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Official UFPDOCA Colony Entry: Freedom

  • Colony Name: Freedom
  • Creator: Joshua J. Young


  • System/Location: Bedulla-Montauk System
  • Distance to Nearest Starbase: 6 weeks to SB OMEGA at warp 6
  • Planet Classification: M Class Planet
  • Satellites/Space Stations: Three orbiting moons
  • Land/Water Ratio: 30% land/ 70% water
  • Climate Controlled: Yes
  • Native Sentient Life: Yes


  • Colony Age (approximate): 115 years
  • Population (approximate): 48,000 (est.), Various nomadic tribes prevent accurate population counts.
  • Species Present:
    • 85% Dalriadan
    • 15% other
  • Colony Status: Independant, SF Ambassador resides in Tholath
  • Government: Democratic Republic
  • Major Cities/Settlements:
    • Tholath (capital), pop. 20,000
    • Modin, pop. 12,000
    • Azure Dawn, pop. 4,500


Originally established as a penal colony by the Dalriadan government due to it's harsh environment, Freedom is an ice planet. Approximately 115 years ago, the prisoners led an uprising, led by Jackson Tholath. Seeing no gain in attampting to regain the planet, the Dalriadans abandoned it, leaving it to the prisoners. Most of the inhabitants live in one of the three underground cities which are connected by an underground subway transport system. Various nomadic tribesmen, who have somehow adapted to the sub-zero surface temperatures roam the vast glaciers and mountains far above the rest of the population. Riding massive mammoths and living off various native mammals they are not much more than barbarians. Occasionally, they will attempt to raid one of the smaller towns, which spring up occasionally in an attempt to gain a foothold.

Once it was discovered by the duo of Sam Bedulla and Kevin Montauk, explorers charting the galaxy, it was reported to SF, who sent a small diplomatic party and ambassador. The citizens of Freedom have yet to vote on whether or not to request to join the Federation.


Latinum based

Tech Level



Predominately Dalriadan, though over the last century an influx of various races have intermingled and a splattering of other cultures is evident.


A democratic form of government is present, and the current president, Drake T. Weldon, was just re-elected to his third four year term. There is no statute which limits either the president or any of the legislatures in term.

Produces many valuable minerals when mined. Survives on trade with various governents.

Starfleet personnel are advised to use caution when visiting Freedom, as some disease is present throughout the native population, and outbreaks of violence are not uncommon.

There is a small military force, 5,000 strong, which acts as a police force and judge, jury and usually executioner, as most crimes result in the death penalty, carried out on scene.