ORIGINS: USS Hood Story Only Post Archives

Last Updated: 2260.175

June 2009

[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: And Then It All Went To Hell

by Mansur, Brian

Scene: Planet Monil IV, Capital City.
SD 2260.102

Lieutenant Commander Sean Merrick shifted uneasily in the limousine's shotgun
seat. He tried hard to ignore the loudmouth behind him and enjoy the view of
Monil IV's captial city. He sighed and turned to watch the capital's intricate
marble edifices blur by.

Merrick, about two dozen Starfleet crew, and several planetary officials were
convoying from their hotel up to the Grand Council Hall. Their job was
straightforward: negotiate for the Federation a treaty to mine the planet's
dilithium reserves.

Simple enough, Merrick thought. He rolled his eyes and wondered when the
councilman behind him would ever shut up about it. The chunky politician had
the XO, Commander Jack Steele, well and truly trapped in the rear cabin.

"I'm telling you that the Enric provincials won't like it!" Councilman Litro
argued. "They won't stand for it! Have you ever met one of them? In their
minds, it is the Prasaans' fault that the sun rises and that the sun sets."

Merrick harumphed. Hatfields and McCoys evidently had extended family on Monil.
As the chief engineer, Merrick had briefed the planetary council on which
dilithium deposits they wanted to tap first. It had gone over like a fart in
church. The majority of the mines lay in, of all places, the Prasaan province's
western border. It was land that the not so wealthy, but very irritable Enric
had historically disputed ownership of.

Litro carried on. "The Federation contracts will give the Prasaan overwhelming
economic and political power. Protests against these treaty talks have already
begun. Why, this morning, 5 people were hopitalized after a full out riot!"

"We're not about to tell you how to run your politics, councilman," Steele
calmly countered. "But the Federation considers that dilithium to be of the
utmost strategic importance. Disruption to its production won't be accepted. 
What will your government do to mitigate relations between the Prasaan and

"Perhaps you haven't been listening Commander Steele!" Litro scowled. "The
Enric don't do compromise. They won't ..."

Merrick yawned. It had been like this with the honorable Litro yesterday and
the day before. He was checking his communicator's chrono again...when it

All of the sudden it seemed like there were explosions everywhere. The lead car
erupted in a mushrooming fireball. Glass snapped across Merrick's face even as
he was thrown hard against his harness. In an instant, the whole convoy
crashed to a halt.

Shaking his head, he looked up in shock. He felt as if he had ear muffs on and
his vision was blurry. He glanced around. The Captain's limo, along with half
the HOOD's senior staff, was a blazing hulk. His own car's driver had slumped,
unconscious or dead. Merrick looked forward again. There was a line of smoke
leading right up to the first limo's burning wreckage. The image stirred
something in urgent little voice began to rise. "OH SH...!"

"Out! Out! Get out!" he yelled. "Rockets inbound!"

Then he noticed for the first time a frightful pinging sound. Whizzing and
ricocheting bullets filled the car. Panicked now, Merrick unhitched his belt
and dove for the slightly less exposed rear cabin. Wave after wave of shots
thudded around him. He heard a short, very small cry. He peered up and beheld
with gut wrenching horror the darling little asian officer from communications. 
She had taken two rounds to the chest. Her terror stricken eyes held his for a
moment, then lost their light forever.

Coming back to himself, Merrick realized that the intensity of the shots had
lessened. He saw commander Steele next to him laying on top of the councilman
and shouting vainly into a communicator.

"Jammed!" he spat. The fire seemed to have come from their right, so Steele
gestured left.

"Go! Go! Go!" Steele shouted as Merrick kicked the door out and they crawled
into the street. But as Steele dragged out the sobbing councilman, Merrick
realized that there was no real cover nearby. Their caravan had been hit in an
open field. The only nearby structure, a tiny convenience store he guessed, had
been taken out by a rocket that must have just missed their limo.

As shots started to patter close again, Litro began crying hysterically. 
"They're going to kill us! They're going to kill us!" Steele gave the
incontinent man a swift slap to the cheek.

"Control yourself councilman!" Steele ordered, even as a bullet tore a
respectable hole inches above his own head.

