ORIGINS: USS Hood November 2009: Difference between revisions

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Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS Hood: What Security Needs==
===by Daniel Belin===
Ready Room- USS Hood, 0730 shipboard, 5 hours out of Starbase 10.
"Sir, what I really need now is men. Not just men, but well trained
men," DeSimms grumbled. He looked to the Captain.
"Go on."
"With all due respect to the Captain, I am freaking tired of
chaperoning people just out of PT. I have one specialist, my Second
Officer, and the rest are just a bunch of teenagers serving out their
first tour of duty!"
"Well, Mr. DeSimms," said Steele, "You'll be pleased to know we are
getting the replacements for all the men lost to the Klingons and on
Velorum. Not to mention the addition of several security men. They are
all specialists and on their second or even third tour."
"Great! We have men, but now we are lacking in materiel."
"Have you got a list? This is important. I know you have not seen our
orders, but the gist is to turn this ship into a fortress, a POW
transport, a Battleship, a floating hospital, and Starfleet
Intelligence Centre."
"Jesus. I better start conferring with the engineer."
"He's waiting for you to come down now."
"Well now you told me this, I have to revise my shopping list. I'll
send it to you when I am done with the engineer."
"Got it! I want that list by 0930!"
<tag Scott>
Submitted with Respect
Daniel Belin
Lieutenant John DeSimms
Security, USS Hood