Vagen III

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Official UFPDOCA Colony Entry: Vagen III

  • Colony Name: Vagen III
  • Creator: Chris Aubrey


  • System/Location: Vagen System. There are 12 planets in the Vagen System, with Vagen III being the only one classified as Class M. It is the 3rd planet from the system's sun.
  • Distance to Nearest Starbase: 20.1 LY from SB DELTA. This is approx. 2 weeks, 4 days, 6 hours and 45 minutes at Warp 6 from the Starbase.
  • Planet Classification: Class M
  • Planetary Description: A hot planet that does not hold a lot of vegetation. Most of the terrain is soft, dry soil with low growing trees and bushes popping up over the landscape. There are a few rolling hills, but nothing in the way of mountain ranges. There is only one ocean that runs from the north pole all the way down to 500 miles from the south pole. There is only one continent.
  • Satellites/Space Stations: None
  • Land/Water Ratio: 47%/53%
  • Climate Controlled: No
  • Native Sentient Life: Limited, mostly near the ocean region.


  • Colony Age (approximate): 320 Years
  • Population (approximate): 11,000
  • Species Present: Human
  • Colony Status: UFP Protectorate-abandoned 2395
  • Government: Under UFP direction
  • Major Cities/Settlements: One (New Vancouver)


Formed on a temporary basis by a group of scientists, who set out to study the nearby systems, the Vagen III colony grew beyond its creators expectations. Soon, people were arriving with the sole intention of colonizing the planet. With a warmer climate and very little rain, those living on the planet built their homes near the ocean which consists of fresh water rather than salt water. Once the land had been properly irrigated, little communities were created. The communities soon merged into one town called New Vancouver. This is also the only spaceport on the planet and where supplies are brought in. Life flourished here until 2395.

Although near the planet Vulcan and under the protection of the UFP, the colony became discovered by the Romulans as a possible military strike base if they ever were to engage in a war with the Vulcans and the Federation. When they began to land forces on the planet, the colonist protested. Before the Federation could step in, the Romulans had destroyed the colony and New Vancouver leaving only around 20 percent of the total population left alive. UFP forces did arrive shortly and took the survivors off the planet and pressured the Romulans to leave the planet peacefully. Now all that remains are sensor probes to warn the Federation of any other attempts by the Romulans to inhabit the planet.



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