ASR Honors List- October 1997 Round Table
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Outstanding Player Awards
- James Bowman (USS CONSTELLATION, USS SUFFOLK, USS VICTORY, USS CHESAPEAKE and USS ALEXANDER NEVSKY) has received multiple nominations for his excellent role play, his enthusiasm for the organization (both in shipboard and administrative roles), his sportmanship, and his cooperative writing style.
- Gabrielle Bubis (USS AURORA, USS NOVA, and DS230) deserves recognition for her outstanding writing, excellent development of departmental NPCs, and leadership as a rank and file player. A relative newcomer, Ms. Bubis has received early command selection for OPS on DS230 (SB ALIGHIERI).
- Kristen Gant (USS FEYNMAN, USS VICTORY) has received multiple nominations for her outstanding commitment to both writing and administrative work in ASR. Although she has taken on two administrative billets, Ms. Gant's shipboard contributions remain exceptional and set an example to others for cooperative, enthusiastic play.
- Mary Ann Harrison (CEO, USS NEBULA) is recognized for exemplary new player honors for her work on the USS Nebula. Ms. Harrison has greatly assisted the command crew in rebuilding the unit through valued role play and non-role play contributions. Her excellent writing and sense of humor serve as an example to others.
- Harry Iha (USS VICTORY, USS RESOLUTION) is to be commended for his superior role play. Mr. Iha's writing skills and knack for characterization offer an example to all for mature, well-executed character conflict and garners him the distinction of outstanding returning player.
- Joe Taylor (USS LEVIATHAN) is recognized for long-standing contributions as a writer, character, and stabilizing force aboard both the USS Farragut and currently the USS Leviathan. Mr. Taylor has set a game standard for the depiction of a shipboard marine commanding officer.
- Tim Tyson (USS CONSTELLATION, USS PROMETHEUS, USS TRAFALGAR) is recognized for his outstanding ongoing contributions as a writer and player. His leadership in plot development, compelling characterization, and cooperative gaming continue to serve as an example to others.
Outstanding Command Player Awards
Blue Fleet
- Matt Nicholls (CO, USS AURORA) for excellent service as a new command player. Formerly XO of the USS Aurora, Mr. Nicholls has recently assumed command of this unit and continues the success enjoyed during the maiden voyage.
- Masako Goto (XO, USS NEBULA) for excellent service as a new command player of an existing unit. Ms. Goto has been instrumental in rebuilding posting levels and shaping the USS Nebula into one of the most active units in Blue.
- Michael Groner (CO, USS HERAKLES) for outstanding service as a new commanding officer of an existing unit. A veteran command player, Mr. Groner was able to reshape the USS Herakles into an active, successful, and vibrant unit. He is also commended for his work in Indigo launching the Dante Expeditionary Force.
Green Fleet
- Takako Nagumo (CO, USS CHESAPEAKE) for extraordinary service first as an executive officer and later as a commanding officer of the USS Chesapeake. Her work with guest players and leadership of the crew is especially noteworthy and laudable.
- Brian Suskind (XO, USS NELSON; XO, USS CHARLEMAGNE) has received multiple nominations for outstanding veteran executive officer. His leadership skills and active role in mission development for both of his units garners him this distinction.
Indigo Fleet
- David Muir (CO, SB ALIGHIERI) for his efforts in making the unique concept of SB ALIGHIERI successful and active as a new launch. Mr. Muir and Mr. Groner have between them been instrumental in developing the Indigo Fleet campaign fabric.
- Jeff Trock (CO, USS PROMETHEUS) for his outstanding efforts as a veteran commanding officer. His command remains one of the most active, cooperative, and successful rping units in ASR.
- Alton Reich (XO, USS PROMETHEUS) for his excellent accomplishments as a veteran executive officer of an established unit and for his service in leading the ship during the CO's absence in early summer.
