
USS Feynman FEB 1996: Difference between revisions

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<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN:  Party!</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
B.J. Baye 2-6-1996</h4>
SD: 80206.1941<br>
Scene: Fobok's quarters, before the party<br>
Fobok tucked his son into bed. It was thr first time that he had been able
to do that in what seemed like months. This was Matt's first day out of
sickbay since the accident, and they both had enjoyed the time together.
They had spent the entire time since he had been released together. Now,
though, it was time for Commander Paxwax's going-away party. He got changed
into his dress uniform, then realized he had no-one to stay with Matt.
He considered the options a few moments. He could leave Matt alone.
Definately not. He could always wake him up and bring him along. That was
out of the question as well. He didn't know anybody who wasn't going to the
party, either.
This was going to be difficult. He then remembered something. CPO Ying
owed him a favour.
He tapped his communicator, "Chief Ying, this is Fobok, report to my
quarters please.."
[On my way,] responded Ying.
A few minutes later, the door chime rang. "Come."
The door opened and Ying walked in. He was about 5'10" tall, with black
hair. "You wanted to see me, sir?"
"Yes, chief, actually it isn't an order, just an off-duty request. I'd like
you to take care of Matt while I'm at the party, please. I now it's a lot
to ask, for you to miss the party.."
"No trouble, sir, I'd be happy too," interrupted Ying.
Fobok smiles, "Thanks," and walked out. He was late for the party.
Scene: Ten-Forward<br>
Fobok walked into ten-forward and looked around. He immediately noticed the
group of people talking with the Commander. He finished looking around the
room, spotting Amy. She was alone. He started walking toward her. Before
he got there, he noticed his anger growing and stowed it away. He had no
use for anger right now. He stopped before he got to her, and as she turned
when she noticed him, he turned quickly and went over to the group, to say
farewell to Paxwax.
He waited a few moments to speak to Paxwax, and when he got up to Paxwax, he
said, "Farewell sir, I shall miss our chess games."
Paxwax smiled, "As will I, Ensign. Good luck."
Fobok smiled and noddedm "Thank you, sir, and to you." Then, raising his
left hand, did the vulcan salute. "Live long and prosper, sir."
Paxwax started to reply, but was distracted by another farewell. Fobok just
walked away then, and finally realizing that he had very few chess games
with the Commander, and had no idea why he said that.
He walked back over to Amy's table. Seeing she was still alone, he sat
down. "So, who was that I saw you with the other day?"
Amy just said, "Why?"
Fobok wasn't sure what to say. How could he say anything more about this
without saying how he felt? He wasn't ready for that yet. "Oh, just curious."
Amy smiled. Apparently, his blocks weren't working too well. She then
said, "It was just a friend. His father just died, I was trying to comfort
Fobok wasn't sure what to do as she touched his hand and found out what she
All: I taking after Joseph here, but had to continue this plot I
started before..:)..(and I started writing this post before I got his last
post anyway..:))..anyway..hope you enjoyed this..I enjoyed writing it..:)..I
also noted my sig file was here is how it should be I guess:
B.J. Baye<br>
aka Ensign Fobok<br>
