Zane COMMANDING USS FEYNMAN                                ====
==== LT.CMDR Nigel Brock ALB INSTRUCTOR HOLODECK 18                   ====
==== Andy Catterick St. Catharines, Ontario                           ====
==== Canada                              ====


by B.J. Baye 2-6-1996

SD: 80206.1941
Scene: Fobok's quarters, before the party

Fobok tucked his son into bed. It was thr first time that he had been able to do that in what seemed like months. This was Matt's first day out of sickbay since the accident, and they both had enjoyed the time together. They had spent the entire time since he had been released together. Now, though, it was time for Commander Paxwax's going-away party. He got changed into his dress uniform, then realized he had no-one to stay with Matt.

He considered the options a few moments. He could leave Matt alone. Definately not. He could always wake him up and bring him along. That was out of the question as well. He didn't know anybody who wasn't going to the party, either. This was going to be difficult. He then remembered something. CPO Ying owed him a favour.

He tapped his communicator, "Chief Ying, this is Fobok, report to my quarters please.."

[On my way,] responded Ying.

A few minutes later, the door chime rang. "Come."

The door opened and Ying walked in. He was about 5'10" tall, with black hair. "You wanted to see me, sir?"

"Yes, chief, actually it isn't an order, just an off-duty request. I'd like you to take care of Matt while I'm at the party, please. I now it's a lot to ask, for you to miss the party.."

"No trouble, sir, I'd be happy too," interrupted Ying.

Fobok smiles, "Thanks," and walked out. He was late for the party.

Scene: Ten-Forward

Fobok walked into ten-forward and looked around. He immediately noticed the group of people talking with the Commander. He finished looking around the room, spotting Amy. She was alone. He started walking toward her. Before he got there, he noticed his anger growing and stowed it away. He had no use for anger right now. He stopped before he got to her, and as she turned when she noticed him, he turned quickly and went over to the group, to say farewell to Paxwax.

He waited a few moments to speak to Paxwax, and when he got up to Paxwax, he said, "Farewell sir, I shall miss our chess games."

Paxwax smiled, "As will I, Ensign. Good luck."

Fobok smiled and noddedm "Thank you, sir, and to you." Then, raising his left hand, did the vulcan salute. "Live long and prosper, sir."

Paxwax started to reply, but was distracted by another farewell. Fobok just walked away then, and finally realizing that he had very few chess games with the Commander, and had no idea why he said that.

He walked back over to Amy's table. Seeing she was still alone, he sat down. "So, who was that I saw you with the other day?"

Amy just said, "Why?"

Fobok wasn't sure what to say. How could he say anything more about this without saying how he felt? He wasn't ready for that yet. "Oh, just curious."

Amy smiled. Apparently, his blocks weren't working too well. She then said, "It was just a friend. His father just died, I was trying to comfort him."

Fobok wasn't sure what to do as she touched his hand and found out what she felt..


All: I taking after Joseph here, but had to continue this plot I started before..:)..(and I started writing this post before I got his last post anyway..:))..anyway..hope you enjoyed this..I enjoyed writing it..:)..I also noted my sig file was here is how it should be I guess:

B.J. Baye
aka Ensign Fobok

USS FEYNMAN: Ten-Forward

by Max Felsher 2-6-1996

SD 80207.0200

Lt. Commander Maril looked around as he waited in line for a few moments. There was not a non-dress uniform to be seen. As he walked forward, he came up to Paxwax. "Well, Paul, congratulations on your promotion. Hopefully, Jebel will meet Castir again. I wish you well," the Tamarian said, tears starting to form.

"Goodbye, Onta. I'll see you again. Don't you worry." As the next person came forward, Maril was almost pushed away. He then strode over to the new Captain, Commander Zane. "Well, Zane, it's only two of us now."

"Yeah, only two. Someday, none of the original staff will be here."

"Well, hopefully we'll be Admirals by then," Maril said as he drank the new drink at the bar. "This isn't synthahol."

"No, it isn't. I think Bat went and got some not-so-legal drinks for the party." Maril went down a different path, "So, who else will be-" [Ops to Commander Maril. We have an incoming message for you.]

"Patch it through to my quarters, please. Maril out," he said over the intercom. To Zane, he said, "Excuse me. I have to go. I'll be back, though." As he walked into his quarters, he activated his desk panel. A Vulcan sat in the middle of the picture.

"Hello, Commander. I am sorry to disturb you. I am Lieutenant Salik, a Personnel Officer. I have two Tamarians here. I have been unable to make contact with either of them, but it appears that they want you, Commander. I reccomend you come here immediately. Salik out."

Maril hurried to change out of his dress uniform and get to the Epsilon Personnel Area. Finally, he reached it. He did actually see two Tamarians, a rare sight in this area. He recognized them as Azelti(his father) and Nolin(his sister). Maril was a bit annoyed. "Beved distracting the archer?" he said as he picked them up.

"No, Redev of Iteks in Gebelian army," his stubborn father replied. Nolin just smiled on, an exchange officer from what Azelti said.

As ther reached the Feynman, Maril said, "Be and camp in my tent until Kitak's Overflow. Be and get new tents of Stetal then." Maril was just able to change back into his dress uniform before his family members arrived.

The sun has met the sea,
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,
First Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher

All: Well, Maril's not going to have much time. :) Anyone, feel free to ask why his face is so red when he gets back to the party. :) OK, here's some info on these 2 members of his family-Azelti Mar is in his early 50's(Earth years) and is a stellar cartographer; Nolin Tuelchi is a cadet in the Tamarian Spacefleet. She is about 19. Supposedly, she is an exchange officer. ;) I guess the exchange directors decided to stick Maril with her *just* because he's her brother and one of the few people who understand Tamarian. What a crazy idea. ;)

USS FEYNMAN: Nightcap...

by Joseph Baker 2-7-1996

SD: 80207.2044
Scene: Ensign Jerran's Quarters, USS FEYNMAN

It had been two hours since Terri and Jennifer had left the party together, and during that whole time, they had done nothing but talk about piloting stories, most of them legends concerning Jerran's starship models, as he had promised her. Jerran discovered that he had enjoyed reiterating the stories to her just as much as he had enjoyed learning them in the first place.

Jennifer took a drink of her tea and said, "Terri? Can I ask you something kind of personal?"

"Sure," he smiled to her. "What would that be?"

"Well," she said, kind of nervously, "It's just that I've never done it it before and I was wondering... would you perform a mind meld on me?"

He raised an eyebrow, and his face went to its normal serious visage as he said, "A mind meld is a very personal thing, indeed, Jennifer. We'll be sharing things with each other that we may not have shared with anyone else before."

She looked up into his soft gray eyes, becoming entranced by them and said, "I can't think of anyone I would rather share my deepest thoughts with than you."

A thousand thoughts rushed through Jerran's mind at that moment. He had only performed a mind meld on two other people before, his mother and Kalani. He knew what kind of a bond it built between the two people, but also how disurbing it could be if you happen to find something in the other person's mind that you did not want to find, or vice versa. Then again, he thought, it would give him an excellent opportunity to search his own feelings about this relationship.

"Alright," he said softly to her, holding her hand gently as he led her over to his bed and sat down beside her. "As this is probably your first telepathic experience, or at least the first that you are probably conscious of, I will not go as deep as I normally would."

She smiled at him and said, "Good. We have to keep some surprises for later."

In his mind, Jerran went through some of the mental exercises he was taught for preparing for a mind meld. He then smiled reassuringly at her and said, "Here we go," as he slowly reached over and put his hand to her face at the appropriate points on her temple.

Her thoughts and his began to intermingle as he said softly, "My mind to your mind. My thoughts to your thoughts. Coming together as one..."

I hope yall are having fun at the party <G>

Respectfully Submitted,
Ensign Jerran Terel

* Daisemi'in rhhaensuriuu * Of the chief parts of the Ruling            *
* meillunsiateve * Passion, only this can be truly                      *
* rh'e Mnhei'sahe yie ahr'en: * said:                                   *
* Mnahe afw'ein quii; * Hate has a reason for everything,               *
* rh'e hweithnaef * But love is unreasonable.                           *
* mrht Hes'he ehl'ein quii.                                             *
* Joseph W. Baker                                                       *
* Physics Major, College of Arts and Sciences                           *
* University of South Florida                                           *

USS FEYNMAN: Holodeck Briefing

by Andrew Catterick 2-7-1996

"Begin program."

The familiar black and yellow grid of the holodeck wavered for a few seconds and then was replaced with the imposing scene of a dark, ancient castle. Zane stood at the edge of the lowered draw bridge and slowly examined the detail. At the end of the drawbridge the entry way was surrounded by a black iron gate with only a small entry way allowing passage within. Flanking the main door were to giant statues of some type of predatory bird. Their eyes glowed red and stared at him intently as he slowly crossed into the courtyard of the building. Lightening flashed off in the distance and the thunder rolled across the hills. Although he had programmed the climate control to remain at a comfortable temperature he felt a shiver go through his body.

Watching the shadows from the flickering torches dance across the castle wall he turned slowly until he found the main doorway. He crossed the courtyard a quickly now. It felt like rain. The pounding of his forearm against the thick oak door reverberated through the quickly arriving night. He felt a little foolish knocking on an illusionary castle that he himself had created but before he could open the door it was done so for him.

"Good evening sir. We have been expecting you."

Zane looked down at the withered old man who held the door in one hand and a makeshift wooden cane in the other. Zane walked in and carefully surveyed his surroundings. He was at a junction of three hallways. To his left, was a long corridor full of paintings and statutes and other assorted art works. It had no internal lighting, anything that could be seen was only clear when it was illuminated by a flash of lightening through the large windows. To his right was another long corridor. It had no windows and was illuminated by small candles in brass holders at shoulder length. There was a door at the end. In front there was a large staircase that seemed to be cut from solid rock rising several stories to a small landing that branched off into several direction. Beside the stairway was the entrance way to what appeared to be a rather large room. Zane saw that the large hearth fire was already lit.

The old man had already started hobbling his way to this room pausing only to look over his shoulder. "This way sir."

Zane followed him in and found what appeared to be the castle's library. In the middle of the room was a large table with eight oversized wooden chairs around it. The backs of these chairs had been carved into a variety of scenes, most of them grotesque. On the north wall was a small buffet. That had not been part of his program. Bat must have had his hand in this.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

He almost jumped through his skin as an eerie pounding echoed through the castle. The old man turned and dragged himself back to the door. "More guests to attend to."

<<<ALL: Feel free to post your arrival and please add a little colour and scen *********************************************************************
Scene:Main Briefing, Castle library
Timeframe: After all are present.

"I'd like to be underway in 2 hours so I suggest we get right too it. As you have seen from the mission overview that was forwarded to all of you we have been given a mission which is just as mysterious as our last. I hope it will remain an exploration mission but being so close to the Kzinti border, a possible treaty or not, I am concerned. If attack we will most likely be severely outgunned. However, they've never gone up agianst the FEYNMAN...."

Zane was interrupted by the pounding of the door. The room grew silent as the assembled officers looked at each other in surprise. All the senior staff were accounted for so who could be at the door? The answer arrived several seconds later.

A large man dressed in black rushed into the room. He was soaked from head to foot, his long hair caked against his face. He gave a polite nod to the group and turned to face the buffet. Picking up a loaf of bread he shoved as much as he could of it into his mouth and turned his head quickly to rip the portion off. Chewing furiously he reached for a carafe of wine and greedily drank it in to help wash down the bread. Satisfied he turned to face the bewildered group.

He pulled a scroll from his leather pouch, unraveled it and began to read...

"Hear one. Hear all. By order of his esteemed magnificence, emperor of all the holodeck, commander of too much time... and by the agreement of his is an honour and privilege to announce that you Ensign Fobok and you Ensign Jerran Terrel, in recognition of your devotion to duty, your professionalism and your selflessness are promoted to the much distinguished rank of Lieutenant junior grade with all the rights and privileges that go with it."

Returning the scroll to his pouch the messenger pulled two small black boxes from his inside pocket and placed them, Fleet Insignia up, in front of the two newly promoted officers. With a dramatic bow to both he turned, bowed to the group, grabbed his hat from where he had thrown it on the buffet and raced from the room, on his way to the next delivery.

"Congratulations gentlemen, well deserved." Zane paused to let the group settle down from the excitement. "Now that the festivities are over lets get down to business. He turned to hear the officer's report.


Okay I know the speech was corny but hey, it was off the top of my head.

Feel free to have a conclusion post to the party. I'm interested to see how our Romeo's are making out. :D

Post yourself arriving to the meeting and then a rundown of your department's status as well as any questions or observations you have over the mission info presented by Admiral Nicholas to Zane. If any of you don't have a copy of that post let me know and I'll forward one.

Since we'll be in the area we may run into a few stray cats<G>. A good description of the Kzinti race is on the web-page. Having said that I want you to know I am not pushing for any contact with them, we play as we go...but since we are in home space and they are our unfriendly neighbours you may want to read up on them. And as my character, Nigel Brock, who fought in the last attack can attest to they are quite ruthless....

Andrew: If you do get time feel free to post Paxwax at the party. I wanted to make sure you had a chance but I also wanted to get the ball rolling.

Joseph: Miranda Class!??! They are so ungainly they make a Klingon Bird of Prey look good (Well, almost!) 😄

respectfully submitted, CMDR. Zane

==== LT.Tarsa Rogers                 CEO                    USS TESLA ====
==== CMDR. Zane                   COMMANDING              USS FEYNMAN ====
==== LT.CMDR Nigel Brock        ALB INSTRUCTOR            HOLODECK 18 ====
==== Andy Catterick                           St. Catharines, Ontario ====
====                              Canada ====

USS FEYNMAN: Holodeck Briefing (CONT)

by Colby D. Beck 2-7-1996

>Scene:Main Briefing, Castle library
>Timeframe: After all are present.

> "I'd like to be underway in 2 hours so I suggest we get right too it. As you have seen from the mission overview that was
> forwarded to all of you we have been given a mission which is just as mysterious as our last. I hope it will remain an
> exploration mission but being so close to the Kzinti border, a possible treaty or not, I am concerned. If attack we will most
> likely be severely outgunned. However, they've never gone up agianst the FEYNMAN...

Jordan sat around the table looking at the faces of the new Lt(jg)'s wondering if he looked so surprised when he got his hallow pip. After everyone had congradulated the promotions, Jordan turned to speak.

"Sir, Security and Tactical are ready to go. If we run into who doesn't want to play nice, we'll give em a nice taste of what we got." A small smile started across his face.

Lt.(jg) Jordan Charles


Andy: I never got the Admiral's post.

All: Grats to Jerran and Fobok :)

: Colby D. Beck                                "I am Not a  :
:                       Merry Man!!" :
:          -Lt. Worf:

USS FEYNMAN: Holodeck Briefing (CONT)

by B.J. Baye 2-8-1996

SD:80208.0037 (GMT)
Scene: Ten-Forward, just after 'Party' post

Fobok couldn't believe the emotions flowing from Amy, in their slight contact. Amy loved him.

He smiled and squeezed Amy's hand. He had not felt this type of link, weak though it may have been, in a long time.

Amy suddenly drew her hand away. She didn't say anything, and while Fobok was recovering from such a quick break in contact, she walked out of Ten-Forward. After a moment, when he realized what happened, Fobok stood up and hurried after her.

*Have I done something wrong?* he thought as he ran out.

Unfortunately, she was long gone. He didn't bother returning to the party, and just went to his quarters. He didn't feel like partying.

He walked in, thanked Ying for staying, and when he left, Fobok went right to bed.

He awoke the next morning with a start. He was sweating heavily and panting. That was the strangest dream he had ever had. Even after he had calmed down, he still felt very strong emotions, and felt like his blood was on fire. It then ht him. He knew what this was, but he couldn't accept it. It couldn't happen! Ponn-far. He thought, since he was half human, it wouldn't affect him. That was why he had married earlier..and had Matt eight years before.

He thought a few moments and calmed down. It wasn't happening. It was too late. It was supposed to have affected him about ten years ago. He had refused to marry T'Sin, so he could marry Ivy. T'Sin had since married someone else.

"Dad?" came a tiny voice from the next room. When Fobok didn't answer, Matt came into his room, still in his pajamas. Fobok stood up, and started getting dressed. He had a meeting to go to. He then turned to his son.

"You better start getting dressed for school."

Matt frowned, "School?"

Fobok smiled, and finished putting on his uniform, "Yes, school, had you forgotton during all that time in sick-bay?"

Matt sighed and shook his head, then went back into his room to get dressed. Fobok then put his communicator on, and went to the door, he was late, and not thinking clearly as he left his son alone again. The fire still burned.

