RT0504- P05.01.03
From StarFleet Bureau of Information
P05.01.03 --------- Name: Amendment to Rules and Procedures for the ASR Round Table section 5.B.1 Author: Jeffrey Jenkins Summary: This proposal codifies the traditional numbering system for proposals for easy common reference. Rationale: The proposal name should give information about which RT considered and approved or rejected it. Text of the Proposal: The text of section 5.B.1 shall be changed to read: "1. Proposals (Main Motions) Proposals are items on the Agenda that have been submitted to the Secretary for consideration as business of the Round Table. They are presented to the Round Table by the Secretary in the order they were received, and treated as Old or New Business, as appropriate. A proposal is numbered in the format PYY.SS.NNV. The elements of this number scheme are defined as: P stands for proposal, YY is the last two digits of the year in which the RT occurs, SS is the session number in sequential order for the RT sessions that year beginning with 01, NN is the proposal number (01, 02, etc.), and V, as applicable, is a letter beginning at A for an amended version of a proposal. There is no version letter on a first draft of a proposal. So, the third procedure considered at the first RT of 2005 would be numbered P05.01.03. Were this procedure to be amended during the RT, the first amendment to the procedure would be P05.01.03A." For reference, section 3.C.2 currently reads: "1. Proposals (Main Motions) Proposals are items on the Agenda that have been submitted to the Secretary for consideration as business of the Round Table. They are presented to the Round Table by the Secretary in the order they were received, and treated as Old or New Business, as appropriate." Respectfully, Jeffrey Jenkins CINCGOLD