RT0504- P05.01.01a
From StarFleet Bureau of Information
P05.01.01A ---------- Name: Amendment to Rules and Procedures for the ASR Round Table section 3.A.1 Author: Jeffrey Jenkins Summary: This section governs who holds the chair of the RT. Rationale: Obviously there has been some question at this RT as to who should hold the chair after the election of a new CINCSF. It seems to make good sense that the chair remain in place for an entire RT session rather than changing in accordance with tradition. Text of Proposal: The text of section 3.A.1 shall be changed to read: 1. Chair The Chair of the ASR Round Table shall be held by the chief officer of ASR, the player of the Commander-In-Chief, Star Fleet, or the person acting in that capacity. The duties of the Chair as such shall consist of presiding over the ASR Round Table while in session and shall not transfer to a newly elected Commander-In-Chief, Star Fleet until adjournment of the ASR Round Table session. For issues the Chair cannot preside over him- or herself, the office can be passed on. In that case, it should be taken on by the (Acting) CSFO, or, if that player is not available, by a member of the Flag Council of the Chair's choosing. Once the issue has been resolved, the Chair goes back to the CINCSF.