Blue Fleet TS24

From StarFleet Bureau of Information

Task Force 20 - Battle Force

The battle force comprises the core of the battleships and battlecruiser forces and their screening elements. This represents the heart of the fighting strength of the fleet. Task Group Bellatrix usually does not deploy long distances from their home system. Task Group Herod is far smaller than the normal defense for such a key system. However, trety restrictions with the Romulan Star Empire have resulted in relatively small mobile units being the only ones permanently deployed to the system. The system has significant static defenses, particularly around the wormhole.

Each battlecruiser of TF20's Battlecruiser Squadron 21 is assigned a screening element which, in practice, often operates independently of the battlecruiser. These screening elements engage in regular exercises with their tactical squadron leader so as to help in coordination in the case of emergencies.

Battlecruiser Squadron 21

Tactical Squadron 24

  • USS EXCALIBUR, NCC-1844-B (BASTION-class command battlecruiser)

    • 2 Destroyers
      • USS XXXXX Tsyklon-class Surveyor Mark I
      • USS XXXXX Tsyklon-class Surveyor Mark II

    • 2 Light Cruisers
      • USS XXXXX Hiryu-class Multi-mission Cruiser
      • USS XXXXX Katana-class Anti-Piracy Patrol Cruiser