E'Larn House of Kilrah

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NAME: E'Larn Daughter of House Kilrah
SPECIES: Klingon/Betazoid
GENDER: Female
AGE: 44
WEIGHT: 195 lbs

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Black Hair Hazel Brown. Eyes

Several scars from battles fought during several incursions. Klingon ridges slightly softer and her skin color is lighter than normal. Has the House Kilrah symbol tattooed on her left shoulder.

FAMILY: Lo'Keth House Kilrah. Father
        Lokie Daughter House Kilrah. Mother
        Various relatives on Qu'onoS and on Betazed.

She is a shrewd and cunning individual. She strives to prove that she is a traditional and honorable Klingon. Always believes in doing the traditional rituals and proving she is a warrior. This is the main reason why she took the classes in security and learned all he could about tactical scenarios before she went to the academy.

E'Larn's strengths are not to be overshadowed by her temper and her tendencies towards the traditions of being Klingon. Her loyalty to her ship and its crew is without question. She would give her life to save the crew and ship. She is sharp and crafty but there are times when it can backfire in her face. Her temper is quick but she is slowly learning to control it. Her tactical prowess is superb and has an 85% win streak.

Wants to be the best at what she does. She wants to outdo her father in the security field and her mother in the tactical strategy field.

Holodeck battle themes, traditional fighting exercises, tracking various species in their natural habitat. Loves to study ancient reading of mystery novels. Enjoys listening to earth music.

E'Larn was born on New Centaur not long after her parents fled because of persecution by the council of the twelve on Jalok 5. Half breeds were prohibited to be born on the planet and E'Larn would have been killed and her parents imprisoned for life. On Jalok 5, it was forbidden for other races to marry out of the same species. Her parents went against the council and secretly got married and not soon after they were married, the council found out and they fled.

Her schooling on New Centaur  was somewhat difficult but not that hard. She went through schooling easily enough and got the best grades in each of her classes, but, conquering the teasing made it difficult. They would make fun of her ridges and the color of her skin and it made her madder than hell. She got into several fights because of her temper so his parents sent her to a special school that taught her how to try and control her anger. At the same time she took classes in security training, where it taught the basics of security on ships and stations. E'Larn threw herself into this headlong to forget the teasing by the kids at the old school. Here she excelled in this area and found her calling. She took secondary courses in tactical scenarios. With her mothers help, she breezed through these courses and passed both in the top 10% of each class. She asked permission to go to Starfleet Academy and her parents agreed.

Life in the Academy was a struggle at first. Being part Betazoid, she had to cope with the emotional strain which goes with all betazoids, however in his case it was only the strong empathic part she had problems with. She finally learned to cope with that from tutoring by a friend of her's in the tactical class. She now could go through her courses in hand to hand combat, tactical maneuvers, and tactical plots. She also took her security classes where her telepathic ability, though somewhat diminished, she could sense the presence of good or evil from the person or persons she looked into. She graduated from the Academy in the top 10% of her class and was immediately assigned to Chief of Security officer on the USS Ticonderoga as a Lt. Jg.

She served 11 years there and rose to Lt. Cmdr. by the time the ship was decommissioned. She then transferred to the USS Arizona and served 11 years with her until her destruction in 2394. She now awaits for her next assignment to the USS Saigon as Security Chief. The assignment was redirected to the Yorktown as her Tactical Officer.

Assigned USS Ticonderoga as her Chief Security/Tactical officer 11 years.

Reassigned to USS Arizona as her Chief Security Officer where she served another 11 years till her destruction in 2394.

Awaiting assignment to USS Saigon as Security Chief.

Redirected to USS Yorktown as Tactical Officer

More than 15 years in ACTD past

Pegasus Fleet current

16th fleet current

22nd fleet current

My own ship USS Blackeagle current

IDF current

** Note: some dates pending to be adjusted... O-4 rank in revision... **