USS Feynman DEC 1996: Difference between revisions

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Kristen & Scott Gant<br>
Kristen & Scott Gant<br><br><br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Coming Up to Speed</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Jason Bostjancic 12-6-1996</h4>
SD: 81206
MD: 7.1030
Scene: Reaver Base
Thanks to Loren, the away team began to finally get somewhere
inside the Reaver base. It was difficult at first to actually focus
something as uncontrollable as anger toward an object, much less
at a wall. After a few times though they seemed to get the hang of
it. Unfortunately, Meleah was unable to 'open' a door, so Ens. Landers
became the gentlemanly figure and did so for her.
Lt. Koreth had taken a quick look at Meleah's arm, even though
she stated that, " It would be highly improbable that you could do
anything to fix considering the variables Lieutenant."
A few components he recognized, but most he did not. Finally, he
had to agree with Meleah's prognosis.
After traveling through a multitude of rooms which seemed to be quite
bare, they came to a wall which was only part honeycombed - the
rest appeared to be of known metals. Further they couldn't pass
through the section. Further on they found something even more
strange... a door. A real door, with strange etching's above it.
"What do you make of it Koreth?" asked Allard, keeping his team
facing the open walls.
"I'm not sure. The walls are made of a Tungsten-Tritanium Alloy.
According to my scans they are also suffering from fatigue evident
with extreme age." Tarrant continued his scans as did the remaining
engineering part of the team.
Allard looked back for a moment, "I couldn't even get a single reading
from any of the other 'Reaver' walls."
Meleah had already figured the answer, "That is because these are
more than likely not built by the Reavers. It seems that this base has
been taken over by the Reavers who are adapting it."
"It would explain the partial honeycomb we found a few rooms back,"
noted Tarrant. He started looking at the symbols above the door.
"I'm not familiar with these markings."
Meleah came over and took a look. The markings were not of any
modern language, but appeared to have elements of the old Vulcan
texts... Within a second her database had found it.
"It is what appears to be the beginning of the Romulan language.
Circa. around the time of the Great Schism. This sign says 'food'."
Tarrant scanned behind the door. There were a few tables and
chairs. No electronics or power readings though. "So this
base was originally created during the Vulcan's Schism.
And the Reavers just happened upon it after all these years."
J.C. shook his head, "Perhaps they didn't just wander into it
A beeping from Ens. Dunnon's tricorder brought them all back to
attention. "Sirs, picking up another Reaver group. Eight in
total and heading this way."
"Time to leave," said Allard, "direction?"
Meleah pointed toward the opposite wall. "That way."
MD: 1045
They had come upon two other groups of Reavers. Each were
fewer in number than was present during the first encounter, and
the team quickly subdued their foes, but not without a few casualties.
The team's number was down to 7. And, unfortunately the communications
block out continued.
The last battle occurred in a room which was far different than that
of the previous ones. The honeycomb patterns were larger here,
and the light behind each was different. Walls continued upwards
about two stories.
"What do you make of it Meleah?" asked the CEO - observably
frustrated at his tricorder.
Allard was also looking a bit frustrated. "We have to find that shuttle,
time is running out... I suggest we continue."
"That would be unwise Lieutenant. " said Meleah matter of factly,
"This is the first break we have found in the Reaver part of this base.
We need to try and understand it to avoid continuing blindly from one
room to the next."
It was actually Loren who found the answer.. by trying a hunch.
He focused all his thoughts on the word 'why' and projected it.
A few of the honeycombs slid out of the wall, bearing controls.
Further, a section of wall seemed to change, and an image of some
type of large terminal screen appeared. Symbols flashed across it.
"What in the?..." said Dunnon who involuntarily trained his rifle
on the screen. Allard quickly brought the engineer's weapon down.
Ens. Landers explained, "The Reavers seem to project an emotion
to open the doors. I tried projecting the question why... not so
much as a word but as a feeling of curiosity. I seems to have worked."
Tarrant scanned the screen and came up with a revelation as
quickly as did Meleah, "These symbols form crude molecular patterns.
Just like those we intercepted."
The science officer confirmed.
They had a way in.
Yes, It rambles a bit. I tried to link in a few of the FEYNMAN's finds
with that of the away team. More importantly I tried to bring us
somewhere closer up to 'date' so the ship can actually do something.
If some one would post in the next batch something that indicates
the Shuttle taking off then we'll be up to speed.
Commander Tirrin Vorak - XO - USS BURKE<br>
Lieutenant Tarrant L. Koreth - CEO - USS FEYNMAN<br>
Potest esse nur unus<br>
