
USS Feynman FEB 1996: Difference between revisions

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<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Holodeck Briefing</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 2-7-1996</h4>
"Begin program."<br>
The familiar black and yellow grid of the holodeck wavered for a
few seconds and then was replaced with the imposing scene of a dark,
ancient castle. Zane stood at the edge of the lowered draw bridge and
slowly examined the detail. At the end of the drawbridge the entry way
was surrounded by a black iron gate with only a small entry way allowing
passage within. Flanking the main door were to giant statues of some
type of predatory bird. Their eyes glowed red and stared at him intently
as he slowly crossed into the courtyard of the building. Lightening
flashed off in the distance and the thunder rolled across the hills.
Although he had programmed the climate control to remain at a
comfortable temperature he felt a shiver go through his body.
Watching the shadows from the flickering torches dance across the
castle wall he turned slowly until he found the main doorway. He crossed
the courtyard a quickly now. It felt like rain. The pounding of
his forearm against the thick oak door reverberated through the quickly
arriving night. He felt a little foolish knocking on an illusionary
castle that he himself had created but before he could open the door it was
done so for him.
"Good evening sir. We have been expecting you."
Zane looked down at the withered old man who held the door in one
hand and a makeshift wooden cane in the other. Zane walked in and carefully
surveyed his surroundings. He was at a junction of three hallways. To his
left, was a long corridor full of paintings and statutes and other
assorted art works. It had no internal lighting, anything that could be
seen was only clear when it was illuminated by a flash of lightening
through the large windows. To his right was another long corridor. It
had no windows and was illuminated by small candles in brass holders at
shoulder length. There was a door at the end. In front there was a
large staircase that seemed to be cut from solid rock rising several
stories to a small landing that branched off into several direction. Beside
the stairway was the entrance way to what appeared to be a rather large
room. Zane saw that the large hearth fire was already lit.
The old man had already started hobbling his way to this room
pausing only to look over his shoulder. "This way sir."
Zane followed him in and found what appeared to be the castle's
library. In the middle of the room was a large table with eight oversized
wooden chairs around it. The backs of these chairs had been carved into
a variety of scenes, most of them grotesque. On the north wall was a
small buffet. That had not been part of his program. Bat must have had
his hand in this.
Thud! Thud! Thud!
He almost jumped through his skin as an eerie pounding echoed
through the castle. The old man turned and dragged himself back to the
door. "More guests to attend to."
<<<ALL: Feel free to post your arrival and please add a little colour
and scen
