
USS Feynman FEB 1996: Difference between revisions

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<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN:  Fobok's Concerns!</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
B.J. Baye 2-9-1996</h4>
Stardate: 80209.1418<br>
Scene: Holodeck, just as meeting ended.<br>
>The staff meeting was breaking up. Krysa had felt some very odd vibes from Lt.(j.g.) Fobok through the entire thing. Mostly it was from his Mind Block. She had gotten used to reading Mind Blocks. Vulcans almost always had one up when they knew a Betazoid was around. It was an easy thing for them to do and didn't take much thought or effort.
>Except that Fobok really seemed to be concentrating had on his. She had never noticed the strain in him before. Why was it there now?
>"Congratulations, Lt. Fobok." She called out to him. He reluctantly stopped, not to offend her.
>"Thank you, Sir."
>"Look, I know it isn't my position any longer, but I would like to sit down and chat with you for a while in the CNS office, if possible. You seem distracted this morning."
> "I appreciate your concern, sir, but that won't be necessary." With that the Vulcan turned and
> hurried out, before Jenn could say anything else.
Fobok finally accepted what was happening to him as he left the holodeck.
It had to be Pon farr, no matter how late it was. It was the only
explanation for what he was feeling. But what could he do about it? He
forgot totally that he was supposed to be on duty, and went to his quarters.
Scene: Fobok's Quarters<br>
Fobok walked in and looked around. No Matt. Good, he thought to himself,
he didn't want Matt to see him like this. What, though, would he do when
Matt got off school?
"Computer, lock door, no admittance to anybody without my clearance or that
of a command ranking officer."
<<Door locked.>>
Fobok started to lay down on his bed, his communicator beeped. He tapped
it, "Fobok here."
[[Lieutenant, why aren't you on the bridge?]] asked what sounded like a bit
upset Zane.
"Commander, I must report that I am unfit for duty, sir."
Before Zane could reply, he took off his communicator, and crushed it
angrily in his hand. He then threw the remains of the communicator off the
side of the bed, and layed back, trying to clear his mind.
Scene: Corridor, deck 5<br>
Matt walked down the corridor toward the quarters he shared with his dad.
He could hardly wait to show his dad what he made in class. He walked up to
the door and hit the access button.
The door made an odd sounding buzz, and wouldn't open. He tried again, with
the same result. Now frustrated, Matt knocked on the door. Then, when he
got no answer, said, "Computer, where's my dad?"
<<Lt. (j.g.) Fobok is no longer on board the Feynman>>
NRPG: I assume that the computer still locates using the communicator pins..
Tears started forming in Matt's eyes. How could his dad leave him? He then
ran off toward sick-bay. Maybe Nurse Tamy could help.
Scene: Sickbay<br>
Matt ran in and looked around, the tears which were just forming before now
running down his face. He immediatly saw Nurse Tamy and ran over to her.
She looked down to him, saw the tears and said, concerned, "What's wrong?"
Matt answered, "Dad'd left..the ship and..I can't get into..our
quarters...he didn't tell me..he was going anywhere.."
NRPG:'s my latest post..:)..I put it after the briefing, in case
there's anything left to do at it..;)..
>BJ: Hope it was okay for Jenn to notice it. But I figured with being a
>Betazoid Counselor, she would get a feel for these things<g>
Kristen: No prob..;)..and I expected Jenn to. BTW, Fobok is half vulcan
too..:)..only he probably had more training in the Vulcan abilities then
Jerren, since he didn't switch to the human ways until shortly after his
father died.
B.J. Baye<br>
aka Lt. (j.g.) Fobok<br>
USS Feynman<br>