Merrick took heart at this spectacle and started thinking again. A glimmer of
hope made him creep forward. Their driver had been a security guard. His
pistol might not have much range, but it was better than nothing.

With some difficulty, he got the driver-side door open and pried the gun out of
its holster. No sooner did he have it in hand than Steele thumped him on the

"The car behind us is still in one piece. It will have one too," the commander
said urgently. "Cover me in three ... two ..."

Merrick quickly fumbled off the safety and chambered a round. He heard Steele
count "one" and popped his head over the hood of the limo. Luck was on his
side. A band of six or seven was hoofing it across the open field towards them.
He opened fire.

The shots caught the attackers completely by surprise. He nailed one Monillian
dissident in the leg and two others hit the dirt. Immediately a volley of
projectiles whizzed centimeters from his bare skull. Ducking back, he glanced
left in time to see three figures outflanking his absurdly exposed position. He
squeezed off six rapid shots that miraculously downed two. The third braced
against a street pole, and then made the spectacularly bad mistake of trying to
look around it for a target. Merrick all but cheered as his slug splattered the
man's brains across the pavement.

He heard shouts and more fire behind him. Steele had made it to the other car's
weapon and was now pumping a danger close assailant full of bullets. Sirens in
the distance became audible. More shouts followed and a whistle call went up.

By the time Merrick had pulled another clip from his dead driver's belt, the
attackers were retreating. He watched them run full tilt towards a couple of
air vans off in the distance.

Bastards!" he screamed. "Get back here you bastards!" He let off a few more
rounds. He wanted to run after them and make them pay for this unmitigated

But his training overrode that instinct. Some of the attackers he and Steele
had downed might still have fight in them. Grimly, he moved toward the nearest
and kicked him in the head for good measure.

NRPG: Welcome Aboard the HOOD! This part of a prelaunch series Andy and I have
been creating to get things fired up. He'll have a few follow-ons to post
shortly after mine. Feel free to add on to them! Just reiterating what Andy's
already said in his e-mails, we want to make posting aboard the HOOD as fun as
possible. If you don't have time for a few pages, a 5-10 paragraph postlet
would be just fine. If you're looking for ideas to get the creative juices
flowing, just drop us a message. I always return e-mails within 48 hours and
usually within 24. I'm always eager to JP, edit drafts, or just talk if you

Respectfully Submitted,
Brian V. Mansur
LCDR Sean Merrick

[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Captain Down

by Catterick, Andy

Scene: Planet Monil IV, Capital City. 
SD 2260.102

            Damn! Damn! Damn! Steele cursed as he ran a zig zag course 
towards the relative cover of a partial wall which moments before had been 
some sort of store.  Had been until the rocket that had been meant for his 
car had missed and taken it out.  He had told the captain that, given the 
tensions and the recent skirmishes between the factions that this had been 
a BAD idea.  Captain Sinclair had known it too, but it was a calculated risk.  
The government of Montil were aware of the Federation’s technical 
superiority but wanted to be treated as equals..equals that had something 
the Federation needed.  Badly.  So the decision was made to accept their 
security assurances.  And Steele had grudgingly accepted the logic.  He 
should have pushed harder.

            He flipped open his communicator as his hand groped for the 
phaser that wasn’t there.  Another concession to Montil’s sensibilities.  
“Steele to HOOD.”

            [HOOD here.  Its good to hear you commander! Sensors are picking 
up explosions and weapons fire near your location.  We can’t raise the 
captain.]  There was mild panic in the comm officer’s voice as if he knew 
the answer to the unasked question.

            “The captain is dead along with the majority of the caravan.”  
Steele replied flatly.  “We have multiple hostilies inbound and I don’t 
think there are enough of the security forces left to hold them off.  Set 
ship’s phasers to stun and target a 2 block radius.  Fire when ready.”  

            The order given he spun around to find Merrick.  He saw by one 
of the transports frantically administering CPR to someone in a blue tunic.  
The doctor?  He couldn’t tell with all the smoke.  “Merrick!  Sean!”  The 
engineer looked up in anguish in time to see Steele point towards the 
heavens.  “Incoming!”  They both dove to the ground as the wail of the 
phasers surrounded them.

