Teresa Sharpe

From StarFleet Bureau of Information
I. Personal Data
Full Name:        Teresa Antonia Sharpe  [SEC9342-0012-8922]
Miiden name:    Moreno
Given Name:     Teresa
Current Rank:    Commodore O-7
Current Billet:  OSFI
Species:          Homo sapiens sapiens (Terran Human)
Gender/Sex:     Female
Age:              62 Terran Standard Years
DOB:              02 August 2369
POB:              Madrid Spain European Continent
Parents:       Fredorico Moreno Professor Natural History  Barcelona University
                     Maria Gonzales  RN
Siblings:      Anita Moreno
Spouse:        Richard Sharpe Commandant Star Fleet Marine Corps
Children:       Molly Sharpe  Colonel 13th MRR
                      Miranda Sharpe 2Lt MCO USS Endeavour

Physical Description:
HT:              5'9"
WT:              165lbs 
EY:              Brown
HR:              Black  silver at temples
SK:              Olive compexion
Blood Type:       A +
Religion:       Catholic
Citizenship:        Terran, United Federation of Planets

II.  Educational Background

A. Academic Institutions Attended:

  -- Star Fleet Academy 
      (Bachelor of Science, Anthropology)
      (Master of Arts Ancient Cultures and languages)

B. Service Schools Attended:

  -- Star Fleet Space Warfare Officers School
  -- Star Fleet War College
  -- Star Fleet Special Operations and Interrogation 

C. Qualifications:

  -- Qual:  Tactical Officer
  -- Qual:  Navigation/Astrogation Officer
  -- Qual:  Junior/Senior Officer Bridge Tests
  -- Qual:  Security Officer's Tests
  -- Qual:  Command Officer's Tests

D. Star Fleet Academy Record:

Final Cadre Rank:      Cadet Commander
Academic Major:        Anthropology
Professional Major:    Intelligence and Logistics 
Class Rank:          4/250
Reprimands:         2
Commendations:   2
Athletics:          Soccer, Spring ball

III. Biographical Notes

A. Chronology (tabular form):

0-5:  Lived with parents on Terra.
5-17 Lived with parents on Proxima V  Survived occupation by Cardassian forces Learned  guerilla warfare
18-22:  Attended Star Fleet Academy.
22-Present:  Active duty in Star Fleet.

B. Background Summary:

Teresa lived on Earth until age 5, when her parents moved to Proxima V, at age 12 Proxima was annexed by Cardassia aggressively, Teresa was horrifed by the treatment the Cardassians met out to the people, and joined the resistance at age 13, then at 16 became a full guerilla fighter.
Proxima was liberated when she was 17 when she was recuited by OSFI and sent to Star Fleet Academy.

Her record beyond that point is Classified Ultra Top Secret.

IV. Official Star Fleet Record

A. Promotion History:

Star Date (23)860531:  Graduated Star Fleet Academy.
Star Date (23)860217:  Commissioned as Ensign (O-1).
Star Date (23)891013:  Promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade (O-2).
Star Date (23)901016:  Promoted to Lieutenant (O-3).
Star Date (24)930417:  Promoted to Lieutenant Commander (O-4).
Star Date (24)050923:  Promoted to Commander (O-5).
Star Date (24)100801:  Promoted to Captain (O-6).
Star Date {24}111023 : Promoted to Commodore (O-7)

B. Service History:


C.  Medals and Commendations