USS Feynman DEC 1996: Difference between revisions

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Commander Tirrin Vorak - XO - USS BURKE<br>
Lieutenant Tarrant L. Koreth - CEO - USS FEYNMAN<br>
Potest esse nur unus<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN:We're Outta Here</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Jason Bostjancic 12-7-1996</h4>
SD: 81207<br>
MD: 7.1057<br>
<i>"Regardless," said J.C. "were still somewhere on the base, and only
three minutes to go. I can't tell if were far enough away from the power
source." said the CSO, checking his tricorder.</i>
The lighting here was dimmed. Power direction to the older
parts of the base seemed to be a lot less than was originally required.
Tarrant began scanning also. "Our tricorders are able to penetrate
these walls. Adjusting for maximum distance." The effects of the
Dimensional Transport were slow to wear off, and the partial
kilingon had to refocus his eyes a few times.
"Which probably means were closer to the edge of the base." said
J.C. He appeared to be having similar difficulties.
Meleah quickly added, "Or further within the base."
It was a thought none of them relished.
"Adjusting.. we have an estimated two minutes, thirty seconds until
that power overload." interrupted Dunnon. He was looking a bit strained.
"Lt. Koreth, I'm picking up something.. it appears to be a warp signature.."
J.C. motioned toward a one of two doors out of the room. "This direction"
Tarrant picked it up, "Got it.. yep that's one of ours. Definitely from
a shuttlepod.- Let's move."
The remaining 7 rushed to the door to find it jammed. The locking
mechanism and low power actually being sent to the older sections
of the base didn't help matters. However, Meleah seemed to have little
trouble persuading it to open.
"Two minutes!" shouted Dunnon in between breaths
as they raced towards the signature.
60meters - 40meters - 20meters.
The hallway opened up ahead of them through which came the
unmistakable blue glow from a warp nacelle. The away team
arrived just in enough time to see the shuttlepod exit through
a forcefield into space.
All of them began looking around for a second means of exit.
The room was definitely an old shuttlebay. Pieces of ancient
ships lay strew about. As did a few pieces of more modern
equipment - like the forcefield. One of the walls showed the
beginning signs of reaver replacement.
"None of these vehicles are space worthy." Noted
Lt. Meleah as she scanned about.
Tarrant had an idea - question would be how much time
did they have. "Everyone! Scan for working lifepods
in these ships. If you find one get in - use your rifle
power packs to re-power the life-support!"
Suddenly an explosion from somewhere within rocked
the base. Sending a chain reaction running slowly through.
Lights flickered and the forcefield flashed.
With precious-little time remaining, the team entered the
last operational escape-pods from what looked like the
remains of an old Vulcan freighter. His pod was, like
the others, devoid of power, but would still seal itself
from the effects of space.
Then, as a power spike hit the equipment, the forcefield failed,
and pulled everything within the shuttle-bay out due to the change
in pressure. A second later the explosion reached the room.
Tarrant felt the force as his freighter section was blasted out
of the bay. He was locked in securely against the vacuum
of space - but had little oxygen.
Yanking the power supply out of his rifle, the CEO tried
quickly to get it compatible with the pod. With a few
'modifications' he managed to crosswire the tricorder-pod-
and power pack. As he did, the escape pod shot out from
it's confines of the scrap.
All Tarrant could do now was wait for the FEYNMAN and
prey that the others were successful.
"Tarrant to Feynman... "

Commander Tirrin Vorak - XO - USS BURKE<br>
Commander Tirrin Vorak - XO - USS BURKE<br>