Scene: Holodeck, outside castle

Fobok walked up to the castle, and banged on the gate, harder then expected as the thuds sounded extremely loud.

As the old man answered, Fobok had to refrain from pushing his way past and heading in. When he was lead into the library, he sat down. Lt. Jenn looked at him curiously, but he just waved it off.

>Scene:Main Briefing, Castle library
>Timeframe: After all are present.

> "I'd like to be underway in 2 hours so I suggest we get right too it. As you have seen from the mission overview that was
> forwarded to all of you we have been given a mission which is just as mysterious as our last. I hope it will remain an
> exploration mission but being so close to the Kzinti border, a possible treaty or not, I am concerned. If attack we will most
> likely be severely outgunned. However, they've never gone up agianst the FEYNMAN...."

> Zane was interrupted by the pounding of the door. The room grew silent as the assembled officers looked at each other in
> surprise. All the senior staff were accounted for so who could be at the door? The answer arrived several seconds later.

> A large man dressed in black rushed into the room. He was soaked from head to foot, his long hair caked against his face.
> He gave a polite nod to the group and turned to face the buffet. Picking up a loaf of bread he shoved as much as he could of
> it into his mouth and turned his head quickly to rip the portion off. Chewing furiously he reached for a carafe of wine and
> greedily drank it in to help wash down the bread. Satisfied he turned to face the bewildered group.

> He pulled a scroll from his leather pouch, unraveled it and began to read...

> "Hear one. Hear all. By order of his esteemed magnificence, emperor of all the holodeck, commander of too much time... and
> by the agreement of his is an honour and privilege to announce that you Ensign Fobok and you Ensign Jerran Terrel,
> in recognition of your devotion to duty, your professionalism and your selflessness are promoted to the much distinguished
> rank of Lieutenant junior grade with all the rights and privileges that go with it."

> Returning the scroll to his pouch the messenger pulled two small black boxes from his inside pocket and placed them, Fleet
> Insignia up, in front of the two newly promoted officers. With a dramatic bow to both he turned, bowed to the group,
> grabbed his hat from where he had thrown it on the buffet and raced from the room, on his way to the next delivery.

> "Congratulations gentlemen, well deserved." Zane paused to let the group settle down from the excitement. "Now that the
> festivities are over lets get down to business. He turned to hear the officer's report.

Fobok put the new hollow pip on, and then waiting to give his report. He was surprised that he got the promotion, yet didn't dwell on it. When his turn came, he did his report, but still had an edge to his voice. Despite what he was feeling, he would not accept the idea that Pon-farr was affecting him.

"The science department is ready for the next mission sir. The Delphi array is functioning normally, as are standard sensors."

Zane looked at the Lieutenant (j.g.) for a moment, "Are you alright?"

Fobok nodded, "It's nothing, sir"

NRPG: Hope you like the post..took me long enough to write it..:)..thought I'd add a little twist with the Pon-farr idea. Hope it doesn't mess anything up. I have an idea how to finish this..which won't involve Fobok going back to Vulcan..:).. Totally addicted to Internet,
B.J. Baye (aka Fobok, Matty, R2-B1, and a few other names)

USS FEYNMAN: Jerran's Morning

by Joseph Baker 2-8-1996

SD: 80208.0143

Ensign Jerran awoke from one of the best nights of sleep he'd had in the entire two weeks or so that he'd been on board the FEYNMAN. His hand was still resting ever so gently on the side of her head, where it had remained all night so that they would be able to continue the link while they slept. The result had been that they were both in each other's dreams all night, an experience which is by far so indescribably better than a holodeck.

He smiled down at her and gave her a kiss on the forehead. She reached up sleepily and messed up his hair which had actually not moved much during the night, as was usual. *Good morning* he thought to her.

*Don't you have the decency to look bad in the morning like everyone else?* she thought to him.

They both laughed and then Jerran said, "Computer, time," almost forgetting that the computer doesn't respond to thought commands.

<< 0755 >>, came the matter of fact reply.

Jerran jumped straight out of the bed, uttering a few choice Bajoran curses which the Prophets probably wouldn't have approved of as he pulled off what he was still wearing of the dress uniform last night, which was mainly just his pants and the standard black undershirt.

He threw on the nearest uniform which looked clean, and just barely had his boots on as he gave Jennifer a quick kiss before running out the door. Before it closed on him, though, he turned to her with a smile and said, "You'd better get to your post, too, Ensign, before I have to put you on report."

She stood up at mock attention and said with a smile, "Aye, aye, sir," saluting him in an outdated fashion. They both laughed as he grabbed his leather flight jacket and ran out the door, hearing each other more through the lingering mind link rather than with their ears.

Jerran was just barely able to get into the holodeck as the clock struck 0800 hours. He almost thought he was in the wrong holodeck when he noticed the midieval castle with its gruesome looking gargoyles glaring at him. Either this was the new CO's way of relieving the tension among the senior crew, or this was some form of punishment for being tardy. He just wondered where the torture chamber was, and if it would just be easier for everyone if he found his own way there.

He walked up to the front door and taking the knocker into his hand, slammed it down a few good times. An old man answered the door and said, "Ah, we've been expecting you, Sir Terel of Jerran."

He followed the little holographic man, kind of pleased that he had been able to use his name properly, but perplexed at the way he used it. The old man brought him to the meeting room, where the other officers were all already assembled.

He sat down at a spot near the end of the table, getting a rather knowing look from Lt. Jenn.

He heard the entire report Commander Zane gave, but he wasn't really paying attention at the time. He just filed it away for later reference. Besides, he had already read the reports on the mission which had been sent out to the department heads.

He was awoken from his daydreaming when the odd character came in with the announcement of his and Ensign Fobok's promotions to Ltjg. He smiled cordially to everyone who congratulated him as he absentmindedly put the new pip on his collar.

Then the other officers gave their departmental reports. He wasn't paying too much attention to that, either, untill Lt. Jenn mentioned his name in her report, to the effect that he hadn't shown up for a psyche evaluation lately. Boy would she be surprised when he finally did, though.

Then, came his turn to report...

<<<< Ens... errr... Ltjg Jerran's report (G) >>>> Jerran picked up his PADD and glanced at it for a moment, collecting his thoughts real quick. Commander Zane had had to call on him twice to break the trance he was in.

"Ummm, departmental report for Flight Control, Ltjg Jerran Terel reporting.

"Repairs on the runabout Nogura were successful. The main things which had to be done were as follows: the warp core had to be replaced, both warp nacelles had to be rebuilt from the inside, no new parts were needed for that phase, impulse engines required a backflushing in the impulse intake system, and the sensor system required major degaussing and recallibration. Medical department had also performed the decontamination on the aft compartment before my crew got into it

"As for flight personnel: Most of the AFCO's are now up to at least level 4 flight profficiency, with two at level five and one, Ensign Jennifer Cartwright," he said, with a slight twinge of pride detectable through his normally professional demeanor, "attaining level six flight status. I have hence given her the position of Deputy Flight Control Officer, with Petty Officer Arak t'Jon as NCOIC of the flight department. Warrant Officer Charles Dunnon was given the position of Senior Shuttle Pilot."

"And that's it," he said, placing the PADD back on the table with a smile as he sat down again.

Kris: See, Jerran wasn't trying to avoid your look. He just wasn't paying attention to you <G> And he doesn't visit because he's afraid of getting your psychiatristy bill <EG>

Fobok: High five, man!!

Respectfully submitted,
Ltjg Jerran Terel

* Daisemi'in rhhaensuriuu * Of the chief parts of the Ruling            *
* meillunsiateve * Passion, only this can be truly                      *
* rh'e Mnhei'sahe yie ahr'en: * said:                                   *
* Mnahe afw'ein quii; * Hate has a reason for everything,               *
* rh'e hweithnaef * But love is unreasonable.                           *
* mrht Hes'he ehl'ein quii.                                             *
* Joseph W. Baker                                                       *
* Physics Major, College of Arts and Sciences                           *
* University of South Florida                                           *

USS FEYNMAN: Castle Briefing

by Max Felsher 2-9-1996

SD 80209.0230

Lt. Commander Maril was somewhat surprised when he walked in. A dark castle wasn't exactly a normal setting for a mission briefing. Maril was exhausted. His two family members were hard to deal with sometimes, especially his father(in Maril's opinion.) Maril also hadn't spoken real Tamarian in months, and neither his father nor his sister had the foggiest idea of how to communicate in English.

He walked up the long drawbridge and up to the huge door. There was nothing to do but knock. The sound of the knocker was almost enough to knock the tired Tamarian down itself. An old man, appeared at the door. "Right this way, sir." He soon found his way into the library and waited for the briefing to begin. He congratulated the two new Lt.<jg>'s and listened to Zane's briefing. Finally, he started his report.

"Personnel level is at normal. We should be receiving a new Counselor soon. There are no apparent problems. The ship appears to be ready to set out on its mission. Although I'm not sure if it's smart to have both Mr. Jenn and Mr. Jerran at the front of the Bridge, considering what they did to the Nogura," Maril smiled as the senior staff laughed. As Maril sat back down, Lt. Jenn stood up to make her report. Although Maril knew he should have been listening, the chair he was sitting in was so comfortable and he was so exhausted, he almost fell asleep. As he was about to, he heard Jenn mention his name.

"I hope Commander Maril can help me with my new position," she had been saying.

"Yes...of course," he replied.

The sun has met the sea,
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,
First Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher

NRPG: All:Just so you guys know, Andy is still handling things roster/bio-related, not me. That is a little bit unusual, but at least for now, that's how it is.

Andy:That said, I'd like a couple of changes to the roster. WO Bellad Jafel is now Maril's aide(I'm going to have to think of my own title sometime. ;) ) Also, SCPO Meln is gone. If you recall, in a post not too long ago, he was found to be aiding smugglers. Oh, and also, you can take WO Ein off the list of Registered NPC's(you don't have to take him off the regualar NPC's.)

Joseph, B.J.:Congratulations!

Joseph:I don't think there is a DELTA shift on the Feynman(I noticed it on your AFCO list.)

Kristen:FYI, the AOPS right now is WO Ein(Bolian, male). He took the BETA shift before. But, you can get rid of him now. I'll tell you more later.

USS FEYNMAN: Jenn's Concerns

by Kristen Gant 2-9-1996

Stardate: 80209.0436
Scene: Staff Meeting on the Holodeck

The staff meeting was breaking up. Krysa had felt some very odd vibes from Lt.(j.g.) Fobok through the entire thing. Mostly it was from his Mind Block. She had gotten used to reading Mind Blocks. Vulcans almost always had one up when they knew a Betazoid was around. It was an easy thing for them to do and didn’t take much thought or effort.

Except that Fobok really seemed to be concentrating had on his. She had never noticed the strain in him before. Why was it there now?

“Congratulations, Lt. Fobok.” She called out to him. He reluctantly stopped, not to offend her.

“Thank you, Sir.”

“Look, I know it isn’t my position any longer, but I would like to sit down and chat with you for a while in the CNS office, if possible. You seem distracted this morning.”

“I appreciate your concern, sir, but that won’t be necessary.” With that the Vulcan turned and hurried out, before Jenn could say anything else.

Terri, who was watching from behind, chuckled. “Do you always scare away potential patients that way?”

Krysa turned her concerned gaze upon him, “Speaking of which, Mr. Jarren....”

“Oops, I think I’m on duty... catch you later” He also headed out quickly.

This time it was Commander Zane who was chuckling. “Having difficulties, Lt.”

“You’d think I had the plague or something.” Krysa smiled. “Maybe it’s a Vulcan thing.” Zane hadn’t got up from the table yet, so Krysa took a seat next to him again. Lt. Commander Maril was also still there, so she asked him to join them.

“I am concerned about Fobok, seriously. Did you notice how distracted he was. I can tell you he was struggling to keep him mind block up.”

They looked at her questioningly. “All Vulcan use mind blocks consistently. It usually isn’t something that even takes them hardly a thought. Jarren’s takes somewhat more thought then Fobok’s usually, because he’s only half Vulcan. Though since coming on board, I’ve noticed he’s gotten better at hiding them from me.” Krysa sighed, “I’ve gotten quite a feel for these mind blocks being a Betazoid Counselor... and I can tell you there is something really bothering Fobok.”

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: Andy, I didn’t mean to cut your meeting short, feel free to finish it, I just wanted to get this idea out before I forgot to do it.

BJ: Hope it was okay for Jenn to notice it. But I figured with being a Betazoid Counselor, she would get a feel for these things<g>

Joe: I’ll be after you.... so watch out!!


USS FEYNMAN: Fobok's Concerns!

by B.J. Baye 2-9-1996

Stardate: 80209.1418
Scene: Holodeck, just as meeting ended.

>The staff meeting was breaking up. Krysa had felt some very odd vibes from Lt.(j.g.) Fobok through the entire thing. Mostly it
> was from his Mind Block. She had gotten used to reading Mind Blocks. Vulcans almost always had one up when they knew a
> Betazoid was around. It was an easy thing for them to do and didn't take much thought or effort.

>Except that Fobok really seemed to be concentrating had on his. She had never noticed the strain in him before. Why was it
> there now?

> "Congratulations, Lt. Fobok." She called out to him. He reluctantly stopped, not to offend her.

>"Thank you, Sir."

> "Look, I know it isn't my position any longer, but I would like to sit down and chat with you for a while in the CNS office, if
> possible. You seem distracted this morning."

> "I appreciate your concern, sir, but that won't be necessary." With that the Vulcan turned and hurried out, before Jenn could say anything else. Fobok finally accepted what was happening to him as he left the holodeck. It had to be Pon farr, no matter how late it was. It was the only explanation for what he was feeling. But what could he do about it? He forgot totally that he was supposed to be on duty, and went to his quarters.

Scene: Fobok's Quarters

Fobok walked in and looked around. No Matt. Good, he thought to himself, he didn't want Matt to see him like this. What, though, would he do when Matt got off school?

"Computer, lock door, no admittance to anybody without my clearance or that of a command ranking officer."

<<Door locked.>>

Fobok started to lay down on his bed, his communicator beeped. He tapped it, "Fobok here."

[Lieutenant, why aren't you on the bridge?] asked what sounded like a bit upset Zane.

"Commander, I must report that I am unfit for duty, sir."

Before Zane could reply, he took off his communicator, and crushed it angrily in his hand. He then threw the remains of the communicator off the side of the bed, and layed back, trying to clear his mind.


Scene: Corridor, deck 5

Matt walked down the corridor toward the quarters he shared with his dad. He could hardly wait to show his dad what he made in class. He walked up to the door and hit the access button.

The door made an odd sounding buzz, and wouldn't open. He tried again, with the same result. Now frustrated, Matt knocked on the door. Then, when he got no answer, said, "Computer, where's my dad?"

<<Lt. (j.g.) Fobok is no longer on board the Feynman>>

NRPG: I assume that the computer still locates using the communicator pins..

Tears started forming in Matt's eyes. How could his dad leave him? He then ran off toward sick-bay. Maybe Nurse Tamy could help.

Scene: Sickbay

Matt ran in and looked around, the tears which were just forming before now running down his face. He immediatly saw Nurse Tamy and ran over to her.

She looked down to him, saw the tears and said, concerned, "What's wrong?"

Matt answered, "Dad'd left..the ship and..I can't get into..our quarters...he didn't tell me..he was going anywhere.."

NRPG:'s my latest post..:)..I put it after the briefing, in case there's anything left to do at it..;)..

>BJ: Hope it was okay for Jenn to notice it. But I figured with being a >Betazoid Counselor, she would get a feel for these things<g>

Kristen: No prob..;)..and I expected Jenn to. BTW, Fobok is half vulcan too..:)..only he probably had more training in the Vulcan abilities then Jerren, since he didn't switch to the human ways until shortly after his father died.

B.J. Baye
aka Lt. (j.g.) Fobok
USS Feynman

USS FEYNMAN: Zane's Concerns

by Andrew Catterick 2-9-1996

> Stardate: 80209.1000
> Scene: Staff Meeting on the Holodeck

> This time it was Commander Zane who was chuckling. “Having difficulties, Lt.”

> “You’d think I had the plague or something.” Krysa smiled. “Maybe it’s a Vulcan thing.” Zane hadn’t got up from the table
> yet, so Krysa took a seat next to him again. Lt. Commander Maril was also >still there, so she asked him to join them.

> “I am concerned about Fobok, seriously. Did you notice how distracted he was. I can tell you he was struggling to keep him
> mind block up.”

> They looked at her questioningly. “All Vulcan use mind blocks consistently. It usually isn’t something that even takes them
> hardly a thought. Jarren’s takes somewhat more thought then Fobok’s usually, because he’s only half Vulcan. Though since
> coming on board, I’ve noticed he’s gotten better at hiding them from me.” Krysa sighed, “I’ve gotten quite a feel for these
> mind blocks being a Betazoid Counselor... and I can tell you there is something really bothering Fobok.

