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Starbase Serenity Central Database
Updated SD 320722

Starbase Serenity Unit Patch

Welcome to the central database for the space station Starbase Serenity. We hope you find the information for which you are looking.

Starbase Serenity, or Deep Space 451, is the command post for the newly-formed Task Force Serenity, located on the coreward edge of the Sagittarius Arm of the Milky Way galaxy. Serenity overlooks "The Void," the approximately 5,000 light-year nearly-empty expanse between the Sagittarius Arm (where the core Federation worlds are located) and the Scutum Arm, where Indigo Fleet is headquartered. Until recently, Serenity was nothing more than a fuelling depot/personnel stopover/equipment hub. Recent events in "The Void," however, has changed that.

Currently, Starbase Serenity is a free-thread writing group. Inquiries regarding role playing opportunities on Serenity may be directed to Scott Lusby who plays Commander Hanson Bennett, the station Commander.

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