ORIGINS: USS Hood February 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: New Superweapon==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2261.031
Scene: Infirmary, Romulan Warship
The Romulan commander looked down at the centurion who lay stiffly on the examination table.  “He is our only death?”
The surgeon nodded as he stared at the medical scanner on the wall.  It was not nearly as sophisticated as what the Federation starship no doubt had.  But it didn’t have to be in this case.  “Yes, the only death.  Many injuries mostly from swords those barbaric Klingons were flaying around with.  But fewer then I had expected.  It would see our Starfleet friends kept their weapons on stun.”
“As they should, as did we.  I surmise their commander understood the absurdity of this mission as I did.  The loss of one scientist was not worth the possibility of war.  We are lucky neither of us lost our heads.  The results could have proven to be disasterous.”
“And what of the Klingon heads?”  The surgeon asked, not really paying attention to the commander.
“I had no difficulty ordering my soldiers to kill those dogs.  They deserve it and nothing will come of it.”  The commander did not add that he knew the two governments were secretly in talks to develop closer ties.  The Klingon Navy was going to supply Romulus with what they deemed state-of-the-art battleships and in return Romulus would surrender cloaking technology.  It was one of the most short sighted policies he had ever heard of.  He was certain the Empire would come to regret it.  “I don’t see any large wounds.”  He said bringing the discussion back to the present.  “What killed him?”
“This.”  The surgeon said as he dropped a small piece of metal into the commander’s hand.
“What is it?”  The commander frowned.  “Some sort of kinetic weapon.”
“That’s my theory.”  The surgeon answered.  “I’ve been 
“Klingons aren’t smart enough.  Must be Starfleet.  No wave signature to trace.  Some sort of knew covert weapon.”  He frowned.  “That’s all we need another magic trick from Starfleet’s armoury.”  He turned and headed for his office already beginning to form his report in his mind.
Not want to post anything ‘up to date’ in answer to the hooks already out there til the JP goes out…not that it is earth shattering or anything just we’ve got several time periods going at once.  Thought it best to stick to the past for now ;-)
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703

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ASR Origins
ASR Origins

==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Green dreams==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Green dreams==