”Zane frowned. He was really only a security officer at heart and truth be told, although he valued the thoughts of a counselor, especially a Betazoid one, he was always a little uncomfortable in such situations.

"Has his performance been affected in any way?" Maril asked, turning to face Krysa.

"No sir, but we've spent the past 4 days in spacedock. There hasn't really been too much too do." She replied.

"That's true. But alot has happened over the last few days. We've lost a captain that we all trusted and respected and we have a new one to get used to. There were a few people who seemed a bit distracted in this meeting." Zane cast an amused look at Onta. He knew his first officer was been overwhelmed with his relatives.

"Sir I wouldn't bring this up if I didn't feel it important."

"I realize that and don't misunderstand, I value your judgements and am not trying to downplay them. I just want to look at things from all sides. I can't order Fobok to visit either you in a counseling capacity or your replacement unless I have something more concrete to go on." He raised his hands as she started to protest. "However, I'd like the counselor and you, if your duties permit, to keep an eye on Mr.Fobok and let me know if the situation changes. Agreed?"

"Yes sir."

"Good. Now Commander if you would be so kind to prepare us for departure I'll meet you both on the bridge in a few minutes. I just want to make a few entries into my PADD."

Zane watched the two officers go. He was glad that Jenn had brought up her concerns and had not backed down on them. The three officers would make an excellent team. Activating his PADD he examined all the paperwork he was already behind in. Maybe this was the reason Paul had accepted transfer so readily.

As he began entering the required data he was startled by a sound behind him. Turning, he saw nothing out of the ordinary. *Probably just the wind* "Computer, delete wind from program." He continued to work but could not shake the feeling that he was being watched. He fought down the instinct. He was probably a little jittery. This was his first mission as captain. *Yea that must be it.* He chuckled at the thought of himself nervous in his own holodeck creation. Still, as he left the castle he could have sworn he heard some one whisper. "You will all die."


"Status commander?" Zane asked as he stepped through the turbolift doors.

"We are ready for departure and have been cleared by EPSILON control."

"Very well. Helm take us out. When we clear the system set course for our patrol area, warp 6."

"Aye sir." The FCO responded.

Zane took a quick look around the bridge and then sat in his chair. "Zane to Fobok, why aren't you on the bridge?"

[Commander, I must report that I am unfit for duty, sir.]

"What do you mean by unfit lieutenant?" No reply.

"Lieutenant Fobok?.....Fobok report in...Computer, location of Lieutenant Fobok."

<Lieutenant Fobok is no longer on the FEYNMAN.>

"Computer, last known whereabouts of Lieutenant Fobok?"

<Lieutenant Fobok was in his quarters.>

"Zane to sickbay."

[Sickbay, Tok here.]

"Doctor, Lieutenant Fobok has just reported himself unfit for duty and has not responded to any further calls. His last known position was in his quarters."

[I'm on my way.]

Zane looked up over his shoulder. "Mr. Charles, is there anyone in Fobok's quarters?"

The CSO quickly checked his security board. "Aye sir. 95% probability that it is Mr. Fobok."

"Good, I think it would be best if we had some security with the doctor. " "Aye sir."

The first officer leaned over to the captain. "Sir, should we delay our departure until this situation is rectified?" Zane had been thinking that himself.

"No, the admiral was clear as to the importance of this patrol. We need Mr. Fobok's skills for this mission but we can't delay because of it. I'm sure the doctor can get to the bottom of this." He sat back and watched the viewscreen as the interior of the spacedock spun about, lost in thought. He was very concerned about his science officer.

> Andy, I didnt mean to cut your meeting short, feel free to finish > it, I just wanted to get this idea out before I forgot to do it.

Not a problem....that's what back-posting is for. ;) Quick anyone got some Plomeek Soup for Fobok:)

Max: Updated the roster with your changes. (The crowd goes silent in disbelief)

Joesph: Ok, take us out for the asteriod belt that rings the system. BTW, Max is right we have ALPHA, BETA and GAMMA shifts. Jason: Just my small (very small) addition to your 'voices'

Lylse: If you want to backpost your mission briefing that would be great. Either way you have a patient to attend to....

Colby: I didn't know if you wanted to stay on the bridge or join the doctor so I left it up to you.

All: Its thurs day now, so let's say we arrive at the outskirts of our patrol area Late Fri early Sat. Until then have fun.....

B.J: Love the Pon Farr idea. Will you be running 'Amok' (the crowd groans at the bad joke.)

respectfully submitted,
Andy-->Who really loves this ship!

==== LT.Tarsa Rogers                 CEO                    USS TESLA ====
==== CMDR. Zane                   COMMANDING              USS FEYNMAN ====
==== LT.CMDR Nigel Brock        ALB INSTRUCTOR            HOLODECK 18 ====
==== Andy Catterick                           St. Catharines, Ontario ====
====                              Canada ====

USS FEYNMAN: Departure

by Joseph Baker 2-9-1996

SD: 80209.2356

LTJG Jerran deftly flew the FEYNMAN out through the large set of double doors of SB Epsilon, fighting the overwhelming urge to kick the ship up to impulse power while in spacedock. Upon leaving orbit of the planet, he brought the warp drive up to warp 2 to navigate outwards toward the rim of the system to jump to higher speeds.

He listened on as the medical teams tried to gain entrance to Lt. Fobok's quarters, and, as a half Vulcan himself, he had a sinking suspicion of what was going on with the science officer. Pon Farr wasn't exactly something that he was looking forward to either, and he hoped that his Bajoran blood would deter the event. He had gone through the first one at 15, which was rather late for most Vulcans, but it gave him hope that if it happened again, then it probably would be farther away than for most Vulcans.

As he flew the ship above the system's asteroid belt, slowing to warp 1 just in case something came up on unexpectedly, some of his thoughts kept running to Jennifer and the time that they had spent together last night. He wasn't so preoccupied that he was running into giant rocks, in fact, he probably could have done a couple of other things at the same time, but he chose not to.

When he had walked onto the bridge after the briefing and after going to stellar cartography, she was there at the helm. She was almost unable to contain her pride when she saw the extra hollow pip on his collar, but her professionalism prevailed as she got up from her seat calmly and shook his hand with a big grin saying, "Congratulations, Lieutenant."

As they touched, their still lingering mind link from the night before was strengthened some more, and Jerran was able to tell easily that she actually wanted to say more than her words actually conveyed. "Thank you, Ensign," he replied, sending similar thoughts accross the link as he took his seat.

At this time, Jennifer was probably in the holodeck going over some drills with the other pilots which Jerran had programmed into the computer. He was quite pleased with their mastery of the Terran World War I simulation, and so he had since moved onto the second World War. This allowed him the flexability to put in programs involving bombers which facilitated teamwork among the group of pilots as they all fought to keep their plane int he air while obtaining their mission objectives. They weren't doing all that well at that, though, but that was understandible considering that those ungainly planes are essentially sitting ducks for the enemy fighters to come pick off. So far, he had done the simulation with his flight crew four times, and they had crashed three times. But, Jerran was still confident that they would eventually get the hang of it, and then he would put them into another simulation, probably moving on to Bajoran raider tactics of the Cardassian Occupation.

The Feynman passed by the last planet of the system as Jerran brought the ship up to warp 6, heading towards their mission area. He activated the autopilot and turned to Zane to say, "We're now at warp 6 proceding on course. ETA, 15 hours at present speed."

Zane nodded and said, "Very good, Lieutenant. Steady as she goes."

"Aye, sir," Jerran said, turning back to his consoles to perform some simulations of his own. He was using the data from the stellar cartography maps to determine the best approach angles to enter the system for various tactical positions. It was essentially busy work to give him something to do other than the normal monitoring of the computers flight course, but it was necessary in order to give him an idea of what to expect at the next mission sight. But, as he had learned from the last mission, nothing was ever as expected.

We're off to see the wizard....

Well, based on my ETA, I guess we'll get there at about 1900 hours on the same day, probably around 1915, actually, to add the time it took to get out of the system and jump to warp 6. If you want to make it a lower ETA, that's fine with me. I just chose 10 hours as it sounds like a nice round number :)

Respectfully Submitted
Lieutenant Junior Grade Jerran Terel
Flight Control Officer

* Daisemi'in rhhaensuriuu * Of the chief parts of the Ruling            *
* meillunsiateve * Passion, only this can be truly                      *
* rh'e Mnhei'sahe yie ahr'en: * said:                                   *
* Mnahe afw'ein quii; * Hate has a reason for everything,               *
* rh'e hweithnaef * But love is unreasonable.                           *
* mrht Hes'he ehl'ein quii.                                             *
* Joseph W. Baker                                                       *
* Physics Major, College of Arts and Sciences                           *
* University of South Florida                                           *

USS FEYNMAN: Darmok and Jilard at Tenagra

by Joseph Baker 2-9-1996

SD: 80209.1513

LTJG Jerran Terel rushed out of the meeting chuckling at himself for having escaped the clutches of the evil Betazoid counselor yet again. It was more of a game to him to avoid her now, ever since their adventures on the NOGURA. He took somewhat of a pleasure in blocking out her attempts to sense his emotions. He was also getting rather colorful with his methods. Instead of the normal mind blocks which he had usually put up, ones which made his mind relatively black to other telepaths, the last time she had attempted to sense his emotions, he had put up a block that looked to a telepath like a number of colored childrens' blocks, with, of course, Bajoran lettering on them.

Jerran walked into the turbolift and ordered it to take him to stellar cartography so that he could go get the latest starcharts for the area. When he got there, he was surprised to see a Tamarian sitting at the computer terminal in the large, star filled room. He didn't know that there were any other Tamarians on board other than Cmdr. Maril.

The Tamrian smiled to Jerran and said, "Rai and Jhi at Lungha."

Jerran had studied a number of mythilogical stories from different races, and Tamarian was one of his favorites because of its exclusive use in their language. He knew a great number of them, and was glad to be able to get an opportunity to use them.

"Katal at Tana's castle," he said, returning the greeting and welcoming him on board the FEYNMAN. Pointing to himself he then said, "Celvar on the river Ingery," indicating that he was the helmsman of the FEYNMAN.

The Tamarian smiled and went on to tell Jerran that he was Azelti, Cmdr. Maril's father.

Jerran nodded and said, "Mirab, his sails unfurled," telling Azelti that they were about to leave the starbase. He then went on to explain to the Tamarian that he had come here to get the latest starcharts for the mission area, a conversation which he was surprisingly able to sum up in just a few Tamarian words. That's one reason he enjoyed Tamarian, other than the mythilogical background, was that it was easy to express some very complex thoughts just by uttering a single analogy.

Azelti then helped Jerran retrieve the appropriate files from the computer. He handed the PADD to Jerran saying, "Timba, his arms open."

Jerran would like to have stayed and chatted with the Tamarian some more, but he had to get back up to the bridge, so he extended his gratitude to Azelti and left with a smile.

<NRPG> Paula: Hope you don't mind me saying hi to your dad <G>, and I hope I didn't butcher the language too much.

Respectfully Submitted,
LTJG Jerran Terel

* Daisemi'in rhhaensuriuu * Of the chief parts of the Ruling            *
* meillunsiateve * Passion, only this can be truly                      *
* rh'e Mnhei'sahe yie ahr'en: * said:                                   *
* Mnahe afw'ein quii; * Hate has a reason for everything,               *
* rh'e hweithnaef * But love is unreasonable.                           *
* mrht Hes'he ehl'ein quii.                                             *
* Joseph W. Baker                                                       *
* Physics Major, College of Arts and Sciences                           *
* University of South Florida                                           *

USS FEYNMAN: Bridge ---> Holodeck

by Joseph Baker 2-10-1996

SD: 80210.0600
Ship Time: 1300

A little more than halfway through his shift, Jerran decided to go down to the holodeck and see how his flight crew was doing on their training. He called Warrant Officer Dunnon up from the main shuttlebay to take his position at the helm, and upon receiving permission from Cmdr. Maril to leave the bridge, he walked out to the turbolift. The holodeck the pilots were using was down in the stardrive section of the ship, one which was pretty well out of the way from the normal crew traffic.

As he walked down the corridor from the lift to the holodeck, he noticed just how oddly quiet it was when there wasn't anyone around. He felt almost alone on the deck. But then, he suddenly got the sensation that he wasn't alone. It was definitely a telepathic impression of some kind, but he couldn't quite tell what it was.

He stopped for a moment and turned to look down the hallway. He thought it might possibly be Lt. Jenn getting back at him for the creative mind block he gave her, but then he remembered that she isn't that powerful of a telepath to be able to project a presense like this one. The only other person that would bother to do a practicle joke like this on him would be Cartwright, and even though their telepathic link was still strong from their night together, she wasn't that well trained in ESP to be able to do something like this.

It didn't really scare him, but it did annoy him. It was an unknown, and if there's one thing that annoys the hell out of a Vulcan, even a hybrid, it's the unknown.

Jerran opened up one of the storage panels in the side wall and pulled out a tricorder. Just as he was about to begin scanning, though, the presense was gone, just as quickly as it had arrived. He continued scanning the deck anyway, just in case it was some sort of a mind block, but he saw no one that wasn't supposed to be there.

Putting the tricorder back into the wall panel, he chalked the whole experience up to just some bad after effect of the bump on his head, and decided that he must talk with Lt. Jenn about this sometime.

Just as he was about to open the door to the holodeck, though, he felt more than heard a voice saying, *You will all die*

<NRPG> Oooooo, this is fun :) Eat your heart out Steven King :)

Jason: I hope I didn't take too many liberties with your story idea. I just couldn't help myself :)

Kristin: Oh, what a shame. Krysa's bridge shift starts just as soon as Jerran gets off duty. It doesn't look like she'll be able to malpractice psychiatry on him afterall <EG>

* I study nuclear science!         * *
* I love my classes!               * *
* I've got a crazy teacher,        ******************************
* Who wears dark glasses.          *  LTJG Jerran Terel         *
* Things are goin' great,          *  Flight Control Officer    *
* And they're only gettin' better! *  USS Feynman/NCC-66000     *
* Joseph W. Baker                                               *
* Physics Major, College of Arts and Sciences                   *
* University of South Florida                                   *


by Andrew Catterick 2-10-1996


"Captain's log Stardate 80210.0800. We have entered the outskirts of our patrol area and are currently employing the DELPHI array to get a better grasp of what lies in wait. While at warp our sensors were unable to penetrate this strange phenomena that is slowly moving through this sector of space heading in the general direction of Cait. Hopefully, now that we are closer we will be able to see a little deeper into this...hmmpf, we still don't even now what exactly it is. It seems to be a cosmic sized dust cloud but that doesn't explain why its so hard for our sensors to penetrate through it. If we don't find a way to circumvent this it will be very hard to locate any planetary systems within and even harder to ascertain if they are inhabited.

Lieutenant Fobok is resting comfortably in his cabin at present. Dr. Tok has assured me there is nothing to worry about. I am glad that Fobok is in no danger but I have the feeling the doctor is being a bit elusive about Fobok's condition. He is unable to tell me when I can have my science officer back. While I have the utmost confidence in the ship's science department as a whole I will still feel much better when Fobok is back at his station. I fear the next few hours will present us with many questions....."

[Maril to Zane.]

Zane reached over to the desk computer and saved his log. "Go ahead commander."

[Sir, we've found something I think you'd like to see.]

"I'm on my way."


Well here we go!!

I let someone else decide on what we've found and get this mission rolling. Please keep in mind the general parameters Mike has given us and the fact that we're in a region close to home and close to a tense neighbour. Our actions could cause reprecussions throughout the fleet....Cool! <EG>

The mission clock has been reset and as you will have probably noticed the SD time does not correspond to the MD time. That really hasn't come up before but did as I started my log. So as you can see I went with the MD time. Which of course makes sense and now I am wondering why I even bothered to point this out. (Time for more coffee)

B.J: Couldn't really procede without explaining Fobok's status. I left it vague so you could continue with whatever you had planned. Don't worry about Zane's desire for Fobok's early return to duty. Just keeping in character. Take as much time as you need to develop your thread.

==== LT.Tarsa Rogers                 CEO                    USS TESLA ====
==== CMDR. Zane                   COMMANDING              USS FEYNMAN ====
==== LT.CMDR Nigel Brock        ALB INSTRUCTOR            HOLODECK 18 ====
==== Andy Catterick                           St. Catharines, Ontario ====
====                              Canada ====


by Kristen Gant 2-10-1996

Stardate: 80210.2137
Scene: Jenn’s Quarters
MD: 1:0745

Krysa Jenn was putting the finishing touches on her uniform. It was her first day on duty official day of duty as the Ops officer, and she was nervous. She didn’t know why she should be nervous. Both Zane and Maril had confidence in her. And she knew that she was prepared. She had spent the last few days since her promotion going over her new assignment. So she chalked it up to just normal first day jitters.

