Lars Erikssohn

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        Lars Erikssohn                    CEO
        (played by Matthew Cunliffe
I. Personal Data
Character surname (last name): Erikssohn
Character given name(s) (first name): Lars
Species: Human/Trill
Gender: Male 
Weight: 83kg
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Blond
Complexion: Fair
Date of Birth: 15th April 2384
Place of Birth: Frostaheia, Smøla, Norway, Earth
Spouse: None
Parents: Jans and Lela Erikssohn
Siblings: Two
Children: None
Religion: None
Service: Star Fleet Navy

A. Academic Institutions Attended:
High School: Kristiansund Videregående Skole, Norway
University: Star Fleet Academy

B: Service Schools Attended:

C: Qualifications:
Primary: Engineering Officer

D: Starfleet Academy Record:
Class Rank: Top 5%
Academic Major: Fusion Systems Engineering
Professional Major: Navy - Engineering

III. Biographical Notes
A. Chronology
0-13:  Lived with parents.
13-18: Attended High School on the mainland
18-22: Attended Star Fleet Academy.
23-27: Assigned to Starbase Omega, DS239 as Chief Engineering Officer. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant.
27: Resigned commission and captained SS Forthright as a trader.
27: Was thrown through a wormhole twelve years into the future and into the Gamma Quadrant.

B. Background Summary
Lars was brought up on his Father's farm in the cold northern areas of Norway. The island was quite 
isolated, and it meant that he had to stay away whilst he attended secondary school. 

His father's early life had been in Starfleet, with the result that Lars' mother was Trill, although she 
had never been compatible with a symbiont.

VIII. Current Recreational Interests
Lars drinks a lot of coffee whilst on duty. He works hard, and plays hard.

IX. Miscellaneous Information
Lars Erikssohn is a curious mix, half human, half Trill. His looks are mostly Trill, the dappling 
prominent on his face and shoulders. He also has a fully functional sac, capable of carrying a symbiont. 
This is currently vacant. His father was half Icelandic, half Norwegian, giving Lars his names and 
his hair and eye colouring. His Human side has also given him an impatience that tends to make him 
irritable when things don't go his way. He expects work to be done to his high standard and to his 
timetable, and woe betide those who fail to meet those standards. Those who do however, find that he 
is extremely amenable, and that his adherence to Star Fleet protocol is very lax.

Lars fancies himself as a bit of a ladies man, and plays on the fact that he is half-Trill. He knows 
however when to stop, and often is only mildly flirtatious. A wedding ring is normally sufficient to 
stop his advances... a consequence of a (mis)adventure during his Academy days.
Lars doesn't have an outstanding record with Star Fleet, partly due to his explosive behaviour, and 
partly due to his disregard for protocol. However, he has been recognised for his ability to solve MOST 
engineering problems, and for running a tight ship in his department.

The chance of running an engineering department on Starbase Omega was too much temptation, and his 
Commanding Officer was only too pleased to get rid of him. His side-kick in trouble, Jarvis promptly 
transferred to Omega after him, and although only a Chief Petty Officer, is regarded by Lars as one 
of the most proficient engineers in Starfleet.

Following a mixup in Starfleet personnel, Lars resigned his commission, and has taken up an offer 
made by the mysterious Teckata Twins to head a fleet of Bagherana trading vessels. He now traverses 
the galaxy with his ever trusty companion, Jarvis, as his XO on board a trader vessel.

As a result of being thrown through a wormhole in Dalriadan space, Lars is chronologically 39 years 
old, but mentally and physically he is 27.