As Brian said, some brief backstory that we started.  My next two posts 
will bring us to the 'present'

CDR Jack Steele
Acting CO 

[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Called on the Carpet

by Catterick, Andy

SD 2260.111

Scene: Briefing Room, Starbase 27

Commander Jack Steele stood at attention and fought the almost 
overwhelming urge to tell Admiral Palmer and her two lackeys to go 
and screw themselves.  USS HOOD had slid into orbit 8 days ago and 
Steele had found himself spending the majority of that time standing 
in front of a variety of admiralty boards and hearings answering no 
end of stupid, idiotic questions.

Breathe, he told himself.  It would all be over soon.

His captain was dead along with a number of good officers.  As one 
of the few surviving senior officers the responsibility was his and 
his alone.  He just wished they would finish nitpicking every 
unimportant detail and cashier him.  As he deserved.  He could feel 
the disgusted stares of his ancestors all about him.  

            “Stand easy commander.”  She made the rank sound like a 
curse.  Palmer frowned as she accepted a folder from Commodore 
LaPaz and scanned its contents.  She conferred with LaPaz and then 
turned her attention aback to Steele.  “So Mr. Steele let me see 
if I have everything here.  HOOD was ordered to Montil IV to secure 
dilithium mining rights and possibly extend Protectorate status to 
the Montil government.  Instead you involve yourselves in what 
could have turned into a civil war, you threw caution to the wind 
and actually sided with one of the factions and in the process not 
only killed almost two dozen of your crew but your captain.”

            Steele bit his tongue.  They hadn’t involved themselves 
they had defended themselves.  A lot of good people died. But in 
doing so they had saved hundreds of innocent bystanders.  But that 
didn’t matter.  Starfleet wasn’t interested in intentions only in 
results.  They should have found a way

“And just to make it a grand slam.”  Palmer droned on.  “I have 
received no less then four communiqués from Montil this morning.  
Three are from some minor functionaries protesting your heavy 
handedness, your brutality and complete lack of understanding of the 
political situation.  A situation in which you thrust yourself and 
by extension the Federation into.  I believe you know one of the 
gentlemen, Councilman Litro?”  She looked up until he acknowledge 
the question with a curt nod.  “Yes, well, it seems that the 
councilman formally requests your arrest and extradition to Montil 
to stand trial for assaulting him.”

Steele could feel his cheeks redden partially from embarrassment but 
mostly from anger.  He had lost control with that whimpering excuse 
for a sentient being.  But assault? It was hardly that.

“Finally, this last message is from Prime Minister Travil himself.  
Having reestablished control of the planetary government and with 
the support of his Parliament he has agreed to a long term contract 
with the Federation guaranteeing mineral rights.  Apparently he 
feels you were instrumental in swaying him towards a relationship 
with the Federation and he would like you to sign the treaty on our 
behalf.  In short,” She stared coldly, “he saved your ass.”  A long 
silent pause settled on the room as Steele tried to wrap his mind 
around the new reality. He had walked into the room knowing his 
career was over.  There had been no other possible outcome.

“Based on the findings of this board I hereby declare that all 
charges against Commander Jack Steele are dropped.  Further, he is 
to return to duty immediately.  This Board is adjourned.”  She 
picked up the small gavel and tapped the bell six times.  Silently 
Commodore LaPaz and Captain Reynolds rose and left the room.

“I know you don’t believe it Commander but you did a good job.  A 
damn good job.  But regardless of any successes there is the matter 
of Captain Sinclair.  Not to sound overly crass but a dead captain 
demands serious consequences.  Had Captain Sinclair told you  about 

“DAUNTLESS?  No sir.”

“I thought not.  He wanted to save it for a surprise.  The orders 
weren’t official yet and you know the stickler he could be.  He 
wanted to be the one to tell you that you had been given command of 

*Had been*  The words rang out clearly.  As in, until you screwed 
things up and got your CO killed.

“I’m sorry to disappoint both of you. But given what I have seen in 
your record and in large part due to your action and the decisions 
you made when you found yourself in command I think I have found a 
more appropriate position for you.”

I’m going to resign Steele thought determinedly.  I failed to protect 
my captain and now they’re going to exile me to some interplanetary 
shuttle run.  