Heading out the door, she realized she almost forgot her comm badge, so she had to turn around and go back and get it. *I hope the rest of the day doesn’t go like this,* she thought.

Scene: Bridge

Entering the bridge, she had the strangest feeling that there was someone standing off to the side of her. But when she looked, there was no one there. While she stood there pondering the strange feeling that wouldn’t go away, MCPO Ein called her over.

“Lt., I would like to speak to you for a moment.” He said.

“Of course, Mr. Ein. What can I do for you?”

“I would like to know where I stand now that you have taken the Ops position and Commander Maril has moved to XO. Do I retain my position?”

“To be honest, Mr. Ein, I haven’t had much time to talk to Cmdr. Maril about that yet. But for the time being, I’d like to stay where you are. Once I’ve had a chance to talk to him, I’ll tell you more.”

Obviously not satisfied with her answer, but not wanting to push the issue, Ein started to leave the bridge.

“Mr. Ein, I need to speak to Commander Zane briefly, so could you please stay her for a little longer.” The AOPS nodded and returned to his post.

>At that moment Lieutenant Jenn looked in. "Sir I... Lieutenant Koreth I
>didn't see you come in. " she was a little flustered and turned to the
>captain. "I'm sorry to have disturbed you, sir."

>Zane consoled her, "It's quite alright Lieutenant. And you wouldn't have
>seen Mr. Koreth come in because he was invisible... at least sort of." he
>continued to examine the devices, as Tarrant began to slowly remove them.

Remembering the strange feeling that she had upon entering the bridge, she realized that it must have been Lt. Koreth. That was a pretty handy device, though it didn’t look very comfortable to wear.

“It wasn’t important, we can discuss it later, sir.” Krysa headed to her post to relieve Ein.

Scene: Bridge (a short time later)

“Commander Maril, I’ve got a reading on a vessel in sector 38. Ship’s computers aren’t able to recognize it.”

Maril moved over to look at the sensors with Krysa.

“umm, it’s not moving either.”

“No, sir. We’re still too far away to get life sign readings yet. But we should be able to get them in a few minutes.” Krysa hit a few buttons. “The ship is made of standard metals. Nothing unusual. Just an unknown type.”

“Maril to Zane.”

<Go ahead, Commander.>

“Sir, we've found something I think you'd like to see.”

<I'm on my way.>

“Lt. Jenn, do we have any life signs yet?”

Krysa began hitting buttons again. “Coming in now, sir. No life signs. It’s a dead ship.”

Lt. Krysa Jenn, Ops/2O

NRPG: Regarding Mr. Ein... I know that Max has registered him... so.... Max if you want to keep him go ahead and promote him or whatever you want. If you want him to stay at AOPS, that’s okay also. But then I want to take him over (i.e., His life is mine!!! MWAHAHAHAHAA<VBG>) However, it’s your call. I will not be moving my NPC’s (Ens. Blayne Chesterton and CPO John Cassey), so they are up for grabs to this evil presence on board or whatever. As long as you know that Blayne is helping me out by taking over a lot of CNS duties until we get a new one, and if she dies...., Krysa will cry:( But they are not registered so are fair game. Feel free to use them as such.

Andy: As far as the Bismarck goes... I'd like to keep her as seperate from this as possible!! Otherwise I'll get confused as to what is going on which ship<G> But just to let you know what is going on there.

The "comet" or whatever it is, is actually a mass of parasites. The comet is "seeding" the worlds it passes and destroying them. I think they may actually be able to stop the "comet" before it gets to us.


USS FEYNMAN: Dead Ship (Cont.)

by Joseph Baker 2-11-1996

SD: 80211.0000
MD: 1.0730

As was normal for Jerran, he got onto the bridge and sat down at his duty post a half an hour before it was really scheduled to begin. PO t'Jon, who had been on duty before him, briefed the FCO on what had been happening with the ship for the past eight hours, mostly a bunch of impulse maneuvers through the system. They were going pretty slow as they weren't really sure what was out there. The stellar cartography info they had on the system was very sketchy at best.

After the report was through, Jerran relieved the Andorian NCOIC of the Flight Department and watched as she walked off the bridge, probably for ten forward, as was usual for her on her off shifts. Jerran sat down and proceded to make a double check of the navigational logs over the past two shifts to see if t'Jon's report had missed something, but as he had come to expect from all of his AFCO's, the report had been completely thorough.

He was running a diagnostic cycle on the navigational sensor and deflector array when Lt. Jenn reported for duty at 0745. He noticed her glancing around the bridge as if something was wrong. He hadn't really noticed anything out of the ordinary, but then he decided that it might be some sort of empathic thing.

He hadn't had a chance to tell Jenn about his little psychic episode outside of the holodeck yesterday as they had both been rather busy for the past couple of days. He was just about to mention it to her when she strode over to the Captain's ready room. He heard the captain mention something about Lt. Koreth, but he wasn't really paying to much attention to it. She then came out, saying that it wasn't too important and that she'd catch him later.

She sat down at her OPS console after taking a report from WO Ein, and he was just about to lean over to her to ask her about the incident he experienced when something flashed on his navigational sensor board. It came accros on Jenn's panel too, and she promptly told Cmdr. Maril about it.

After scanning the ship extensively, she determined that there were no life readings iminating from it. Jerran continued to slowly bring the ship in for a closer look. He looked down at his own panel and brought up a magnified image of the ship.

He frowned at it as he continued scanning. The computer hadn't been able to identify it, but Jerran did recognize it somewhat.


"Yes, Lt?" said Zane from the command chair.

"I think I recognize that ship somewhat. In some of the old Kzinti legends that I've come accross, they mention a race of beings who came to the Kzinti about two thousand years ago to conquer and enslave them. They had barely started when for some reason, they just mysteriously retreated from the Kzinti system. Of course, the Kzinti legends claim that it was their great prowess in battle which helped them to survive.

"Those archaeological expeditions which have been allowed into Kzinti space have been able to corraborate some of the stories, but they haven't been able to find the reason for the retreat, either. They did, however, find some drawings of the invaders' ships, and they look a lot like that one there."

Zane nodded in contemplation as Jenn said, "What kind of technological level were they on, do you think?"

"Well," said Jerran, looking at the other ship with an interested look on his face, "The archaeologists have been able to guess that the aliens were had a technology which was at least on par with ours, maybe even a little bit higher. That's why it's so unlikely that the Kzinti were able to scare them off so easily, as they were barely at the same level that Earth was at that time. Of course the Kzinti would never admit that because of their fierce pride. In fact, the archaeologists had to smuggle..."

Just then Cmdr. Zane cut him of and said, "Uh, Lt."

"Yes, sir?"

"You're babbling."

"I'm sorry, sir," he said, and turned back to his panel to continue bringing the FEYNMAN closer to the other ship.

Jenn had continued to scan and then turned to look at Jerran as she said, "You're not going to believe this, but I'm getting energy readings from that ship."

Well, here's my two strips of latinum worth :)

* I study nuclear science!         * *
* I love my classes!               * *
* I've got a crazy teacher,        ******************************
* Who wears dark glasses.          *  LTJG Jerran Terel         *
* Things are goin' great,          *  Flight Control Officer    *
* And they're only gettin' better! *  USS Feynman/NCC-66000     *
* Joseph W. Baker                                               *
* Physics Major, College of Arts and Sciences                   *
* University of South Florida                                   *

USS FEYNMAN: Dead Ship (Cont.)

by Andrew Catterick 2-11-1996

Scene: Bridge

> Jenn had continued to scan and then turned to look at Jerran as she said,
> "You're not going to believe this, but I'm getting energy readings from > that ship."

Zane stood. "Can you localize the emissions, lieutenant?"

"I'm trying sir but they are very weak. I'm realigning the DEPLHI pattern to enhance the signal."

"Were the energy readings there when we arrived or have they activated since?" Zane asked as he walked to stand between the helm and OPS stations.

"It appears they activated once we approached sir."

"Helm, gives us a quick loop of that ship at 3000 metres so we can get a good look at it from all angles and then park us 1000m astern and below."

"Aye sir." The FCO replied.

"Mr. Charles can you project a course as to where this ship is going and where it has been." Onta asked as he looked down at his armrest console.

Zane turned to sit and noticed Lieutenant Koreth at the engineering station examining the incoming sensor reports of the derelict ship. He seemed a little out of place on the bridge, still decked out in his 'invisibility' equipment. It had been quite a demonstration.

"Tactical." Zane ordered. The viewscreen imediately 'split' in half giving a forward view as well as providing a graphical display of the ship along with the current information from the sensors. Zane scanned the list. The ship was about half the size of the FEYNMAN and was composed of many of the same materials. It was not listing in any way. It was definitly heading somewhere but at this speed it would be a long trip. It appeared to have no discernable armaments.

"Captain, I've localized the energy emissions. They are coming from what appears to be the engineering deck and are getting progressively stronger. My guess is the ship has passive sensors that detected our approach and is now 'waking' the ship up."

"I see. Makes sense. Any progress on course projections Mr. Charles."

"Yes sir. If the vessel has maintained course and speed it orginated in roughly the center of our patrol area. Its destination is the Kzin homeworld....."

Zane raised an eyebrow. This was getting interesting. "Mr. Koreth, opinion."

"Based on the information of the sensors, I'd say this ship is some sort of cargo carrier or transport. There are several well defined centers of operation but the bulk of the ship appears to be made up of large compartments which are sensors are unable to properly scan."

"Mr. Maril?" Zane looked to his first officer.

"I recommend we visit this craft and see what its hiding."

Zane sat back in his chair. A few short weeks ago when he was FO he would have been chomping at the bit to get over there and take a look. Now though he had a different perspective. He was ultimately responsible. Any mishaps and accidents would be his responsibility. He found that thought a bit overwhelming. Still, they weren't going to get things done by sitting around. "Try not to get into too much trouble, commander."

Onta returned the smile. "I'll try, sir."


Just a short one to keep things moving.

Max: Form your team and have fun!

For those of you who remain aboard, priorities are finding out more info about this space as well as where the ship came from.

Jason: Loved the trial run.


USS FEYNMAN: Who's First to the Cargo Hold

by Kristen Gant 2-11-1996

Stardate: 80112.0040
MD: 1:0915
Scene: Dead? Ship

>The away team beamed onto the ship. "I suggest we head to the Bridge," he said after they rematerialized.

Jenn looked at her tricorder. “It should be right over this way.” Jarren nodded confirming Jenn’s reading. The away team headed in the direction of the Bridge. Dr. Tok immediately began scanning for life signs, while the other scanned for the source of the energy signature Krysa had picked up earlier.

“Sir, the energy reading are coming from 8 decks below us. That must be the engineering section. Perhaps one of us should head down there.” Krysa suggested.

“Not yet, Lt. I’d like to scout out the Bridge first.” Maril said.

Entering the bridge, there were still no signs of life, nor were there any bodies laying around. “Where did they all go?” asked Tok.

Krysa headed to the computer console just to her right. After fumbling with the controls for a short time, she got a response. Slowly the computer began to come on. An alien face faded in out from the screen. “I think I got some logs here. I’m having a hard time getting them to come in though.”

Maril walked over to the console to help Jenn. Within a few seconds they got the picture to clear and the voice came through.

<Captain’s log, Flogden date, 2434.889. The FSF Crowden is approaching the Ronden system. We should reach our destination with the next 2 Flogden dates. The crew is very skitish, and I shall be glad to reach the planet and off load this cargo. So far we have had no problems, however no one is willing to enter the cargo hold alone and unarmed.....>

Sparks flew from the console. Jenn and Maril jumped back. Turning her tricorder on it, Krysa reported that it was dead. The controls fused.

“That is really strange,” she said. “I can’t find a reason for the blowout. Now of the circuits were over heating or over worked.”

“What do you think they were carrying?” asked Jarren. They all shook their heads.

Jenn turned back to her tricorder. “According to this is looks like this message was recorded almost 500 years ago. I can’t be sure on that without running some of this information through the ship’s computers, but 500 would be my guess. Could be more, though. I wonder why no one’s ever discovered this ship before?”

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: Okay, who wants to go to the cargo hold<VBG>

Max, I’m sorry, I’m still a little fuzzy on where Ein is going? Really I wouldn’t hurt him<g> Just want to know how many NPC’s I’m going to have to create.



by Max Felsher 2-11-1996

SD 80211.2130
MD 1.0700
First Officer's Office

Lt. Commander Maril sat in his new office, looking it over. He was slowly adjusting to his position as FO. A beep sounded from the door.

"The shelter at Empellas," he called out. Realizing that was a bit unclear, he simply said, "Come."

Lieutenant Jenn walked in. "You wanted to see me, sir."

"Yes, Lieutenant. Sit down," Maril said, motioning to the chair on the other side of his desk. "I'm sure you're aware that you are now Operations Officer on this ship."

"Yes, sir, I am," Jenn replied.

"Good. Now, how are you adjusting?"

"Well, I haven't had much time to do anything, but so far, I am adjusting, sir. I actually wanted to talk to you about it, sir."

"As do I. Now, as you may or may not know, the Ops position is basically one of management. You must organize who has access to the DELPHI array and other resources and when they do. Most of this will actually be handled by the Ops technology. Also, part of your job is to make sure there is no waste in energy, especially during an alert situation. Finally, you have access to sensors, communications, and ship's systems. Basically, your job is to try to make everyone happy. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir. I'd like to talk to you about staffing."

"Very well. Right now, the Ops staff is rather depleted. There are basically 5 positions which you should cover-youself as OPS-ALPHA, an OPS-BETA who is usually AOPS, an OPS-GAMMA, a Chief Sensors Officer, and a Mission Ops Officer. The three officers for the different watches are pretty self-explanatory. The CSensO just basically monitors the DELPHI array with any Science or Engineering staff. And the Mission Ops officer handles the middle aft console. He or she is basically the same as OPS, but is primarily concerned with seeing the mission through, as opposed to handling the whole As Jenn left, Maril sat back and thought. He was truly sad about his sister.

She had a wonderful career as an anthropology expert in the Tamarian Spacefleet ahead of her. Maril hoped she would be okay.

The sun has met the sea,
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,
First Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher

you know how to run OPS. Oh, I got a message from Ein begging me not to hand him over into your evil clutches. :D BTW, Ein is no longer registered. Mike:Okay, I did what you asked.


by Max Felsher 2-11-1996

SD 80211.2300
MD 1.0900

Maril thought about who would be on his away team. "Lieutenant Jenn, Lieutenant Jerran, you're with me," he ordered. Ton his his communicator, he said, "Maril to Tok. Report to Transporter Room 2 immediately."

[Aye, sir.]

Moments later, as they stepped onto the transporter pad, Maril said over the intercom, "Maril to Bridge. We're ready down here."

[Very well. Proceed,] Zane ordered.

"Energize," Maril ordered to the Transporter Chief.

The away team beamed onto the ship. "I suggest we head to the Bridge," he said after they rematerialized.

The sun has met the sea,
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,
First Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher

All:Just a really, really, REALLY short post to say who's going where.
Away Team(Kristen, Joseph, Lysle):Carry on.
Feynman:Don't just sit around while we're working! ;)

USS FEYNMAN: Dead Ship, or Deadly Ship?

by Joseph Baker 2-12-1996

SD: 80212.0239
Scene: Alien Bridge

Jerran thought a moment about the date which Jenn had read off of the alien captain's log. He nodded in agreement to her when she said that it was about 500 years old. Some of the stories he had read about this race had mentioned a little bit about their dating system, and even though those stories were over two thousand years old, he was able to extrapolate them to the time of the log.

While Jenn had been reading the computer log, Jerran had moved over to what appeared to be the helm console. Leave it to a pilot to find the helm on an alien ship. The seat was obviously not made for a humanoid, and Jerran wouldn't have been able to sit down in it without some major contortions which he might not have been able to recover from.

He tried to access the console, but it was dead. Then Jenn's console blew up. He rushed over to make sure that she and Cmdr Maril were alright. "It doesn't look like we're going to get much information from up here. The helm console hasn't had power running through it for a couple of centuries, and that computer console looks like it's irreperably destroyed."

Maril nodded as he thought for a moment. "We're going to have to go down to the cargo bay. I don't want any of us to go down there alone."

Jerran and Jenn nodded to their XO as they and Dr. Tokk followed him out of the bridge to the lower decks. As Jerran approached the deck, he pulled out his phaser and set it for heavy stun, just in case. Jenn smiled over to him and said, "Ever had to fire one of those, Lt.?"

