VanDieman Colony

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Official UFPDOCA Colony Entry: VanDieman Colony

  • Colony Name: VanDiemen
  • Creator: Andrea Schalk


  • System/Location: Third planet in the Erina system. Otherwise: out of the way, backwater
  • Distance to Nearest Starbase: something like three to five days to some really insignificant starbase...
  • Planet Classification: M
  • Satellites/Space Stations: Satellites-meaning natural ones? 1 artificial ones: none
  • Land/Water Ratio: 40/60
  • Climate Controlled: no
  • Native Sentient Life: no


  • Colony Age (approximate): 60 years
  • Population (approximate): approx 1500
  • Species Present: humans almost exclusively
  • Colony Status: UFP protectorate
  • Government: Settlers' Council - only for planet-wide decisions. Planet is subject to severe restrictions regarding settlers, industry and exploitation are forbiddent, limited hunting allowed to sustain settlers. The Council is mostly inactive.
  • Major Cities/Settlements: none


Erina III has been settled by people who object to the extensive use of technology. Most of the planet itself belongs to a Federation agency which sees to it that the severe restrictions regarding any kind of exploitation are being followed. The agency sells land to new settlers who would like to lead that kind of life. Growth is extremely slow, with most people living a considerable distance from the next dwelling. Federation reserve. Planet of outstanding natural beauty. Strict access restrictions apply.



Tech Level

current-date Federation technology, though very limited and restricted use of same.

