USS KIROV Manifest

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SILVER Fleet Insignia

USS KIROV Crew Manifest
Updated SD 180615


CHARACTER                  BILLET                         GENDER SPECIES
CAPT Zane*                 Commanding Officer             M Human
CDR  Catheirne Chang*      Executive Officer              F Human
LT   Callista Veld*        Operations Manager/2O          F Human



(Click for NPC Biofiles)

CHARACTER                  BILLET                         GENDER SPECIES
LT   Callista Veld*        Operations Manager             F      Human
LTJG Morgan Palomar^       Operations XO                  M      Human
SHCS Ramsey Tiron^         Ship Services                  M      Human
ENS  Pazlar Radue^ 	   Computer Core                  M      Alpha Centauri
ENS  Droxine Varani^	   Sensors                        F      Martian
ENS  Jake Starling^ 	   Communications                 M      Human
CTIC Nilrem Danar^	   Crypto                         M      Efrosian
SBC  Kila Decker^	   Flight Deck                    F      Human

Combat Information

(Click for NPC Biofiles)

CHARACTER                  BILLET                         GENDER SPECIES
LTJG Lia Hetrick^          Combat Information Manager     F      Human
ENS  Connoly Ravenford^    CICXO/Sensors DivO             F      Human
ENS  Garrod Kiering^       Plotting and Tracking DivO	  M      Human
CPO  Vastrillius Insargin^ Communications DivO		  M      Alpha Centauri

Combat Systems

CHARACTER                  BILLET                         GENDER SPECIES
LCDR Estrella Serenidad*   Tactical Officer               F      Human
       			   Tactical XO
 		           Phasers (GUNS)
			   Pinpoint Defense Systems (PDS)
   			   Shield Division Officer (SHIELDS)
			   Electronic Counter Measures (ECM)
		           Damage Control Officer (DAMCON)
			   Torpedoes (STRIKE)


CHARACTER                  BILLET                         GENDER SPECIES
LTJG Greg Boyington    	   Navigation Officer             M      Human
			   Stellar Cartography
			   Navigational Sensors 



CHARACTER                  BILLET                         GENDER SPECIES
LCDR Minna Chang*          Chief Science Officer          F      Human
			   Scientist, Xenobiology
			   Scientist, Astrometrics     
			   Scientist, Botanist         
			   Scientist, Chemist          
			   Scientist, Maths & Logic
			   Scientist, General Sciences 
			   Labaratory Technican        
			   Crewman Apprentice          
			   Civlian Botanist/Assistant


CHARACTER                  BILLET                         GENDER SPECIES
LCDR William Saracen*      Chief Engineering Officer      M      Human
MCPO William Everett^	   Engineer's Mate                M      Human
ENS  Katrina Franke^	   Propulsion (P) DivO            F      Human
ENS  Johnathan Reynolds^   Diagnostics (D) DivO           M      Human
ENS  Aaron Wilkes^	   Gravitics (G) DivO             M      Human
SCPO Jason Lewis^          Electronics (E) DivO           M      Human
ENS  Tio Terrin^	   Repair & Maintenance (R) DivO  F      Human
CPO  Riley Wilson^         Damage Control Liaison         F      Human


CHARACTER                  BILLET                         GENDER SPECIES
LCDR Estrella Serenidad*   Chief Security Officer         F      Human
  			   Security DivO
   			   Alpha Watch Commander
     			   Bravo Watch Commander
   			   Charlie Watch Commander
  			   Senior Criminal Investigator



CHARACTER                  BILLET                         GENDER SPECIES
LT   Tyrzen Kur, MD*       Chief Medical Officer          F     Trill
LT   Francesca Premoli, MD Attending Physician (aCMO)     F     Human
PO3  Sare On'Hopa, MD	   Attending Physician            M     Bolian
LT   Douglas Klein-Smith, MD General Surgeon              M     Human
P03  Vindor Kumar, DT      Dentist                        M     Human
LTJG Miriana Brimos, RN^   Head Nurse                     F     Betazoid
ENS  T'Sar, RN             Attending Nurse                F     Vulcan
ENS  Rebecca Currie, RN    Attending Nurse                F     Human
LTJG James Godfrey         Medical Technician             M     Human


(Click for NPC Biofiles)

CHARACTER                  BILLET                         GENDER SPECIES
LCDR Loren Landers*    	   Ship's Counsellor              M      Betazoid
LTJG Malia Becker	   Crisis Counselor               F      Human
CR   Madeleine Yeong	   Researcher Asssistant          F      Human
---  Dr. Leonard Tallen	   Interspecies Specialist        M      Andorian
PO3  Tristan Ferngolde     Maintenance Officer            M      Klingon


CHARACTER                  BILLET                         GENDER SPECIES
MAJ  Nicholas Delaney*     Marine Commanding Officer      M      Human
   			   Executive Officer


CHARACTER                  BILLET                         GENDER SPECIES
         		   OSFI Liaison


* Player Character
^ Protected Non-Player Character


CHARACTER          PLAYER                  E-MAIL ADDRESS
Zane     	   Andy Catterick	   acatterick[at]cogeco[dot]ca
C Chang   	   Elaine Chao   	   chaos[at]ocf[dot]berkeley[dot]edu
Veld, Hetrick,     Scott Lusby		   co-circe[at]alt-starfleet-rpg[dot]org
  Palomar, Tiron,
  Radue, Varani,
  Starling, Danar,
Boyington          Randy Meissner          meissner[at]nd[dot]gov
Serenidad          Brian Mansur            brian[dot]v[dot]mansur[at]us[dot]army[dot]mil
Saracen, Everett,  Paul Johnson            unalaska2theequatortraveller[at]yahoo[dot]com
  Franke, Wilkes,
  Lewis, Terrin,
  Wilson, Reynolds
M Chang            Kyungmi Kim		   byunhosa64[at]sbcglobal[dot]net
Kur, Premoli,      Susan Phillips          SUSAN[at]waikato[dot]ac[dot]nz
  On'Hopa, Kumar,
  Brimos, T'Sar,
  Currie, Godfrey
Landers		   Kevin Thigpen           kevin[dot]thigpen[at]gmail[dot]com
Delaney            Jason Zitzka            zitzka[at]ugsolutions[dot]com


  • 3.4- Addition of new ENG (SD 180629)
  • 3.3- Addition of new CMO (SD 180615)
  • 3.2- Removal of ENG (SD 180602)
  • 3.1- Addition of new NAV and COU (SD 180305)
  • 3.0- Removal of CMO and COU (SD 171119)
  • 2.3- Addition of new TAC/SEC (SD 171023)
  • 2.2- Addition of OPS and ENG DivOs (SD 170717)
  • 2.1- Addition of new NAV (SD 170608)
  • 2.0- Reflects change of command; removal of TAC/CSO; change in SCI (SD 170525)
  • 1.0- Initial Compilation by OPS (SD 170117)