"Of course. I was in the Bajoran Militia for a couple of years before I went into the academy. However, I've never had to shoot at anything live before."

Jenn nodded as she pulled out her own phaser and checked its setting. The lift stopped at the deck and they tried to get off as the door creeked open about halfway. Maril had to push it open the rest of the way open so they could leave. They walked down the corridor to where the tricorder said the cargo bay was located.

When they arrived, neither of the four officers could believe their eyes. The huge, thick double cargo bay doors had been torn open, from the inside...

* I study nuclear science!         * *
* I love my classes!               * *
* I've got a crazy teacher,        ******************************
* Who wears dark glasses.          *  LTJG Jerran Terel         *
* Things are goin' great,          *  Flight Control Officer    *
* And they're only gettin' better! *  USS Feynman/NCC-66000     *
* Joseph W. Baker                                               *
* Physics Major, College of Arts and Sciences                   *
* University of South Florida                                   *

USS FEYNMAN: Fobok's Quarters

by B.J. Baye 2-12-1996

SD: 80212.1103
MD: 1.0120
Scene: Fobok's Quarters

Fobok could hear the medical team trying to get in. He knew that soon, at this rate, security would be coming with phasers. He decided he had to tell the doctor, as he could call off the security, and leave him alone. He walked over to the door, and quickly repaired the damage he had done. The door opened and he faced a startled security officer, a CPO, who was just aiming his phaser.

Fobok said, "I wish to speak with Doctor Tok, alone."

The CPO stepped aside and let the doctor come in, and opened up his tricorder. As soon as the door closed, he said, "What is wrong, Fobok? said you were unfit for duty but.."

Fobok interrupted, "I will tell you, but I need your absolute secrecy that this is happening to me, don't even tell Matt, and that you will leave me undisturbed."

Tok nodded, deciding not to test this apparently out of control Vulcan.

  • Correction*, Tok thought, *half Vulcan, even more dangerous.*

Fobok said just the two words, "Pon farr."

Tok nodded, finally understanding. "I shall keep it a secret, but what will you do? Do you not need to return to Vulcan?"

Fobok shook his head, "I shall not interrupt this mission, it is too important, and besides, that is only necessary when the chosen mate is at Vulcan..I have no chosen mate as of now.."

Tok nodded, "I suggest you find one soon.."

Fook just nodded, but didn't heed his words. Who would he find on this ship?


Matt sat in Doctor Tok's office. Nurse Tamy said Tok had gone to find out what was wrong with his dad. He hoped Tok would come back soon..

Just a few seconds later, he entered the office, then bent down to look Matt, who was sitting in the chair behind the desk, in the eye. "Matt, you're father's sick..he should be alright, but you'll need to stay somewhere else for the next few days."

Matt was confused, "Sick with what? Why did the computer say he was no longer on board?"

NRPG: I'll let Lysle handle this response..and feel free to send Matt to whoever you want tto stay with during this time..:)..

Scene: Fobok's quarters
MD: 1.0220

It suddenly popped into his mind, as he meditated. Amy, she would be the one he would chose. *But will she chose me, with the way she ran out the other night.*

Well, it was worth a try. He once again unlocked his door and walked out of his quarters.

Scene: Corridor, outside WO Tharn's quarters.

Fobok walked up to the door and pressed the door chime. He had serious trouble controlling himself now, and soon Plak-tow would obsess him. If he didn't 'mate' soon, he probably would end up killing the first vulcan he sees, thinking it was kalifi. "Come" he heard, and stepped in.

She looked like she was just getting ready for bed, "Oh, hello Fobok.."

He looked at her through his burning eyes, "I need help me..."

Amy looked concerned, seeing, feeling, the pain he was in, "What can I do?"

He raised his hand, two fingers extended.

Amy saw what he wanted, and without hesitation, brought her hand up....


For that last part, I was glad I watched Star Trek III Saturday..:)..

Andy: Well, Fobok should be able to come on duty at MD: 1.1000..:)..

USS FEYNMAN: Bridge-->Ready Room

by Andrew Catterick 2-13-1996

MD: 1:0925

> The probe began to actively send back data. Finding something out of
> the ordinary, it dropped out of warp and continued at sublight speed.
> A visual scan slowly began to filter back to the Feynman, slong with
> the readings.

> There was a massive build up of Ion particles which the probe had picked up.

> "Sir, the Probe is begining to send us some data, I've got a visual." Tarrant reported.

> "On screen" Zane ordered.

> The image of the drifting freightor snapped off, and replaced with
> a vew of space. On the sides, technical readings were posted.
> It was very close to a nebula which seemed to be made up of a
> great number of gasses, most prvailent was hydrogen. Readings
> showed a slight gravity well inside. The probe would have normally
> veered off course to avoid it, but Tarrant sent a tight subspace
> command for it too stay on the pre-programmed path.

> Then something surprising. The readings began to show a fairly large build up of ions.

> "Sir, this Ion build up would indicate that this area of space was
> at one time heavily traveled." Observed Tarrant.

> "But from where, you said there are no planitary systems for
> many light years?" noted Cartwright from the helm.

> As if to answer him, the view on the screen began to dramaticly
> change. As if clouds of greenish dust began to appear, a
> wormhole began to take shape. Looking like an inverted tornado,
> the data showed that it was smaller than the one known in the
> Bajoran System.

> The little probe headed bravely into the wormhole, as it sent
> back its last few readings. They could only see the begining of
> the entrance before the tranmissions cut off, presumeably from
> the wormhole closing....

"Analysis?" Zane asked. "Was that a stable worm-hole?" The CEO seemed lost in thought as he sat at the engineering console staring at the multitude of information that was flashing across his screen. "I'd rather examine the probe's findings before I give a definite answer. There are many variables to be considered."

"Very well. I want you to use all available resources and come up with a picture of that wormhold and the surrounding area of space."

"Aye sir." Tarrant sent a copy of the probe's findings to the science station. Zane watched as, within a few seconds of receiving the file the ACSciO's face took on the same glassy look as the engineer's as information flashed across his console as well. This brought a smile to Zane's face. He got the same feeling whenever the holodeck got a new combat simulation.

"Ah Mr. Koreth. Before you engulf yourself in your work I have a quick question for you. Will the ship out there be able to withstand a prolonged tractor lock at warp speeds?"

Reluctantly Tarrant brought the image of the ship up on his display. "Planning on bringing the ship with us sir?"

"No. The Away team will most likely be unable to learn all of the ship's secrets but I'm sure Fleet engineer's and historians will enjoy crawling all over it. If you feel it can handle it I'll ask EPSILON to send out a tug and have it towed in."

Tarrant made a few quick calculations. "I don't see it as being a problem sir."

"Good. Thank-you lieutenant, I'll leave you to your work." Zane walked down the ramp towards the viewscreen and stared at the ship for sometime. It's design was unlike anything he had ever seen but he found that if he stared at it enough he could see some of the same patterns as on comparable Kzin craft. That triggered a thought.

"Zane to away team."

[Maril here, go ahead.]

"How is your progress commander."

[We've surveyed the was what you would expect, a lot of fried equipment. We got one of the bridge computers working for a few seconds and managed to view a captain's log. The log didn't contain any information of great importance but the picture did.]


[Sir, the inhabitants of this vessel were a feline race. It was hard to tell as the viewer was quite distorted but I'd say they were somewhere between a Sivoan and a Kzinti.]

"I see." The revelation seemed to confirm a thought that had developed in the back of his mind. "Are you still on the bridge?"

[No sir, we are beginning to head below decks. We're trying to track down some energy readings. Have you be able to find anything?]

"Yes, Mr. Koreth launched a probe back down the ships course and has discovered a small wormhole..." The two officers continued to discuss the findings for a few minutes. "...very well commander keep me updated. FEYNMAN out."

Walking towards his ready room Zane looked to the CSO. "Lieutenant I'll be in my ready-room, you have the bridge."

Scene: Ready-room

It had been almost 3 hours since Zane had eaten and his body, with is hypermetabolism was letting him know. "Large carafe of coffee, black, hot. Large bowl of Pasta Carbonera." Picking up the tray he set it down at his desk, poured himself a coffee and turned on his computer access screen. Sitting he accessed historical/anthroplogical files.

It took some time but eventually he had narrowed the parameters enough to find what he had been looking for. The ship they had found had belonged to a felinoid race known as the Cesahata. It was not known where they orginated from, but there had been numerous archeological digs throughout this sector of space that had uncovered small settlements. Rumours pointed to similar findings inside Kzin borders.

As was usually the case when little evidence was presented in a mystery so intriguing just about everyone had there own theory on the race. Ideas ranged from them being part of a parent race whose offshoots included the Kzin and possibly the Sivoans to such exaggerated claims that they were somesort of cosmic progenitor that moved from place to place seeding the systems with their genes. One thing was agreed upon, however, all of the settlements in this region, on both sides of the border, picked up and left at the same time with what seemed to be little warning.

Scanning the lists of theories presented one name caught the captain's eye...Victor Fic. Fic was a noted scholar whose anthropological findings were required reading at the Academy. If anyone had a realistic take on this it would be him. Zane called up the file. He had to read it several times to get the full impact, as well as to understand some of the reasoning behind Fic's assumptions. Essentially he believed the Cesahala were a related race to the Kzin but their civilization was far removed from their cousins. A peaceful race, they stumbled across the Kzin several thousand years ago and tried to reconcile. The Kzin, a true warrior race were less interested in relations than using the superior technology to make weapons. Fearing that they were further corrupting a already savage race, the Cesahala withdrew and returned to their own space.

The main problem with this theory, as Fic freely pointed out, was the Cesahala, lived on worlds that numbered in the thousands. Surely any grouping this large and close enough to find the Kzin would leave larger traces of itself. *The wormhole!* Zane thought.

Flagging the file and sending it first to all the department heads and then posting it on the ship's BBS for general perusal the captain rose and headed for the bridge. There were still many pieces that were missing but at least they were starting to get a better grasp at the puzzle. Perhaps the away team would provide more answers.


I had almost completed this yesterday morning and then my system crashed:( I hope it doesn't conflict with other posts but I haven't received anything that points to a problem so here goes...(I checked the newsgroup too.)

Jason: I left the CSO with the bridge in case you needed to be elsewhere with your research


USS FEYNMAN: Out of the Frying Pan, into the fire...

by Max Felsher 2-14-1996

SD 80214.0200
MD 1.1000
Cesahala Ship: Cargo Bay

"This is Maril to Feynman. Before Shendako falls into the sea, please!" the frustrated FO called out. There was no response. The foe of Tok and Maril was a huge...being. It was so shiny that even in the dim light of the cargo bay, it was almost too bright to look at. Maril aimed his phaser and fired. The beam simply glanced off without a flinch from the being.

Suddenly, Maril noticed a small opening into the outside corridor that wasn't covered with metal. He pointed it out to Tok and they ran as fast as they could. Miraculously, they escaped practically unharmed, with only a few cuts or bruises from the pieces of metal.

"Let's head for Engineering. I have an idea," Maril said to Tok. As soon as they were safely in Engineering, he contacted the Feynman. "Maril to Feynman. Are you there?"

[We read you, Commander,] the familiar voice of Commander Zane sounded over the communicator. [Your status?]

"We were attacked by a being. I will report on it later. Right now, I am going to shut down the whole ship, including Life Support. I suggest you get us out of here before it fully shuts off. sir."

[Very well. Feynman out.]

Now speaking to Tok, he said, "This being appears to reflect anything we throw at it. So, we're not going to give it anything to reflect. Shutting down all systems except for Life Support and lights in Engineering." "Maril to Feynman. Prepare to beam Mr. Tok and then myself up."

[Aye, sir.]

Maril was ready. "Beam Mr. Tok up."

"Sir, you should go first," the CMO suggested.

"No, you're going first, Mr. Tok," the FO ordered.

As Tok beamed away, Maril pressed the button to activate the program he had set up. "Now, Feynman." The countdown started.

"Fifteen seconds to total shutdown...14...13...12...." Maril could also hear something crashing down the corridor.

"Ten...9...8...." It was getting closer.

"Seven...6...5...." It was almost there.

"Four." It was entering the room. Finally, the beamout occurred. Maril thought to himself how those must have been the longest 11 seconds of his life. He stepped off the transporter pad on the Feynman and headed for the Bridge. As he walked on, signs of relief could be seen on most people's faces. However, the relief was short-lived.

"Sir, I'm reading explosions occurring on the alien ship. There are more and more of them as it continues," Lt. Jenn reported.

"Sir! The explosions are reaching the ship. They're pushing us towards the wormhole!" Lt.<jg> Charles exclaimed.

"Shields up," Maril ordered. After receiving a nod from Zane, he ordered, "Full reverse until we can go to warp, Mr. Jerran."

"It's not working, sir. We're still going towards the wormhole!" Lt.<jg> Jerran said with dismay.

"Brace for impact in 5...4...," Jenn ordered.

Thr sun has met the sea,
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,
First Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher


All: Well, that solves one problem, opens up another. Hmmm, I wonder where this wormhole leads. :)

Andy: I hope we *do* get the _Asimov_ back. :)

Kristen: Ein is yours to kill, maim or otherwise disgrace. ;) The other 3 positions or so, you have to create NPC's. You don't really have to fill the CSensO or MissOps position, or you could have one NPC cover a couple of the positions.

Lysle: Sorry I had to get you out of there so quickly. ;)

USS FEYNMAN: Alien Cargo Bay

by Joseph Baker 2-13-1996

SD: 80213.2047

Dr. Tok was the first to speak as the group of officers stared at the gaping hole in the doors leading to the cargo bay, "Now we have a good idea of what happened to the crew."

"Yeah," said Lt. Jenn. "But the question now is to find out what happened to the thing that was in there."

Jerran moved closer to the door to get a better look inside. None of the lights were on, so he had to switch on a small light that was strapped to his wrist. All along the cargo bay were bodies, about a hundred of them at Jerran's first guess. They all looked like the felinoid creature which they had seen in the log up on the bridge. And none of them were in too good of a shape, either.

Jerran pulled out his tricorder and moved in, cautiously scanning the room with it, the light, and his phaser. Commander Maril was close behind, covering Jerran with his phaser as Lt. Jenn and Dr. Tok brought up the rear. Tok pulled out his medical tricorder and began scanning one of the bodies nearby.

"This can't be right," said the blue skinned Bolian CMO. "The bodies haven't decomposed a day since they died, but by not only the log, but also the atomic decay levels in their bodies, they've been dead for over five centuries."

Jerran nodded as he continued to look cautiously around the room. "The ship probably lost life support a short time after the crew died. Some sort of automated system may have brought it back online once the FEYNMAN came near it."

Jenn glanced out towards the door as she said, "That would be consistant with the sudden energy readings we detected upon our approach."

"And if they did loose life support," Tok said as he continued to scan the bodies, "Then the ship might have dropped in temperature enough to freeze the bodies and slow their decomposition to a halt."

Maril didn't like the sound of that at all as an idea formed in his head. "Doctor. If the temperature of the ship was brought down far enough, would that also mean that it could be possible for whatever did this to still be alive somewhere on this ship, protected by suspended animation?"

Tok looked up from the body and said, "That is a distinct possibility, sir. That would also mean that our arrival has awoken something that killed the entire crew of this ship."

"And if it is here," Jerran said, "Then we might not have picked it up on our sensors because it could just be waking up, in which case it wouldn't put out any life signs."

Jenn stood up and looked towards Jerran saying, "And there's also the possibility that whatever it is might not register on our sensors."

"That might not be entirely true," the XO said as he looked at his tricorder. "I'm detecting some movement. It's on this deck, just a few bulkheads foreward of the cargo bay, and moving towards us."

<NRPG> I think it might be time for a hasty departure, unless there's something wrong with the FEYNMAN's transporters <EG> I'll leave it up to the rest of yall to decide what happens next <G>

* I study nuclear science!         * *
* I love my classes!               * *
* I've got a crazy teacher,        ******************************
* Who wears dark glasses.          *  LTJG Jerran Terel         *
* Things are goin' great,          *  Flight Control Officer    *
* And they're only gettin' better! *  USS Feynman/NCC-66000     *
* Joseph W. Baker                                               *
* Physics Major, College of Arts and Sciences                   *
* University of South Florida                                   *

USS FEYNMAN: Oh So Carefully

by Jason Bostjanic 2-13-1996

Scene: Shuttlebay
MD: 10950

WO Charles Dunnon was on duty in the shuttlebay, and unfortunately he found himself paired up with CPO Norris. It wasn't that Norris was hard to get along with... it was quite the opposite.

