Aldoar Taren ch'Idrani

From StarFleet Bureau of Information

PLAYER:  Alan L. Martin
STATUS:  Multiple Character

FULL NAME:              Aldoar Taren ch'Idrani
SURNAME:                Taren
GIVEN NAME:             Aldoar
CURRENT RANK:           Lieutenant Commander (O-4)
CURRENT BILLET:         Professor of Ground Tactics - Star Fleet Academy (Changed soon)
GENDER/SEX:             chen (Male)
AGE:                    37
DOB:                    SD 23830704.1154
POB:                    Andoria
PARENTS:                <4 parents, names to follow>
SIBLINGS:               <3 siblings, names to follow>
SPOUSE:                 <3 siblings, names to follow>
CHILDREN:               <4 children, names to follow>

HEIGHT:                 1.778
WEIGHT:                 79.38 kg
HAIR:                   White
EYES:                   Light Blue

SKIN TONE:              Blue
BLODD TYPE:             Andorian B-
VISION:                 20/20
RELIGION:               Andorian Pantheon
CITIZENSHIP:            Federation, Andoria
LANGUAGES:              Andorian


A. Academic Institutions Attended:
   -- Andoria High School
   -- Star Fleet Academy - San Francisco
         (Bachelor's Degree)
   -- University of Bajor
         (Master's Degree)

B. Service Schools Attended:
   -- Star Fleet Space Warfare Officers School

C. Qualifications: 
   -- Planetary Defense Tactics

D. Star Fleet Academy Record:
Honors:			Cum Laude
Academic Major:		History
Professional Major:	Planetary Warfare
Class Rank:		Top 20%
Reprimands:		None  
Commendations:		None
Athletics:		Handball     
Activities:		Martial Arts 


A. Chronology (tabular form):

0-18:     	Attended Public School system on Andoria
18:       	Accepted into Star Fleet Academy
18-22:    	Attended Star Fleet Academy
23-Present:	Active duty in Star Fleet

B. Background Summary:

Aldoar grew up a fairly normal life on Andoria.  He was in a small family
(8 members).

After entering Starfleet, he specialized in Ground Tactics and Planetary
Defenses.  In 2410, he was assigned to Davlos III.  About a year later,
during the outbreak of the Second Klingon War.  It was during this time
that he proved himself a good strategist.

C. Personality Summary:

Aldoar is a very quiet person, preferring to speak softly.  Though he's
hard to anger, you don't want to get him angry.  He's a little on the
brask side, and is still learning patience.


A. Promotion History:
Star Date (24)050501: Commissioned as Ensign (O-1)
Star Date (24)061114: Promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade (O-2)
Star Date (24)090529: Promoted to Lieutenant (O-3)
Star Date (24)150529: Promoted to Lieutenant Commander (O-4)

B. Service History:
Star Date (24)010801: Entered Star Fleet Academy
Star Date (24)050501: Graduated from Star Fleet Academy; commissioned as
                           Ensign (O-1)
     Academic Major:  History
     Professional Major:  Plantary Defense
Star Date (24)050701: Assigned to Fort Bajor as Plantoon Lieutenant	
Star Date (24)061114: Promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade (O-2)
Star Date (24)080830: Promoted to Company XO
Star Date (24)090529: Promoted to Lieutenant (O-3)
Star Date (24)090829: Promoted to Company Commander
Star Date (24)100629: Assigned to Davlos III
Star Date (24)150529: Promoted to Lieutenant Commander (O-4)
Star Date (24)170501: Assigned to Star Fleet Academy - San Francisco.

(Note:  Ships recorded at classification at the time officer was assigned, 
not their current re-classification.)

C.  Medals and Commendations
-- Silver Star

V. Skills Profile

Aldoar specializes in close, hand-to-hand combat, skills he's been
developing his entire life.

He's also proved himself an expert tactician.  During the invasion of
Davlos III, his forces forced superior forces, but still held off the the
Klingons for 3 days, until reenforcements arrived, and were able to secure
the space.

VI. Recent Fitness Reports

VIII. Current Recreational Interests

Aldoar, always looking to improve himself, spends a lot of time in the
holodeck, practicing his Andorian martial arts, or Chaka fighting.  Other
than that, he's enjoys also the finer side of life.  He especially enjoys
painting, though he'd never be good enough to get into the Andorian

IX. Miscelleneous Information

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