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UFP Dept. of Colonial Affairs | UFP Educational, Scientific and Cultural Org.

Official UFPDOCA Colony Entry: Venus

  • Colony Name: Venus
  • Creator: Stefan Wiedner


  • System/Location: System Sol, 2nd planet of the system
  • Distance to Nearest Starbase: obsolete
  • Planet Classification: M-Class (originally C-Class before terraforming), 1.02g
  • Satellites/Space Stations: terraforming and communication satellites
  • Land/Water Ratio: 80% land, 20% water
  • Climate Controlled: Yes
  • Native Sentient Life: No


  • Colony Age (approximate): founded 2102
  • Population (approximate): 1.5 billion
  • Species Present: Human, Vulcan (6.5%)
  • Colony Status: UFP Protectorate
  • Government: Democracy
  • Major Cities/Settlements: Port Venus, New Vienna


The Venusian colony was founded immediately after Humans on earth had developed the warp-drive. From now on it was a simple thing to travel to the neighboring planet Venus. For the first few years scientific bases were founded on the planet to explore the planet as a whole including biosphere, climate and geophysical conditions The planetsphere was highly inhabitable due to the greenhouse effect and the poisonous atmosphere. Therefore terraforming started a few years later. Within a long term program Venus got terraformed. It had been slowly changed from a C-class to an M-class planet during 50 years.


The Venusian economy is similar to that on Earth itself but adapted to the goods available on Venus. Nobody is starving or without a home although amassing wealth is common only to a few inhabitants.

Tech Level



The crew who first landed on Venus was a mix of British and Spanish astronauts. Therefore mainly British and Spanish oriented culture is present. To stand out against the mainstream from Earth the Venusians have fallen back to sorts of atavistic mass-events like ancient ring-fights. Brave Venusians fight against beasts out of the Venusian jungle twice a year in a championship. There is a balance of killed Venusians and beasts because only ancient weapons are allowed. These fights are a certain source of economic income for the colony so these "games" won't be stopped by the government at all.


80% Roman Catholics, 15% Protestants, 5% others