"..and then, get this sir, little Betsy started to eat the marigolds! Just up and started chewin on them right in front of Mr. Yorktown himself. "

The skinny petty officer couldn't have weighed more than 105 lbs. In fact, Dunnon found it partially amazing that the PO was able to go down in the turbolift without being lifted off of the floor. After a while he was usually able to phase him out, but then other times his stories were so ludicrus that he couldn't help but remark on them... and that would always lead to another story.

"A goat... on the grounds of Starfleet Academy, eating the Admiral's flowers." There was a tinge of disbelief behind those words. Dunnan had hoped that his counterpart would have picked it up, but it blew by.

"Yes sir, you can imagine how hard it was for us not to start cracking up laughing, because well... you see there was this one time that me and this guy Brian laughed at... did I tell you about Brian?"

"Let me see, he was the one whose mother claimed to be transwarped back in time, and gave Zephram Cochran the idea for warp travel, but then was pulled back through the Mt. Fiji time portal to come home." He stared, dead eyed, at Norris, almost praying that he would get the hint.

"That's the one! Only it wasn't Mt. fiji, it was the Great Pyramid in Egypt. Mt. Fiji was the volcano that my Uncle first dove into with his thermoprotective tephlon suit... "

Duncan could only shake his head. There was no way to get through. Luckily the sound of his communicator beeped in. Mouthing the words 'thank you' he tapped his badge.

"Dunnon here."

<This is Cartwright, I need you to start running some diagnostics on the TOMONAGA. The lieutenant is planning on making some changes on the shuttle, but we need a full check on it before we start.>

"It will be a *pleasure*, in fact I'll get right on it."

Bringing up his most sympathetic face he turned to Norris, "Sorry, duty calls. You'll just have to tell me some other time."

Without waiting for a reply, he turned and headed towards the TOMONAGA. Once inside, Dunnan fired up the shuttle and began running the checks. The soft hum of the power was such a nice change compared to the non-stop chatter he would normally have to bare.


'Ahhh.. yes. It is time. I had wanted to just start with one.. but the both of you should do fine. Let's see... I'll let the little one watch as you die.... warrant officer.

Let's see, should I break his neck, or cut it. Cutting caused so much blood.. but it would also cause the most fear, and it was certainly more... disturbing to watch.

Yes I... No. He's talking... the communicator. No.. where are you going? Don't... ahhhh. That's it, go to the shuttle. It will make things so much more interresting. In fact...

  • That* is it! How perfect... YOU will be the first little one.

It won't be as painful as I'd like... but you will do just fine... It would have been only a matter of time anyway... you all must die. ......... <Bridge to shuttle bay>

"Norris here. What's up?"

<Where's Officer Dunnan? Sensors and visual just went off line down there. The back-ups too. Is everything all right?>

"Looks so to me... Dunnan is running diagnostics on a shuttle, I'll look into it. Norris out."

He never got a chance to turn around. A hard blow to the back of his head brought the CPO into blackness. ..........

<Warning... warning... shuttlebay doors opening.>

Dunnan looked out the shuttle window and found that the doors really were opening.

<Bridge to Dunnan, what is going on down there! Have you opened the bay doors?> It was captain Zane, and he sounded.. well pissed.

"I uh... no sir. I've been running diagnostics. CPO Norris is the only other one down here." The WO was about to open the shuttle's door when the computer sounded again.

<Warning.. Shuttle bay containment field deactivating>

"Norris... Norris!" franticly WO Dunnan tried to get the man to answer over his communicator. There was no reply.

The shuttles were magneticly attached to the floor, and he had sealed the TOMONAGA before entering with the hopes of keeping out Norris's constant chatter. All he could do now was turn and watch as the containment field dropped.

In horror, he watched as the artificial atmosphere inside was sucked out. Later he would think it to be some kind of whirlwind effect. He saw the engineering kit he left outside the shuttle get sucked into the vaccum of space. And behind it CPO Matt Norris.

The computer terminal from which both men had just talked only fifteen minutes before blicked with just a single message.

"NO MORE" Norris's comm-badge was magneticly attached...


It begins... but oh so carefully. <VBEG> A suicide??? NO... but it may take some looking into before that is ruled out.

For security: There are no traces left as to who might have disconnected the sensors and visual cameras (and the backups) inside the shuttlebay.

For medical: Well, from what I hear, the leftover results leading from being 'vaccumed' don't leave much. But should you be able to somehow find out anything, you'll find the head trauma was caused by a blunt strike to the head... whether or not it was caused by something hitting it or it hitting something is inconclusive.

For engineering (ME): The sabotage is quite simply the crosswiring of the sensor power sytems into the sensor output. Works every time.

For counselor(s): Norris's logs and what not show that he was disappointed at not having advanced further within the two months on board, but he was understanding why. There is no mention of suicide.

Respectfully, Jason Bostjanic

Lieutenant Tarrant L. Koreth - CEO - USS FEYNMAN
Lieutenant (jg) Laryn Spyyre - CEO - USS HUNTINGTON
"Quoth the Raven 'Nevermore'"

USS FEYNMAN: I Don't Know What to Call This One

by Kristen Gant 2-13-1996

Stardate: 80213.0001
Scene: Transporter Room

Lt. Jenn stepped off the transporter pad. She turned to wait for the others. Jarren was the next to get transported.

“We've got both of them, sir. Preparing to lock on to Dr. Tok.” said the transporter chief.

[Maril to Feynman. We have a situation here! Beam us out!]

“Sir! We can't get a postive lock on you at the moment.”

Jenn turned to the transporter chief. “What do you mean you can’t get a positive lock on them? Get them out of there!”

“I’m trying, sir... uhh, ma’am... I mean...” The man’s fingers were flying over the controls to no avial. Jarren to the controls to see if he could help.

<What’s going on down there!> demanded Zane over the comm link.

“We can’t get a lock on Commander Maril or Dr. Tok, sir.” said the transporter chief. “The gravimetric interference from the wormhole is preventing it.”

“I’ve got to get to the Bridge,” said Jenn. She hoped from the her Ops station she might be able to detect what ever was over there on that derelict. “Terri, come with me. Ens,” she said to the transporter chief, “Get those transporters working!”

Scene: Bridge

Jenn and Jarren entered the bridge. They hurried down to thier perspective stations. WO Ein got up and made room for Jenn.

“Sir,” Jenn said to Zane who was just coming out of his ready room, “The ship is beginning to power up again.”

“Feynman to Maril, what is your status?”

There was no response.

“Transporter room, how is that lock coming?”

<Still unable to make a lock, sir. Something is blocking it.>

“It’s moving!” shouted Jarren.

“Confirmed,” said Jenn, “It’s moving straight for that wormhole, not very fast, but definately headed in that direction.” She looked up a Zane, her face full of concern.

“Mr. Koreth, Tractor Beam! Don’t let that ship get away.” said the Captain.

“Tractor beam on. We have the ship, it’s not going anywhere.” Koreth informed him.

Jenn stood up and looked at Zane. “There is something on that ship. It’s very strong and it killed the crew! We have to get Maril and Tok.” Zane nodded trying to think of his next step.

Lt. Krysa Jenn, Ops/2O

NRPG: Uhhh, I don’t know where else to go, so I stopped to let someone else take over. Just thought I’d throw in somemore glitches.

Max and Lysle: Don’t get caught, okay<G>

USS FEYNMAN: New Friends

by Andrew Catterick 2-14-1996


<Warning... warning... shuttlebay doors opening.>

"Bridge to Dunnan, what is going on down there! Have you opened the bay doors?" Zane asked half annoyed, half shocked.

[I uh... no sir. I've been running diagnostics. CPO Norris is the only other person down here.] The WO replied.

"Well what the hell is going on down there?" Zane's patience was thinning. There was no response. "Mr. Dunnon....Mr. Dunnon?" Zane looked to the CSO "Get someone down there."


Things were getting much worse. Zane still had not been able to find out what had happened on the shuttle deck but that was only one of his worries. The away team had been investigating a seemingly dead ship had been attacked by some sort of creature. Only two of the team had been beamed back orginally but after some quick thinking by the first officer the FEYNMAN was able to retrieve the rest.

"Sir, I'm reading explosions occurring on the alien ship. There are more and more of them as it continues," Lt. Jenn reported.

"Sir! The explosions are reaching the ship. They're pushing us towards the wormhole!" Lt.<jg> Charles exclaimed.

"Shields up," Maril ordered. After receiving a nod from Zane, he ordered, "Full reverse until we can go to warp, Mr. Jerran."

"It's not working, sir. We're still going towards the wormhole!" Lt.<jg> Jerran said with dismay.

"Brace for impact in 5...4...," Jenn ordered.


As Commander Zane was able to regain his balance again he shouted, "FULL stop, Jerran! Let's find out where we are!"

They were already down to about half impulse as Jerran eased the ships velocity down the rest of the way. "Scanning the area with the navigational array now, sir." He furrowed his brow and frowned as the computer paused trying to compute their position.

"Well, Lt?" Said Zane as he came to stand between the helm and ops stations.

"I'm trying, sir. The computer's having a lot of trouble trying to get our position." Jerran was just about to switch to manual triangulation when the computer brought up the results "I've got it, sir. The computer says we're not even in our own galaxy. We've travelled almost 40 million light years in a few minutes."

The security chief looked up from his console and said, "We're not alone, Captain."

The viewscreen changed from a starfield to a view of five ships which looked similar to the frieghter which they had just watched explode. Except, these ships were obviously not freighters. They were warships, each about twice the size of a Galaxy class.

Commander Zane calmly turned to Lt. Jenn and said, "Open hailing frequencies."

The image of the five ships flickered and was replaced by that of a large, smiling cat, something closer to a tiger actually. "I am Commander Zane of the Federation Starship FEYNMAN."

"Greetings commander. I am Tauk, captain of the Cesphalain ship RESOLUTE. Welcome to the Galaxy Andromeda, well thats what you of the Federation call it we of course have our own name."

"Thank-you for your warm greetings Captain Tauk. Please let me apologize for dropping in on you like this..."

Tauk raised a dismissive hand. "Commander, apologies are not necessary. We truly welcome your arrival. It has been some time since we were visitors of your galaxy and look forward to hearing of its progress."

Zane seemed somewhat relieved. As good as the FEYNMAN was it certainly couldn't take on five warships. "Captain Tauk how is it that you happened to be waiting for us. Certainly you do not leave warships protecting this wormhole."

Tauk laughed. "Well that is true and not. We leave one ship here as a sentinel. But to answer your question we knew you might be coming ever since you found our freighter. It is an unassuming probe is it not? Once contacted it relays its findings to us and we arrive to greet our guest." Tauk paused. "But surely you must no this commander. The information files we left behind for you to find are quite clear."

Zane briefly described the events leading up to their arrival. Tauk was visibily dismayed. "I assure you we know nothing of this. That ship was designed simply as a welcoming bouy to our galaxy. We have only the most peacful of intentions. Thi creature you describe was not of our doing."

Zane accepted the answer...for the time being.

"But commander I am being rude. You are our first guests in a very long time and must be treated as such. Please escort my vessel back to the home world. My leaders look forward to meeting with you. Our last diplomatic mission to your galaxy failed and it is our greatest hope we can establish relations with your Federation. I would also like to invite you and your fellow officers to a banquet in your honour celebrating the midday meal. Will you accept?"

"Of course Captain Tauk! My officers and I are greatly honoured by your gracious offer and look forward to meeting you and your officers."

"Excellent! We will prepare for your arrival in 3 hours. Tauk out."

As the image of Tauk was replaced Zane turned to the OPS officer. "Were you able to 'read' their feelings lieutenant?"

"Yes sir. I sensed nothing but good will and excitement. Tauk and his crew see our visit as a momentous occasion."

"Good." Zane was clearly relieved. He turned to the CSO. "Any word on the flightdeck."

"Secuirty is present but they has of yet ascertained nothing."

"Mr. Charles I want you to look into this investigation personally." He turned to the FCO. "I think you better accompany him down to the shuttlebay, Mr. Charleswill fill you in. Gentlemen I want some answers to this before we beam over to the RESOLUTE.

As the turbolift doors closed Zane walked up to the Engineering station to examine any damage the ship may have sustained through the wormhole.


Just cut and pasting a few things together...

Hey, how did the wormhole get so close? <G>

Okay it looks like we have our first diplomatic mission. This could be the first inter-galaxy treaty so make sure your dress uniforms are pressed.!

As for the evil presence lurking about....well I don't know you tell me!


USS FEYNMAN: Shuttlebay

by Joseph Baker 2-14-1996

SD: 80214.2223

Jerran got up from his flight console as soon as Ensign Cartwright arrived to take his place so that he could go down to the shuttledeck to help with the investigation of PO Norris' accident.

He thought about it for a moment, thinking that it was probably some careless error, but he doubted if it was an error on WO Dunnon's part. He was one of his best, and most experienced shuttlepilots. You don't rise to through the enlisted ranks to get to WO without being the best at what you do.

Jerran stepped out of the turbolift as it reached the shuttledeck. He nodded to the security officer standing by the door as he walked through, heading towards WO Dunnon and LTJG Charles.

Jerran nodded to the CSO as he turned to Dunnon and said, "OK, what happened, Mr. Dunnon?"

"I don't know, sir. I was in the TOMONAGA carrying out those modifications which you wanted when I heard the alarms going off telling me that the door was openeing. Then, the atmospheric containment forcefield shut off.

"Lt. I swear that I double checked those systems just an hour ago, and they were all five by five. There is no way that thing just opened by itself _and_ shut off the forcefield."

Jerran nodded as he glanced around the room saying, "Agreed."

Charles shook his head and said, "I haven't found anything to suggest sabotage, Mr. Jerran. This place is as clean as Dr. Tok's OR."

"What about the sensor systems? Why did they cut off?"

"Lt. Korreth's engineers are still looking into it."

As if on cue, one of the yellow shirted engineers who were rummaging through an access panel in one of the walls came running up to the lieutenants and said, "Sir! I think I've found something!"

Charles turned to the crewman and said, "What did you find?"

"Well, sir, just about anyone could have disabled the sensors, but it is certain that they were sabotaged. It was simply a matter of crosswiring the sensor power systems into the sensor output. Textbook case. Works everytime."

Lt. Charles wasn't too happy about a sabour getting away with murder, literaly, on his shift. "We're going to have to tear this ship apart till we've found that killer. And do it before anyone else gets hurt."

Jerran handed a PADD he was looking at over to WO Dunnon and said, "Yes, but we're not going to have time to do it now. We've got a first contact to get ready for."

"Mr Dunnon," Jerran said turning to the WO. "Give Lt. Charles' security crew any help you can and keep me appraised of the investigation."

"Aye, aye, Lieutenant," said the WO two officers headed off the shuttlebay.

Scene: Corridor, Sr. Officers' Deck

Lt. Jerran wasn't too happy about the murder of CPO Norris, to say the least, and his disposition didn't improve over the idea of having to put on his dress uniform yet again. Even though his mother was a diplomat, and she had made him come to many diplomatic functions while growing up, he was neither good at it nor did he very much enjoy it.

As he walked down the corridor, it dawned on him just how quiet it was in the middle of a shift. Most people on Beta and Gamma shifts were asleep right now, or otherwise off duty, and so the corridor was almost disserted.

Suddenly, Jerran felt something in the back of his mind, something very similar to the presense he had felt a couple of days ago near the holodeck. He stopped dead in his tracks, turning to scan the corridor behind him. There was nothing there, but he could still feel it.

Jerran tapped his badge and said, "Computer, scan the deck for any non-FEYNMAN life readings."

<No anomolous life readings detected.>

  • That's not right,* he thought to himself. *Something is here.*

Jerran pulled out a small type I phaser, setting it to heavy stun, as he walked cautiously down the corridor. He came up to a bend in the corridor, and stood flush against the wall as he prepared to turn the corner. When he did, he almost scared the life out of a crewman as he came along and saw the half Vulcan FCO with his phaser drawn.

"Is there... uhh... something wrong, Lt?" The young man stammered.

"No, crewman," Jerran said. "Just a tactical excercise. Just go about your business."

"Yes, sir," he said, as he continued walking down the corridor.

Jerran took another glance down the hallway as he continued back over to his quarters. Whatever it was, the presense had left when the crewman had arrived. If Jerran disliked murder investigations and diplomatic functions, he definitely detested being stalked.

Well, my hibrid friend. It appears yo uare going to cause a lot of trouble. Not only do you have some unforseen advantages, but you also seem to be most paranoid. All the more fun, though, as I toy with you untill I decide it is time for you to die. Oh, and you will most certainly die, along with the rest of the crew of this tiny ship.

Ah, but wait. What's this? New ships? Ahhhh, you've brought me more victims to toy with. So much the better!

