OSFI Sheliak Sector Situational Report
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The Sheliak Corporate is the political entity controlled by the isolationist Sheliak (classification: R3). Their traditional territory, including territory ceded to them by the Treaty of Armens in 2255, is well within Federation borders. Until recently, the Sheliak have had exactly two contacts with the Federation since the signing of the Treaty of Armens. Now they seem to be expanding their territory outside of Federation space by creating a 'straight' of territory between their holdings within Federation territory to more substantive holdings outside of Federation Space. Unfortunately, the sectors through which their connecting phalanx of territory cuts is across several major trade routes -- and is in the heart of the Federation, well within Green Fleet's traditional patrol area, although those patrol duties have traditionally be relegated to Interior Patrol and the Federation Marshall Service.

Because of growing tensions in the area between the Sheliak, colonists and trading interests, the Corporate has requested Federation intervention per the Treaty of Armens. The list of grievances they wish addressed are as follows.
The removal of trading colonies (underground and under environmental domes) on H-class worlds, some of which have been ceded to the Corporate, some of which have not.
The cessation of what the Sheliak claim is piratical activity and trespassing by merchant vessels, including the Tizarin. The Sheliak have already responded with violence to such acts and the various groups attacked are responding in kind.
The possible opening of discussion which could lead to a re-negotiation of the Treaty of Armens, ceding more territory and resources to the Sheliak.
A temporary evacuation and withdrawal of Federation presence (excepting the Star Fleet task force sent to address their concerns) and colonies in a range of 500 parsecs from the Sheliak border (including along the border of the phalanx of territory, now being called the "Straights of Shelia") as a 'neutral zone' until such negotiations can commence.
This space is dotted with trade outposts, space stations, way-stations, fueling depots and other infrastructure of interstellar trade in the heart of the Federation, much of which the Sheliak are claiming violates their sovereignty.
- Merchant Conflicts - "Trade Wars"
The merchant colonies, supported by both large interests and smaller consortiums (some of which OSFI and SECIS suspect may be smuggling rings associated with both the Red Circle and the Orion Syndicate) have had run-ins with Sheliak patrol, colonization and terra-forming vessels that have resulted in casualties on both sides.
The Tizarin are citing neutrality, claiming they have no official position -- however, they have insisted a representative of the Tizarin be allowed to accompany the Star Fleet task force in the form of one of their House flagships.
Various civillian concerns, both large and small, have banded together to create a 'Trade Union' of sorts that will also be sending a representative with the Federation task force.
The third major trading interest in the area are the Ferengi, whom have several dozen ships-of-the-line (heavy cruiser or better) present at any given time. They are traditionally hostile with the Tizarin, and are in open competition with all economic interests, including the illegal enterprises.
- The Colonies
Dozens of Federation colonies -- many of which are thriving and productive worlds that have spawned colonies of their own and have substantial infrastructure -- border the Sheliak territory and the Straights of Shelia. Some of those colonies claim Federation Membership, but many do not, preferring the economic independence granted by the heavy commerce of the area, creating points of sporadic neutrality throughout the sector. However, each of these neutral worlds does have extradition, mutual defense pacts, and free-trade agreements with the Federation.
Other colonies have chosen differing governmental structures (such as Alda IV) and are not eligible for Federation membership. Some of these are under Federation sanction and trade heavily with both the Klingons and the Romulans.
The Tizarin have extensive trading interests in this sector, as it is a jumping off point for many of the more influential Federation worlds, as well as granting access to Romulan and Klingon space, the neutral worlds around the Sheliak border, and some suspect, even the Sheliak themselves. However, due to the strict Tizarin code of honor, Star Fleet is nearly positive there is no official or wide-spread contact between the Tizarin Houses and any criminal organization such as the Red Circle or the Orion Syndicate.
- Star Fleet Interests
Star Fleet wants to establish a more permanent base of operations in the area, as well as finding a way to regulate trade. But first and foremost is the prevention of war between the Federation and the Corporate, the protection of the colonies in the area (Federation and not). Accompanying the starship(s) assigned to this area will be Vulcan Ambassador Sohte, who has twice assisted in negotiation with the Sheliak. The Federation Marshall in the area will make contact with the task force upon their arrival, as will a Tizarin representative.
This brief was compiled by Alan Rogers.