
USS Feynman FEB 1996: Difference between revisions

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<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Ten-Forward</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Max Felsher 2-6-1996</h4>
SD 80207.0200<br>
Lt. Commander Maril looked around as he waited in line for a few moments.
There was not a non-dress uniform to be seen. As he walked forward, he came up
to Paxwax.
"Well, Paul, congratulations on your promotion. Hopefully, Jebel will meet
Castir again. I wish you well," the Tamarian said, tears starting to form.
"Goodbye, Onta. I'll see you again. Don't you worry."
As the next person came forward, Maril was almost pushed away. He then
strode over to the new Captain, Commander Zane.
"Well, Zane, it's only two of us now."
"Yeah, only two. Someday, none of the original staff will be here."
"Well, hopefully we'll be Admirals by then," Maril said as he drank the new
drink at the bar. "This isn't synthahol."
"No, it isn't. I think Bat went and got some not-so-legal drinks for the
party." Maril went down a different path, "So, who else will be-"
[Ops to Commander Maril. We have an incoming message for you.]
"Patch it through to my quarters, please. Maril out," he said over the
intercom. To Zane, he said, "Excuse me. I have to go. I'll be back, though."
As he walked into his quarters, he activated his desk panel. A Vulcan sat in
the middle of the picture.
"Hello, Commander. I am sorry to disturb you. I am Lieutenant Salik, a
Personnel Officer. I have two Tamarians here. I have been unable to make
contact with either of them, but it appears that they want you, Commander. I
reccomend you come here immediately. Salik out."
Maril hurried to change out of his dress uniform and get to the Epsilon
Personnel Area. Finally, he reached it.
He did actually see two Tamarians, a rare sight in this area. He recognized
them as Azelti(his father) and Nolin(his sister).
Maril was a bit annoyed. "Beved distracting the archer?" he said as he
picked them up.
"No, Redev of Iteks in Gebelian army," his stubborn father replied.
Nolin just smiled on, an exchange officer from what Azelti said.
As ther reached the Feynman, Maril said, "Be and camp in my tent until Kitak's
Overflow. Be and get new tents of Stetal then." Maril was just able to change back into his dress uniform before his family
members arrived.
The sun has met the sea,<br>
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,<br>
First Officer, USS Feynman,<br>
aka Max Felsher<br>
All:Well, Maril's not going to have much time. :) Anyone, feel free to ask why
his face is so red when he gets back to the party. :) OK, here's some info on
these 2 members of his family-Azelti Mar is in his early 50's(Earth years) and
is a stellar cartographer; Nolin Tuelchi is a cadet in the Tamarian Spacefleet.
She is about 19. Supposedly, she is an exchange officer. ;) I guess the
exchange directors decided to stick Maril with her *just* because he's her
brother and one of the few people who understand Tamarian. What a crazy idea.