<NRPG> Oooooo, this is getting fun <G>

As for that wormhole, I don't know how it got there so fast. It just popped up out of no where ;)

* I study nuclear science!         * *
* I love my classes!               * *
* I've got a crazy teacher,        ******************************
* Who wears dark glasses.          *  LTJG Jerran Terel         *
* Things are goin' great,          *  Flight Control Officer    *
* And they're only gettin' better! *  USS Feynman/NCC-66000     *
* Joseph W. Baker                                               *
* Physics Major, College of Arts and Sciences                   *
* University of South Florida                                   *

USS FEYNMAN: Krysa's Experience With the THING

by Kristen Gant 2-14-1996

Stardate: 80214.1549 (OOXXOO) Happy Valentine's Day!!
MD: 1. 1015

Ens. Blayne Chesterton was sitting in the Counselor's Office, quite happy with the turn of events. With Krysa being transferred up, she had control of the counseling office. The post wasn't secure by any means. Starfleet was well known for changing staff at a moments notice. But she had her fingers crossed. Perhaps her transfer orders and the orders for a new counselor would come across the Admiral's desk at the same time.

<Ens. Chesterton to the Shuttle Bay>

Blayne jumped at the call. "On my way." Her first chance to prove that she could be useful. She quickly exited the office telling Crewman Cassey she would be back later.

Upon arriving in the Shuttle bay she found Lt. Jenn already there ahead of her. She was a little disappointed that she wouldn't be doing this on her own.

"Blayne, I'm glad you are here. I have to get ready for a banquet soon, so I'm not going to be able to help you with this one. Do you think you can handle the counseling end of this investigation?"

Blayne smiled, "Of course, Lt. You can count on me."

"Good. Please just ask if any problems come up that you need help with okay." With that Jenn turned and left Blayne to her first assignment.

Lt.(j.g) Charles walked up to her. "Ens. Chesterton. We are sure that this is a murder investigation, so I'm not sure what you can do, but Lt. Jenn insisted that you be included."

He went on to fill her in on what events had happened.

Scene: Corridor

Krysa headed toward the turbolift. As she walked down the corridor, the empiness and the silence began to get to her. It had never bothered her before. She couldn't understand why it did now.

She stopped to listen. There had to be something. Some noise coming from something. It dawned on her that she didn't even hear the normal empathic noise she usually did when surrounded by so many living beings on a starship. It was like there was a hole on the telepathic level. She wondered if something was wrong. Was she losing the abilities that she had left?

She hurried to the turbolift. "Sickbay," she muttered not liking the emptiness she was feeling. The turbolift stopped, and she rushed out almost tripping over a young ensign, on her way out.

"Excuse me," she mumbled. The young man smiled and nodded. He moved to make room for her to pass, when Krysa felt the familiar rush of human feelings. She grabbed the ensigns hand, "Wait!"

"Are you alright, Sir?" He asked.

Krysa hugged the poor ensign, who she was sure thought she had gone mad. But she didn't care. She could still feel them, she hadn't lost it. Then she sobered slightly wondering what had happened down on the other level.

As if suddenly remembering the man she was hugging, she let him go embarrassed. "I'm so sorry, ensign. I'm just so glad to feel you!" Regaining her composure she continued her trek to Sickbay. She thought perhaps she should still get this checked out. She definately never wanted to experience that again.

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: My thought here is that whatever this thing is it lives on fear, so it creates an empathic hollow of a sort around it. Krysa, not having full use of telepathic abilities can't sense it, just the empathic hollow. Okay, I know there is a bit of a stretch making a distinction between telepathic and empathic abilities, but I thought it would make things interesting<EG>

Kristen (AKA - Dr. Janna Swansen, CMO, USS Bismarck, ASR)
(AKA - Lt. Krysa Jenn, Ops/2O, USS Feynman, ASR)
(AKA - Ens. Ainese Kev, CSciO, USS Magellan, WW)
(AKA - Bree, Broken Lands, WW)
(AKA - Darlea & Makayla, Dragon Lands, WW)
(AKA - Dr. Darla Shane, CMO, Starbase 109, UFPI)

USS FEYNMAN: Investigating and Dressing

by Colby D. Beck 2-15-1996

Scene: Jordan's quarters

Jordan reviewed the PADD containing the results of the investigation so far. Having someone die on his watch was bad enough but a murder was unheard of. As he put on that hideous dress uniform, he thought about some things.

"Jordan to Mancuso" (Mancuso here, go ahead)

"Chief, about this murder. Find out from engineering how many people aboard the ship could have crossed those wires. Its a long shot, but maybe the procedure wasn't that easy."

(Aye Aye Sir)

"Jordan to Lt. Williams."

(Williams here)

"Lt. please report to my quarters."


"Yes now." Jordan thought he might like this.

The Marine CO walked into the quarters a few minutes later looking somewhat quizzidly at Jordan's dress uniform.

"Lt. As you know, the remaining Marines aboard the Feynman have been put under Security control. That means my control. Now, we've had an incident in the Carbo Bay. I want you to start a roving patrol of the decks and post guards outside the critical areas of the ship except the Bridge. Have the rotation schedule on my desk by the time I'm ready to hit the sack tonight."

"But..." The Jarhead tried to cut in.

"Thats all Lt. I have to go. Dismissed."

Williams stalked out of the room. Jordan did like that. He may actually be able to handle this first contact now.

Lt.(jg) Jordan Charles


Andy: Not sure if Jordan was invited to this shindig, but hes an ex-boyscout so hes prepared.

: Colby D. Beck                                "I am Not a  :
:                       Merry Man!!" :
:          -Lt. Worf:

USS FEYNMAN: Ready to be Diplomatic

by Kristen Gant 2-15-1996

Stardate: 80215.1421
Scene: Sickbay
MD: 1:1100

Krysa walked into Sickbay and was met by Nurse Tamy.

"Good afternoon, can I help you." she asked.

"I just had a really strange experience and would like to see the doctor about it." Nurse Tamy explained that Dr. Tok was on the bridge, but that Dr. T'Kin was available.

Krysa told the Vulcan what had happened to her. With no feeling at all the Doctor listened to Krysa's story and began to run some neural scans. The exam took only about 15 minutes.

"There is nothing wrong with you, Lt. I can not explain what happened, nor can I promise you that it will not happen again. It is most likely related to your accident during adolesance."

"So why is it just happening now?"

"Perhaps due to the number of telepathic experiences that you have had recently. You did mention the incident with Lt. Jarren. Possibly you were overloaded."

"Are you saying I 'shorted out' for a while?"

"Very likely." Said the Vulcan matter of factly. "If you do not have any other questions, you are free to go. I do not think it will be a problem for you."

Feeling not quite satisfied, but also not having the time to argue, Krysa nodded and headed for her quarters to prepare for the banquet. She tried to put the experience out of her mind, hoping that it wouldn't happen again.

Scene: Transporter Room

Krysa joined the other officers in their dress uniforms in the transporter room to await the okay for beam out to the other ship. She still enjoyed diplomatic functions despite the uncomfortable dress uniforms.

Lt. Krysa Jenn, Ops/2O

NRPG: Lysle, I hope I used T'Kin properly.

Jason, Hope this was a good out for you villian<G> I am glad I didn't screw anything up for you.

Andy, When do we get to beam over??

Kristen and Scott Gant

USS FEYNMAN: Transporter Room

by Joseph Baker 2-15-1996

SD: 80215.1637

Ltjg Jerran stood in the transporter room patiently waiting for the other officers to arrive in order that they may all beam over to the alien ship, the RESOLUTE. He was glad to see that Lt. Jenn was one of the first to arrive, as he would finally have a chance to talk with her about his recent experiences.

"Lieutenant, could I have a word with you for a moment?"

"Sure, Terri," she said as she stood up on the transporter pad with him.

Jerran gave a look to the transporter chief that told him that this was to be a private conversation, so the chief took the opportunity to go check on the pattern buffers.

"What's the matter? You look a little shaken by something?" she said.

He raised an eyebrow and said, "That's funny. I was just about to say the same thing about you."

"The truth is that I think I've been having some really bad mental reactions to that little bump I got on my head in the NOGURA. The other day when I was walking to the holodeck in the stardrive section, I could have sworn that I felt something, someone, following me. Some sort of a very strong telepathic presense. And then it happened again today just a little while ago when I was walking to my quarters. I almost shot at a crewman who was walking by."

"What kind of telepathic presense do you think this is?"

"I don't know. I just felt something there. Something that wasn't normal. Now usually, I'm just a touch telepath. It takes something really strong to get me to sense it over that much distance. Unless, of course, this is just some sort of halucination brought about by that accident in the runabout."

Jenn thought for a minute and said, "It just might be related, then."

"What might be related?" asked Jerran.

"I've been having some strange empathic perceptions lately, also. Mine were more like a hole of some sort where I just couldn't sense anything at all, not even the usual background emotions of the crew. I almost thought that I had lost my empathic abilities. Maybe that mind link we shared on the NOGURA had more of an effect on the two of us than we thought."

Jerran still didn't look convinced as he said, "I don't know. It just seemed so real. And then there was CPO Norris little accident in the shuttlebay."

"Do you think they could be connected? That would mean that there is something on the ship that is capable of murdering one of our crewmen."

Just then, the rest of the officers filed in, their dress uniforms neatly pressed, moving to step onto the transporter pads with Jerran and Jenn.

Get the straight jackets ready. Krysa and Jerran are ready for the funny farm ;)

* I study nuclear science!         * *
* I love my classes!               * *
* I've got a crazy teacher,        ******************************
* Who wears dark glasses.          *  LTJG Jerran Terel         *
* Things are goin' great,          *  Flight Control Officer    *
* And they're only gettin' better! *  USS Feynman/NCC-66000     *
* Joseph W. Baker                                               *
* Physics Major, College of Arts and Sciences                   *
* University of South Florida                                   *

USS FEYNMAN: Ready Room-->Transporter Room

by Andrew Catterick 2-16-1996

"Captains log stardate 80216.1240.....

We are preparing to beam over to the RESOLUTE and I must admit that I am a little nervous at the prospect of conducting the first diplomatic exchange with beings of another galaxy. Although they seem to have the best of intentions and are generally interested in setting up some sort of contacts between our two peoples I know that I am not a diplomat. I do not have the patience for flowery language and the wink and nod deal making that goes with it. I am hoping that the officers of the RESOLUTE, as naval officers, will be of the same feeling, at least then I will have some time to ease into this before meeting with their world's leaders and ambassadors. At least I can rely on my second officer, her diplomatic training as well as her empathic abilities will be of great service. And of course if worse comes to worse we can release Dr. Tok on them. Surely they have never experienced converation with a Bolian!

The investigation into the shuttlebay incident has turned up some alarming findings but unfortunately little in they way of answers. To be honest I would rather forgo this banquet and concentrate our efforts on this problem. But diplomacy takes precedence.....

I am pleased to note that Lieutenant Fobok has been returned to active duty and will be joining us on the RESOLUTE. I am still in the dark as to what actually happened to the science officer but the doctor has assured me it has passed and that is all the answer I need.

Nervousness aside I am looking forward to meeting my counterpart, much as my officers seem eager to meet theirs. An exchange of this sort can only benefit each party and I look forward to the technologies and culture we can share. Perhaps if all goes well we will be able to return to the Federation with a Cesphalian delegation aboard. Who knows maybe the admiral would even crack a smile over that one."

Scene: Transporter Room

As Zane walked in he couldn't help but smile. They all looked quite uncomfortable in their dress uniforms. Everyone hated them but they were never changed. Stepping up to the pad he turned to face the operator. "Energize."


As the FEYNMAN officers materialized the first thing they noticed was the extremely dry, hot air that surrounded him. Zane felt his throat constrict and his eyes begin to burn. Still he and the officers managed to display little discomfort as they looked across to the feline officers waiting their arrival. Tauk strode forward, saluted and gestured for the FEYNMAN officers to step down. "Welcome to the RESOLUTE officers of the Federation."

"Thank you captain." Zane replied. "Allow me to introduce my officers..." For the next few minutes both captains presented their officers to each other. It was a diplomatic necessity but a laborious one.

""Let me apologize for the harsh environment....we have lowered the temperature as much as we can safely do but I realize it must still be very hot for you. You will be pleased to know that my engineer has managed to redirect air currents in the banquest hall so that your side of the table will be under the flow of a cooler, moist air. I hope this will be to your satisfaction."

Zane smiled and nodded politiely to the engineer as he tried to come up with the proper response to Tauk. Before doing so, however, Tauk continued. "Captain I hope you will not mind but my officers and I are not diplomats and if you pardon my saying I don't think you are either. We are all soldiers let us talk like them and dispense with this nonsense. Agreed?"

Zane laughed. "Agreed!"

Tauk gestured towards the door. "Shall we."


Okay have fun!

Jason: I know there are a few marines floating around that no one will miss.

Andy.-->Who is happy that ASR can distract him from some really bad essays he is forced to mark.

USS FEYNMAN: Meeting New People

by Colby D. Beck 2-16-1996

As Jordan materalized on the Resolute, he immediately went into "security" mode. He was not pleased that the Captain would place himself in a totally unknown situation. It was bad enough that there was a murder on his watch, but now the Captain had put himself into a potentially dangerous situation. Well, he is a security guy, so he can handle himself Jordan hoped. After all the introductions had been completed, Jordan gravitated toward his conterpart on board the Resolute. Overall, he was impressed by the size and power contained in this ship. Jordan knew that in a firefight, the Feynman may be able to handle one of these ships, if he got a surprise hit in, but with five ships, he knew the Feynman lived or died at the whim of these people. That little thought brought chills to Jordan's spine. "So tell me, what exactly can this ship do?" Jordan asked.

"No no no, no talk about work. This is a party. We must enjoy ourselves while we can. There will be plenty of time for you to see what this ship can do."

With that Jordan saw the rest of the assembled crews move down a corridor.

Lt.(jg) Jordan Charles


All: Hmm...I wonder what that little comment meant.

Oh..BTW it wasn't Jordan who almost blew the crewman away in the corridor
because of the hibeejibees and our evil little friend.

: Colby D. Beck                                "I am Not a  :
:                       Merry Man!!" :
:          -Lt. Worf:

USS FEYNMAN: Diplomatic Function

by Joseph Baker 2-17-1996

SD: 80217.0012

As Lt. Jerran beamed over to the RESOLUTE, the first thing he noticed, like the rest of the crew, was the intense heat and dryness of the air on the alien ship. It reminded him of the many times he had visited Vulcan with his mother and the time that he spent at the Science Academy. Therefor, he was actually one of the only Starfleet officers there who wasn't uncomfortable by the atmosphere caused by the life support systems. He was, however, still quite nervous about the atmosphere of the diplomatic function itself.

One of the cat-like crewmen came up to him and graciously introduced himself as the helmsman of the RESOLUTE, a position that Jerran could definitely relate to.

Jerran was just about to start asking his counterpart about the navigational systems of these ships, when the other helmsman said, "Oh, no. Mr. Jerran. Tonight is a night of celebration. We can talk about ships later."

Jerran was disappointed by the response, but followed the alien helmsman, whose name was Fiera, to the buffet table, where Lt. Jenn was already sampling some of the dishes.

"Enjoying yourself, Lt?" asked Fiera.

"Oh, yes," she replied. "You have some of the most interesting culinary samples that I've been able to try out in a while. Much better than our own replicated food on the Feynman."

"Ackkk! You eat replicated food?! We would never desicrate our bodies with such artificial filth!" said the felenoid helmsman, somewhat insulted by the idea, and definitely more than a little revolted.

Jerran tried to be diplomatic as he said, "We only eat replicated foods so as to keep our cargo weight down, so that we are able to make more extended voyages. Our ships just aren't big enough to carry real food."

Fiera walked over to the buffet and put some sort of meat on his plate as he said, "We gladly saccrifice range for decent food. It's almost saccrilige for us to anything that isn't fresh. That's why all our foodstuffs are carried live on our ship."

Jerran and Jenn quickly were able to figure out by the alien helmsman's next statement that his training was definitely not in diplomacy as he said, "And that's usually how it's served," popping the food into his mouth with some disdain.

He then smiled widely, baring a nice set of sharp teeth, to them as he said, "But, of course, we make certain concesions for guests."

Jerran wasn't sure how he liked the intonation with which Fiera used the word "guest," and he was just now starting to notice how really warm it was in the room...

