
USS Feynman FEB 1996: Difference between revisions

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* University of South Florida                                  *
* University of South Florida                                  *
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Ready-Room</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 2-10-1996</h4>
"Captain's log Stardate 80210.0800. We have entered the
outskirts of our patrol area and are currently employing the DELPHI array
to get a better grasp of what lies in wait. While at warp our sensors
were unable to penetrate this strange phenomena that is slowly moving
through this sector of space heading in the general direction of Cait.
Hopefully, now that we are closer we will be able to see a little deeper
into this...hmmpf, we still don't even now what exactly it is. It seems
to be a cosmic sized dust cloud but that doesn't explain why its so hard
for our sensors to penetrate through it. If we don't find a way to
circumvent this it will be very hard to locate any planetary systems
within and even harder to ascertain if they are inhabited.
Lieutenant Fobok is resting comfortably in his cabin at present.
Dr. Tok has assured me there is nothing to worry about. I am glad that
Fobok is in no danger but I have the feeling the doctor is being a bit
elusive about Fobok's condition. He is unable to tell me when I can have
my science officer back. While I have the utmost confidence in the
ship's science department as a whole I will still feel much better when
Fobok is back at his station. I fear the next few hours will present us
with many questions....."
[Maril to Zane.]
Zane reached over to the desk computer and saved his log. "Go
ahead commander."
[Sir, we've found something I think you'd like to see.]
"I'm on my way."
Well here we go!!
I let someone else decide on what we've found and get this mission rolling.
Please keep in mind the general parameters Mike has given us and the fact
that we're in a region close to home and close to a tense neighbour. Our
actions could cause reprecussions throughout the fleet....Cool! <EG>
The mission clock has been reset and as you will have probably noticed
the SD time does not correspond to the MD time. That really hasn't come
up before but did as I started my log. So as you can see I went with the
MD time. Which of course makes sense and now I am wondering why I even
bothered to point this out. (Time for more coffee)
B.J: Couldn't really procede without explaining Fobok's status. I left
it vague so you could continue with whatever you had planned. Don't
worry about Zane's desire for Fobok's early return to duty. Just keeping
in character. Take as much time as you need to develop your thread.
<pre style="background-color: #303030; color: #ccc7e1;">
==== LT.Tarsa Rogers                CEO                    USS TESLA ====
==== CMDR. Zane                  COMMANDING              USS FEYNMAN ====
==== LT.CMDR Nigel Brock        ALB INSTRUCTOR            HOLODECK 18 ====
==== Andy Catterick                          St. Catharines, Ontario ====
====                              Canada ====
