
USS Feynman FEB 1996: Difference between revisions

From StarFleet Bureau of Information
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<<<ALL: Feel free to post your arrival and please add a little colour
<<<ALL: Feel free to post your arrival and please add a little colour
and scen
and scen
Scene:Main Briefing, Castle library<br>
Timeframe:  After all are present.<br>
"I'd like to be underway in 2 hours so I suggest we get right too
it.  As you have seen from the mission overview that was forwarded to all
of you we have been given a mission which is just as mysterious as our
last.  I hope it will remain an exploration mission but being so close to
the Kzinti border, a possible treaty or not, I am concerned.  If attack
we will most likely be severely outgunned.  However,  they've never gone
up agianst the FEYNMAN...."
Zane was interrupted by the pounding of the door.  The room grew
silent as the assembled officers looked at each other in surprise.  All
the senior staff were accounted for so who could be at the door?  The
answer arrived several seconds later.
A large man dressed in black rushed into the room.  He was soaked
from head to foot, his long hair caked against his face.  He gave a
polite nod to the group and turned to face the buffet.  Picking up a loaf
of bread he shoved as much as he could of it into his mouth and
turned his head quickly to rip the portion off.  Chewing
furiously he reached for a carafe of wine and greedily drank it in to
help wash down the bread.  Satisfied he turned to face the  bewildered
He pulled a scroll from his leather pouch, unraveled it and began
to read...
"Hear one.  Hear all.  By order of his esteemed magnificence,
emperor of all the holodeck, commander of too much time... and by the
agreement of his is an honour and privilege to announce that
you Ensign Fobok and you Ensign Jerran Terrel, in recognition of your
devotion to duty, your professionalism and your selflessness are
promoted to the much distinguished rank of Lieutenant junior grade with
all the rights and privileges that go with it."
Returning the scroll to his pouch the messenger pulled two small
black boxes from his inside pocket and placed them, Fleet Insignia up,
in front of the two newly promoted officers.  With a dramatic bow to both
he turned, bowed to the group, grabbed his hat from where he had thrown
it on the buffet and raced from the room, on his way to the next
"Congratulations gentlemen, well deserved."  Zane paused to let
the group settle down from the excitement.  "Now that the festivities are
over lets get down to business.  He turned to hear the officer's report.
Okay I know the speech was corny but hey, it was off the top of my head.
Feel free to have a conclusion post to the party.  I'm interested to see
how our Romeo's are making out. :D
Post yourself arriving to the meeting and then a rundown of your
department's status as well as any questions or observations you have
over the mission info presented by Admiral Nicholas to Zane.  If any of you
don't have a copy of that post let me know and I'll forward one.
Since we'll be in the area we may run into a few stray cats<G>.  A good
description of the Kzinti race is on the web-page.  Having said that I
want you to know I am not pushing for any contact with them, we play as
we go...but since we are in home space and they are our unfriendly
neighbours  you may want to read up on them.  And as my character, Nigel
Brock, who fought in the last attack can attest to they are quite ruthless....
Andrew:  If you do get time feel free to post Paxwax at the party.  I
wanted to make sure you had a chance but I also wanted to get the ball
Joseph:  Miranda Class!??!  They are so ungainly they make a Klingon Bird
of Prey look good (Well, almost!)  😄
respectfully submitted,
CMDR. Zane
<pre style="background-color: #303030; color: #ccc7e1;">
==== LT.Tarsa Rogers                CEO                    USS TESLA ====
==== CMDR. Zane                  COMMANDING              USS FEYNMAN ====
==== LT.CMDR Nigel Brock        ALB INSTRUCTOR            HOLODECK 18 ====
==== Andy Catterick                          St. Catharines, Ontario ====
====                              Canada ====