<NRPG> Anyone ever see the Twilight Zone where some aliens come to Earth to take some of them back to their home, and they give them a book entitled "How to Serve Mankind?" which turned out, when translated, to be a cookbook? <EG>

Yeah, I know, real corny, but hey, it's just a suggestion <VEG>

And remember, the temperature isn't so bad. It's the dry heat :)

* I study nuclear science!         * *
* I love my classes!               * *
* I've got a crazy teacher,        ******************************
* Who wears dark glasses.          *  LTJG Jerran Terel         *
* Things are goin' great,          *  Flight Control Officer    *
* And they're only gettin' better! *  USS Feynman/NCC-66000     *
* Joseph W. Baker                                               *
* Physics Major, College of Arts and Sciences                   *
* University of South Florida                                   *


by Max Felsher 2-17-1996

SD 80217.0130
MD 1.1300
Transporter Room

"An intruder?" Lt. Commander Maril questioned Lt.<jg> Fobok.

"Yes, sir. My son, Matt, just told me about something that...threatened him. He says it said, 'You will all die.' He isn't making this up, sir. I performed a mind meld with him. He is telling the truth, sir," Fobok responded.

"You understand, Lieutenant, that I am Tioth without a weapon unless you get some more information. However, I will tell Lieutenant Charles to put Security on further alert."

<<<<Maril's right, B.J. :) There's not much he can do right now. Anyway, this next portion is after they've beamed onto the Resolute.>>>>

Maril, like most of the others, noticed the very hot, dry atmosphere as soon as they beamed aboard. He soon found his counterpart, the Resolute's 2nd-in-command, a rather thin felinoid with a look of alertness in his eyes.

"Hello, my name is Ixava. And you?"

"Lieutenant Commander Onta Maril. This is a nice ship. Are all of your ships the same?"

"Why worry about the ships right now? I'm sure you'd like some of this Steci vulture."

"Well, I think I will venture into the mountains."

The Cesphalian, while appearing to understand, had a look of surprise on his face. Maril walked over to Commander Zane to talk.

"Zane, have you noticed that the Cesphalians are a little...evasive?" Maril tried to keep his voice down.

"Yes, but let's give them a chance, Onta," Zane also spoke in a low voice.

"Very well."

<<<<Hmmm...let's see. Pliers, no. Hammer, throw it away. Ahhh, here it is. The wrench. :) Okay, what would be the best way to throw it into these works.

D >>>>

In another corner, Ixava and Tauk were talking. Suddenly, Ixava shouted, "That wasn't what we agreed!"

All eyes turned towards the two. "Hahaha. We were just joking around," Tauk attempted to cover up what had just happened.

The room returned, at least partially, to its former state of talking and eating.

The sun has met the sea,
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,
First Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher

All:Okay, so it wasn't that much of a wrench. But this is probably just the beginning. :) Oh, those who haven't sent in(or reminded me) your roatation, do it. If you don't...well, you don't want to know. <evil laug Jason:Enjoyed the evil shapeshifter. Sorry, I don't have any disposable NPC's right now(but I could create some. ;) ) eyes.

USS FEYNMAN: Resolute-->Home

by Andrew Catterick 2-18-1996

Scene: RESOLUTE Banquet Room

The banquet had continued for several hours and was, in fact, beginning to wind down when the interruption from the RESOLUTE's bridge came over the comm-link.

[Captain we are approaching home sector.]

"Secure from stardrive and follow procedure." Tauk replied.

[I obey.]

Tauk turned to his counterpart. "Well captain, regrettably, it seems time for this feast to come to an end. There is much my officers and I must do and I am sure there are things you and you officers must attend to."

Zane stood, smiling. "I have enjoyed myself here very much but you are correct. Duty calls."

Tauk summoned his first officer and instructed him to oversee ship operations while Tauk escorted the FEYNMAN officers to the transporter room.

Scene: RESOLUTE transporter room

As the FEYNMAN staff assembled on the pad Tauk turned to the transporter operator. "It is time for your break. I will handle the transport. Return in one deca."

The young officer looked at his captain suspiciously. "I obey."

Before the FEYNMAN officers had time to question Tauk's intentions he had initiated transport. As the officers began to fade Zane realized he was being held behind. Bounding down from the pad and wishing he had concealed a weapon as his CSO had suggested he confronted Tauk. "What is the meaning of this? What have you done with my officers?"

Tauk raised a hand. "Forgive me captain but there was no other way. I must speak with you unobserved." He patted the transporter. "Your officers are safely stored. When I transport you back to your ship they will materialize with you, not knowing what has transpired."

Zane was confused and said so.

"You maybe in danger captain, I had to warn you."

"Danger from what?"

"From my people."

"Perhaps we better start from the beginning..."

"I agree." Tauk took a deep breath and began...

"This is a galaxy does not have the numbers or diversity of cultures which your own does. 4000 years ago we determined that there were no more races to find. The civilization we had built was the only one that could exist. It was our Golden Age. We were a peaceful race with no fear of external threats we turned towards the pursuits of culture, of knowledge. But then the wormhole was found and our worlds changed forever. We discovered your galaxy and the races it contained. We hungered for more knowledge. We became explorers.

Up until then we had led a sheltered existence but as the ideas, and values of your galaxy's races began to filter back to our worlds things began to change. Some were for our good but just as many became detrimental to our society. Many argued that the exploration and contact must stop. This group of isolationists became very strong eventually rivalling thepower of the central authority. Inevitably war broke out. It was a terrible war filled with unspeakable atrocities. It ended our exploration but in so doing so ended our civilization. We were plunged into a Dark Ages that was to last for almost 2000 years.

Slowly we began to rebuild, to reclaim what once was. And then we rediscovered the wormhole. And again the debate raged. It was reasoned that we had learned from our mistakes that we could not remain in isolation. We would explore but would do so slowly. We sent out probes and began to monitor your Federation. It seemed to mirror our own notions of discovery and peace. Many wanted to contact you, many did not. Eventually it was agreed that the probe you found would be sent. A probe that would take centuries to reach you..."

"But we found it too soon." Zane concluded.

"Yes. It was hoped by the time we made contact the isolationist elements would have lost their support. They have not. They pervade our society, and I embarassed to say that the ship...reflects this. There are many who argue the wormhole should be destroyed. But now you are here and that complicates things. It is one thing to destroy the wormhole. It is another to murder. My people are very passionate and our ancestors were very brutal. After the lessons of the Civil War we have learned to curb our violent passions but they are there. And you must be wary of them."

"What of your government? Where do they stand?" Zane asked.

"Our leader favours contact but many of his ministers do not. He must show that contact does not threaten it helps. You must remember this in your negotiations. But we have lingered too long I must return you before some of my officers become suspicious."

Scene: Transporter Room. USS FEYNMAN

Has soon as the group had fully materialized Zane turned to Onta. "Commander I want a staff briefing in the Observation Lounge in 20 minutes."

"Aye sir."

Zane exited the room leaving his surprised officers behind. He had much to consider.

Scene: Observation Lounge

Having filled his officers in on his secret discussion with Tauk Zane addressed them. "I am quite frankly at a lost and I value your observations and suggestions on this matter with the Cesephalians and the unexplained happenings on this ship. We will be arriving at their home world in 3 hours and I would like a better understanding before we do so."

He turned to face the officer who spoke first."




USS FEYNMAN: Some Thoughts on the Monster on the Frieghter

by Kristen Gant 2-19-1996

Stardate: 80219.0326
Scene: Observation Lounge

"That makes some sense in what I was sensing from them, sir. I sensed that Tauk really saw our arrival as something good. I felt the same thing from a few others, including Ceale the Diplomacy Officer. However, some were cautious of us... and there were a few who were downright hostile. I wasn't sure what to make of it, but now it makes sense." Lt. Jenn told them.

The Captain nodded.

"Sir, I am curious about the probe now, however. Perhaps the isolationists got a hold of it to sabotage the exploration efforts." suggested Jordan.

"It looks like they sabotaged themselves. We found them all dead down in the Cargo hold," grunted Dr. Tok.

"While we don't know for sure what they were carrying, they obviously knew. From the little bit we got from their computers, we know that they were terrified of what was down there." agreed Krysa.

"So you think the creature was sent to destroy us, but it got out and destroyed them?" asked Zane.

"It makes sense."

"Anyone have anything else?"

Lt. Krysa Jenn, Ops/2O

NRPG: Just a few thoughts I've been throwing around. I hope you don't mind me handing them out to your characters. I didn't want Jenn to dominate the conversation<G>

(AKA - Dr. Janna Swansen, CMO, USS Bismarck, ASR)
(AKA - Lt. Krysa Jenn, Ops/2O, USS Feynman, ASR)
(AKA - Ens. Ainese Kev, CSciO, USS Magellan, WW)
(AKA - Bree, Broken Lands, WW)
(AKA - Darlea & Makayla, Dragon Lands, WW)
(AKA - Dr. Darla Shane, CMO, Starbase 109, UFPI)

USS FEYNMAN: Observation Lounge

by Max Felsher 2-19-1996

SD 80219.1600(GMT)
MD 1.1500
Observation Lounge

"Captain, I advise that we stand by on Yellow Alert, as we do not know if the Cesphalians will be Beveni with gates opened or closed," Lt. Commander Maril suggested to Commander Zane.

"I agree, Captain," Lt.<jg> Charles seconded. "We wouldn't stand a chance against the ships we met at the wormhole, much less their whole fleet. We have to be ready to get back to the wormhole quickly if we need to. I'd also like to keep a transporter lock on you and Lieutenant Jenn, Captain."

"Captain, it appeared that many of Tauk's officers were isolationists. Also, Tauk mentioned that a good deal of the government ministers do not support meeting with us. It may be that we are fighting a battle against the wind, sir," Maril observed.

"Captain, I think we should send a shuttlecraft...or something back to the Federation. I mean, for all they know, we've been destroyed. It would probably help us, too, since they could send a diplomatic team over here," Lt.<jg> Jerran suggested.


The sun has met the sea,
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,
First Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher

All:I know it's short, but it's my perspective on things right now. I might
add to this later.
Andy:They're all just ideas. :)

USS FEYNMAN: Observation Lounge (Cont.)

by Kristen Gant 2-19-1996

>"Captain, I think we should send a Shuttlecraft... or something back
>to the Federation. I mean, for all they know, we've been destroyed.
>It would probably help us, too, since they could send a diplomatic
>team over here," Lt.<jg> Jerran suggested.

>Tok jumped in, "Captain, with all due respect, I fear that sending a
>single shuttle craft back through the wormhole may be dangerous. Not only
>is there a possiblity of hostile encounters on the other side before the
>crew reaches a Starbase, but there is some question as to whether the
>runabout would even hold up under the stress of the wormhole. It
>certainly shook up the Feynman. Furthermore, in my discussions with the
>Cesphalians , I found that I didn't understand everything that they were
>meaning to communicate and I doubt that I did the same. There is no
>telling how they may interpret a runabout heading through the wormhole,
>especially if they are as xenophobic as we believe."

Stardate: 80219.1908

"Sir, I have to agree with Dr. Tok on this one. It seems to me that if we send back a Shuttlecraft, it could be seen as a threat to the isolationists. The don't want the Federation nosing around. They might just go ahead and try to destroy the shuttle." Jenn said, "I think it would be putting the Shuttlecraft in danger. Along with the rest of us."

"Yes, but we could be in danger anyway... And if Starfleet doesn't know what happened to us, we could be sitting ducks." Jarren voiced.

"I would think that they will come looking for us. Isn't it likely that since we found the wormhole another ship would find it as well?"

Lt. Krysa Jenn, Ops/2O

NRPG: I'm glad I checked my mail, guess I was going to send something very
similar to Lysle's post. So here it is, just a little changed:)

(AKA - Dr. Janna Swansen, CMO, USS Bismarck, ASR)
(AKA - Lt. Krysa Jenn, Ops/2O, USS Feynman, ASR)
(AKA - Ens. Ainese Kev, CSciO, USS Magellan, WW)
(AKA - Bree, Broken Lands, WW)
(AKA - Darlea & Makayla, Dragon Lands, WW)
(AKA - Dr. Darla Shane, CMO, Starbase 109, UFPI)

USS FEYNMAN: Observation Lounge (Cont.)

by Andrew Catterick 2-19-1996

SD: 80219.0915
MD: 11430
> Scene: Observation Lounge

> "That makes some sense in what I was sensing from them, sir. I sensed that
> Tauk really saw our arrival as something good. I felt the same thing from a
> few others, including Ceale the Diplomacy Officer. However, some were
> cautious of us... and there were a few who were downright hostile. I wasn't
> sure what to make of it, but now it makes sense." Lt. Jenn told them.

The Captain nodded. "Good. I'm glad you and their diplomacy officer got along so well. I want you to accompany me to the planet surface to aid in hte negotiation with the Cesphalian leadership. Your insights, and empathic abilities will be most helpful helpful." "Tauk has agreed to give us limited access to his ship's computer so we can acquaint ourselves better with their culture, history and diplomacy. Lieutenant, when this meeting ajourns I want you to contact your counterpart on the RESOLUTE and find out as much as you can from him and their computer."

"Understood." Jenn replied.



by Max Felsher 2-20-1996

SD 80220.1700(GMT)
MD 1.1700
First Officer's Office

Lt. Commander Maril sat in his office, thinking about what was to be done. Commander Zane and Lt. Jenn would be transporting to the Cesphalian homeworld soon. Although Maril wasn't a security officer, he couldn't help being suspicious. After all, he had almost lost his life to something supposedly created by the isolationists. He decided to head for the Bridge. As he stepped in, he realized Lt. Jenn had the shift.

"You may leave," Maril relieved Jenn. "You need to get ready to beam down, anyway."

"Thank you, Commander."

Maril sat back and looked around. "Lieutenant Fobok, please report to the Bridge."

[I'm on my way, sir.]

As Lt.<jg> Fobok walked onto the Bridge, Maril asked, "Lieutenant, have you noticed anything out of the ordinary about the Cesphalians' ships or anything related?"

"Well, sir, their hulls are composed of rather reflective materials."

Just then, Mancuso called out, "Commander, the Resolute is powering up its weapons!"

Ein reported, "Sir, the Resolute is hailing us."

"Captain to the Bridge," Maril said over the intercom. "On screen," he ordered to Mancuso.

Ixava's face appeared. "Now, listen to me, you Federation ship--get out now, or, or, I'll destroy you!"

"Where is Captain Tauk?" Maril asked.

"That's none of your business. Now, go before I destroy your ship!"

Maril signed to cut the communication. "Options?"

"We have very few, sir," Fobok observed.

The sun has met the sea,
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,
First Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher

All:Just moving the plot along. :)
Andy:Didn't know if you wanted Zane to beam down beforehand or not. :)

USS FEYNMAN: Rock and a Hard Place

by Joseph Baker 2-22-1996

SD: 80222.0117
MD: 1.1710 (?)

Lt. Cmdr. Maril glared at the fleet of ships on the main viewscreen as they approached the relatively puny USS FEYNMAN. "Hail them again, Mr. Ein," he said to the AOPS.

"Channel open, sir."

"How dare you threaten us under a flag of truce, when in fact it was your own people who invited us here!"

The Cesphalian captain looked even angrier as he came back on the screen and said, "It was not `my people' who invited you here, Commander. You have been given more than fair warning, now you will be destroyed!"

The FEYNMAN rocked violently as the lead Cesphalian sent in a volley of energy beams. "Shields down to 75 percent, Commander!" shouted the CSO.

Lt. Koreth got back to his seat from where he was thrown by the shot and said, "Structural integrity field down to 90 percent."

"Mr. Jerran, get us out of the area, best possible speed."

"Thrusters have been hit, sir, but I'll get us out," said the pilot as he pulled the ship around a little bit faster than the design specs dictated as safe, and brought up the impulse drive to full power.

"We can't just leave the Captain and the others, sir!" yelled Mr. Charles.

"We're not leaving anyone behind, Mr. Charles. Mr. Jerran. Plot a warp jump that will take us around the system, out of the Cesphalian's scanner range, and then back on the other side. I want you to come back out of warp as close as possible to the system's primary. We'll then engage the metaphasic shield and loiter there till we get a chance to come back after the captain, Lt. Jenn, and Dr. Tok."

By the time the FO was done giving his instructions, the helmsman had already plotted the course into the nav computer. "Course plotted and laid in, sir."

Another shot hit the aft shields as Cmdr. Maril said, "Warp 9, engage!"

The warp drive nacelles of the Feynman pivoted into their warp flight position as the ship shot off into warp speeds.

* I study nuclear science!         * *
* I love my classes!               * *
* I've got a crazy teacher,        ******************************
* Who wears dark glasses.          *  LTJG Jerran Terel         *
* Things are goin' great,          *  Flight Control Officer    *
* And they're only gettin' better! *  USS Feynman/NCC-66000     *
* Joseph W. Baker                                               *
* Physics Major, College of Arts and Sciences                   *
* University of South Florida                                   *