New Aberdeen

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Official UFPDOCA Colony Entry: New Aberdeen

  • Colony Name: New Aberdeen Cluster (aka The Kingdom of New Scotland)
  • Creator: Mike Miller


  • System/Location: Remote Coreward Star Cluster
  • Distance to Nearest Starbase: 2 weeks from Outpost 24
  • Planet Classification: All inhabited planets are Class M, but with heavier gravity (See Notes.) Other planets vary.
  • Satellites/Space Stations: Varies. Several orbiting military stations.
  • Land/Water Ratio: Varies
  • Climate Controlled: No
  • Native Sentient Life: None


  • Colony Age (approximate): approx 200+ years.
  • Population (approximate): over 2 billion scattered over 15 inhabited planets.
  • Species Present: Genetically altered and mutated Terran Stock (See Notes)
  • Colony Status: Applied for full membership to UFP. (Status: Pending Approval)
  • Government: Constitutional Monarchy
  • Major Cities/Settlements: Several. Capital is New Edinburgh on Edinburgh IV


Established by a group of Scottish nationalists who left Earth during the early to mid-21st Century toward the end of the first series of migrations to the stars. The colonists departed on five "sleeper ships"; Jedburgh, Edinburgh, Glascow, Argyll, and Orkney. (Warp technology had not been yet discovered.)

En route, the ships encountered a wormhole which put them far from their intended destination. Four of the ships survived the transition through the wormhole. The fifth, the Argyll, did not emerge from the wormhole and it's fate in unknown. The Edinburgh was seriously damaged and was later abandoned after all passengers, crew, and what supplies could be slavaged were transferred to the remaining ships.

Far off course, with no hope of reaching their original destination, a course was plotted to a star cluster in the hopes that a suitable planetfall could be made. This star cluster is now known as the New Aberdeen Cluster. Several planets with suitable atmospheres and arable land were found, however, all were found to have gravities greater than 1g. The gravities ranged from 1.2g's to almost 2g's.

Three planets were initially colonized; Cameron, Argyll, and Edinburgh, all with gravities around 1.2g's. (Planets with slightly higher gravity were colonised later.) The original colonist slowly adapted to the higher gravity, unfortunately not without casualties. Many of the children born in the first few years died in their infancy. To rectify this problem, the DNA of the colonist was slightly modified to give the future generations a better chance of surviving the higher gravity, and thus insuring the colony's continued existence.

Because most of the resources of the colony ships were required for the establishment of the colonies, contact between them was extremely limited for quite some time. The colony on Edinburgh seemed to have retained the majority of the technological and scientific members of the colonies and was the first to regain spaceflight. Re-establishment of the direct contact between the colonies was also the beginning of a long period of strife amongst the colonies.

Because of the years of seperation, the colonies had developed seperate internal structures, although all were based upon the Scottish Clan system. Edinburgh established a constitutional monarchy with a hereditary King and a Parliament, Cameron had a Council of Chiefs who elected a King for life (and were not above deposing same), while Argyll had a loose Confederation of Clans whose Chief of the Clans was determined by the winner of a series of games.

King Malcolm IV set about to bring the seperate colonies under his control. This led to bloodshed as the other colonies were not willing to submit without a fight. The initial colonies were eventually overwhelmed, due to Edinburgh's technological advantage. However, other colonies were spawned with the re-introduction of spaceflight, and there were frequent rebellions and uprisings that continued until the last fifty years. Since then, New Aberdeen has known a period of peace and prosperity unmatched in it's history.


Gold based, but converting to Latinum to have a common currency with the rest of the Federation.

Tech Level

A mixture of late 20th to mid-23rdCentury. Limited warp technology, no replicator or transporter technology prior to contact with the Federation in 2404.


Sociologically similar to 18th Century Scotland, with technology integrated.


The inhabitants of the New Aberdeen Cluster have diverged somewhat from there original Terran stock. There is debate within the Federations scientific community as to whether this divergeance is a result of the genetic alteration, adaptation to the environment of the colonised planets, the bombardment of chi waves that the USS YORK (the Federation ship that first made contact with New Aberdeen,) or all the above. Regardless of what the cause is, the New Aberdeeners are significantly different from there Terran roots to have be classified as a seperate, though related species.

On the whole, New Aberdeeners average in height between 160 and 180cm (at 1g) and average in weight between 100 and 120kg. (Capt. Berak L'Gryphon was unusual for a New Aberdeener at 198cm and 150kg.) They have a denser bone and muscle structure to help compensate for the higher gravity that they live under. This translates into somewhat greater than normal strength when they are in a 1g environment.

New Aberdeeners also have a somewhat longer lifespan, at an average of about 150 years. However, adolesences is not retarded, but proceeds at within Terran norms. Geriatrics is retarded until much later. A New Aberdeener is not considered to be "middle aged" until well past their 100th birthday. Reproduction is possible from the onset of puberty to well into middle age for females, and somewhat beyond for males. Gestation is slightly longer at four trimesters instead of three, with infant mortality in the first year being slightly lower than average. The probablity of conception is within Terran norms. These factors account for the size of the population of the New Aberdeen Cluster.

The New Aberdeen Cluster has it's own military forces. The New Aberdeen Space Defense Service (NASDS) maintains several warships and armed space stations. There is also a large standing army, several marine regiments, and air services. Several of the Clans also have personal private armies that serve as the "Household Guards" for the Clan Chiefs. In structure, and in naming, the military organization is similar to that of The British Isles from the 18th Century through the early portion of the 21st Century.