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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Doctor Orders==
===by [[Apple_Steve|Apple, Steve]]
Scene: Nondescript Room in Spaceport near Starbase 12
The room was dimly lit and showed itself to be utilitarian in purpose. Corbett
found himself seated at a cramped table, forced into a chair that faced the only
light source in the room, which was beating down on him. He focused first on
the Nausicaan and watched through lidded eyes as the creature's hand went to the
hilt of his knife. He was in trouble and he knew it. Slowly he crossed his legs
under the table and threw a slight smile to the Andorian who sat to his left and
was trying to look menacing, his hand inside his jacket obviously wrapped around
a weapon.
Corbett knew he had to be careful here, one wrong move and he could end up in
pieces on the floor. He looked to his right at the Tellerite, the third member
of this trio and smiling at him he slowly reached into his left boot which
rested on his knee and quietly pulled the hammer back on the old earth colt
cobra revolver that sat in its ankle holster.
"It's your move." He said to the Tellerite, his eyes glancing back to the
Nausicaan whose hand he noticed grasped his knife, tightly. He felt more
comfortable knowing he could take down the Nausicaan first, with a single shot.
The Tellerite was deep in thought, his right hand constantly stroking his chin.
"Fleeter," he said looking at Corbett, his Federation Standard heavily accented.
"I will take great pleasure in destroying you."
The Andorian remained silent, only the Nausicaan's grunt made the Tellerite
"How does it stand now?" The Tellerite asked his voice tense.
"The Andorian has folded. I raised, as did the Nausicaan. So just call already
and let's get on with the damn game." Corbett said snapping at him.
"Fine, I'll do that, I'll call." The Tellerite said throwing his chips onto the
table. A second later he laid down his cards and said "Three of a kind."
"Not good enough to beat a straight." Corbett said laying down his own cards.
The Nausicaan broke into a broad smile, which always looked like a sinister
expression on their hard features. "I believe, I have what you call, a Full
House." He said dropping his cards onto the table. Corbett saw that the
Nausicaan used both hands to pull his winnings in toward his chest.
Corbett relaxed a bit now that the Nausicaan's hand was no longer gripping the
hilt of his knife. With an exaggerated movement of his right hand he brought the
cigar to his lips and puffed appreciatively. He hoped that this would distract
them while he secretly released the hammer on his revolver with the other hand.
"That's a filthy habit," observed the Andorian, his antennae moving in opposite
directions of each other.
"This is a Cuban cigar, one of the finest smokes in the galaxy." Corbett
retorted incredulous at the statement.
"I thought doctors were supposed to know better than that." The Tellerite said
jumping into the conversation.
"As a doctor I believe you can do anything in moderation."
"Earth history has never been one of moderation." The Andorian said.
"Individuals sometimes find it easier rather than entire cultures." He said
tilting his head back and blowing a smoke ring.
"What about the weapon concealed in your boot, would you have used moderation
with that as well?" The Andorian asked.
"That depends." Corbett replied a little annoyed that he had been spied reaching
into his boot. "Let me ask the Nausicaan a similar question." He said gesturing
toward him with his cigar hand. "What were you going to do with the knife you
were gripping so tightly?"
"I swore that if I lost another hand to you I was going to cut out your heart
and eat it." He said another smile crossing his lips.
"See now, that's not moderation. I was just going to shoot you in the kneecap,
that's moderation. You'd be alive and I'd even throw in a new knee, gratis."
"Very kind of you." The Nausicaan said shuffling the chips in front of him.
"I think it time we play a real game, one from Andoria." Added their blue
companion as he picked up the cards and began to shuffle.
"Sorry, but it's time I get moving. I have a shuttle to catch early in the
morning." Corbett said pushing his chair back.
"Ah yes the Hood, your new assignment." The Tellerite said looking very smug.
Corbett stopped for a moment and turned his head so he could look the Tellerite
in the eyes. "You seem to know a lot for someone who is not fleet, my porcine
"A space port near a Starbase is a very small place and I have big ears." He
said smiling.
"What else do you're big ears hear Tellerite?" Corbett asked making sure the
Tellerite understood it really wasn't a question.
"Many things, but if you want to know something specific, you may need to help
my memory." He said his eyes darting to Corbett's pile of chips.
"Oh right," Corbett said looking up at him. "Will some metal help?" he asked
shuffling the metallic chips.
"Oh most definitely," The Tellerite said, his voice picking up in enthusiasm.
"It helps center my thoughts."
"Ok, here's my deal. You tell me what you know, or I'll take off one of your big
ears with a piece of lead."
