ORIGINS: USS Hood October 2009: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: At The Mouth That Eats People==
===by Brian V. Mansur===
SD: 2260.276
MD. 5.1440
Scene: Floating Pyramid Object, Planet Velorum IV
Merrick considered the pyramid's forbodding access tunnel and supressed a shiver.  The scene was very, very quiet.  Dead quiet in fact, what with the bodies they had found in the nearby riverbed.  A barely perceptable breeze emanated from from the opening.  The way it caressed his face reminded him of cave breathing, such as he had felt in the Carlsbad Caverns on Earth.  It was like a ghost letting him know it was there. 
Presently he began looking around for a Redshirt to have the first look.  Whatever else that pyramid might be, it likely had a deep interior network and he didn't like to think of what might be waiting in there. 
"DeSimms, you want to do the honors?" 
"Mind if I throw in a grenade first?"
Merrick forced a chuckle.  "Ghosts probably won't be harmed by grenades.  But why not carry one just in case." 
DeSimms nodded and boldly stepped to the mouth of the tunnel.  He positioned some shades over his eyes, threw on some gloves, and didn't move another inch for almost a minute.
Merrick, feeling a bit impatient, finally asked, "Something wrong?"
"Naaht sure." DeSimms drolled, twitching a finger spasmodically.
"You look as if you don't want to go in there," Merrick poked.  "If I didn't know better, I'd think you were afraid of the dark."
DeSimms frowned.  "About that Sean."
"I think we may have to go in on foot.  The bot isn't booting."
Merrick threw up his hands, "Oh you got to be kidding me."
"Nope.  GImpy Joe is not coming online."  DeSimms removed his VR goggles and gloves and stepped up to the rover in the tunnel entrance. 
"Gar!" Merrick called. "Don't suppose you could help us find out why the hell the recon bot isn't working."
In a matter of seconds Gar was there, running a tricorder diagnostic.  Aside Merrick said, "Wouldn't you know this is the last one in inventory after the Klingons had at us.  Remind me to ask for an expedite on the resupply order."
Gar looked asconce at the FO.  "I thought you already had Sean."
"Don't start with me.  I'm not looking forward to going in there blind."
Politely, Gar dropped the subject and concentrated on the bot.  Finally he made his diagnosis.  "The circuitry seems fine.  The power is on.  But the internal computer isn't operating.  I'd say the software is corrupted."
"Like the bodies around here?"
Gar gave Sean a "Let's not go there" look and said, "I'll have to reload the drive through the tricorder." 
He looked suspiciously at DeSimms.  "What did you do to this thing?" 
"Tried to turn it on."
"Uh huh.  And before that?" 
DeSimms remained silent.  He knew perfectly well as a Security Chief not to say anything incriminating.  Gar snarled.
"Damn it John, why do you keep breaking my stuff?  Was it working on the ship before beam down?  When did you last check it?" 
DeSimms put up a pleading hand, "It was working fine after the last drill.  That's all I know."
"Bottom line, Gar," Sean interjected, "How long will it take to fix?" 
Gar slapped his tricorder shut.  "Done.  Try it now."
DeSimms did.  And to everyone's great unease, absolutely nothing happened.
"Gar?" Merrick said with a note of alarm.  Already the engineer had his tricorder back out. 
"I don't fragging believe this." the blue skin said, antennae wiggling in agitation.  "The program is corrupted again and I am certain that it was fine just 20 seconds ago."
"Virus?  Short-circuit?" 
"If the tricorder can believed, then no to both."
Merrick sighed heavily.  Well he thought to himself.  At least I have two Redshirts to draw Karma's fire. 
Steeling himself, he said, "Well, we're not going to find answers standing around here.  Let's peek inside."
NRPG: Spooky spooky spooky spooky.  Is Dr. Corbett coming along?  Dan, you want point?  Let's go see the undead or whatever is in there.
Respectfully Submitted,
Brian V. Mansur
LCDR Sean Merrick