RT9704-P97.01.01 Submission
From StarFleet Bureau of Information
------------------------------------------------------------------ P97.01.01 Clayton Sears Withdrawn "Order of Succession to Acting Chair" ------------------------------------------------------------------ It has been noted that there may be a time when, due to procedural rules, both CINCSF and the CSFO may be unable to chair the Round Table, for whatever reason. I move that the order of succession to the chair of the Round Table be modified to match the following: If CINCSF is unable to serve as the chair, order of succession will fall in the following order: 1. ASR CSFO. 2. Most senior seated Flag Council member, with seniority measured by length of continuous service on the Flag Council. 3. Repeat of #2 until list of seated Flag members is exhausted. 4. Most senior unit representative who sits as a CO, measured by length of continuous command of a Role Play unit. 5. Repeat of #4 until list of CO's is exhausted. Any player succeeding the Chair or an acting Chair must acknowledge receipt of the position within 24 hours of the previous Chair or acting Chair's announcement that succession is to occur, or the next appropriate representative will be designated as the new acting Chair. When the circumstances that led to the need for an acting Chair are alleviated, then the proper Chair shall resume his/her position immediately. Respectfully submitted, Clayton Sears Vice Admiral H. Travis Bryant CINCRED, SB KAPPA