RT9704-P97.01.02 Submission

P97.01.02                      Jari Makela              Passed 
    "Term Limits for CINCSF" 

Title: The length of term for CINCSF
Author: Jari Makela

Summary: The length of term for CINCSF is to be defined to be one 
year from one April RoundTable session to the next.

Rationale: It is the opinion of this representative, that the 
length of time the CINCSF is elected to serve in the position 
should not be indefinite, with the only way out being a voluntary 
retirement or a VNC. Having an election every year, gives us an 
opportunity to ensure that we have the best possible CINCSF at any 
given time, elected from among candidates who feel that they have 
something to offer to the club at large. 

Text: The length of the term for which CINCSF serves in the office 
after having been elected is to be defined as the length of time 
counting from one April RoundTable session to the next. The number 
of subsequent terms is not limited, i.e. the person leaving the 
office of CINCSF is not prohibited from participating as a 
candidate in the following election, or in any future elections. 
No motions to automatically skip the election to reinstate the 
current CINCSF are to be accepted.

If an election takes place in other than a regular April Round 
Table session, the elected CINCSF will serve until the next 
regular April Round Table session, at which a new election will be 

The current CINCSF officially holds the position until the new one 
is elected, unless he/she is also a candidate, in which case an 
acting Chair is to be appointed. 

--Jari Makela