New Damascus

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Official UFPDOCA Colony Entry: New Damascus

  • Colony Name: New Damascus (Tenstrom V)
  • Creator: Trevin Sandlin


  • System/Location: Tenstrom-system, Federation space
  • Distance to Nearest Starbase: 5 days from Starbase 32
  • Planet Classification: M-Class
  • Satellites/Space Stations: No orbital stations. One moon, lifeless, which maintains a small SFMC base.
  • Land/Water Ratio: 40% land/60% water
  • Climate Controlled: No
  • Native Sentient Life: None


  • Colony Age (approximate): 200 years old
  • Population (approximate): 10,000,000
  • Species Present: 99% Human, 1% Others
  • Colony Status: Federation Protectorate
  • Government: Planetary Assembly, elected according to a proportional representation system. Planetary Assembly deals mostly with civic matters (streets, transportation, etc.).
  • Major Cities/Settlements: Riparian


Founded around 2209 (exact year is unknown) by a number of farmers from Earth who had fled what they felt was an overcrowded Earth. Most of them were from the Arabian area, Turks, Syrians, etc, but also a number of non-'Eastern' cultures. Planet has since developed a light industrial base as well.


Based on Federation Credit. Tied to Federation economy. Supported largely through agriculture and light industrial output.

Tech Level



Two distinct cultures have developed over time: the 'Eastern' culture of the original colonists, and the 'Federation' culture that developed afterwards, with the arrival of new colonists during later decades. The two cultures are intermixed, with the 'Eastern' culture mostly a private culture which takes place behind closed doors, within families.