
USS Feynman FEB 1996: Difference between revisions

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Kristen:FYI, the AOPS right now is WO Ein(Bolian, male). He took the BETA
Kristen:FYI, the AOPS right now is WO Ein(Bolian, male). He took the BETA
shift before. But, you can get rid of him now. I'll tell you more later.
shift before. But, you can get rid of him now. I'll tell you more later.
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Jenn's Concerns</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 2-9-1996</h4>
Stardate: 80209.0436<br>
Scene: Staff Meeting on the Holodeck<br>
The staff meeting was breaking up. Krysa had felt some very odd vibes
from Lt.(j.g.) Fobok through the entire thing. Mostly it was from his
Mind Block. She had gotten used to reading Mind Blocks. Vulcans almost
always had one up when they knew a Betazoid was around. It was an easy
thing for them to do and didn’t take much thought or effort.
Except that Fobok really seemed to be concentrating had on his. She had
never noticed the strain in him before. Why was it there now?
“Congratulations, Lt. Fobok.” She called out to him. He reluctantly
stopped, not to offend her.
“Thank you, Sir.”
“Look, I know it isn’t my position any longer, but I would like to sit
down and chat with you for a while in the CNS office, if possible. You
seem distracted this morning.”
“I appreciate your concern, sir, but that won’t be necessary.” With that
the Vulcan turned and hurried out, before Jenn could say anything else.
Terri, who was watching from behind, chuckled. “Do you always scare away
potential patients that way?”
Krysa turned her concerned gaze upon him, “Speaking of which, Mr.
“Oops, I think I’m on duty... catch you later” He also headed out
This time it was Commander Zane who was chuckling. “Having difficulties,
“You’d think I had the plague or something.” Krysa smiled. “Maybe it’s a
Vulcan thing.” Zane hadn’t got up from the table yet, so Krysa took a
seat next to him again. Lt. Commander Maril was also still there, so she
asked him to join them.
“I am concerned about Fobok, seriously. Did you notice how distracted he
was. I can tell you he was struggling to keep him mind block up.”
They looked at her questioningly. “All Vulcan use mind blocks
consistently. It usually isn’t something that even takes them hardly a
thought. Jarren’s takes somewhat more thought then Fobok’s usually,
because he’s only half Vulcan. Though since coming on board, I’ve
noticed he’s gotten better at hiding them from me.” Krysa sighed, “I’ve
gotten quite a feel for these mind blocks being a Betazoid Counselor...
and I can tell you there is something really bothering Fobok.”
Lt. Krysa Jenn<br>
NRPG: Andy, I didn’t mean to cut your meeting short, feel free to finish
it, I just wanted to get this idea out before I forgot to do it.
BJ: Hope it was okay for Jenn to notice it. But I figured with being a
Betazoid Counselor, she would get a feel for these things<g>
Joe: I’ll be after you.... so watch out!!
