Deanna Houston

From StarFleet Bureau of Information

Name....Deanna Alana Houston

Place of Birth....St. Landry Parish-Louisiana


Age: 32

Parents....Daniel Alan Houston(Recently deceased)

Dianna Anderson Houston

Siblings....Dana Alan Houston(Twin brother...he's younger by 3 minutes)


School...Attended St. Landry Parish High School(Graduated at 16)

Louisiana State University(2 years)

Star Fleet Academy(Graduated top 10 % of her class)

Service....USS Andromeda(Cadet)

SB Epsilon.. Security(Ensign)

SB Odyssey(Andor).... Security Lt.jg

USS CARDOM.... Special Liaison between the Convoy Units and Starfleet...Lieutenant

SB Saikai.....Aide for Admiral Jenna Harris..Lieutenant

Promoted to Lieutenant Commander...assigned to the USS ENDEAVOUR...Chief of Security

Likes: Working out, martial arts. When she is home in Louisiana she loves being out of doors. She worked at an alligator farm during her summers off from school.

Dislikes: Paperwork.

Physical Health: Lt. Houston is in great physical shape. She works out daily. When she is home in Louisiana she spends a lot of time outdoors. She still does volunteer work at the alligator farm.

Mental Health: Always cheerful. Although she was just dealt a severe mental blow when her father was found stabbed to death in his office at his freight company.