“The paperwork will probably take a day or two to take affect but 
you can begin your duties immediately on my authority.  Lord knows 
you’ll have enough to do.  Effective immediately I am promoting you 
to the rank of captain and assigning you HOOD.”  She said 

“I’m afraid I don’t understand Admiral.”  He wasn’t sure how long he 
had stood silently before he managed to get that out.

Palmer sighed.  “The orders are pretty straight forward captain.  If 
you can’t follow simple direction perhaps I’ve made the wrong 
decision.”  And then she smiled.  Steele wouldn’t have thought it had 
been possible.  “Captain Sinclair screwed up.  Its very clear from 
the events and though you don’t come out and say it in your report you 
know it as well.  Caution is an important commodity for a good commander 
to have.  But so is the ability to take action and you clearly 
demonstrated you had that ability when you found yourself in the 
position you did.  Captain, the CONSTITUTION ships are a rare breed 
and we need commanders who are just as rare.  You will quite often 
find yourself cut off from authority and making decisions that will 
affect the quadrant.  You will be the law, the peace maker, the 
explorer and when it hits the fan the fist.  I am confident that you 
are the best person for the job.”

“Thank you admiral, I won’t let you down.”

“Don’t let yourself or your crew down and I’m sure you’ll come out on top.  
Now at the risk of ruining my reputation as cold automaton I am further 
authorizing HOOD to remain in orbit for an additional 14 days.  Use that 
time to get her supplied and make any repairs necessary.  Report back 
here at 08:00 on day 15 with your first officer and I will give you your 

“My first officer sir?”

“You’ve got two weeks captain more then enough time to find yourself a 
good one.  Dismissed.”

CDR Jack Steele
Acting CO 


by Catterick, Andy

SD 2260.120

Scene: E Deck, USS HOOD

            Steele walked through the corridors of HOOD with his mind 
racing.  He hadn’t really come to terms with the assignment Palmer had 
just dropped on him.  But all the things he knew he had to do were 
beginning to nag and that was helping accept the new reality.   At least 
the most pressing one was something that could be solved easily enough.  
Or at least he thought it would.

            Entering his cabin he spun the viewer around and hit the 
white com button.  [Bridge, Crewman Johnson.]  The rating covering the 
comm station answered.

            “Mr. Johnson could you page Commander Merrick and have him 
report to my quarters?”

            [Yes sir.]

            A drink.  He had better have a drink he thought as he set out 
two glasses and filled them both.  It didn’t take long for his door 
chime to announce Sean’s arrival.  Jack smiled at that.  No doubt the 
ship’s jungle drums had begun the second he had stepped aboard.  By now 
everyone would know he had returned and with him news of their collective 

            The door slid open and Sean looking more apprehensive then he 
had expected walked in.  He took a look at Jack a quick look down at the 
two glasses and looked back up to Steele.  “How’d it go?”

            “Well its over.”  Steele replied quietly.  He gestured to the 
seat.  “You’d better sit.”  He advised as he dropped into his own.  “The 
good news is that I have been acquitted.  All charges dropped."

            “That is good news.  I told you there was nothing to worry 
about.”  He raised his glass in toast.  “To the wisdom of Starfleet.”

            “And to the impeccable timing of Prime Minister Travil.”  
Steele added before downing his glass.  He refilled both and then put the 
bottle away.

            “So whats the rest of it?  Or don’t I want to know?”

            Jack grinned.  “Oh hell I was going to string you along for a 
bit but its such a relief that I’m not packing my bags its just not in me.  
The short version is that Admiral Palmer bumped me to O-6 and has given me 

            “That’s outstanding!”  Sean beamed as he raised his glass 
again.  “This certainly calls for a toast.

            “Hold on.”  Jack interjected.  “You might not be so happy in a 
minute.  We’re sailing again in two weeks and this ship and crew need to be 
100%.  I don’t even know where to start but we’ve got to begin to put things 
back together.  The last mission was declared a success but you and I both 
know it doesn’t feel that way.  Not to us and not to the crew.  The loss of 
the captain and the others so soon after this ship was comissioned was a 
kick in the guts to not only morale but to our confidence.  I need to rebuild 
that and do it as a new captain and with new officers.  I can’t do it alone 
Sean I’m going to need your help.”

