TACRON 49 - Places of Note

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GREEN Fleet Insignia

Placess of Note- TACRON-49

Below is a database of information on the different places of note encountered by the crew of USS COVENTRY.

Starbase KENAI

Image of Starbase KENAI

Located one light year from the Bea System, KENAI is stil recovering from a deadly attack seemingly as a prelude to a coup on the planet of Bea, which KENAI protects and supports.

Personnel of KENAI

CO Commander Brian Staton 39/M/H-Jupiter Station

CDR Staton has been in charge of the KENAI facility for the last three years. He was the station commander when ODGRNFLT became a merged fleet with GRNFLT and served with the current TACRON-33 Commander, CMDR Taos Numminen, when he was the station commander. Staton is described as an easy going man, slow to anger, and very much accepted by the Beings. He job is to keep the supply lines to and from Bea moving. The recent attack on the station has left him confused and overwhelmed.

XO Lieutenant Commander T'akra Bynes 35/F/Rigilian-Rigil

LCDR Bynes is a borderline sufferer of OCD (Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder), making her perfect to managing the logistics of a facility like KENAI. She, along with the actual OPS manager (whom she believes is inpt at all things Operations related), manage the transfer of supplies, store, and merchantdice in and out of KENAI. The XO also handles all docking assignments and area traffic operations for KENAI. She is discribed as efficient to the point of overbearing.

CEO Lieutenant Commander Michell Barnes 32/F/AC-AC

LCDR Barnes lives and breathes power generation systems. She was also the actual CEO's replacement after he was killed in the explosion. Barnes can take apart a generator core in the dark and put it back together in zero-gee, in the dark, in a leaky E-suit. She is known on the station as the go-to gal who can fix anything. However...socially, Michell is reclusive and keeps to herself off-duty. She usually reports the bare minimum to her superiors so she doesn't have to dela with them. She also does her best to avoid direct contact with the others who work with her. If she can handle it over a com-link, she will.

CSO Lieutenant Beth Hawthorne 29/F/HK-Mars

LT Hawthrone prides herself on her careful and meticulous investigative techniqes. She usually dealt with the occasional theft, a murder, or a guild conspiricy to steal supplies form the station's stores. She was the one with her ear to the floor, hunting down those who did the crime before they could get off-station or be there waiting for when they returned. Then the explosion occured.

Hawthrone belives that she failed her command by allowing such a plot to be carried out. Because of this, she has been thrown into a depression that Staton has no way to break her out of. LT Hawthrone also serves as KENAI's tactical officer.

Support Ships of KENAI

USS CASEY JONES, NCC-58471 BOSWORTH-class Supply/Repair Tender

  • CO Captain Rick Myers 45/M/H-Mars
  • XO LCDR T'ork 39/F/K-Praxis III
  • CTOPs CDR Martha Haynes 42/F/H-Earth

USS JOHN HENRY, NCC-57332 BOSWORTH-class Supply/Repair Tender

  • CO Captain K'Halar 48/M/K-Khitomer IV
  • XO CDR Wilson Johns 42/M/H-Bininus Prime
  • CTOPS LCDR Tomas Drake, II 39/M/H-Risa

USS VALDOSTA, NCC-63228, HIYRU-class light cruiser

  • CO Captain Keith Monroe 46/M/H-Earth
  • XO CDR Grace Frias 31/F/H-Pthomely Colony
  • 2O LCDR Bruce Frias 35/M/H-Pthomely Colony


  • TACRONCO Commodore Taos Numminen 49/M/H-Earth