Red Fleet
- Ken Cox (CO, USS ASCLEPIUS) for his leadership in the successful launch of a new vessel and for his service on the USS ALLIANCE as a veteran executive officer.
- James Bowman (XO, USS SUFFOLK) for his excellent efforts as an executive officer of an existing unit. Mr. Bowman has provided a stabilizing force on the vessel for some time and provides an example to those who hold mulitple command roles.
Silver Fleet
- Andy Catterick (CO, USS FEYNMAN) for outstanding veteran commanding officer. Mr. Catterick's leadership of the USS Feynman has brought him this recognition two sessions running.
- Chris O'Conor (CO, USS CALLISTO) for most improved commanding officer of an existing unit. With the assistance of his task force commander, Mr. O'Conor was able to rebuild the USS CALLISTO from near closure to one of the most vital and energetic units in Silver.
Free Threads
- Mike Tripp (CO, USS SAM HOUSTON) for his exemplary service as a new free thread commanding officer. Mr. Tripp has built the USS Sam Houston into one of the most successful and active free threads ever launched in ASR.
Meritorious Administrative Commendations
- Jason Bostjancic (Silver webmaster) is to be commended for his excellence in design and construction of the Task Force Zinderneuf web page. He received multiple nominations for this honor.
- Andy Catterick (COMSILVERTFZ) has received multiple nominations for outstanding new task force commander. His outstanding leadership and commitment to the ships under his command stands as an example to all fleet command personnel.
- Christine Fontaine (ALBXO) and Masako Goto (Personnel Officer) are honored for their commitment to the development of new documentation for BUPERS (Bureau of Personnel). Ms. Goto is also recognized for outstanding ALB instruction.
- Trevin Sandlin (UFPDOCA) is recognized for his excellence in establishing a new branch. UPFDOCA has become the model for projects of its kind.
- Randy Severance (ANCREC) is recognized for his outstanding administrative contributions to the free threads. He has been instrumental in developing their documentation and in helping to redistribute the administrative load.
- Jeff Trock (COMINDIGOTFE, INDIGOXO) is recognized for his excellent service as a new task force commander. Additionally, he is to be commended for his invaluable assistance in the preparation of the enlisted ratings supplement.
- Seth Green (COMANC) is to be commended for his oustanding leadership of the free threads. Mr. Green received multiple nominations and is recognized for his Outstanding Contribution to ASR.
- Jeff Jenkins (CINCINDIGO) is honored for his excellent administration of an existing fleet. His level of dedication to Indigo Fleet and creative development of the Indigo campaign fabric continue to set an example for all fleet command personnel. He is also to be commended for his development of the enlisted ratings supplement. Outstanding Contribution to ASR.
- Andrea Schalk (CSFO) is honored for her extraordinary commitment to the office of Chief of Star Fleet Operations. Her leadership and excellent management of the day-to-day affairs of the organization should serve as a model to those in administrative roles. The ongoing success of BUPERS (Bureau of Personnel) in filling vacancies with appropriate players stands as an but one example of these efforts. Outstanding Contribution to ASR.
Winners of Star Fleet Outstanding Unit Citations
- USS LEVIATHAN (Blue Fleet)
- USS NELSON (Green Fleet)
- USS PROMETHEUS (Indigo Fleet)
- USS SUFFOLK (Red Fleet)
- USS FEYNMAN (Silver Fleet)
- USS SAM HOUSTON (Free Thread)
Most Improved ASR Unit Award
Honors to Retired Personnel
- Jari Makela (COMPA) is honored for his service as Commander, Public Affairs. He has set an example for conscientious, consistent, and cooperative administration of an existing branch. He will be missed in this role. Mr. Makela is also honored for his continuing contribution as CINCGREEN and ASR Webmaster. Outstanding Contribution to ASR.
Respectfully yours,
D'Maris Coffman, ADM W. Gordon Crowell Commander-in-Chief, Star Fleet (CINCSF) Star Fleet Command, SB ALPHA