ORIGINS: USS Hood July 2009: Difference between revisions

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==USS HOOD: ==
==USS HOOD: Entrenchment==
===by ===
===by Scott Lusby===

[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: "Entrenchment"
Posted by: Scott Lusby (Crewman Dale "Dead Meat" Thompson, Security)
SD: 2260.194
MD: 9.0017
Setting: Caves on outskirts of Outpost 8, Planetside
Crewman Recruit Dale Thompson crouched in hastily-dug earthworks, phaser
rifle in hand, and wondered- not for the first time- what the hell he was
doing here.
Thompson, whose friends called him "Dead Meat" because of his hunting
prowess (anything coming into his shooting range was simply "dead meat"),
was barely 18 years old. He had enlisted in Starfleet the day after his
birthday, deciding to channel his excitement and wonderment of the stars
into a career.
That was 10 weeks ago.
Thompson had been in boot camp when HOOD had been at Monil IV; he knew only
of Captain Sinclair by word-of-mouth, and had, thus far, never fired his
phaser in anger against another sentient being. Oh sure, he'd fired against
SIMULATED targets, and was one of the few Security people who had
consistently distinguished himself in the joint drills aboard HOOD over the
last week. But the phasers were neutered, and the enemies only friends in
This was not the same thing- not NEARLY the same thing.
The Klingons were out there- somewhere. They had a pretty good idea where,
too, although the deposits in the hills and surrounding mountains made it a
little difficult to get a firm count of numbers.
But they were coming.
Dale rested the rifle on the edge of the trench, and squinted through its
eyepiece. There was movement out there, behind the brush and rocks and
His brow furrowed; Klingons were supposed to be much more direct than this;
they didn't sneak and hide and bob and weave. It was almost Romulan in
And then he saw it- a figure, clearly Klingon, standing upright from behind
a large rock. He was gensturing...
Thompson took careful aim; the minute they opened fire, he would return it
in kind...
It was only then that he heard the whine overhead, descending as the photon
grenade got closer.
Dale "Dead Meat" Thompson had only a split second, upon that recognition,
that the Klingon behind the rock hadn't gestured at all, but instead was
throwing a grenade.
Had he had time, he MIGHT have thought his nickname somewhat ironic, given
its origin.
He did not have time to consider that, however. All he had time to consider
was that, as the grenade touched the ground less than 3 meters from him, he
had no where to hide.
All- just kicking off the ground war on the planet. Pardon the ridiculous
name- that's for all you "Hot Shots!" fans. ;)
Seriously, however, I just wanted to show that sometimes in combat, no
matter how good you are or how prepared you may be, it just doesn't matter.
Respectfully Submitted,
-- Scott Lusby
/\ LCDR Gar Th'elenth
Chief Engineer
/\ Crewman Dale Thompson

==USS HOOD: ==
==USS HOOD: ==