
USS Feynman FEB 1996: Difference between revisions

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<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Dead Ship</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 2-10-1996</h4>
Stardate: 80210.2137<br>
Scene: Jenn’s Quarters<br>
MD: 1:0745<br>
Krysa Jenn was putting the finishing touches on her uniform. It was her
first day on duty official day of duty as the Ops officer, and she was
nervous. She didn’t know why she should be nervous. Both Zane and Maril
had confidence in her. And she knew that she was prepared. She had spent
the last few days since her promotion going over her new assignment. So
she chalked it up to just normal first day jitters.
Heading out the door, she realized she almost forgot her comm badge, so
she had to turn around and go back and get it. *I hope the rest of the
day doesn’t go like this,* she thought.
Scene: Bridge<br>
Entering the bridge, she had the strangest feeling that there was
someone standing off to the side of her. But when she looked, there was
no one there. While she stood there pondering the strange feeling that
wouldn’t go away, MCPO Ein called her over.
“Lt., I would like to speak to you for a moment.” He said.
“Of course, Mr. Ein. What can I do for you?”
“I would like to know where I stand now that you have taken the Ops
position and Commander Maril has moved to XO. Do I retain my position?”
“To be honest, Mr. Ein, I haven’t had much time to talk to Cmdr. Maril
about that yet. But for the time being, I’d like to stay where you are.
Once I’ve had a chance to talk to him, I’ll tell you more.”
Obviously not satisfied with her answer, but not wanting to push the
issue, Ein started to leave the bridge.
“Mr. Ein, I need to speak to Commander Zane briefly, so could you please
stay her for a little longer.” The AOPS nodded and returned to his post.
>At that moment Lieutenant Jenn looked in. "Sir I... Lieutenant Koreth I
>didn't see you come in. " she was a little flustered and turned to the
>captain. "I'm sorry to have disturbed you, sir."
>Zane consoled her, "It's quite alright Lieutenant. And you wouldn't have
>seen Mr. Koreth come in because he was invisible... at least sort of." he
>continued to examine the devices, as Tarrant began to slowly remove them.
Remembering the strange feeling that she had upon entering the bridge,
she realized that it must have been Lt. Koreth. That was a pretty handy
device, though it didn’t look very comfortable to wear.
“It wasn’t important, we can discuss it later, sir.” Krysa headed to her
post to relieve Ein.
Scene: Bridge (a short time later)<br>
“Commander Maril, I’ve got a reading on a vessel in sector 38. Ship’s
computers aren’t able to recognize it.”
Maril moved over to look at the sensors with Krysa.
“umm, it’s not moving either.”
“No, sir. We’re still too far away to get life sign readings yet. But we
should be able to get them in a few minutes.” Krysa hit a few buttons.
“The ship is made of standard metals. Nothing unusual. Just an unknown
“Maril to Zane.”
<Go ahead, Commander.>
“Sir, we've found something I think you'd like to see.”
<I'm on my way.>
“Lt. Jenn, do we have any life signs yet?”
Krysa began hitting buttons again. “Coming in now, sir. No life signs.
It’s a dead ship.”
Lt. Krysa Jenn, Ops/2O<br>
NRPG: Regarding Mr. Ein... I know that Max has registered him... so....
Max if you want to keep him go ahead and promote him or whatever you
want. If you want him to stay at AOPS, that’s okay also. But then I want
to take him over (i.e., His life is mine!!! MWAHAHAHAHAA<VBG>) However,
it’s your call. I will not be moving my NPC’s (Ens. Blayne Chesterton
and CPO John Cassey), so they are up for grabs to this evil presence on
board or whatever. As long as you know that Blayne is helping me out by
taking over a lot of CNS duties until we get a new one, and if she
dies...., Krysa will cry:( But they are not registered so are fair
game. Feel free to use them as such.
Andy: As far as the Bismarck goes... I'd like to keep her as seperate
from this as possible!! Otherwise I'll get confused as to what is going
on which ship<G> But just to let you know what is going on there.
The "comet" or whatever it is, is actually a mass of parasites. The
comet is "seeding" the worlds it passes and destroying them. I think
they may actually be able to stop the "comet" before it gets to us.
