B'Laney Styzinkoff

Player's Name: Andrea Mills

Rank: Lieutenant

Name: B'Laney Styzinkoff

Physical description: Blue skin, white hair, blue-grey eyes, 5 feet, 9 inches tall, 160 pounds. Two antennae that twirl with her mood. She looks strong and healthy and is always neat in her appearance.

Age: 26

Education: Basic schooling on Andoria, four years at Star Fleet Academy majoring in engineering, minor in physical combat, very active in any "clubs" or games involving physical skills; graduate school on Earth for two years - engineering focus.

Professional qualifications: Knows Star Fleet engines and mechanics inside and out. Is completely at home in the engineering department - particularly skilled with the engines themselves, but also qualified in the other machines that are part of Star Feet's vessels. Specialty: mechanical engineering/warp drive.

Species: Andorian.

Home planet: Andoria

Current assignment: USS EXcalibur

Current position: Chief Engineer

Family: One aunt, Strell Styzinkoff. B'Laney grew up in an orphanage where she was known to be a ringleader for many mischievous schemes. Her parents were killed in combat when she was 2. She has no personal relationships at this time, although she has some close friends on Andoria and recently discovered her aunt who'd ignored her early years. They met just before she shipped out - the meeting did not go well.

Background: Life in the Catholic orphanage was good although she dearly wanted to be with a family. The nuns provided her with a stable and loving childhood. She's always been interested in how things work and can take most anything apart and put it back together; She has a photographic memory for engineering related things, but not for much else. She couldn't tell you have many pink frocks were shown to her, for example. Her skills include marksmanship, self defense and her hobby is basket weaving. She usually swears and has fits when pursuing her hobby. She can cook from scratch, something the nuns taught her. She is efficient, dependable, hard-working and wants to make Star Fleet her career. She would like to have a family some day. She's independent and has a sense of humor.

She lacks patience, can be feisty and can't stand people she thinks are stupid, or don't see things her way. She tries to hold these things in check, but doesn't always succeed. And, she has an opinion on most things and isn't afraid to voice it.