RT0704- RT Secretary Confirmation

Assembled Delegates,

The Acting RT Secretary wishes to note that additional votes had been
cast in favor of confirmation of the Acting RT Secretary, but were
stuck in a SPAM filter. The issue has been corrected for future
voting in this Round Table and the appropriate e-mail addresses have
been 'white-listed'. Below is an amended tabulation of the voting
results. A simple majority exists in the voting for RT Secretary.

Yea's - total (18)
Lena Rose
Jeff Trock
Elaine Chao
Mary McNeely
Sean Murphy
Scott Ramos
Tim Cooke
Jeffrey Jenkins
Noah Rains
Juan Angel Romero
Staci Golladay
Les Chappelle
Christopher Mayberry
Kevin Thigpen
Austin Forsyth
Gabrielli Weckesser
Jake Roberts
Karen Fainges

Nay's - total (0)

Absentions - total (0)

Respectfully submitted,
Kevin Thigpen
Acting RT Secretary