Claus Terkim

LCDR Claus Terkim

LCDR Claus Terkim
FIRST NAME:           Claus
SURNAME:              Terkim
CURRENT RANK:         LCDR. (O-4)
CURRENT BILLET:       none
GENDER/SEX:           Male
AGE:                  322
DOB:                  22nd of May, 2098 (STD)
POB:                  El-Aurian Homeworld

PARENTS:              Elosa (Mother - assimilated by the Borg)
                      Sarin M. Terkim (Father - assimilated by the Borg)
SIBLINGS:             None

SPOUSE:               Melyria Kalem 2246-2271 (El-Aurian - Dead)
                      Alice McMarthy 2369-2408 (Human - Dead)
CHILDREN:             Information not available

HEIGHT:               186cm
WEIGHT:               78kg
HAIR:                 Dark brown
EYES:                 Brown
SKIN TONE:            Black
BLOOD TYPE:           -
VISION:               20/20
RELIGION:             -
LANGUAGES:            El-Aurian, English, Russian, Japanese, Italian,
                      French, Klingon, Vulcan, Romulan, Andorian,·


A. Academic Institutions Attended:
   -- El-Aurian Science Academy
   -- Vulcan Surak Medical School
   -- Star Fleet Academy

B. Service Schools Attended:
   -- Starfleet Medical School
   -- Starfleet Advanced Surgical School

C. Qualifications:
   -- CMO
   -- COU

D. Star Fleet Academy Record:
Professional Major: Neurology
Professional Minor: Traumatology
Class Rank: Top 5%
Reprimands: 3
Commendations: 2
Athletics: Football (Wide Receiver), Country running team
Activities: Editor of the Medical Faculty newspaper


A. Chronology (tabular form):
0-139:   UNKNOWN
139-145: Lived on Vulcan and studied at Vulcan Medical Academy.
146:     Left Vulcan on a merchant ship.
148-173: Married with Melyria Kalem, moved to Arkanna VII.
173-252: -Undisclosed-
253-260: Attended Starfleet Academy.
260-264: Attended Starfleet Medical School.
264-266: Attended Starfleet Advanced Surgical School.
267-271: Assigned to USS NILE as Neurosurgery Specialist
271:     Married LT. Alice McCarthy.
272-280: Assigned to USS ROOSEVELT as adj. Medical Officer.
281-288: Served as CMO of USS ROOSEVELT.
289-309: Assigned as Second Chief of Starfleet Medical Research Dept.,
         in San Francisco, Earth.
310-312: Took two full years off duty, following the death of his second
         wife. Considered resigning from active duty.
313-320: Assigned as Chief Neurosurgeon on DEEP SPACE 12.
320-321: Assigned as Chief Medical Officer on USS RETRIBUTION.
322:     Assigned as Chief Medical Officer on USS PERSEPHONE.
323:  Currently on Leave of Absence.

B. Background Summary:
What is known about his life, made exception for the two obscure periods
of which nothing is officially know about, makes him a perfect example
of a common El-Aurian.

His outstanding achievements in the field of Medicine are corroborated
by an extremely inquisitive mind, and of course, a vast experience
spawning more than three century.

He considers himself a traveller and have explored, and claims to have
visited a substantial part of the Alpha and Beta Quadrant, getting in
touch with a big number of aliens during his voyagers.

Since his enlistment in the rank of Starfleet, he had refused a number
of high level administrative assignment in order to keep travelling the
galaxy, accepting a post on Earth just to follow what he consider the
love of his life and wife for almost 40 years. Her death had been a
devastating blow for Dr. Terkim, and had lead him to leave active duty
for almost two years.

Back on active duty, he specifically asked to be assigned to a remote
outpost, ending up on the border of BLUE FLEET.

C. Personality Summary:


A. Promotion History:
2365: Promoted to ENS.
2369: Promoted to LTJG.
2380: Promoted to LT.
2382: Promoted to LCDR.

B. Service History:
2351: Entered Starfleet Academy.
2358: Graduated from Starfleet Academy as Cadet LTJG.
2362: Graduated from Starfleet Medical School (Neurology).
2364: Graduated from Starfleet Advanced Surgical School (Traumatology).
2365: Assigned to USS NILE.
2370: Assigned to USS ROOSEVELT.
2387: Assigned to Starfleet Medical Research Dept.
2411: Assigned to DEEP SPACE 12.
2418: Assigned to USS RETRIBUTION.
2420: Assigned to USS PERSEPHONE.

C.  Medals and Commendations

V. Skills Profile
Strong empathy.
High profile first contact experience.
Natural surgeon talent.
Very compassionate.
Good team worker.

VI. Recent Fitness Reports
Dr. Terkim is to be considered fit for field duty and away mission

VIII. Current Recreational Interests
Collecting old books.

IX. Miscellaneous Information
Nothing at this time.