2024 Security Dept USS Ranger

From StarFleet Bureau of Information

SECURITY DEPARTMENT for the old USS RANGER (* means the character is not on the new USS RANGER)

Lieutenant, junior grade (O-2) LTjg T'Ursl'a * Chief Security/Tactical Officer F Caitian PC
Ensign (O-1) ENS Jackson Mason 2nd Sec/Tac Officer M Human P-NPC
Chief Warrant Officer, 2nd Class (W-3) CW02 Jeri Garcia * Sec/Tac Chief Warrant Officer F Human (36 yrs old in 2436) P-NPC
Warrant Officer, 2st Class (W-1) Sprung * Warrant Officer 2nd Class (MACM) Master-at-Arms F Vulcan (33 yrs old in 2436) P-NPC
Warrant Officer, 2st Class (W-1) Mello Leica Warrant Officer 2nd Class F Bajoran P-NPC
Warrant Officer, 2st Class (W-1) John Ross Warrant Officer 2nd Class M Human (27 yrs old in 2436) P-NPC
Petty Officer, 3rd Class (E-4) Vladmir Savchenko Petty Officer E-4 M Human P-NPC
NCO (ENLISTED) C̶a̶m̶e̶r̶o̶n̶ ̶H̶a̶r̶d̶y̶ Security E-3 M Human NPC
NCO (ENLISTED) Arctelrico 'Rico' Socrates * Security E-3 M Human (26 yrs old in 2436) NPC
NCO (ENLISTED) Alderaan "Andy" Andres * Security E-3 M Bajoran NPC
NCO (ENLISTED) Hank Grimes * Security E-3 M Human (26 yrs old in 2436) NPC
NCO (ENLISTED) William "Bill" Brasky Security E-3 M Human NPC
NCO (ENLISTED) Tamar Reese Security E-3 M Human (26 yrs old in 2436) NPC
NCO (ENLISTED) Moira Fogarty * Security E-3 F Betazoid/Human (26 yrs old in 2436) NPC