New Chosun

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Official UFPDOCA Colony Entry: New Chosun

  • Colony Name: New Chosun
  • Creators: Paul Canniff & D'Maris Coffman


  • System/Location: Alpha Virginis III
  • Distance to Nearest Starbase: 2 weeks to SB DELTA at Warp 6.
  • Planet Classification: Class M
  • Satellites/Space Stations: One natural satellite (composition similar to Luna); numerous geocentric communications and observation satellites, no permanent orbital platforms
  • Land/Water Ratio: 40/60
  • Climate Controlled: Yes
  • Native Sentient Life: No


  • Colony Age (approximate): 2137
  • Population (approximate): 100 000 000
  • Species Present: 95% homo sapiens sapiens (terran humans), 3% assorted Federation nationals, 2% non-Federate aliens.
  • Colony Status: Affiliated Colony
  • Government: Nominal Parliamentary Deomocracy (see below)
  • Major Cities/Settlements: Taeju Cosmodrome, New Ulsan, New Pohang


New Chosun has its origins in the aftermath on Earth of the Second Korean War of 1999-2001. The summer of 1999 saw the military/fascist coup in Russia that led to the Second Russian Civil War that lasted until 2003.

Until that winter, the communist North Korean regime was being worn down by economic exhaustion, world isolation and pressure from the United States towards a reapprochement with its southern neighbour. In fact, there were signs that the new northern leader, Kim Jong Il would attempt some sort of "soft landing" for his regime rather than face a popular uprising like that which confronted his European counterparts in the previous decades.

With the capitalist powers absorbed in the Russian crisis, however, Kim and his generals believed they could exploit a window of opportunity and attempt a forcible communist reunification. The war that followed was much briefer than the first one fifty years earlier. North Korea's first use of nuclear weapons provoked a counter-strike from the United States of America that ended the war with the uprising Kim had feared all along. The economic and environmental aftermath was resolved only several decades later.

The Korean recovery occurred in the shadow of a struggle between China and Japan for supremacy in the new Asian economic bloc of the twenty-first century. There was economic prosperity for Korea but only with a sense that in political and cultural terms, the colonial period of a century earlier was being repeated.

Consequently, a number of dissatisfied social elements from the former North and South felt their only hope for a pure Korean society was in a new nation off-world. They left in the mid- twenty-first century, arriving at their current site in the 2130's.

The Federation did not re-establish contact with New Chosun until 2307, at which point New Chosun became an affiliated colony under the aegis of the terran world government. Star Fleet is thus obligated to defend it from external threats and respond to calls for internal peace-keeping if requested. It is important to note this is a society hardened against any perception of outside influences.


The government of New Chosun has resisted movement to a latinum-based economy, preferring its central bank to set monetary policy over its fiat currency. The current economic situation on the planet is an outgrowth of the government's attempt to curb the power of the 'neo-chaebols.'

The notion of a 'chaebol' refers to terran Korean horizontally and vertically integrated conglomerates (not unlike Japanese kaishas and kairetsus). They wield not only political but also economic power, particularly when the government is weak or corrupt. On a financial level, they tend to very high debt/equity ratios (heavily leveraged) and are succeptible to economic downturns. Though austerity measures may eventually break them, it is a tedious and dangerous process.

In an effort to stabilize the economy, the government began slashing public expenditure in 2404-2406. This not only had the immediate impact of social unrest, but also given the power of chaebols failed to provide any noticeable 'supply-side' impetus for growth. In the background of massive inflation, investor confidence was close to non-existent.

Deevaluation of currency gave the chaebols an initial reprieve from concerns about their borrowing practices, but a banking crisis materialized in early 2408. Currently, New Chosun is suffering from a severe economic downturn with requisite social unrest. The new premier General Kim Dong-su has enjoyed relative success in maintaining internal political stability.

Political Structure

Nominally a parliamentary democracy, for three decades official power has rested with the General Secretary of the Popular Democratic Party. The Premier, despite the title, is not a player in any real sense. New Chosun is organized along corporatist lines. The political parties reflect functional economic groups more than traditional class groupings, but in the end it's the PDP that has called the shots historically. It has bound together the consensus amongst the chaebols since the current colony's founding.

Tech Level



The New Chosunites concept of a 'pure' Korea is an outgrowth of an attempted resolution to a Korean cultural identity crisis resulting from the collapse of the communist regime under Kim Jong Il.

Although his father, Kim Il Sung, had 'outlawed' Confucianism as an 'opiate of the masses,' Confucian cultural traditions were still prevalent in the North. In fact, they served to reinforce communism, after a fashion. On the other hand, while the South raced toward Westernization, 'hardliners' still embraced the old ideals. Those who left to start New Chosun clung to Confucianism, particularly with respect to the world view it implies, i.e. respect for formal authority, no dissent, etc.

The other primary force was the 'juche' philosophy used as the 'model' for Third World communism, according to Kim Il Sung. This emphasis on self-reliance runs in part counter to Confucianism, insofar as the latter is largely a Chinese influence. The sense of 'sadaejuui' (respect for greatness) shames the Koreans immensely. 'Juche' was in part a reaction to that. However, 'juche' embraces much of Confucianism 'sub rosa.'

For the Federation, these have been hard to balance. Though the New Chosunites have accepted Star Fleet peacekeeping initiatives and the austerity measures, the 'outside influence' presents a political dilemna.

Some observers have imputed a sense of 'sadaejuui' attitude towards Starfleet, especially in view of the missions there in 2407. Unfortunately, this very concept will fuel support for the 'neo-chaebols' who dread Federation involvement. Once the current economic crisis passes, many expect the 'neo-chaebols' to play to the 'chajusong' (fear of foreigners) to further isolate New Chosun.

As 'juche' is more than just an economic policy but also a philosophy, foreign investment has been a hard sell. Especially after the hostage crisis of 2407 (see below), foreign businessmen have been wary of New Chosun, though some see the current economic distress as a source of opportunity.

Regrettably, Federation foregin aid has also fostered feelings of paternalism. The current situation can be described as uncertain at best.


In early 2407, the USS QUASAR (CAPT E.E. Dalton commanding) and the USS ALEXANDER NEVSKY (CAPT A.S. Chizh commanding) were dispatched to New Chosun to effect the release of hostages held by the Dae Jong chaebol and to eliminate a bioweapons manufacturing plant held by the Hanwool chaebol. Both objectives were successful. Moreover, the USS ALEXANDER NEVSKY dispatched peace-keeping forces to take the Taeju cosmodrome, restore civil order, and reinforce the PDP (Popular Democratic Party) and the Premier Park Sung-Yi.

The USS EISENHOWER (CAPT E.B. Spence commanding) replaced the USS ALEXANDER NEVSKY, deploying an armored regiment to keep order in the cosmodrome. While the party leadership eventually replaced Park in favor of the defense minister, General Kim Dong-Su, the PDP still remains independent of the chaebol's power and the Federation has been able to withdraw the marine contingent.

The New Chosun system is still under an interstellar cordon against suspect interstellar traffic hoping to trade with chaebols engaged in the manufacture of biological weapons (the Hanwool group being only one of a number of chaebols engaged in this sector.) The current government has yet to make assurances such practices will be met with retributive measures.

Any Federation citizen on New Chosun is considered to be at risk for hostage-taking. Though some remain, the Federation embassy in the Taeju cosmodrome routinely harbors those seeking refuge or a way off-planet.