            “You’ve got it, you know that.”

            “I do know that.  That’s why I told Admiral Palmer you were my 
only choice for First Officer.  Will you help me?”

Brian: Still time to run away screaming.

All: NRPG to follow 


Andy Catterick
CAPT Jack Steele

[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Making the Pact

by Mansur, Brian

Scene: Officers' Quarters, E Deck, USS HOOD
SD 2260.120

Merrick listened carefully to Steele. Something was coming.

"The loss of the captain and the others so soon after this ship was comissioned
was a kick in the guts to not only morale but to our confidence." Steele look
grave. "I need to rebuild that and do it as a new captain and with new
officers. I can't do it alone Sean. I'm going to need your help.

"You've got it, you know that."

"I do know that. That's why I told Admiral Palmer you were my only choice
for First Officer. Will you help me?"

And there it was. Just like that.

"I've got your back Captain," Merrick earnestly nodded. "Where you want to

Steele smiled with a wink. "With this toast." They stood. "To the Mighty
HOOD! May her heroes never bleed in vain."

* * *

Later outside the Captain's quarters, Merrick wasn't sure how to feel. Their
chat had been encouraging and they had a lot of exciting work ahead of them. 
But then how many times had he busted his ass for a dream and achieved it only
to bitterly regret it later? The last time he'd let himself be euphoric about
anything was when he'd proposed to Jeri. And look where that had taken him.

Respectfully Submitted,
Brian V. Mansur
LCDR Sean Merrick

USS HOOD: Up the new ladder...

===Martens, David

USS HOOD: Up the new ladder...

Scene: Engineering, USS HOOD

ARr'Rhiana had just been off the shuttlecraft from the hangarbay of the HOOD and
now was looking around to get to the Captains ReadyRoom. She took her time, the
ship was no way ready to leave Drydock already and, as was common in her race,
she didn't felt any urge to hurry to the Captain or anywhere else.

Engineering was the nearest to the hangarbay, so she passed by to see how it
looked. It was huge, much bigger then the WARRANT's or TRIFFID's engineering
sections. Hemux looked around and wondered if all of this Constitution Class
ship's spaces would look as magnificent as this room. She would love to spend
some time her, but time would be on her hand as spacetravel was still a long,
long journey.

She continued her way through the ship, engineers where replacing damaged
conduits, placing new consoles or working away minor damage through the whole
ship. She reached the Science Department, her new home for the next, well who
knows how many years or decades. ARr'Rhiana did not care much for time, she
would life longer then these humans aboard this ship and probably still serve on
a starship while most of the younger crew where already dead. Time was not of
importance for her.

She looked around the corner and... "...Look out, idiot,..." Yelled a human
engineer as he almost slammed a structural supportbeam in her face. ARr'Rhiana
blew up her face till two times the proportions it normally had in reaction and
from surprise which, in turn, made the engineer drop his supportbeam denting a

"Good heavens, don't do that ever again, lady. You can't pop up while we are
working around and for all sakes, certainly not blow up your face like that." 
The man looked angry to her and tried to pull the beam straight up again.

Hemux was slightly amused and gave him a broad smile, that the man clearly did
not found very comforting, he probably was not used to Denobulans. "I just
wanted to see my new office, mister..."

The man turned a bit pale "Oh, you're one of the officers? I... I am sorry
Ma'am, I had no idea, I hope you don't report this minor incident to the

ARr'Rhiana shook her head, "Offcourse not, I take it your intentions where just
for caution and not intentionally meant to insult or harm me. So, Can you show
me my office now?"

The man was pleased to help her out and gave her a short tour through the
science lab. She asked him all out and gave him some advise and suggestions for
how she liked her lab to be equipped and organized. Then, finally she went on
to the bridge.

Scene: E-Deck, Captains Readyroom, USS HOOD

ARr'Rhiana Hemux shimmed the door with her transfer orders on the PADD in her
hand and waited for the Captain to let her in...

<tag anyone>


All: NRPG to follow

David Martens
Lt ARr'Rhiana Hemux