"Only one ear?" Asked the Nausicaan trying to be helpful.
"Spirit of moderation and all." Corbett said smiling as his hand went for his
"Fine, fine, I'll tell you what the word is going around about you." The
Tellerite said quickly, his voice a bit sulky.
"It seems strange to many that one only commissioned a year ago is assigned as
the Chief Medical Officer to a top fleet starship like the Hood" He said, then
added quickly "There is also the question about your past."
"What about my past." Corbett said focusing in on that little bit of station
"They say you had some trouble with Starfleet Medical causing you to be posted
out in the middle of nowhere known as Cestus III.
"The Tellerite has a point," said the Andorian "There are rumors circulating
about you."
A large chuckle broke from Corbett at those words. As he looked over his
companions their interest seemed to be peaked.
"Let's just say there was an incident, a really big incident and I needed to go
away for a while." He said.
"You ran like a coward?" Asked the Nausicaan his face contorted in disgust.
"No, I was given a chance to go into deep space." Corbett answered. "And I took
"That still doesn't explain things." The Andorian said.
"You're right it doesn't." Corbett said standing, then added "Night all."
Scene: Interior Cabin: USS Culver NCC-0527, Long-Range Shuttle
and Personnel Transport
"Hey Cowboy is that your over sized trunk in the cargo space." Corbett heard the
voice say.
"That's Doctor Cowboy to you." He replied.
"What's in that thing anyway?" The voice asked
Corbett was sitting very comfortably in a high backed chair in the rear of the
shuttle, his cowboy hat covering his eyes as he was trying to sleep, but somehow
that annoying voice didn't get that.
"Medical supplies and lots of them." He said pushing his hat upon his head so he
could see who he was talking with.
"Sounded like a bunch of bottles clanking, when they loaded her into the cargo
compartment." The annoying voice continued; however Corbett could now see that
the voice was attached to a pinched faced little man.
"That surprises you -why?" Corbett asked sarcastically even though he was
getting a little nervous with this line of questioning.
"I've been on lots of supply runs, some of them carrying medical supplies and
equipment, but I never heard them clank around like that before. Besides I
thought we stopped using glass for medical supplies years ago. So what's in the
trunk really?" He asked.
"Who are you again?" Corbett asked trying to deflect him.
"Lieutenant James Maxwell, I'm the shuttle pilot for this run." He said with a
little too much zeal.
"Well you seem like a curious fellow Mr. Maxwell so I'll let you decide what you
want to do. That big over sized crate you are so keenly interested in has a
numeric lock whose code is 1985. You with me so far? "he asked.
Corbett waited for him to give me a small nod then continued. "So here is your
dilemma Slick. In that crate there are either several bottles of Tequila and
maybe a bottle or five of Romulan Ale. Then again it might just contain some
very specialized medicines and live viral strains to create vaccines, which can
only be contained and transported in sterile glass containers. So it's your
choice to open it or not, but be aware if it's the latter and I'm not sayin it
is mind ya, but if it is, then there are some really nasty things in them glass
Now like you say, if them boys loadin that crate weren't none too careful and
one of them glass bottles broke. Well let's just say I wouldn't open that trunk
without a special ventilation and biohazard unit right next to me and maybe some
Bicyclic alpha-Polytropine on hand as well."
"Why, what's the worst that could happen?" Maxwell asked his voice a little
"Well I'd say pretty soon after opening that lid your mucous membranes would
start to itch, then real soon that itch would progress into an excruciating
burn. After that, without immediate treatment, your mucous membranes would begin
to explode in huge boils that would melt the skin."
"Where are these membranes?" He asked his eyes wide as saucers.
"Mainly your nose and mouth, well that and one other place." Corbett said
clipping off the last part of his sentence.
"What other place?" Maxwell asked his voice almost pleading.
"Um, down there." Corbett said pointing to the man's groin.
The human body is always amazing. After gulping rather hard the young Lieutenant
turned 5 shades whiter than when the conversation started.
"Again it's your choice to take the risk and have a peak inside, but I'm on the
record as stating a strong medical opinion to the contrary."
"No sir, I don't really need to look in the trunk I believe they are medical
supplies." Maxwell said moving toward the front of the compartment.
"Very good Mr. Maxwell, I'll just take a little nap until we rendezvous with the
Hood." He said dropping his hat back over his face, mostly to cover the
noticeable grin. "Wake me when we are in range." He added not bothering to lift
his hat and then promptly fell asleep.
Just Adding some depth to my character, as I'm getting ready to join the crew...
Respectfully Submitted,
Steve Apple
Stile Corbett, MD
MED, USS Hood NCC-1703